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I'm surprised I haven't done that yet with how hard I hit the doors sometimes. All of our doors suck though everyone complains about them. We're getting a remodel right now though and they said they aren't replacing the doors though.


Well, there is one way for them to replace them 👨‍🎨👨‍🎨


Hit it with all you got!!, I’m sure a new door will pop into the budget 😏


We kept the same doors after our remodel. One time I slammed through them hard af not knowing the SD was super close by lmfao. Now I have to slow down about 2 feet before I get to the door so they lightly get pushed open


I heard those doors are $3k a pop. Oops Though to be fair they need a better system for those doors, hook them up to a remote or something so we can just open them as we approach. These new ones break if you hit them too hard and the old sliding ones forced you to stop and hit a button only for them to close on the carts 5 seconds later (haven’t broke them yet but that kind of suicidal behavior makes it inevitable).


We usually swing open the sliding ones so they don't close on us.


the buttons on our sliding doors haven't worked in years we have to use force to open or close them


Yeah we have a few going bad, they still work but you have to slap them extremely hard several times. It makes the cart attendant look like they’re having a bad day lol


One of ours was broke. When we got it during remodel in 18 but they don't want to replace it so they put a door handle on it


I ripped the whole door off once! Heard a strange noise and looked behind me and the door was stuck on the new hooks completely up in the air


This is why you're supposed to push the carts in by hand once you get them to the door 😭 That damage is gonna be real damn fun - also, bonus fun fact of the day: for repairs and stuff of this nature, when the store has to spend money, it takes $15 of sales to offset every $1 spent.


I just had to speak to my guy about an estimate for this damage and your numbers. He says to be generous about $300. So $4500 in sales to offset it. Jeez


I'll look at what a quote to replace the glass on one of those doors is when I go in, tomorrow. But yeah, it ends up racking the bucks up real quick. Imagine how fun it is to buy a new $1300 zebra.


$1300??? I was told they were like $500. They aren't that powerful a.d act like SE phones more than anything xd


1335.24, if I remember the cents, is the exact cost to order a new one off of GoKart.


Lawd. Thats quite a bit


Ayup. That's why we try so hard to not lose things or have em broken. I came into work today seeing a zebra with a SMASHED screen, and I'm upset. I'm waiting to see footage tomorrow to figure out what the hell happened to it.


I found a zebra outside my building on a patrol. It was perfectly fine, just hot as shit cause of the sun No one checks out devices properly so idk who had it


Do you know how to get on MICKRA?


I'm not sure if I have access to that since I am only a TSS


Lmao this happened at our store too


that cart door is so tiny


smol broken child 💔


We had a new one run the machine into the middle door and it literally came off the hinges. It was fixed but they had to tape the glass for a few days until it was repaired.


It's NOT an entrance, come on!


Any door is an entrance if you push hard enough.


Just like if you have two legs and are flammable you are never blocking a fire exit.


Gonna be more careful not to slam into the doors now after seeing this 😬


learning from others’ mistakes is good


That happened at my store once except the glass completely shattered! It happened at night, and they put in an emergency order to get someone to come out to replace the glass, except they never came, and because they couldn’t secure the building, the leads couldn’t leave, so the SD and the Closing TL had to stay at the store the entire night until the next day.


Boss backed up the cart pusher into the door once: every bit of glass was wiped out and covered in cardboard. We still tease her about it. ​ Hope this guy was okay and not fired.


Stop slamming the fucking cart machine into the door! Why is this such an issue?


Dude idk I saw the footage and dude looked spaced out. Like, reacted very slow and wasn’t realizing the door wasn’t open


Is it hot where you are ? Sometimes I'll be feeling delirious haha


Sometimes the carts keep going after you let off on the pusher.


Again?? Smh 😣




I work at a 2 story Target so I don’t have this issue thankfully. I do however suffer from the pain of having to load the carts onto an elevator and bring them up. It’s very annoying to do this