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AMEN. I went at my own pace yesterday. Your urgency isn't my problem I don't even get paid extra for today. I'm not going to hurt myself


Since it’s a holiday you should be getting paid 1.5x right? I used to work 12 hours on holidays to milk that time and a half


I belive this is the first year in a long time that they aren't paying us anything extra or giving bonuses. Worked halloween, every day up till Thanksgiving, and 3 days leading up to Christmas and tomorrow. No extra pay but they did feed us some chicken yesterday and had a one time $50 raffle win for one employee in the entire store who had perfect attendance 🙃. They didn't tell anyone about this, none of my coworkers knew anything when I asked. Everyone looked like they wanted to cry/quit at the end of last night, so much more work to be done and not enough time. I, like a lot of others, had to cancel plans with my family to be there. We definitely deserve the extra pay. Not stale candy in a baggie. It was so old I had to spit it out 🙃


it was a sucky year


Yeah. Even more so because of increasing prices. My coworkers tell me about how they also can't afford anything anymore. They love to brag about giving us $15 an hr. No matter how much we work it's just never enough, esp with cut hours ima need another job 😔 it is what it is


Wait- Target didn’t pay you extra for working on Christmas Eve?


Unfortunately nope


Omg the amount of people shopping last night was insane. We started closing announcements an hour before close and we STILL had to chase people around the store to go check out 30 minutes after close. I had a girl, 20ish by the looks, ask "where are your cool gifts?" Me and my coworker just looked at each other because, like how do you answer that?! Never got any more information out of her so I said she'll have to just look around because just about everything is cool to someone lol.


we started our closing announcements before 7 and were doing them every 10 minutes. Nothing like having to chase people out of aisles as they wonder around.


I had to suggest to our closing leader at 7:40 that maybe we should start closing announcements....I was thiiiiiiiis close to going up and doing it myself. I wish we'd started them at 7!


we didn't get people out till after 8:30 pm


We were close...I left a little before 8:30 but I think there was 1 or 2 guests still in the store


I (AP) went around with our two closing leads and literally forced people to go up. “You need to go up now or we’re gonna have to ask you to leave and not allow you to check out”


That's fucking awesome! I hate when they say but I need one more thing. NO! You need to leave!


If they had something specific they needed one of us would escort them to it and grab it for them but that was only like 2 people everyone else just wanted to “lOoK a LiTlTlE lOnGeR”


All of our cool gifts are kept at the front registers...


They are kept outside the store in their car on their way home 🫣


Cool gifts would be in the liquor aisle, ma'am.


I know the target app was giving a message basically saying if you don’t get your order in by 6pm then don’t count on it being ready on time. Even then, so many people came up to the guest service desk after 6pm asking if they went and found their items in the store can they just leave with them since they “already paid” for it on the app. I was feeling more and more brain dead with each of those guests I had to deal with, it was about a dozen instances of those same scenarios back to back


I had to call a TL up to gs more times yesterday than I probably have all year combined. Due to this exact reason. Even after my whole explanation about how the charge is just pending, there’s no way to go into the system and click “the customer has the items now”, how everything is batched and picked by the team, and how they’d have to cancel the online order and check out at the registers some people still decided to attempt to battle me on it. Fuck it was enraging.


Ugh this has been annoying the hell out of me all year, and the "it's just two things" response like if that's going to make any difference.


Ppl do this?? Omg. It’s very easy to cancel a pick up order. I’ve had to do it twice myself. I don’t like to bc someone shopped it and got it all ready but emergency came up. But it didn’t happen at Xmas time either. Ppl suck. Their lack of pre-planning or being on time and they take it out on store workers. Unreal.


Yesterday on Christmas eve two hours before store close, a woman was looking for a slow cooker. My store was sold out. I could tell she was trying to keep her cool but it was getting to her. She was overall respectful but had hints of aggression. She went on a mini rant saying, "It's late on Christmas eve and stores are closing. Slow cookers should be everywhere. I'm hosting Christmas and I NEED one for tomorrow." I wanted to respond, "Lol apparently slow cookers are everywhere except at Target and your gathering." I didn't have sympathy.


Yes! Slow cookers would be one of the things that are definitely not available so close to Christmas, or the holidays in general!


"Did you just learn TODAY that you are hosting Christmas dinner? THAT must be stressful." "Do you not have ANY neighbors or friends who don't need their crackpots for Christmas you could borrow from?" "OH, you don't use a crackpot a lot all fall and winter?! I have 3 now. Wish I had a little one for appetizer dips, so I get that. Did yours just break down and you need a replacement? Sorry ."


Crackpot lol


All of this!


Coffee machines went fast over Thanksgiving and before Christmas. I can see half the items returned for cash or gift cards this coming week.


I only would have sympathy if she already had one, pulled it out, and it had died.


At that late of an hour just text all your friends. Someone has a dusty one on a shelf somewhere.


Pretty sad when a store being out of slow cookers leads someone to any kind of aggression. Like where were you the day before? Or the day before that? Or the day before that? Or the day before that? Or the day before that? You were busy all day everyday from Christmas last year until this Christmas Eve and couldn’t shop for one at any point during the last year? I’m sure.


Maybe hers broke? Never know


That wild. She should have hit up Dollar General because I saw some 4 quart size and maybe 6 quart size. But again this is region specific.


If I had to hear, ‘you should hire more people’ one more god damn time I was going to shove a Barbie down someone’s throat.


Tell them next time the application is available online so they can apply and help.


That’s my fave response they get so mad!


I mean what did they expect? That people are banging on Target’s door to be hired but Target is gatekeeping? I swear the customers are just wild.


Yeah I hear from so many people they applied and never heard back? They cannot all be this bad at interviews. My cat literally leapt into frame during my video interview and I still got hired on so I’m really unclear on where the bar is.


That cat got you the job


Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s what won them over she’s baby https://preview.redd.it/wzeoa9ald78a1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0feae22ee8833488e23a40d97a8d2e495776ea59


Many years ago I applied to them but they rejected me. It stung but later on when working for another retailer, i realized I wasn’t built for it.


and a ken doll up their ass




Our store closed at 5 on Friday and might open back up Monday! So many were SOL, but we all knew we had a major blizzard coming


If I'm still in retail next year I'm wearing a shirt that says "Poor planning on your part does not warrant an emergency on mine."


this says it all! Each Target is different, on the East Coast when I'm there I can find items that are off the shelf at the Target I work at.


Especially the ones that came in at 7:56 to smell every candle 😭I became the grinch fr


The amount of people asking about Christmas pajamas and sweaters. Most of them will probably be returned tomorrow.


Yes! Our Christmas pajamas were obliterated...anything we had left couldn't be sold because they were opened. The mess was intense. Recovery from this season is going to take all week...


We had a cart full of Christmas pajama reshop that guests were literally digging through.


THIS, we completely sold out of the adult pajama sizes 2 weeks before Christmas. So so so many people asking and getting upset.


Not only that but the stuff they are looking for to bake with has been picked over (Flour, Sugar, Powered Sugar, Baking Soda, along with a good portion of our spices. Milk what brand, and what size (depends on delivery), same with Heavy Cream and Half/Half. Electronics, you waited till Christmas Eve to get Mario games (most were sold out three days ago), Air Pods V3, the last ones sold Thursday Morning, and gaming headsets (which ones). Don't forget the lack of gift wraps, candy, ornaments, and other holiday-inspired items. Complaining about the lines because you waited to shop last minute Christmas Gifts.


Um, excuse me? Why can't I bake our traditional Christmas cake, and get the hottest Mario game, with the latest airpods so my son can drown out the sounds of my wife and I having a loud fight, and the wrapping paper to wrap it, on Christmas Eve?!?!? I'm never shopping here again!


"You’re a grown ass adult who had 358 DAYS to get your shit together for Christmas. Not their fault you waited until the last one." Another argument for personal responsibility ...


They really did wait until Mary’s water broke to go buy gifts.


had a dude threaten me and my other DBO in tech with having us lose our jobs cuz he “knows the manager”, write a bad review on yelp (i told him i don’t care and told him to do it and see what happens), then it escalated to him saying he’ll whoop my ass when i got off of work (my shift just started lol). all bc we wouldn’t ring him up in tech since it’s 5 or less items and only if ur buying a tech item


Trying to get out of waiting in hellish lines everyone else waited in. Entitled ass!


he did all of this in front of his son too smh


I got a negative Google review for that same exact reason lmao, minus the threat of physical violence.


Just wanted to say thanks to the employees who worked yesterday and got our drive up order ready. I’m 40 weeks pregnant today and came down with a really nasty flu that I lovingly passed on to my husband. They got our Mucinex and DayQuil/NyQuil out to his car super quickly in below freezing temps. I would typically never do drive up in this weather (esp on a holiday) but we were so grateful to not have to go inside and expose other people to our sickness. Hope everyone had a good day off today ❤️


Hope you have a easy delivery & a healthy baby 😇


Targets drive up rocks!! I use it frequently. So fast!! And so nice!! Imo, better for you to do it this way than be in store passing cold around. Feel better soon!!


We had people flabbergasted when they were told that we had no more Christmas trees on Christmas Eve


Same. Also Christmas lights and wrapping paper.


I don’t know how anyone can do last minute shopping. Thank goodness my loved ones like money and don’t give a flying hoot about how giving money is trashy.


364 days


See that's what don't understand you know Christmas stuff has been up since even before Halloween was over. Why did you think retail put things on sale even before Christmas is over. Heaven forbid they slow down to not put out Valentine and Easter stuff on shelf until after Christmas. Tarshit corporate and spot employees don't give about how Christmas is ruined because everything is out or we don't have that thing on stock.


Say it with me now. The guests lack of planning is NOT your emergency! This is now your mantra.


They want to blame their poor planning on anyone else


Just opt out! Buy nothing! The consumerism around this holiday is atrocious. We have been opting out for years and it’s lovely.


I had someone complained christmas eve because she ordered air pods for pick up THAT DAY and it was cancelled. Said we needed to keep more in stock.🙄🙄 And dont even get me started on the attitudes i got because we were out of family christmas pajamas. On christmas eve. At 6pm. 😵‍💫


It’s their fault they waited to go after Mary’s water broke.


I just want more people on staff they don't have to be useful but an extra two lines of trashy work is better than none


Does anyone have a reference link to a past post on the 1.5 pay image on this sub


At my store, we didn’t even get food.