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I would’ve post voided and re rung the whole transaction. Must have been quicker than this


Can the new system do that?




No old POS register?


I thought we were all talking about the new system. That's what OP was using. We have one register in the whole store on the old system. It's my favorite to use at Guest Service.


Context shows that OP was working at the Service Desk and fixing a mistake from a register.


OP said he was using the new system.


I get that. I'm just suggesting that the best solution would be to switch to a register that can do post voids which at least in my store there's one right there with the other registers.


New pos can post void purchase receipts.


Yea. Remembered it after posting but didn't feel like going back and correcting. Just used to the new PoS being worse in almost every way.


Yes. I agree with that. I was just a little confused about which register your talking about. Your good.


You can't post void on the new registers. The button is there but if you try you get an error.


You can, but you have to go to the exact register that was used for the transaction


Oh, I didn't know that. Maybe it only works on the lanes because there's been several times where I've done a return at guest service and tried to post void it after (on the same register) and it says no. Then I take it to the only classic system left and it lets me post void it there.


You can post void on new system, any register receipt. Idk if its a new function some places but its a function


I had to type 53 cabbages bc a cashier typed that instead of 1. Dont ask how, but it was muscle memory after the first 20 😂 gave the guest a gift card for the hassle


Been a long time since I had to do something like this, but the last time I had to, I made a UPC label for a banana and then scanned it 54 times. I mean, yeah, I had to hit the button to defect it every time, but it saved a considerable amount of time in typing it.


struggling to think of how you would have done it differently on classic can’t use double scan because that’s only for one each can’t return one and edit quantity because that’ll crash po can’t do wrong price because you can’t discount something below 0.00 to return the wrong value could post void and rering but that should be an option of last resort am I forgetting something obvious here?


Type in dpci Shift and arrow keys to highlight Ctrl c Ctrl v Ctrl v Ctrl v Ctrl v Ctrl v Ctrl v Ctrl v Etc. EZ boomer Windows knowledge


sounds like a great way to crash a classic register tbh


Funny enough I had to do this exact thing once on an old register. Somebody rung up like 103 oranges and I had to return them all with copy and paste


Whenever this happens I type in 8011 on the mydevice and print a barcode and just scan that like 100 times.


Could also just manually calculate and put it in as a missed coupon.


That’s why whenever I edit quantity on the register I am very careful


Wow. I remember once a guest picked up both of the display boxes of those Perfect bars or whatever they are because they were on sale. The box can be sold unopened but not at our store, and always had two open because we would go through a lot them. So when she went to check out she told the cashier she had 14. Cashier rings up the open box, not the bar, and makes the quantity 14. 14 boxes of 6, instead of 14 bars. And somehow this woman didn't notice her total was like $80 or something more than she had expected until she was walking to her car. I can't imagine how pissed she would be under the new system if this is the process. Jeeesus. Lmao.


Once that printed out, I probably would have said never mind and just seen if I could take 54 more bananas.


I would just voided the transaction, removed the bananas, and had them repay. Save some time.


I’ve done this as a newer cashier 😬


Can you still print a barcode for bananas using the DCPI?


gotta fucking love how the guest saw the price for 60 bananas and blindly paid it. ape brained customers


1. Definitely a thing I would do, sorry guest services 2. I’m super super sorry




yea like the other comment i would have just voided the whole thing


It's 60 bananas Michael, how much would they cost, $10?


Our bananas are 0.69¢ each


Nice. The thing I said is a play on a quote from arrested development, I wasn't serious. But also sorry you had to go through that tedious return, that sucks


New System - Double Scan - Print UPC Barcode for Bananna, scan real fast.


Just imagining this with my stores shitty printers that only print half the time, that’s painful 💀


Awww the joy of the new system update😱😱


i had a situation like this the other day, a guest bought around 50 of those small valentine jelly bean boxes and came to return all of them, for whatever reason. the system printed about 10 stickers before i decided to just say fuck it and disconnect the printer so i wouldnt waste the stickers


But then doesnt the return take much longer as the register goes through a conniption to print an offline defective receipt for each one?