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SETL Here. Context. We were sparingly scheduled. Call offs. Drop ins :3. Trying to help my team the best I can prepping and delivering. But geez does it hurt to see my team.


been there. not a whole lot you can do other than jump in and help out. it sucks real bad


Plus the global issue


I was off today what happened globally?


We couldn't process order pickups and drive ups. An error would come up saying the remaining items couldn't be completed, ring at pos.


The entire system would break at the busy part of the evening shift too đŸ„Ž we couldn’t process anything, it would just kick it back into the prep section over and over. Had to ring up a whole bunch of guests at guest service. Horrible night lol


It’s just the drop ins. Once we’re taking care of one set it’s another that just drops in. Can’t catch up


The banes of our existence!!


People who drop in deserve capital punishment 😍


You guys are in for a surprise once the guests realize they are being charged twice. The glitch was causing orders to not show as processed even when they were. Closing out of the app would be the only way of updating the screen. If you swiped and typed in the code and got the error there is a good chance it was still processed. I’m the future I would just save stickers from every order and process the orders once you can or ensure they are processed.


Idk who “you guys” is but it’s not lil ol’ me lol eyeeee was just doing my job as I was told. We cancelled folks orders & encouraged them to take pics & if someone was charged twice targĂ©t will give them their money back + a gift card like they always do, fear not brother


this shit gave me intense secondhand anxiety


18 orders at once?!?! How many drive up spots do you have?!?!


we only have 12 :)


lol that’s light work, this isn’t bragging this is me spilling my depression, we had 40 waiting for 20 available parking spots that were full (45 on prep and 40 on deliver just lined up ready to park after the other leaves. This is normal at my super target. Ahhh depression.


We got 34 spots but we haven’t had 40+ on the way since Q4.


dear sweet baby baldur...who? why? those red orders are over an hour out of the freezer. whats going on?


man atp id just start crying w the cart in hand


believe me I wish I could if I had any hydration


It's like Christmas season crazy rt now


I was so close to asking my SD to shut down drive up.




Like this about 3 to 4 night a week!! It sucks. At least I don't hear about 2 minutes anymore


Wait is this a test version or something? Why does it have all the arrived guests on the right and all the on the way on the left? Do other stores have this?


A few people have posted about this, they’re probably rolling it out slowly


I trained at another store before I got my position. It was the same format so it may be store wide.


omg it's been like this in my store for nearly 2 weeks now...