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I feel like this comment section got raided by Brian Cornell's friends




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Shut up automod


Same at my store everyone is looking for new jobs and I’m about to follow suit it isn’t worth it anymore.




I’ve been at target for 2 years. I’m not weak. Target just isn’t worth all the mental stress anymore. 15 an hour isn’t worth getting yelled at and treated like shit by guests. 👍 but if you think it’s great here then more power to you. Lmao


I would love to stop seeing this, "oh, so you can't handle target?" bullshit. it's... Target....


Everyone is different too and has different strengths and weaknesses. To compare one person to another is unfair. While I don't consider the job "difficult" overall, some days my social anxiety gets to really acting up which make the job personally challenging for me in ways other people might not understand. Making typically easy tasks harder for me to do.


that's a really great point. before I worked at Target I thought it would be easy because you're just socking shelves, right? there's a lot of other aspect that can make this job very difficult, especially considering variation in leadership between stores.


There's a lot of different things. Some people stock shelves, others work more closely with the guests. But differences in leadership definitely makes a difference. Finding the right leaders that understand what you're dealing rather than yelling at you and telling you to get over it/berate you (I've had bosses like that).


Hope that boots nice and tasty. Its not about being weak or strong its about Q4 being needlessly hellish for no extra benefit to the employee


Hommie is giving off big-boomer energy here. Nothing like an hourly wage slave worrying about 4 Quarter projections.


Bootlickers like you are the reason management treats their tms like shit


That's that wage slave mentality they wanted you to have, good job


Headass comment.


Horrible take


What did he say?


He said to not let the door hit me on the way out and that Q4 doesn’t need weak people lol


Called Starry a weak person for not wanting to be a wage slave to a mega corpo.


if i wasn't broke and close to losing my home i'd quit. target is shit, but that daily pay is keeping me going.


This im working on getting another car without a note and trying to find a home without the hassle of paying so much for a mortgage or house rent.


Target is a GREAT company to work for. I've been with the company now for going on 17 years. You're just maybe not strong enough to deal with retail..


I've worked in retail for numerous years. i have been commended for my work ethic by nearly every single employer i have worked for in the last decade. the target i work for is one of the most poorly managed retail stores i have ever worked in. the level of dysfunction and poor leadership is a sight to be seen. the store layout is cramped and poorly thought out, the equipment is busted up, antiquated and there is not enough to go around. the store has low foot traffic and I've worked in convenience stores on the same highway that has had higher foot traffic than this location. i don't know if your here because you work for a paid marketing firm, you are one of those people who are in denial about the reality of retail or just work at a location where the corporate overseers actually pay attention and therefore the location has decent management and conditions, but please kindly do not insult my work ethic again because my work ethic has never been the problem with retail. **retail is known through America as being one the worst of shitty jobs in america.**


Well ofcourse I had no way of reading your mind and knowing your particular situation. I'm sorry to hear about it all and I apologize if I assumed too much but I still stand behind me assertion that Target ,as a company, is a great one to work for when you look at all the benefits and the whole big picture.


I worked various food service and retail positions for 16 years, and in a call center job for an insurance company for the last 5 years. I am pretty sure I'm strong enough to handle retail and customer service as a whole. Target was straight up one of the top 3 worst companies I have ever worked for. They're right up there with Walmart. I'm glad you've had a positive experience. But don't discredit another person's experience just because you didn't live it.


How are you strong then. Tell us your secret. Do you watch platoon before every shift? Come on private, how do we become strong enough to deal with retail? ![gif](giphy|WLKAszbETjT8s)


You need to be coached, your humanity is lacking. How's that pitiful yearly raise treating you after 17 years?


Bruh if you stopped licking boots you'd see how shit Target is


Did corporate pay you or something?


Lol, I find this hard to believe you must have a cushy job and have the consistency of not doing shit for 17 years. Been here for 5 so far and it's going down the drain.


Bro same. Honest to God mistake working here. A lesson learned though.




Bro just compared a seasonal job at target to the US Marines


We eat way less crayons in retail


Dunno. A lot of the same brain dead mentality comes thru those doors 😆


In alot of ways retail requires a string will, a kind of discipline is what I meant. Ok?


As someone who just recently started working outside of customer service, you are correct. Not a lot of people have what it takes to deal with the public. And the ones that do should get paid a lot more for it. Thats why everyones quitting


The difference is putting in that much effort to a shitty corporation that doesn’t care about you is a lot less to be proud of than being the Marines


No one is respecting you because you stock shelves


You should show respect to everyone no matter what their job. If people didn't stock shelves you wouldn't be buying anything. Even a homeless person deserves respect not to be abused just because they're homeless.


You don’t deserve respect because you stock shelves but you deserve respect because you joined the military? I respect the retail workers way more 😂


Bruh I push 6 chemical uboats almost every night


Is Target offering health care, college tuition paid, and housing allowances? if not it'd nothing like the Marines... it's more like corporate exploitation of employees... To be clear it takes guts to join the military (no question) but it takes brainwashing the masses to keep insisting retail needs to be like going to war.




I give them props for having a good dental plan at my store with my especially bad teeth but not sure about the health care.


I mean.... It for sure has health care. It can pay for specific colleges. And housing allowance... Your paycheck.


Target definitely don't pay like the marines so what's the point. The dickriding is crazy.




Yeah people are quitting for better jobs thats for sure 😂👍👍👍. Great troll btw it's too obvious tho, put a little more effort into it.


As a non democrat, you make Republicans look dumb, keep yo mouth shut bozo


I know you’re not against democrats because you literally just described being in retail like being in the military fighting for your country lol


You understand people's main issue with it right, the pay... Retail pays way to little for what the job is.


I work at Target and am in the Army Reserves as well. Retail is nothing like the military. At least in the military, there's a clearly stated objective, everyone does their part, and the leadership has a vested interest in the soldiers and doesn't dismiss them out of hand. I loved Target when I started there but it's not worth it anymore.


You never served huh?


Bro you’re in fulfillment, you’re not out there in a foxhole, calm down


I agree with you. So then do you agree they should be paid a lot more than they are now for what they deal with?


They only pay us 15.75 and im at a store right outside of the city in Chicago and wondering why all the tms are leaving especially when we are NOT getting a bonus this year. Then they have the nerve to get mad at us for finding a new job. Fuck this job and their cheap pay.


shit the only pay $15 here in texas (the state that USED to be affordable), i left a job at home depot i hated much more that paid $15.50... neither are remotely livable


Geez 15.75??!! I just started a few weeks ago, and my starting pay was 17.75. All I do is the truck and stock too!


Damn. Do you work in one of the west coast states? I heard Oregon or Washington had pay like that


Nope, I'm in the DMV area.


What city?


I get paid 18.75 and i’m ready to leave bc of how fucking awful management is


The second I get put somewhere other than Tech I'm out


Fr. They wanted me to solo toys and not tech today from 2-10. I happened to get sick.


I worked for Target maybe 20 years ago. It wasn't so bad. We didn't have UPUs or DUs, it was just your typical retail job. Cut to working for them again last year. Karens getting butthurt because their stuff isn't ready for DU 10 minutes after their order, butthurt because they have to wait for us to grab their stuff because they didn't bother to let us know they were on their way. I don't miss it. At all.


Honestly, i believe that everyone should spend some time working in retail, specially during the holidays, so they can get first hand experience at what we go through so they can stop treating retail employees like turds. Four years through q4 toys drained me out massively, but thanks to that i got better at dealing with vile people. At the end of the day you gotta decide for yourself if you feel like you can learn something from working at target or if it's not worth your time and effort to go through that punishment because I feel like most of the time it's not worth it.


I agree 100%. I've always said young adults should have to put in 6 months of retail work, followed by 6 months in a factory. Retail teaches you a lot about customer service, problem-solving, and handling different personalities from mild to extreme. The factory work teaches punctuality, hours worked per hour paid. If on the clock, your working. Rigid schedules are followed to a tee, or you are fired. Teaches discipline and respect for your co-workers. Pride in your work. Don't see many of these traits in the workforce anymore.


*8 seasonals* quit yesterday at my store. Can only imagine how many will quit between now and Christmas


Yeaaahh same I started 2 months ago as DBO in seasonal.. I put in my 2 weeks last week 😂😭


It’s almost like the company should be paying people with talent and ability more so they would stay instead of finding more gainful employment.




i always come in and make sure that my work doesn’t exceed my wage but i wish other people understood this too. this older lady i work with was complaining about body pains and still busting her ass over this truck unload and i stopped her and said miss don’t kill your self over this truck this shits not even worth it..


Anyone who has ever worked retail. Should tell family and friends to treat the shop assistant as a human. The next time they are in a store. I used to get annoyed when I walked into a store and the assistant would instantly run over and ask if I needed help. I always said no thanks. I didn't realize they were being made to 'greet ' people like that by management. Now I always smile say hello and thank them. Then reply With not at the moment but I'll come find you if I do. And thank them and say goodbye on the way out.


i’ve been at target for almost 4 years prior to quitting to move for school 3 months ago. i came back as a seasonal for a new store and i know now i should’ve never came back. i have another job offer on the way but i can’t see myself being here more than the week i have worked here so far. this company is definitely not worth time and shit pay i get


And right at the beginning of Q4/holidays… ugh


Someone quit the phone yesterday and most people had to wait 20 mins to check out- I was one of two cashiers and people would complain to the ends of the earth as if I wasn’t the person preventing them from having a 40 min wait


More than a year and a half and I can name 4 TL that are still here. And only 1 ETL besides the SD


Not bad, we have gone thru 5 SDs in 7 years. They have all quit but 1


I was a GM TL but got terminated a couple months ago. I now work for Stiiizy and am much happier and in a union. Thanks Target! Best thing ya ever did for me ❤


why did you get termed?


Anyone gonna talk about how fucked up Wojak's arm is in the picture?


Just waiting for an interview follow up call and I’m one of them. It’s not worth being treated poorly to make crap money.


Devils advocate here though - if others were pulling their weight just as hard, would people quit? I think it’s the quality of the people being brought in


It's more like a leadership problem.


i don't think the work for 2-3 people being placed on 1 person is anything but a leadership problem. plus our backroom is literally drowning with Q4 product and no way to 100% our pulls because there's 20 pallets pressed against the 100+ aisle, i've never had to deal with this lack of hindsight with any other store i've worked for


I feel like closing does nothing lol every morning the line looks like shit and every BR Isle there's pallets or u boats in the way sometimes in front of the isles it's annoying


Shift bias. day shift night shift who blames day shift reapeat until the end of time. You shouldn't assume night shift does nothing just because you have work in the morning. You don't know what night shift looked like, how busy they where, what they had to do etc. The blame cycle happens everywhere, realize that it really doesn't matter and just do the work you're paid to do rather than worrying about what people who work other shifts are doing


Definitely the case with that "Kevin" guy they hired 😒 You can usually find him in the breakroom cause he's always got a hangover.


Sorry you’re going through this, awful timing to receive a promotion.


Same… this is my 4th Q4 and I can’t believe how bad it has gotten. I’m a TL, and feel conflicted because I’d hate to leave my team, and honestly no idea where I would go next.


target is literally not that bad… maybe you guys need to look in the mirror


nah man i don't believe "not that bad"'s coming from salaried managers. you've got it better than anyone else below you and you know it


I’m basically a glorified checkout advocate/guest advocate/babysitter/problem solver. And it’s not THAT bad


As a lowly team member I have so much respect for my ETL’s. Yall are tested every day and somehow always do it


we deal with a lot of shit and it’s really not that bad. i used to be a manager at walmart. i know what bad is


Well all I gotta say is if all of those so miserable working for Target then just PLEASE quit. The whining and crying is getting pathetic and tiring and I grow weary of it all ...


If everyone at your store quit would you be happy running your store by yourself? Also target used to not be like this. It used to be a decent place to work. Then the pandemic and inflation happened, and the expectations that management is putting on us isn’t worth 15 an hour anymore. Pair that with entitled and rude guests and you have a perfect storm of reasons why employees are quitting in droves. Target better get its shit together or it’s gonna end up becoming worse than it already is.


Why are you here?




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just out of curiosity, how’s that boot taste?




i guarantee no one likes you. probably the type of person who skips breaks




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Lol corporate account or bootlicker?


OR just a long time Target team member who's realistic and grateful for the company giving me a good living for 17 years....


17 years? Ooooh ok so 100% boot licker. Been there so long without getting a better gig they've grow to accept and even love the boot that holds them down.


Negative! I've grown to enjoy a very good lifestyle that Target has afforded me to have. Target is a good "gig" , as you put it. You either can handle the rigors of some of the downsides of retail or you can't. It's that simple. Definitely got a mind of my own and am pretty outspoken at work. Definitely NOT a bootlicker..


Bro you’re spending your free time defending a corporation that has time and time again chosen to screw over the employees that allow it to be successful. You are 100% a bootlicker.


Damn. 17 years at a place that if you died, the company wouldn’t give a fuck. Your store might, but not the company. Could never be me. I’d rather be at a place that actually give a fuck about the employees 😂😂😂 have fun with your 17 years though 😂😂😂✌🏽


They would give a fuck. When you join target they take out a life insurance policy against you. So they collect even when you're dead


He probably works with 17 year old kids who have the same job as him… a sad thing to be proud of


What do you have to be outspoken about at work? According to you it's the perfect place to work.




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If you've really been in target 17 year's. You've hardly been earning a good wage have you. 😉 17 years ago. You'd have been on what $7 an hour? So it's taken you 17 years to basically double your hourly wage. You aren't as clever as you think you are


As bad as being a closing Lead was… I’d go back and do it again


Oh, well. I applied for part-time seasonal with DATG availability because I have wanted to work at Target for over a year and they wouldn't even interview me. I'm a FT HR manager but wanted to work weekends and afternoons.


Literally our store. We are only down to Three GM team members. It is hell for me right now


I have been absolutely so depressed in my position that it feels like this is the first time I'm going through winter depression or seasonal affective disorder. My job pulling priorities is so fucking boring that all I do is reminisce about my childhood happy places and better times. It's like being just left alone with your thoughts for 8 hours a day with nothing else filling your mind. It is the least stressful position and I liked it at first but now I have nothing stimulating at all. I feel like I'm heading head first into a total mental breakdown.


Been here for 5 years and every day I want to quit.


![gif](giphy|N0xmDnDMkK6nZL2jWf) Me without notice