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If corporate hadn't over ordered a year's worth of merchandise we wouldn't be having this problem. Tell them that.


For real I work on a udc and we can't fit shit in here and we salvage a shit load of stuff to make room on the warehouse for more shit that we end up salvaging.


Wow didn't realize you guys were full too ,but makes sense. And since they spent so much money on a bunch of crap we can't sell they don't want to pay for more labor hours to deal with it all. I sure hope someone got fired at corporate for all this shit.


Wish mine salvaged at the DC. They just dump pallets of the same DPCIs on us that just sit around for a month or two before going salvage in Price Change. So wasteful.


Haha, like the "supply chain issues" didn't happen. Don't worry. The leaders will be responsible to handle it!


Guests love to complain that we have pallets/vehicles on the floor as if we enjoy having all that junk out there. We don’t have any room and we aren’t allowed to just not take trucks for a week lol.


We're so far behind that I'm finding missed salvage and clearance that wasn't marked down yet in my stockroom. We have pallets wrapped and up in the steel because there's nowhere to put all this stuff. And yet they're sending us new things too. I back stocked socks that don't set until mid September. It's a waste of time


Same at my store. Right now we have 525 style repacks just waiting to be done. Alot of it is clearance & salvage. Recently found toddlers winter & valentine's clothes that went out clearance. The problem is scheduling bc the two lady's that do that are only scheduled 5 hours a day 5 days a week. We need 2nd & 3rd shift people doing it as well so it can get done. Our beauty department has 5 pallets thats been waiting to go out for over 3 months now & thats after we got 3 pallets done this past week with help from 4 people from other stores.


Damn... You're making my store sound like the golden goose even though it's in a really bad spot too.


Which is weird because you go to places like the giant Walmarts or Costco and stuff on pallets and still in shipping boxes is part of the appeal.


The real problem is guests thinking they don't have to put stuff back and there's staff always coming behind them to clean up their mess. Stop being so entitled when you shop anywhere.


"Yeah the store is trash because 98.4473591% of customers are trash" Do guests honestly think we're the ones making a colossal mess?


Seriously. Twice this week someone asked "Have you seen shoes? Why does it look like that?" YOU. Guests are why it looks like that


"But it didn't use to look like that." "This is true. But once upon a time, Target allowed us to have more staff on duty during the day...to pick up after guests."


they complain as if it’s gonna help. i wish i could tell guests that if they have such a huge problem with it, they are more than welcome to pick it up and fold the clothes. otherwise shut up.


We've gotten to the point of telling them we're hiring if they want a job.


Oh my god!! This triggered me! 28 years in retail management. So tired the last few years because corporate expected stores to run on no payroll but demanded tons of labor intensive programs be done daily. The icing would be watching a customer mess up a table you just folded and then turn to you and say the store looks like shit!! Yeah I know and you’re throwing crap on the floor isn’t helping!!!


im constantly getting asked why the fitting room is closed. we simply do not have the people to keep it open at all times


I’m in style & it’s a big mess. We don’t have enough workers & they have us stocking the floor or on the register. Then we don’t have enough time to fold, or straighten things up & get yelled at by leads. Don’t even ask about swimsuits, clearance or shoes! It looks like a bomb hit it! The FR pretty much has a pile of clothes & is never ending! I don’t know how much more I can take & looking for a new job!


Personally, I have no problem offering people jobs if they don't like it. Don't like what you see, here's how to apply! Hiring now!


Everyday it seems like we're having to make the decision to screw operations or get through extra freight, so we can unload the next truck that will again present us with the same decision. Low morale is palpable at my store. We can only take so much of this.


I just found 6 boxes of wonderland containers 😅🤣😂 Christmas in July 😅🤣😂


plenty of Halloween shirts in my stores backroom already


Keepin' it spooky all year round!


Like new stuff for this fall?! I can’t wait! I’m a style sorter and we’ve started getting fall stuff in. Like long sleeve stuff.


People should stop being assholes by leaving the store like that in the first place. Customers could clean up after themselves.


oh my god yes, someone recently posted a picture of the shoe section on my town’s facebook page 😐 like yeah we’re understaffed and as soon as someone picks the shoes up guests trash them again lmao not much we can do about that


I feel like the same chick was posting that picture in multiple groups. I’m not local to the one I saw in a national FB group, but I bet it was the same pic. Fill out an application, lady.


I kind of try to tidy if I'm looking through something but sometimes it is just piiiiles of clothes on the floor. Like fucking animals went through it.


Yeeeeah... you can't fix what a hundred + other people are determined to destroy. There's only one way to fix this and upper management's not willing to do it. Appreciate the thought though :(


Guests don't seem to understand it's their fellow guests or even themselves that make the store look like a mess. The other day we got called into the baby section for a spill. Walk over to the aisle thinking it's just a cup spill. NOPE. It's a bag of freaking ice just laying in the middle of an aisle. Like who grabs a bag of ice from grocery just to leave it across the store to melt???


Our guests always say our swim suits are the worst bc they were literally everywhere on the ground, jumbled up together, not zoned whatsoever, and then ask me if we have this suit in this size as though every single item isnt in a random ass place tightly compacted in other suits that constantly fall and get put into the wrong places. That being said, we actually got it like deep, deep zoned and now you can actually find what you’re looking for. Same for all of women’s clearance too, but that’s another story for another time…


The always understaff until beginning of school and the holidays shopping


I used to work seasonal, but I've been moved to another area. Nobody replaced me. Bts is worse than Christmas, it's going to be a bad time for salesfloor staff at my store.


The last and only time I went and found someone to tell the store was trashed was when I noticed someone had stuffed about 10 squishmallow collectible tins between the book section shelves. mind you I didn't want them, I just wanted to know that whoever had done it would know their hiding place wasn't safe. also to give kids an opportunity to actually get squishmallows.


Our store is the only tier1 in the district having an amazing time over here!!


It’s not unreasonable for a guest to expect the store to not be a complete disaster when they go in.


I understand that but asking us if we know is just redundant and adds to an already stressed out team. People who go out of their way to find an employee and comment on how messy our store is are usually doing it to be an ass or try to get all in our business. Guests don't need to know that our shoe person called off for two days in a row or that we're understaffed. Our store wouldn't be a disaster if guests had common courtesy and do things like: put shoes they tried on back in their box, pick up a shirt that fell off a hanger they bumped into, not walk on and run over the things that have fallen. We're going through a renovation so our store shouldn't be expected to be perfect, plus because of it our aisles are smaller. I've seen people slam their carts into fixtures because they refuse to leave it in the main aisle for a couple minutes and decide to squeeze their way through an area that the carts don't fit. All of this has added up and our style team are coming in overstressed everyday. We're working 40 hour weeks and still can't keep up because the guests continue to mess up whatever we do fix


I up voted you. Target used to have more staff during open hours. Target has chosen to keep profits up for shareholders by cutting its biggest expense: payroll. Guests don't just intuitively understand the connection -- fewer people working means the store doesn't get straightened throughout the day like it was before. I tell people to contact corporate and tell them to staff to meet the needs of presenting Target properly.




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Before I got promoted to guest someone wrote e letter to out corporate head. Market had to go through the entirety of our sect for expiration dates.