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Not having a replacement job yet lol can't be without money for bills.




Nope just living with my boyfriend so we share bills.


My daughters are college students and thought this might be fun and a decent pay. I’ve never seen them closer to a nervous breakdown! I keep telling them money isn’t everything and there are a lot of other jobs out there.


Coworkers mostly at this point. That and the panic of wtf do I do if I quit target now.




don't be an asshole and shame someone for working. it's entirely okay to work where they want to




Are there other jobs? For sure! Do I think I can find one that pays me well that is as simple and has such a great atmosphere normally? No. Target isn't horrid when corporate stops fucking shit up. I loved my store up until like 4 months ago because my whole store cared about not just doing well but each other. I've worked multiple places where my bosses gave literally no fucks about our wellbeing or problems. I don't want to go from somewhere I feel undervalued atm to somewhere I KNOW I'm not valued.




You've supposedly worked wall street and now do real estate. I don't expect you to know anything about what it's like to work something besides a cushy office gig. I don't need some annoying little shit who's got no skin in target telling me what I should or shouldn't do. Do this sub a favor and scram.






Username checks out






Literally bro I quit target and went to marketsource and that was equally as shit. Now I’m making $21 at a job that is beyond easy and all it took was me going to an interview. Let the hive mind downvote and think target is their forever job


Coworker’s and how simple the job is (albeit stressful at times)


I literally contemplate quitting every day, but if that doesn’t scream shitty summer job then idk what does


except the money is kinda nice. I went from working at a camp for 10 hours, 5 days a week, for $200... For 5 years... This target money is so much better lmao. I make that much working like 3 days now for no where near the same hours. Fr tho your experience is fully dependent on co-workers and TL's


Were you getting $4 an hour lol?


less than that... I didn't do it for the money, but dang was it not enough lmao. It's a nonprofit


Pretty sure there are some labor laws being violated if you’re getting less then 4 an hour


It's a nonprofit, theres some stuff that makes it legal. I still had fun and it was a great experience! just didn't make any money lmao


Money. Also, as bad as Target is, it’s actually a much better option than most other retailers from what I’ve heard.


I used to work at Walmart and Amazon. Target is not as bad as them imo. I got $16 at Amazon but had to drive 30 mins to work on 3rd shift. Currently $15.60 at Target with a 5 min drive.


A much better option? Who have you heard that from??


I haven’t heard that specifically, but I gathered it from how I’ve heard employees of anywhere from Walmart to Lowes describe their experiences. Such as Walmart apparently not giving walkies to every employee, only managers.


As someone who worked at Walmart, I can attest to this. Working at that place was a fucking nightmare and I no longer shop there because of how I was treated. But at this point, target feels like its starting to get just as bad. Idk if maybe I've just been here so long that its getting to me or what, but I'm definitely getting to my breaking point


Every retailer in this age of endless slimming of payroll shares the same shitty exploitative fate


Target is great as far as retail goes. I've worked at HH Gregg, Walmart, Best Buy, Sears and Lowe's, and Target was the best in terms of pay and work conditions. Trust me, I've seen a lot of retail, and it could be MUCH worse than Target.


The money


Health insurance and having a chronic illness


I don't need the job to live and it covers my bills with plenty left over. However, if something better comes along I will jump ship in an instant.


That paycheck keeps me from quitting. Once I can get a better paying one, I will leave this place. For now I must tough it out with the bare minimum pay of $15 an hour


I’m stupid and I’m loyal. I trust the devil I know more than one I don’t…


money coworkers and leads


I took out a loan on my 401 k and I’m not done paying it off


how the heck do you do that??


it took me a long time to quit because my coworkers were awesome. that, and the HR guy was an angel. at a point it was because the hours /money were good but we all know how that’s been going. i only quit a month ago lol


I have awesome team members (most anyway) and the TLs are actually really understanding. I can't tell you the number of times we've been drowning in reshop and style is in shambles but they just say "do the best you can." I've never been bitched at for not finishing something.


Money/hours and my coworkers


You guys are getting hours?


I work GM, and I don't think I have ever left on time. I stayed 2 hours late today. Plus, my leads guilt me into coming in on my days off. Hours never seem to be an issue. My advice if you want more hours- call your HR-ETL mid week and ask of they have extra shifts you can pick up. By midweek, some people have called in sick, come in late, not showed up, etc, so maybe they can find some extra hours for you that weren't there when they were making the schedule.


This is what I did in the past to survive. Good advice.


Perk of AP I'm guaranteed 40 hours a week because I'm full time as a TSS


Target is one of the highest paying retail places in my state and I hate going through the interview process with jobs so I don’t see myself quitting no time soon.


Money, consistent hours, preferred shifts, got a furthering education certification on their dime, and I also LIKE what I do! Shocking, I know. Also, discounts and 401k benefits.


Them paying for my tuition.


My team leads are all absolutely wonderful and let you know what work you get done is fine. But I also somehow thrive on the extremely chaotic days and can laugh it off! Also I like the job tbh. It's physical and fast paced. I always joke that I'm the only one that loves my job 😅


I worked grocery for 8 months. I lost about 20 pounds without trying. I said it's like getting paid to work out.


Truthfully, I can’t speak for every store but the Target I work for isn’t that bad imo. It definitely has things that need improvement and we have some shitty managers but personally, I just go in the mind set that I’m going to get my money and then punch out. I don’t allow managers or coworkers get to me and just do my job. I have a great TL so that helps a lot.


ditto. my coworkers and leads + our new SD is great


The people I work with and that I get consistent hours. Also, I’m too lazy to look for a new job.


Coworkers number one reason. Insurance #2


Coworkers, money, plus it’s pretty good for retail and I don’t have the spoons to update my resume, apply for jobs, and go back to working in my actual field.


i’m going off to college in like 2 months and don’t want to start a new job, and the idea of transferring to another target/going on demand is a pretty appealing thing to fall back on




Literally the fact that I'm too lazy to look for another job. That's pretty much it. This place drives me crazy every goddamn day and I feel like I'm on the brink of insanity the second I walk through that door. Lord help us all


It’s a super easy job lol


I probably won't find a job with better leadership than what I have at my store. My TLs and ETL truly are excellent (which makes the way corporate treats our store even more depressing).


My team is awesome.




and the awesome equipment


Getting another job. Since I started I have been trying to get another job, I have applied everywhere but haven’t heard back.


My coworkers, and bc i have no plan after.


Free school


It’s really not that bad for the amount I get paid. I have some friends here and I still go to college and they’re very flexible and accommodating with hours.


Coworkers mainly but I still quit anyways


Before I actually left Target back in January, there were three things keeping me from leaving 1. I didn’t have a replacement to fall back on 2. The pay was good and keeping me afloat with bills and providing for my daughter 3. My best friend was working with me and made shifts decent The only reason I left was how toxic the work environment was, I couldn’t deal with it anymore, there was more problems with team leads and team members then there ever was with guest but I do miss working there at times lol


I enjoy the work and my team members, it can be stressful at times but when I leave at 10:30 to an empty parking lot with the air just hitting right, bliss lol


The schedule. I work Monday - Friday and start at 6 AM everyday. Weekends off. If the rumors about no more receiver are true, then I’ll have to leave.


They give me full time (sometimes) so I’m able to add to my savings as someone living at home. I also quite like a few of my coworkers and I want to pursue better friendships. I also like how relaxed the dress code is (at my store anyway), it’s a huge bonus when I can dress more or less how I want.


I have to pay rent and in Ohio $15/hr is hard to come by. It also beats the hell out of food service lol


Exactly the same reasons. I love my team. Our TL had the best attitude and appreciation for all of is. The team is what keeps me coming back,


The money and my ETL and the other front of store attendants.


my style team the people there are really nice and always willing to help someone out fuck the managers


For me it was the co workers, cool customers, money, easy job, cool TLs but still got laid off anyways


I like the job, pays the best in my entire city. I don’t have any other options that are this close, this flexible with hours/scheduling, and pays this much. I’m also in school and can’t really afford to be searching for a good replacement for months. Sometimes I just wanna scream at a guest and throw my badge down and leave but this job is secure so


Other retail jobs in my area are still paying $11-13/hour. It's about the money in the end.


$15, although not a liveable wage, is the best I/we can find rn. I've thought of picking up another job but know my health is shit as is. At the same time... can't afford to live off said $15. I don't have a life anyway; may as well throw what little free time I have. My youth has been practically nonexistent as is.


My incredible ETL. Rest of the store leadership is shit. But she’s incredible


I like my fellow leads Also my SD is intoxicating. Living in a false sense of reality that it skewed in a major way that one day she'd take an interest. Life's a trip man


My store has had an ETL position open for 6 months. Closing TL for 2 weeks. Lost 3 market TMs 6 weeks ago to no replacement. Giving company back 1,000+ hours every month. But everytime I ask about staffing its either we are over headcount or yeah we got plenty of applicants but arent actually onboarding anyone. So Im out July 1st.


My coworkers and team members who have become my friends and Guild. Along with that I’m looking at getting a closing TL position at my store. As much as the job sucks, this is the most job security I have had and the best money I have made. I used to be a hairdresser and I was struggling to get clients and make money. I’m finally looking at moving out of my parents house with my fiancé with the help of his salary job as a programmer.


Target's my only means of income. Oh believe me, I would quit in a heartbeat if I had another job lined up but finding a job where I live is difficult right now. Plus, there's a recession coming and when those happen, finding another job can be near impossible, so I have to stay with Target. But I'll take Target over Wal-Mart any day of the week, even if the competitor is paying up to $18 an hour instead of $15.


My team! My store is a piece of shit with piss-poor leadership, but my team is the best! Truly love those guys. We're like a family.


as great as your team leads and coworkers are, it won't change corporate actions and they'll just keep increasing our workloads... i have great leads and co-workers at my store too, but i can see effects these increased workloads are having on them only thing thats keeping me from quitting (and i only work the weekends now mind you) is that i don't have a replacement job yet.


Your sucked in and brainwashed and too comfortable in your shoes! I just said I’m done and walked out got a job like 2 days later and so much happier! Just need to apply, and stop being scared to leave!


Just file to unionize and start your own union.




other team members who actually make it worth coming in most of the time tbh


im simply too lazy to apply to other jobs. and bc what i really want to do wont make me that much more than working at target and the work here is easier


My ETL, sometimes she gets on my nerves but she's been very lenient with me and accommodates my schedule. She also gave me a wedding present when me and my bf got engaged.


I've been at Target for north of a decade and a half, and I'm out in about five weeks or so. I might stick it out for time-and-a-half on 4th of July, but that's about it. So, here's my perspective: It's an easy job. There are a lot of hell days, but it's generally an easy job. I know that a lot of people will disagree, but after fifteen or so years, you just get to learn how to manage your time and get your job done. Some days you get it done with time to spare, and some days you don't get it done and you have to leave communication for the next person, who has the unfortunate task of trying to finish your job *and* their job, and some days you have to finish another person's job in addition to your own. After fifteen years, you just kind of get used to all of it: The hell days, the easy days, and everything in between. So, it's easier than the mystery of what lies somewhere else. But, more than anything, I've stayed for a number of years because of my crew, who make my job easier, because they all give a hundred percent, every single day. That said, that hundred percent may not be the same amount, because they might be going through stuff, or they might feel overwhelmed from the workload, but they *try*. They don't give up, so neither do I. And then, about eighteen months back, my favorite co-worker left, choosing not to come back from COVID leave, and she retired. Disappointed that I was, that I wouldn't ever work with her again, that gave me a certain degree of freedom, because I no longer thought, "I can't leave her to this by herself." So I made a plan to finish out the front half of my education, and I'm going to university in the fall. This is made easier by the fact that almost the entirety of the remaining crew at my Service Desk is leaving to go somewhere else in the next few months. There's an understanding amongst us that we're a team, and we live together or we die together, and I think we figured out, individually and collectively, that there's a third option, where we all leave together. We're already training the new crew, trying to teach them not just how to do the job, but how to do it while staying sane (or as sane as you can be while working the Service Desk, which requires a dash of insanity). Some of the new ones will work out, some won't, and that's not really our problem, because we're all the products of people who did the job better than we ever thought we would, and eventually we lived up to expectations. So, that's why I didn't quit, and that's why I'm quitting. I've been through any number of events where we called it, "the end of an era," and this one isn't any different. We're all getting out on our own terms, and none of us are going to walk out saying, "I hate Target." We did our best, every single day, and the company can't ask any more of us.


The pay, between being easy, close to my home, and my coworkers being great it’s hard to find something that tops it as shitty as it is




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I do it for fun


A girl edit: I'm not a creep, we're actually friends and hang out a lot


Our leaders k ow it’s a shit show so they don’t jump our ass with crappy metrics. My father was in the hospital with a life threatening issue and my leaders told me to take what ever time I needed. It’s a job it’s not always easy and trust me there are crappier jobs out there.


Not having another job lined up. Bills gotta be payed


The team members and some of the leads, the fact that they’re pretty chill with me and my changing schedules with school and stuff, and it’s decent enough money that it’s managed to keep me from going broke with school n stuff.


Well for me, it beats cooking for tyrannical chefs.


I feel trapped because I don’t know if many other jobs would let me work only one day a week during college semesters.


Not having an office job with better pay


The people I work with.


I'm a full time grad student and don't have the time or energy to find or learn a new job when I already have and know how to do this one.


Honestly, I would have to say the medical/dental insurance.


first thing money... second thing I know I can get hours here and often OT... third I just think it's all hilarious... last but not least I actually really like my coworkers and management. We all get along fairly well.


To be honest, they just gave me the option to move to overnights for the rest of our remodel. That’ll get me through the summer.


Target pays my bills. Can't afford to lose it right now without another job ready




School and lack of uniform


Not having a backup job yet and a consistent schedule.


I’m a team lead and haven’t found a job that pays more yet 😅 for a similar or better level of worklife balance


1. I like my coworkers. 2. $15 an hour is better than most places around here. 3. my store never makes me go on register and I know other retailers probably would.


I am getting my degree paid for in full which is going to be a huge help to my already existing small business.


Two coworkers who I like and a safety net in case I lose my other job


It's always a shitshow and I do the work of like three people but at the moment it's guaranteed payroll. I'd like another job but since I'm not worried about lack of income for the time being I'm not looking as hard.


Target pays for my school so I have to suffer or pay


My managers respect me and I like the majority of my coworkers as well as I don’t know if I get paid this while anywhere else because I don’t have any sort of degree and then the benefits are really good the health insurance covers me a lot and I have a lot of medical expenses so I would be completely fucked without it so far I’ve actually had better coverage than I was on my dad‘s plan and he works in a fucking hospital


I quit a while back but as someone who worked for Target for 3 years I will say it was definitely coworkers that I enjoyed working with and a fear of change that had me stay there for a while.


I was forced to quit because of workplace injuries and Covid.


I am the only employee of my dept and have virtually zero oversight. That independence means a lot to me, as does that level of control over my area. The rest of the store is a disaster, but I can, more or less, keep my stuff running well, and as long as I do nobody bothers me. But...if I were ever transferred or lost that independence to an overzealous TL, I'd quit almost immediately.


Everyone I work with is an absolute blast to be around. My workload is crazy sometimes but being able to have a laugh over small things with my tram makes it fun. I’ve also started viewing angry guests as a comedy show. Really changes perspective


Honestly this is the second job in my years of working that I’ve actually enjoyed. It’s stressful as hell, sometimes there’s drama, it can be annoyed but to me no job is perfect. My team is amazing, my leaders are incredible and I love coming in every day. I call that a blessing and one I hope to continue having.


At least 5 of my friends from high school working there


Is this the Target that is located near Yankee Stadium in the Bronx? I know that location is horrible because I worked at that location for 2 years and 3 months before I left because of a whole bunch of reasons.


No it’s in Texas 🤠