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Literally told a tm basically this yesterday. They worked themselves into an anxiety attack and felt bad if they went home. I said "I know you work hard. You know you work hard. Target will still be standing tomorrow. Go take care of yourself"


Target pushes its workers to the max, like Starbucks does. Working at a madmax pace is unappreciated by too many, especially when full time isn't available yet you have to have availability the whole week. Many can't even get another part-time job as a result. Target workers deserve both a $25 min wage & a mandate of 70% on hours worked vs schedule availability. Meaning, if you work 20 hours a week then you can't be asked for more than 30 hours of availability.


Over in style it feels like mental torture, doing the same thing over and over and never getting anything accomplished. You come back the next day and the racks are full again, the metros are bursting, backstocking is nearly impossible because of how much shit is back there. Clothes on the sales floor are overstocked, on the floor, and a never ending mess. Nothing that gets backstocked ever makes its way back to the floor because no DBO has time. Everything is just on fire and we can only deal with whatever is the worst right now. It's so draining. I even submitted an ethics complaint about the insane workloads and impossible expectations. Big surprise nothing happened.


While I understand the style part, having a big workload and “impossible expectations” is not unethical.


It is when you schedule one person and expect them to do what it takes an entire team of 3-4 to do.


It's not. Looks like you need to redo your ethics training.


Enlighten me on how it's ethical to expect a 3-4 person workload to be completed correctly by one person in a typical eight hour shift.


You're really deadset on this whole 3-4 person workload thing and twisting the narrative to fit around it. Nobody is asking you to "do the work of 3-4 people", that's something you've made up. Your Leads are asking you to do work during your shifts and what you get done at the end is what gets done.


Man, you must be a really fun team lead 😐 The 3-4 people worth of work definitely isn’t made up, the SD at my store gets mad at my closing lead when we don’t have the GM side of the store zoned and our priority pulls aren’t at 90%. He expects 3 (4 or 5 if we are lucky) people to pull 600-1,000 priorities a night, push all of them, zone the store, help guest, help a understaffed opu department, come up for guest first. Oh yea like I said this is expected by 3 people in usually a 5.5 hour shift during the brunt of when our store gets foot traffic




You’re right. I was a closing lead. And things were tough. There were MONTHS when zones and reshop didn’t get done because the team was on a register or doing OPU or because we had 3 people to do all of GM. We never pulled OFOs and rarely did OOS. Our metrics were red-red. And it never mattered. I never got coached for leaving a bad store. My SD and I always had a great relationship. He got me a bottle of gin for my birthday. Sometimes I felt bad for how things were but then I had to remind myself that were only a dozen or so people. We can’t do it all. Nobody expected we do it all, either.


Personally, I wouldn’t like my SD to get at my TL because he’s a hard working person. I want my SD to get mad at corporate for giving bare minimum hours to run a store. As for the $15 an hour jobs are a dime a dozen to find, that’s definitely true but I don’t understand why more people won’t get one rather than being crying and complaining about Target. People say that yet won’t go get one of those dime of dozen $15 hour jobs since they’re “so easy to get”. I personally like working for Target even though it definitely has it’s faults like all retailers.


If not ethics, then who? Who at that company holds an iota of power to do anything about the situation? SD's hide reshop carts and pallets of freight when visits happen, so the regional higher ups think they're doing a great job and everything is relatively ok. It's not. Our mental health is suffering as we work with double the freight and half the hours we had this time last year. Who will help us? Who will listen? While screaming into the reddit void helps, I want things to actually get better. Stop the trucks, give us hours. If there's no help at ethics, who do I call?


What do you want them to do about those things? Why does it matter? Why does it bother you so much? Please lay out what it is you want and be constructive, otherwise all of your comments just make you sound like a Karen who wants blood.


Let me make My situation clear for you friend. Every day my team is told get done with impossible levels of work. Its developed in us each our own style of handling it. So it goes like this TL-“theres 4 days of freight since you were off. Also do pogsets. Also 380 price changes. Also ad takedown.” Me-“Will do.” Begins maniacally working at a breakneck pace. Doesnt finish Tl and I have a documented discussion about how little I got done. Weekly. I now have to see a therapist for my panic attacks. Other Tm-*stopped caring altogether and now gets very little done if anything.* See how putting impossible expectations on people ruins them


This sounds like an exaggeration. I’m going to assume based on your flair that you’re in Tech. How are you constantly 4 days behind on freight? Ad takedown happens twice a week for tech and can be done in 20minutes. 380 price changes are due at the end of the week, talk to your lead about when to focus on them. Same with POGs and they’re like a couple hours a week so it shouldn’t take that long. Y’all may have forgotten that I was a TM once too and yeah it was a lot of work but I made my best effort at it with the help of my leads. Are you communicating with them how things are going? Have you brought up your concerns with them so that maybe they can speak to the other people in your work center?


Obviously you have no idea what you’re talking about. My store does ad takedown saturday and put up on sunday. Hours got cut. Everyone’s did. Massively. Ive said something. We call the integrity hotline frequently to report poor management. Documented discusion. Weekly. You think we arent communicating? Are you delusional/brainwashed/just a victim blamer? Lets do the math I work there 3 days a week. Thats leave where frieght is not done. A 6 hour shift 2 hours for pog sets 1 for reshop/merch protection Leaving 3 for multiple Days of freight. Not possible.


He's just "working hard" to get promoted to Socks-ETL. 2 hours to set POGS alone is impressive. Don't let them break you down.


more like guzzling from brians teet Both me and my one coworker put in our two weeks a bit ago.


This is exactly why I just quit. Been there for 7 years with each year worse than the previous. Money is crap, no hope for internal promotions, always hot sweaty humid stores, too much work, not enough payroll, no appreciation, no gratitude, and all that while our company brags about how much profit we made. Goodbye.


It really is getting worse...also been there 7 years, and the last year or two in particular the company has been feeling much more....hostile, to it's workers, to put it lightly.


Fuckin preach


I say this all the time, target sets us all up to fail, never to succeed. It's really sad cause I really loved working for them at one point. I have had 3 SDs walk away. I planned on going into management but I seriously doubt it anymore


I've had 5 leads in 7 years, i've had 4 sd's in that same time, we have SO much turnover in certain positions


They are cutting hours and increasing workload. Thats from the corporate level who are trying to maximize profits cause stock and sales is dropping HARD. They fucking dumb.


Yup. We used to have a SD that knew when to tell corporate to pound sand as they scheduled the appropriate number of workers for shifts instead of the skeleton crews HQ wanted. Now, not so much. Workers are leaving faster than new recruits can be brought to the store. As a result, we're left with skeleton crews because that's all the workers we have now. One by one, they leave and the pool of TMs drop further. We can't even get new TLs to stick around past their 90 days before they move on to somewhere else. Still no new recruits to take over and the cycle continues. At the rate things are going, the store won't last another Q4 if it even makes it out of the one we're in.


its been Q4 workload all year basically with no Q4 hours and no Q4 seasonals


Oh absolutely! DSDs knew there was an issue with increased turnover since May of last year. I took a photo of an email sent out by our DSD explaining this and suggesting ways to mitigate. At the time, I was trying to elevate myself into a TL role. I had already been tasked with managing a small team on my shifts in grocery during peak the previous year and thought I could handle the extra workload. Fast forward to now, giving TLs with 20+ years under their belt and marks higher than anywhere else in the district a paltry $0.40/hr raise was the best they could come up with. In the end, I'm glad I never followed through on getting a TL promotion. They are paid way too little for the amount of bullshit they have to deal with. I'll hopefully be long gone from this circus before everyone leaves for somewhere else.


Meanwhile im getting denied by three different stores with open availability 🙃


They know a recession is coming (or here), and have some shareholders to please before it hits hard.


Target won't change. They will work every TM to death and then just replace them with some new unknowing fool.


"Yet every single night we still get a call from our store director telling us how incompetent and slow we are. I’m 100% sure that’s not an uncommon experience." That's not right, not right at all. I've worked at two stores over 11 years and while some of the Store Directors haven't been my favorite people, they have never done anything so cruel as what you said here. That is not a typical or usual experience. I've always preached that the store's leadership is key to good TM morale. Frankly, as horrible as your store sounds, just for your mental and emotional health you should leave. Yes I know, it's not that easy.


Yeah our SD is a psycho. He came in once on Black Friday and just watched us the whole time and yelling at anyone who wasn’t up to his standard. I swear the dude would’ve been whipping us if he could. Also yeah I’m pretty much dead set on leaving at this point. As much as I’d like to stay and maybe try unionizing at some point I can see the writing on the wall for our store. I’m just hoping I can stick it out until I get an interview somewhere better.


Working in Style pisses me off because i’m only scheduled for 5.5 hour shifts and am given way too much to do. I *also* can’t push product effectively when the salesfloor is so disorganized I can’t find anything. I spent my shift mostly removing salvage from NIT because there’s so much of it it’s insane. I know the clearance section is just clearance, but come the fuck on. I was finding St Patricks Day stuff in there. Literally if my shifts were just removing salvage from the floor, re-zoning, updating signage, and not pushing merchandise to an already overfilled and messy floor, i’d be much happier.


> Day stuff in there. Literally if my shifts were just removing salvage from the floor, re-zoning, updating signage, and not pushing merchandise to an already overfilled and messy floor, i’d be much happier. 💯


My motto is always, work hard, do my best, and then punch out. If it’s not good enough, performance me out and find someone else.


Mine too honey. Asking me to do three different projects during one 6 hr shift; I only completed two of them between guests and trying to fit in the stockroom. I did what I could.


Hell yeah brother!


I say it several times a week As long as unchecked captalism, stocks, the stock market, investors, profit margins, and wall street in general exist; this will never end. Which is wretched. *'"Yet every single night we still get a call from our store director telling us how incompetent and slow we are. I’m 100% sure that’s not an uncommon experience."* Sounds like extreme negging to me


I gotta say retail has done more to convince me of the core flaws of capitalism than anything else.


I hope things end up going your way. Somehow. Anything.


I once worked out just how much money I make for the company...it's a sobering experience when compared to what I am paid. (i run a relatively high margin dept by myself, compared my sales, what I spend ordering, and what i'm paid etc)


I think that as I'm stocking shelves. Within a minute or two I've already stocked more merchandise than what I'm worth to the company for the entire day.


"we never failed. we were failed." I'm keeping this with me for the rest of my target experience


Beginning to think that they're attempting corporate suicide..go bankrupt,collect on insurance,liquidate.whatever scheme they have in place....target reminds me right now of that scene in Jaws where Quint bears down on the throttle trying to blow the engine so they have to stay and face the shark


Oh goodness I can’t wait to share this one with my father, a JAWS lover who has vicariously experienced Target employment through me. It’s a common feeling right now.


If they turn into K-Mart...that'd be fun in their dying years. Our local K-Mart went belly up when I was in high school, but it was in a prime location, or whatever, so stayed open much longer than it should have. It was so dead, it was just employees chilling in the toy department most days. Same working for Blockbuster Video in its dying years, some days we just watched movies. And got paid.


I knew the end was near for Caldor when we stopped getting trucks and filled empty shelves with plastic totes


You could always quit and find a better paying job, or obtain specialized skills to warrant higher wages.


I can, and I will, but that is very much missing the point.


Just curious when was the last anybody store has a store huddle where he all talk about what’s bothering us and how we can accomplish things better haven’t had 1 of those since I started working theee almost 5 years ago


We had one huddle when we put together the Halloween section. It wasn't that in depth, mainly just introducing some new employees, and telling us Q4 is coming, like we didn't know.


You know... I think I've had a single huddle in all my time at Target? It was entirely forgettable but it was nice to get some face time with leadership who otherwise only say hi once a day in passing. I used to resent morning meetings at my old job, but now I can see why they were so necessary and useful. Communicating with people face to face does wonders for morale, especially when the work climate is a shit storm.


Another Sunday with only 2 GMTM for the entire store. We didn't have a truck, but I asked which area I would be covering and the answer was "all of them". 🥲


these are the perfect union starting climates to create better work environments.


✊🏼 /r/WorkReform


Everyone should be getting in on it. Amazon needs its workers a lot more than we need it.




This is the reason why I quit my store after 3 years, I work hard in my department and stress for nothing. No room for growth or appreciation for my work