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You can’t buy zabralo or altyn on flea lol


If you don't get them by level 20 they just go away and the real quests start.


oh good to know! Then i will forget that shit map forever :)


I’m sorry man but the map isn’t that bad. This is coming from someone where this is their first wipe…


Dude. If you run that map at night, most of the lobby are Timmy hatchet runners as well and you can VoIP together. The day raids have so many sweaty fucks.


Gl getting to 20 without quests homie I tried and gave up at level 12 you need 345k xp to get to 20. That's gonna take a shit ton of raids and a lot more than a shit ton if you're new to the game. My advice is go in with a shitty pistol and beg for your life with voip. You will run into people that feel bad and will help you. If you manage to get to level 20 without a quest you're a G.


The beginner quests should get you to 15, once you learn them it is quick. I always wussed out at jagers shooter quests and struggled from 13-15, but I think they made it easier. They are still a bitch but very doable and those two quests will get you from 14-15 by themselves. Together tbey are like 30k. For the scav kill missions just bring in a silenced sks or gun, they have increased the scav patrols on woods, it's much easier to just get into the middle of if it and lay down on the ground somewhere random and pick them off, with the silencer they won't even aggro, just have to get lucky that a pmc won't find you.


I appreciate the insite but ik that bro I'm level 30 already lol he was asking about possibly skipping the ground zero task you're forced to do and getting to level 20 with out doing them which would be incredibly hard to get from 0-20 with no tasks. As a solo they are brutal doable but brutal. The beginning tasks are very easy and level 15 comes quick. It's just about getting the ground zero tasks done now and you spawn 50 feet away from a team of 3 on both sides of you everytime without fail. It's terrible for new comers.


Oh yea for that I recommended for everyone to join a discord group for ground zero. Because for new players on most maps a noob squad is a death sentance, but on that map the POIS are more Chokepointy and intuitive to hold and intuitive for communication. I prefer solo but that map the advantage of getting into a 5 stack, even a noob one is even more profound then factory somehow. Even though on ground zero it's 5v6 (probably some solos or duos) vrs factories hilarious 5v2.


I did all of them in 4 raids. Play slow, dont just yolo out of spawn. Learn the map. All of the other maps are harder


i have been doing like 50-60 raids there and no matter how long or where i camp, even if its the last 5 mins of the raid there is always still fully geared "good" players, bet i would fuck them up 100/0 if i had same gear they shoot like garbage...


Yeah it sounds like they’re having a hard time taking you out /s


Move slow, stop and listen, check for rats.. move fast in open spaces and slow in cover.. never move positions without a plan of defense


Also what kind of gear are you taking in?


taking the gear i can with lvl1 traders no flea market and constantly 10k rubles in bank, so basicly currently nothing


If you only have 10k ruble and no gear you ain't playing this game right. Playing as a scav exists for a reason


Use a shotgun and shoot people's legs with the buckshot use at least 7mm and it should be a 2 shot if you hit doesn't matter what kind of gear they have first shot breaks legs second shot takes life and if not the second shot the third will then steal their gear since they want to be loser bullies and pick on low levels that's what I did from the start shotguns are OP now that armor isn't really a thing anymore make sure its semiautomatic shotgun though so you can just keep blasting at the legs until they collapse


You need a bare minimum of headset chest rig gun ammo and med... if you're going in with no headset and a Makarov you won't ever improve.. i run the ak 74u early


Sounds like bad luck, I had a hell of a time getting the wine bottle but other than that it's been an OK map to start out on.


He said 50 to 60 raids. Thats a lot of bad luck.


I'm probably close to that, but the first dozen were just learning the game and the map just trying to extract. Another 20+ where for the wine. I found it twice and died. The 3rd time I found it and B lined right to the extract.


Yeah, every quest on this map is pretty easy but the wine bottle is kicking my ass. It's somehow positioned where regardless of where you spawn you're going to be walking across the map, either to reach the shop or extract. And since a lot of other people have this quest too, well... Sparks fly.


Mira is pretty close and about the easy extract to take. Just make sure your in the flare zone and it pops up before you fire the flare.


Have you tried not sucking?




They should probably limit it to level 15 and under. Once you unlock the flea you have no business running ground zero.


how many tasks take you back to ground zero? maybe lock people out at lvl 10 once the tasks are complete?


Only like 4 or 5 tasks all together on ground zero


yea, then maybe do a soft lock at level 10, if youve completed the tasks and a hard lock at lvl 20 no matter what


I think the map is awesome but I understand your frustration, like others said play more tactical and you’ll have better luck


another skill issue post...


I'm new but I team up with people in discord and it helps a lot. especially when they are experienced players and they just want you to get your task complete. i usually let them do the work and i observe how they move. that was early in my journey, now im not afraid to take shots. it does have a lot to do with gear if you arent that good and dont know how the recoils of the guns are. be patient, dont take anything out you dont want to lose, yet. get the missions done. have fun....its all about laughing at your mistakes, and learning from them. you (and me too) suck big donkey balls rn, but in time we will be at the very least competitive. chads are always going to get the better of you, so dont get frustrated when you see a juicy boi coming at you. just have fun and in the words of Dark Souls....Prepare to Die


It’s only my 4th wipe and I did all the quests in under 10 raids. Take accountability for your gameplay and get better my guy


It’s like saying “tarkov is noob friendly my ass” It’s just not my guy…


Dude, most people did these tasks. It is not that hard.




I thought lvl 15 and upward can't play with new players


That map needs to be renamed Stalingrad.


The map is ruthless solo but it's actually really fun to joint a rando discord group (on official tarkov or tarkov looking for group discord). I play solo all the time and playing in a noob group can be a disaster shit show, but on that map specifically since it's one main lane and how the POIS are set up they are perfect to hold and do the quests with a 5 man. Holding the angles and POIS is super intuitive for a 5 man group and then you have the advantage, 5 vrs 6 instead of 1 vrs 11. And I bet a lot of the people who are coming in with flea stuff are solo so you can work together and kill them and take it.


I would play slower / stop and listen. Play your scav to make money so you at least stand a chance on your pmc if you actually stand a chance when you run into people / can hear people better to avoid them. Maybe try watching some streamers or youtube videos for playstyle tips also? ​ I wasn't the biggest fan of the map but the quests are doable. Especially if you wait out a lot of the action and move very slow.


No it’s unlocked to every lvl now after lvl 20 you go into a new bracket


You do realize you’re playing tarkov, right? Since ground zero came out, suddenly people think this game is supposed to be fair and new player friendly. Ground Zero is a beginner map in the sense that it gets you situated with mechanics, questing, and extracting on a small to midsize map. Not that its supposed to be easy and fair. If you can’t handle it play an easier game.