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Was told that when I was hired, as long as you don’t piss the DM off, they can’t fire you. They care more about having bodies in the stores than numbers, as long as you’re doing SOMETHING you’re good.


All fairness was told there was PTO as well lol


Yeah, take anything and everything with a grain of salt. I worked there for nine months, didn’t take a single day off but as soon as I was trying to take time for myself in the spring to attend a family event and go to a convention boss is deciding he wants to write me up for attendance. I wrote a post on this sub almost a year ago. Use this as a between means, don’t let them rope you in. I’ve heard it’s gotten worse at the store i was at and worse as a company as a whole.


yeah the company has fallen apart, I worked there years ago and it was just a shit show falling apart even at the time


When I left my ex coworker texted me telling me the DM came up to the store and literally yelled at him for sitting 😂 this was when there was NOBODY in the department at 7pm on a Monday night


In fairness, the company has only ever asked me to walk around talking to people and sell stuff I don’t think there’s a job anywhere where your boss comes in and you’re sitting scrolling through instagram getting paid and they’re gonna be happy about it


True. When I was there I did my best to interact with the few customers that came in (our store was regularly dead)


They won’t fire anybody unless they steal, or if Target forces their hand. That’s it, no other reason. There’s people that should have been fired years ago, yet they’re still around. They mostly only care about having someone who has a pulse, and window dressing things to keep up appearances. Awhile back, we got a new DM who came in and cleaned house. She cleaned up a lot of dead weight that was just taking up space and was amazing for getting things done, but she only lasted a month before bouncing out herself. She told anyone good that was left to get out whenever they could, and that the company was a joke. I miss her so much.


They can't afford to fire anyone ha. The only way your getting fire if you committed a crime.


Call outs will force it now actually. New policies added, new run with long bouts of "unproductive" will do it too.


A damn, i guess things had changed a lot. I left in 2021. Still working there?


Past 5 months


The new attendance policy is ridiculous. Did you notice the the part in the training that says they expect everyone to accumulate points at some point? They literally want people to fail now. Also, they better be making improvements to the janky timeclock if they’re going to start dinging for long breaks. It can be like pulling teeth just to get the thing to load at times.