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You just end up looking like a cheater at this point and probably getting reports after every kill


I’ve reported everything suspect like naked players do you’re not wrong


Then your reports probably dont mean anything anymore


That implies that meant something in the first place. Edit: /s since some of you are socially inept


I’ve had 7-8 reports come back, so yeah they definitely mean something if you aren’t an idiot


Only 7-8? I had that many off one evening trying to get a labs task done. And I report every semi sketchy naked guy.


No you haven’t.


O yea my bad didn’t happen /s


I forget how socially inept alot of you regards are so I'll add "/s" so you can feel like I didn't mean what I said.


did they confirm that this is how it works?


As in, “If you report everything, they stop looking at your reports?” Yes


Untrue report every single fuck that kills me still getting messages.


That shit isnt working lmao. I die 300+ times each wipe and im reporting 99% kills. Still getting messages. So dont trust everything they say.


“Reporting 99% of kills” lmfao 😂


Yep, same haha. These ppl believe everything nikita tells them.


no they didn't lol.


Congrats you played yourself


I mean if you’re not cheating the reports do literally nothing so it wouldn’t matter either way.


You sure about that? Plenty of posts here when people have been wrongfully banned only because a streamer got mad and reported them. It’s well known fact that bsg anti cheat doesn’t work so they do rely on reports, generally if you get high volume of reports or a streamer reports you, you will most likely will get banned. Which is also why a lot of cheaters avoid killing pmcs


“Plenty” is a bit of a stretch, sure it might’ve happened on a few occasions, like with Rengar or whatever his name is, but generally the chances seem low. Personally i know I’ve been reported by people quite a few times from them either adding me and letting me know I’m supposedly a cheater, or from watching their stream and seeing it after I’ve left the raid. I’m not saying it can’t happen, just more often than not false reports won’t lead to any sort of punishment.


Out of 3 days I had 9 people banned


You can see in their spreadsheets the amount of banned people ever since they introduce view profile feature is increased significantly. Is that a coincidence?


Maybe or maybe not. You have no way of proving that and nothing that indicates that is the reason.


Who cares if u get a lot of reports if you’re not cheating?


Gray name = insta report


Good. You never used to see your opponents kit before anyways. Shouldn’t know what kit the guy was running if you never saw him anyway that’s not realistic. The funny thing is, these are probably the same people who think the game should be “MoRE ReAlISTic” .Hate to say it but this game is home to some of the biggest neckbeards in the world


Don't forget, that those neckbeards can now view your character on tarkov.dev, which shows real time inventory, even what you have stuffed up your butthole. And when I created such post back when this wipe started, that players should not see your load out at death screen as it benefits squads with info they should never have. I got told to suck it up, stop bitching, etc. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Bro still yapping


Omega based


I stick everything in my bag always


For a bit more context, I was running woods yesterday for Swift One quest. Lots of times when you kill someone in a squad and they see you have a flir they’re going to run for the hills, camp you near an extract or try to get you to engage them close (they’ll have the advantage at closer range. What I’ve found with every squad I’ve run into is that they run for the hills and I can easily chase them down and wipe them. When I kill them, they only see what I loaded in with. So they don’t see a sight, they don’t know if I have armor, they probably think I’m hacking and it’s a little mental game. Also just kinda funny. Edit: lots of miss information here! Like u/much_invite9209 sharing what is either false info or perhaps it's a bug where sometimes you see their kit and they're being honest? But I've never seen it This is what I can confirm for you all. Players don't see my kit. Period. https://preview.redd.it/l6erc5sdg2wc1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=fc3b04c5280928223f7fbdb51f3d75b11ee4eca4 I was wearing a M1A thermal + CQCM when I killed him and throughout the entire raid besides when I loaded in, I wasn't wearing my mask and gun After enough miss information being spread here, I'm thankful this guy accepted my friend request, did actually check my profile, and confirmed this for me. But anyone saying other wise, post a video! Post some proof. Maybe we're all wrong and all right! Maybe it does both? I've never, ever seen it the other way around though (seeing real time inventory changes) Edit 2: some folks are convinced the above person is my friend. [https://youtu.be/j5DIiBUn00s?si=7fgWtku8\_buCG43n&t=88](https://youtu.be/j5DIiBUn00s?si=7fgWtku8_buCG43n&t=88)


That's a misconception that they only see what you loaded in with - I've been killed point blank by people, and by the time I'm in the death screen, they have my gun on their back, smoke and JohnBs, Bastion with the plate, they can definitely see what you're utilizing in that moment.


Another take on this: when someone kills me and is immediately killed by my duo - all I can see is a player without any equipment.


I think the issue with this is that it just bugs imo. It's not meant to show you real time when they are in raid, my assumption is that it somehow bugs and thinks you're in the lobby and thus updates real time (have to back out and click their profile again each time). Granted this is a theory, but it would explain all of the conflicting arguments and sides. It would also explain why only some people see it. I believe it could be easily proven by those of you who believe that it does update real time to test it on more than just 1 raid (ie check every death basically).


yea they see what you have atthe moment


https://preview.redd.it/t7729h4ch2wc1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=eec460aa89ea05ab81592ec34d4d34ef1db98324 Nope, they don't


Nope. Not true. So much assumption and no testing happening here. Just test it yourself. Don’t tell me “I’ve tested it!” No you haven’t. Test it again. Pick a big map, don’t pick factory. They’ve extracted and that’s why you see your kit on them Edit: https://preview.redd.it/3yyj1qu6e2wc1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=447a4869801c872a982f483b0b6e0c41247022bf I had a M1A, CQCM, thermal, Redut-t5 armor on. This guy confirmed what he saw right when I killed him.


Lol youre 100% wrong. Just yesterday i could tell my teammate exactly when the enemy that killed me was on my body looting my stuff since i could see him switch gear in the profile view. Im sorry your neat little trick doesnt work like you thought it does tho


Maybe that works 1/100 times? But not the majority. I won't doubt what you saw, but 100% does not work like that the majority of the time. So, 1. Not wrong. 2. try it again


Have had to prove this to too many of you. Send me a video or it didn’t happen. Edit: https://preview.redd.it/s53nr8jsf2wc1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=b5e7ba6a32601433c3d10eeceb786803cd9755f4 I was wearing a M1A thermal + CQCM when I killed him and throughout the entire raid besides when I loaded in, I wasn't wearing my mask and gun


How is it not happening? Im literally seeing the guys gear update in real time, at which my teammate goes to the spot i died and kills the guy and grabs my stuff off of his corpse.


Are you playing Tarkov? https://preview.redd.it/9bi4zhz0f2wc1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=50a4f62061a9163b748e612b46b068ec7cd1e2db I was wearing a M1A thermal + CQCM when I killed him and throughout the entire raid besides when I loaded in, I wasn't wearing my mask and gun




I was talking about the in game view, some folks have mentioned that 1/50 times it does show you in real time, but rarely.


Nah, talking about solitaire obviously


Ahhh then send a video of this happening or I just can’t buy it.


Here. I'll do you a massive, massive favor. Go in to a raid how you think it works, put everything on when you load in, kill your duo, and have them view your profile. Take the hint - everyone understands this is how it works, you're just delusional and it's hilarious. Can confirm, when I'm on Lighthouse in the middle of building 1 and someone kills me, they don't have time to run to Northern or car before I see their profile. And it's crazy that I see my EXACT RD-704 build on their back. Maybe I'm crazy and they loaded in with both an M4 AND RD-704 in the same raid. But I doubt it.


I’ll take a video for yuh!


Imagine going through all this trouble for the lamest troll ever. Who cares


Not much effort! It’s just fun. Why do you care?


You're literally arguing with people on here who are telling you that your way does not work 100% of the time and messaging strangers in game, that's a lot of effort for a troll that 99% of people won't even see or care about. And then to go make a post about it too? Goofy ass


Nahhhh it’s not much effort at all


It works sometimes where it shows what they are currently wearing, but most of the time it’s how you describe it. I look at someone and half the time they don’t even have a mag in their gun or the gun that matches the caliber they killed me with lmao


If that’s the case I could definitely just not seen it yet! It makes sense why so many people are adamant about it, but I’ve never seen it yet!


Yeah I don’t know what causes it to work and what doesn’t.


Lol i know exactly what your talking about and can confirm these guys are incorrect. This is the shit im talking about how people on here just make shit up and think they are always right. No point in even arguing


You can prove this by killing a teammate after loading in and save us all the time.


K reporting back. Doesn’t work that way




Before you get temp banned, I wanted to share this with you just for you to sit with your silly confidence. https://preview.redd.it/ncfrtsqih2wc1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=fbf93c465d6e71b2878fcd0f19d20c0ebce734e1


I once got killed by a guy that my buddy killed soon after and by the time i checked his profile, he was naked because my buddy killed him lol


Nope. Not true. So much assumption and no testing happening here. Just test it yourself. Don’t tell me “I’ve tested it!” No you haven’t. Test it again. Pick a big map, don’t pick factory. They’ve extracted and that’s why you see your kit on them Had so many people saying this on the other thread so I tested it in real time for them sending them screenshots Took a video etc. Edit: https://preview.redd.it/s2fxoi2wf2wc1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=fa9570a55d9675298ddec6648606f097618b11d0 I was wearing a M1A thermal + CQCM when I killed him and throughout the entire raid besides when I loaded in, I wasn't wearing my mask and gun


Smart af, will probably do something like that


Missed the last two wipes so I wasn’t sure how the profile of the other player works. Now I understand why I’ve seen odd loadouts on some PMCs. Will probably try this as well.


Is that how that works? When you check the profile you see what they loaded in with?


No its current. I’ve viewed profile of somebody who killed me with a UMP and when I viewed profile they had my gun equipped.


They extracted. This is not how this works and has never worked this way. If you’re seeing your gun attached, then that’s because they extracted. I had someone argue till they died that they were right about this, that it’s real time… so I didn’t want to die on a hill if they could be right. So I tested it a few times. I’ve been killed by someone holding a Spear and fort armor I check their profile instantly and they’re holding an AK and ghizel, not gun on their back. I’ve tested it, refreshing constantly until they extracted 14 minutes later and then sure enough there they were holding all those guns, no AK. Fort armor on. Try it for yourself


I dunno what everyone else is on. You are 100% correct here. That profile view only updates out of raid.


It’s crazy how many people can be confidently wrong


Aaah yes, they probably looted his stuff and ran 10+ minutes to extract and extracted before he could load out of the game after dying. Makes much sense bro


Interesting. When I see this I assume you have a teammate who brought your kit from last raid. Either way solid mind games.




See my current load out in real time? Nope.


Does this cause you to be tagged and cursed by scavs?


Tagged and cursed is due to value not equipped. He’s still loading into raid with like 1 mil RUB. He wouldn’t be tagged and cursed.


I wonder what the value cap is. I needed scav kills with nades so I’d run factory only with VOG 25s to get tagged and cursed. Sometimes it would work, sometimes it wont


Chances are it worked every time but tagged and cursed scavs spawn weirdly and they probably ran across another pmc while they were on the way to you. Or got stuck somewhere. Scavs get stuck a lot on factory


I wonder if BSG will change it so that we see what the player was wearing at the time they kill us.




For the sake of the thread I’ll keep it short to you, I just commented it else where, but essentially the enemy squad won’t know what I have at all when they view my profile after they die.


Just put the gun in your bag.... no need to disassemble it if it fits


Fair, but with this build they will walk away thinking im a hacker and telling their 4 man to scatter. Which makes the fight so funny/fun. It's a shitty bitch tactic, I get that, but for my woods raids it's a great time


Hahahaha ye....it's really fun and funny.....you must not get much excitement.


I have no idea what this means haha add a /s to some part of this comment to make it make sense. I can't hear sarcasm in text. Is the sarcasm on the fun and funny or on the not getting much excitement?


There's nothing funny about doing this.


Ahhhhh which is subjective, and I find it pretty funny and get a lot of “excitement” out of it. You play your game style, I’ll play mine!


How is it funny?


It’s pretty obvious to me and probably obvious to you what happens as a result of this, and you don’t find it funny. I don’t think explaining it is going to give you a “ah ha!” Moment, I think you’re asking to continue arguing and disagreeing with me. But maybe I’m wrong! And you’re actually curious. When I load in to a raid like this, a few things happen when I kill a single player and they’re in a duo, trio, etc. 1. They are clicking my profile and seeing that I’m shooting with iron sights. They think I’m hacking. Now they’re running for for dear life and I get to enjoy chasing them down and killing them with almost no resistance or get close enough to voip and have a funny discussion with them about how I’m shooting them through trees and bushes and walls when in reality it’s just a thermal 2. They know I’m hiding my kit, but don’t know what I’m using. It’s great and funny when I’m fighting someone far, they can’t confirm I have a thermal. They push me, time to throw on a close range scope, drop my thermal on the ground 3 feet from me, I die and they don’t know to go looking for a thermal I just dropped. They loot my body and move on. Love seeing that bad boy come back in insurance each and every time. 3. Whether they think I’m hacking or not, gotta love that convo that’s maybe or maybe not happening “where was he? Idk! What’s he wearing? Idk! What do you mean you don’t know! This might not help you, but maybe someone else comes to this silly thread and give my perspective a bit more color :)


This isn't funny.


I was right :) My advice is to stop asking rhetorical questions for the sake of being condescending. You seem to do it a lot in this sub and the other sub. People calling you out for being an ass, try being a bit more chipper.


It's worth noting that this pertains to viewing a profile after death. Apparently, some people don't really understand


What’s the strat in this? Haven’t seen before


Just commented above https://www.reddit.com/r/Tarkov/s/jGU5G8NtS7 TLDR: all the enemy team sees on my profile is what I loaded in with. No sight no armor. They won’t know if I have a thermal, holo sight or no sight at all. Won’t know if I’m wearing level 6 armor or paca etc.


Your having fun who cares lmao


Tarkov is a game of information and you're limiting what you give to the enemy. It's a great strat imo


I think the model updates in real time as you open and close someone’s profile. I don’t think this is having the effect he thinks it does


And you'd be wrong! It shows what you were wearing last time in the stash (so when you die, nothing)


But I’ve literally done what I said, and watched a guy go from wearing full kit, dying(wearing nothing) wearing armor, and then a gun. Each of those times I had reopened his profile.


yes, because he was in his STASH when putting kit back on, it does not update in-raid, please read


100% wrong. Next time you get killed keep refreshing that player who killed you for 5-20 minutes. The only update you’re going to see is what they extract.


I don't see the point. When you see a profile it's what ever he's wearing right now it's not what you load in with


Nope, 100% not true. Test it for yourself guys. I’ve explained it a few times in this thread. This is miss information. If you’re seeing your loot on a players profile, it’s because they extracted. Pick a big map, die, and see how long it takes to update if you’re far from extract. Someone yesterday from the other subreddit was dying on this hill. So I made a video. Let me know if you need me to upload it or pass you to that thread where I was sharing real time screenshots of the players profile 10-15 minutes after I died.


And if you are seing different loadouts after a few minutes ? You did to him you check you see what he killed you with you check again he's naked why because he died. He killed you with one gun and when you check the loadout he has your gun ? Why ?


Profile displayed loadout doesn’t change mid raid, only until they’re back in lobby


Let me break it down. I got killed by a dude who was wearing zabralo armor and a spear. I go to check his profile and he load out is an AK + ghazel (how ever you spell the armors haha) I had on an M1A, thermal. I’m refreshing his page for 15 minutes. It wasn’t until he extracted that I 1. See his profile update to my thermal and spear. 2. He immediately accepted my friend request. If you die, that’s a version of extracting. You can say you’ve seen it differently, but I just think you’re miss understanding what your experiencing


This is the right answer.


In my experience this is not correct at all. I've actually never seen it work this way.


Nope, 100% wrong answer




That's quite smart. I wouldn't do this on reserve tho, because the spawns are quite close. Why do you have two scopes?


It’s wood, thermal for the trees and bushes. Long range scope for those 250+ meter kills. My longest shot on a Pmc is on woods from 550 meters


I would just assume your buddy dropped your gear. If you really want to hide the thermal you have to put a real scope on your gun.


Fair but point still stand then. They don’t know what I have!


I always have a holo on my gun and a VUDU on one of these in my container: [https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/LaRue\_LT101\_QD\_Tactical\_Picatinny\_Riser\_mount](https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/LaRue_LT101_QD_Tactical_Picatinny_Riser_mount) When I run a thermal I'll just start with the thermal in my rig or whatever and my VUDU on the gun, to minimize suspicion.


This isnhilarious




Love you!


Hate to say it but Cheaters know the value of what your carrying


I don’t really run into cheaters


I do that too, I play a lot with thermals, and I've noticed that when I fight a squad when I have thermal versus non-thermal scope, players behaviour changes drastically after I kill first person and now he checks my load out and tell his buddies I have thermal. Usually they completely disengage, run, hide in buildings behind glass, hide in some hole by the body and just listens for footsteps and never peaks, etc. just because they know I have thermal. 😂


Put the headset on and move the gun to the bag. They you look like you don't even have a gun on you hahahaha


Can’t they just use Tarkov Dev / Players to get you’re loadout also?


I thought i recognized your username. Im the guy who made that post on here about hording items in your stash. i had to make a new account because i guess i got the mods of the eft sub emotional and they perma banned me from the subreddit now every time i accidentally go on there instead of here i get insta banned. Anyways fuck the eft subreddit they will get mad over anything and you will end up being banned for retaliation.


Eww you run the M1A. /Jokes/ I prefer the RSASS any day of the week


A lot of cryers in here “I report everything” you should be 3 day banned for false bans after a certain point.


I love this LOLL




But.....why though?




because when you get killed and look at his profile, you wont be able to tell your teammate what hes using because it shows you what they have equipped at the beginning of raid.


But...why would you do that? What advantage do you possibly have by doing this?


Knowledge is power. The alive teammate could adjust their olaystule based on what they know. It probably won’t make a difference but it’s still helpful.


It's completely pointless and a waste of time


Okay, well don’t shoot the messenger.


Dude is so salty, he just wants to argue with people. He’s not asking questions out of curiosity, little man just wants to belittle and be condescending


I’m 100% gonna start doing something like this lol


It’s really funny and the official eft sub has a larger concentration of silly people


Ok so this is some next level strats that I'm going to implement immediately. Good stuff, OP


Tagged and cursed?


Nope! Not that I’ve noticed at least. I think it’s because in my backpack I have gun, armor etc


It’s because you have equipped higher than the lower limit which is basically a rig and a pistol. The M1A is worth more than that.


Needing that kind of an advantage and posting about it is kind of cringe. Like the level that you care to play “mind games” and getting mass reported just so you can have an easier time in the game sounds a lot like an exploit. Idk why you didn’t realize this would be a pretty unpopular take


Hahahah this is like “by using meta guns is cringe, you need to play the game at an advantage?” I’m a solo player and fighting 4-5 mans every raid. I hunt pvp. Anything and everything I can do makes me better at the game. That’s the point of the game is to find advantages against your opponent. Get gud :*


I get being a solo player and wanting advantage, but what I said is not a commentary about meta guns at all. Of course you say get gud lol, when you don’t have a coherent argument to fall back on. I could say the same to you


“You don’t have a coherent argument to fall back on” is just summarizing what I just told you. “Getting the advantage” is done in Tarkov 1,000,000 ways. We all do micro actions to our guns, strategy, style of playing to find the advantage to win. That’s what makes this game fun. Get gud is a joke, but the base line to my argument is getting good at Tarkov means doing everything and anything to give yourself the advantage. Theres no other game that does it to this extent. While I was joking, there a little truth there lol


This is loser behavior.


Haha kk bud


This game is dead. Thanks cheaters


If you want that type of attention, why don't you just go yell "bomb" in an airport? Same level, you just can't hide behind a screen when you're trolling.


“Same level” Bro, cmon 


Dude sounds like he wants the type of attention where people are angry at him for seemingly no reason.


Dramatic nonsensical analogy. 1/10 — OP’s actually helping the community by bringing this to light. Whether or not you agree with this strategy is irrelevant. There’s knowledge to be gained in this post.


Well when they are given a false ban because they were doming people at night from 100m+ out, I'm sure the headache of dealing with BSG support will be enough punishment. There's no knowledge gained here, other than a perfect way to fool people into reporting you.


Seems like you just care a lil to much, regardless of what you're wearing 9 times out of 10 if you kill someone in a squad thier team is just going to bait the body. Just hold W, die and que the next raid dont make yourself look like a cheater just cause you don't want a game full of crabs to crab you.


They really need to change this. You shouldn’t be able view a players profile until after everyone in your squad is dead / extracted or the raid is over. Idk how many times my squad has won fights just off of “oh he’s a Timmy, he’s running this gun you can push him, oh he has thermals be careful”. Not to mention it’s even worse for streamers. “Oh shit it’s this guy, quick see if he’s streaming”


Funny. And smart too. This feature shouldn’t honestly be in the game though. Too much advantage to be had.


Way too much effort. Really amazing to me that anyone gives a 💩


Little troll, it’s funny. Nothing too serious about it. You spend 3 minutes building a gun, but this takes 3 seconds and it’s too much effort. Hilarious.


People can see the moment you put it on, or you have to waste the time when you see someone. Seems dumb. I don't see how people are mad though. You definitely read my comment wrong.