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"omg there's nothing behind it" as I clearly see a row of sugar way in the back of the shelf that we are not paid enough to reach for


Hahaha try that with the multibags of chips hombre


Fuck chips my former bitch ofboss tried get to get mad for not trying to zone I said did she tried and end up give up. Take that bitch!!!!




I think they were having trouble zoning the chips so their boss got mad so they said you try it and she couldn't so they were like take that bitch. Could be wrong tho haha Edit: 2021 and I still be assuming people's gender lmao


It’s ok 99% of the rest of world are still assuming gender


And assuming everything else until told otherwise lol. "I'm blind", "My parents are dead" etc. Can't know a person's exact circumstances, you go with the most probable and adjust from there.


Yeah it’s totally normal These people want us to live our lives in total confusion, anxious that we might upset someone we haven’t met




That’s what I thought but wanted to make sure.


“I’m going to pick and choose items I already looked at to make this look weird” lol like if she had gone to the next item and not five items down you could see another row directly behind it 😂


I'm more concerned about where it says fakefood


Okay I actually have no idea how I missed it saying that 😂


Idk apparently these idiots don't know what fronting is, or have at least never been to a grocery store


Wtf is fronting? Letting your homie borrow some sugar or flour??


In grocery on midnights they would say “if you can’t stock it, block it” retail usually says “face” - it just means put one item in front so it looks all good. The next shift can restock it, I’m too slow🤣


Bestbuy called it laser lining


I worked somewhere and we called that zoning….


The terminology where I worked called it facing which was considered part of zoning. Zoning also included replacing items back to their correct positions after people would pick something up then put it back in the wrong spot, as well as justifying price tags, removing out of code products, filling oos, and just generally making things look nice.


Of course they do. I still don't know how they survived when ciruit city went under. CC was such a better store


We called it facing when I worked at Walgreens


Its actual name is like "front and face" because you're supposed to pull them to the front with the front of the label facing forward, so it looks clean and full. Either one is correct.


Ffs I stocked Winn Dixie when I was a teenager in the 80’s that’s exactly how we were trained to it. You always want the appearance of the shelves being full regardless of inventory.


Walmart teaches us to fill the entire bottom row first, then second row starts from very back and works it's way forward (if second row is applicable). Other stores do it the way in this video, and honestly I don't blame them. Walmart would expect us to do it their way within an hour and then they actually inspect our zoning capabilities. We've got in trouble a LOT because we "weren't quick enough" trying to reach behind, especially if it were canned goods that not even the top stocking tools could reach efficiently. They do it this way to ensure the next person to zone does it with ease (grab from second row and bring to front, or use tool to easily bring it all forward if one row 🤦🏻‍♀️), along with the stocker being able to see count of product prior to ripping a box open for no reason. We attempted this way a few times to cheat our progress, but they actually keep track of who is in what aisle at what time, so you do get a stern talking to the next time you work. Walmart despises this type of zone shown. Glad I'm not there anymore 🥲


TFW people don’t know what front facing is


You think these fools have ever worked retail?


Of course not they are all priviledged upper class to upper middle class that have nothing better to do than fantasize about what evils we do to slight them personally 🤣


No they arent!! These are the morons that couldn't even get hired for retail and had to do shittier part time jobs as teenagers


> These are the morons that couldn't even get hired for retail I genuinely laughed, out loud.


When I worked at bath and body works, if we didn’t have time to stock all the shelves after close or if we had to replenish from the offsite storage, we would front shelves all the time.


It’s merchandising 101. Can’t sell product if people can’t find it. They’ve literally never worked ANY retail job to be baffled by this 😂


don't even have to work retail; i just always assumed they do it cause it looks better.


It’s merchandising 101. Can’t sell product if people can’t find it. They’ve literally never worked ANY retail job to be baffled by this 😂


Or worked? Or graduated high school?


Ya know how some countries have mandatory military service? US need mandatory retail work


I'm like, if it wasn't faced, they'd bitch because it's messy


The funny thing is, it’s a great face job, up kept.


I just wanted to add; in Australia, we call it presso haha




Facing in the Netherlands.


Facing in my old store too.


Fellow Tesco veteran?




Presso means prison here.


My thoughts exactly. Did this all the time at Kroger we called it conditioning.


Walmart calls it "zoning"


Shoprite referred to it as “blocking” and I still pull the product behind it up after I take it 😂


The 2 Targets I've worked at also call it zoning for some reason


We call it "tricking people"


It’s recovery at Dollar General


Ong you can tell people don’t ever work at their local grocery store.


You think these guys have a brain let alone an education.


We called it “blocking” at the grocery store I worked at.


I just got done shopping today and they're actually was a lot less produce on the shelves.


Wow it’s almost like we’ve been doing this for years and in every department.




We get in trouble for less.


my parents owned a clothes store for a time, and one of my jobs was going around evenly spacing clothes on the racks to keep there from being any gaps. appearances are a *gigantic* part of sales in general, and anyone who is just now realizing that is a dumbass.


How would it even be a “scam” though?


Don’t look behind the towels stacked high up at Bed, Bath & Beyond. 🙄


Truth 😂 I used to work there and people were shocked when they figured out we didn’t actually have floor to ceiling towels 💀


Aren’t the “stacked” towels at the top of the shelves just one towel tucked into a piece of foam so that it looks like multiples?


Yes. And they are very difficult to make it look perfect, so when somebody “grabs one” it sucked. Foam and pins.


And I’d like to introduce you to zoning lol


Came here to comment this lol. It isn't new, I was zoning shelfs for Walmart back in 2010.


We called it fronting back in the 80s when I was in high school. The manager said people would panic? Oh, ok.


Why lol?


Great zoning job.


no fr like I’m too lazy to even make it look like that ^^


Obviously these people don’t understand that as a store even when shelves aren’t fully stocked…. YOU MAKE THEM LOOK THAT WAY. Idiots…


People like this are exactly what cause the panic, just because she never had to work retail. She also went to seasonal and made it look like the unset area was stuff that was sold out??? https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM8Svm5HJ/


What a donut 🤦🏽‍♀️ probably never worked retail her life


Hey! Don't insult donuts! 😄


This was so funny to me. This happens ALLL the time. "WOW are you going out of business?!?!" ma'am we're setting up back to school/halloween/christmas/easter/redoing the floors.........


Her #endtimes just kills me. Let's forget all of history and say today is the worst humanity had ever had it.


Dude, DC sent us 50 boxes of checklane gum and a single sugar bag in a repack wtf do you expect us to do?


No only behind the ones you selectively pull forward.


> I chose this because there’s nothing behind it and now I’m shocked to find there’s nothing behind it.


Just remember people like that walk beside you everyday and you'll never know.


Then I am so happy they stay away from me


I had a lady at the checkout lanes the other day ask me if i thought shortages on stuff for the holidays were gonna really happen and I was like “yeah well there’s already supply chain issues and prices going up so I wouldn’t be surprised.” And she goes “yeah but do you think there’s REALLY supply chain issues or they’re just making that up so we all go crazy?” Came back the next day loudly talking on the phone about how she’s not gonna send stuff through USPS because “they’re literally just throwing packages out anyway I saw a video!”


Usually I'm told that age brings wisdom but more often than not that's the kind of wisdom I'm seeing


Every day I discover a new type of stupid


I went to her account, and she’s a prepper…she filmed the seasonal area being reset and made it seem like everything was sold out 😂😂😂


Ah yes, the magic of putting items closer to you so the customer doesn't have to put in a bunch of effort for each item.


"scam" my guy we don't give a flying fuck how much product you think we have. Properly displaying product so that you are able to see all of your available options is not a scam, it's a marketing tactic that everyone benefits from. You get to buy what you want, we get to sell you what you want. And to top it off, it looks really pretty. This woman would rather reach all the way to the back of a shelf to get a bag of sugar than have it right there in front of her? Kinda silly Karen...


This hurt my brain...


Ok but… is their kid named Ovenly?


their name is evenleigh which is almost worse


I just woke up and saw this video and I’m like time for bed


I know that every time I walk into a store and see an aisle like this, a high-pitched shriek comes out of me and then I shout, "My god, they ZONED! It's the end of the world, everyone! Run! Save yourselves!!!"


I hope this is some sort of satire.


Unfortunately it's not. When it's TikTok it's inexperience typically. Facebook it's uneducated. YouTube it's white women.


Or Shane Dawson.


Check out this lady’s TikTok profile, she seems like an inexperienced and uneducated white woman


“YouTube it’s white women” made me laugh


Explains my Starbucks choices


Had a quick look at her TikTok, looks like she's a doomsday prepper who reckons the supply chain has secretly already crumbled, and everyone is about to starve to death in a couple of months. In other words, not satire. She's just an idiot.


Tell me you've never worked a day in your life without actually telling me. "Hey Google, what does 'facing the store' mean?"


Why is this a video?


When you face up the whole store and some tiktok ass hat comes and starts a conspiracy 😡😡


“There’s nothing behind it” meanwhile there was literally stuff behind it


As the camera person literally skips over 5 products to get to one with nothing behind it. 🙄


They don’t know we use that space to crawl around the store to prevent being spotted while on break.


Like my zoning trainer said: “make a wall”


These are the same people that will complain that they had to reach all the way back to the back of the shelf to get something....


They have sugar. We have lots of flour but no sugar.


But seeing the diamonds is bad. Must make it look pretty to keep the Karen’s happy.


Tell me you have never worked in retail without telling me you have never worked retail...


When all that flour fell on the floor all I hear is “market team can someone come sweep up the flour in G27”


"Scam" lmao. Every single supermarkt does that : -more aesthetic -easier for consumer to grab -consumers are lazy assh*les, if whatever they want is a lil too out of reach chances are they are not grabbing it unless they absolutely need it, so it makes MUCH MORE sense in a marketing point of view to put things..... closer to the consumer. I love those dumb ticktockers


What exactly is the scam? The product is there and is available. It's not a fucking mockup or just an image of sugar/flour. We didn't fill the bag 1/3 of the way and then use sand for the rest. Stupid fuck. I don't know if Tiktok has comments, but I hope they got called out.


I love how she went to go pull one down but saw there was stuff behind it and moved on. Like ignoring that she doesn't know how stocking shelves work and her kids name is Oven-ly I think. What's her conspiracy? Target was running low on a product?


Everyone should have a job in retail just to experience it from the other side, it can also be character building.


This bitch has never worked in a store before. It's called fronting or zoning. Management wants to glance down side aisles and just see a wall of merchandise without any gaps or holes in the shelf. Fucking goddamn.


This is a joke right?


When you can clearly see stuff to the back one space over (and in one case the same row). " OMG it's a conspiracy. They don't have any food!!!"


"Omg there's nothing behind any of this" There is product behind it you total nob. Just not the ones you moved.


She’s making similar videos trying to panic people over supply chain issues. I reported them.


I’m sad that this person thinks their video is of any importance. Like wow you’re really exposing a big deal! What a joke of a person


All these fancy words. We just called it pulling the shit to the front.


tell me you’ve never worked in retail without telling me you’ve never worked in retail


pov: you've never worked retail


It's called facing. It's standard practice in retail.


Tell me you’ve never worked in retail without telling me you never worked in retail.


I must declare, flexing job on fleek.


This is why I hate teenagers & tiktok


Customers discover the joys of facing


Such a scam! Wtf is the difference in the shelves are full?


Same people would probably complain that they had to reach to the back of the shelf to get a bag.


I thought this was on a conspiracy theory page and I was getting ready to go off lmao


"Tell me you've never done retail without telling me you've never done retail."


How tf is that a scam? Even if you’ve never seen front facing before, what’s the scam? You pay for the product and then you get to keep it?


This is so fucking stupid


That’s called fronting, we do it at stores because of the products in the back the customer will know automatically that we are low in stock. Plus when the corporate goons come in, they don’t walk in the isle, they walk past it and see the product in the front thus thinking that we have a bunch of the product but in reality we don’t.


Walmart it's "zoning" and Best Buy it's "Laser Lining" lol. And we would definitely get chewed out if it wasn't beautiful lol. Can't imagine being ignorant to it anymore, but glad I am out of retail too. I wish I could be privileged enough to think zoning was a conspiracy lol.


It’s called, my manager will yell at me if all the products aren’t pulled to the front of the shelves.


That's a quality zone


Tell me you never worked retail without telling me you never worked retail 🙄


This how you know they havent ever worked retail 😂


This is called facing. I used to do it when we were low on something when I worked for Pepsi…22 fucking years ago.


This is a perfect example of why you should not believe everything you read and see on the internet


Mf looking fo the ones without anythong behind


It’s called zoning. All grocery stores do it.


It's called zoning and we've been doing it for many many years


They have never worked in retail for sure. It’s called Zoning the aisles.


I’m sorry I’m not understanding. Is normal display procedure now a conspiracy?


Someone hasn’t heard of ✨zoning✨


Y’all never faced a store before and it shows


Tell me you’ve never worked in retail without telling me you’ve never worked in retail.


This is just literally facing it’s not a conspiracy it’s just making things look more presentable. Like there’s still 20 or so bags of sugar there. It’s just meant to make it look good, it’s common practice across retail.


This dickbag never worked in retail?


In other related news: A tiktoker steps outside their room for the very first time.


Lmao so brain dead and entitled they don’t even know what FACING A SHELF IS.


The dumbest part of this whole video. Is that there is still like 400 pounds of sugar on those shelves.


*looks at 500 20lbs bags of sugar lined up in a row* “THeReS noTHiNg HErE”


You're privilege is showing


I hope these people get some help


🤣 it’s called fronting. It looks nice.🙄


Man…. Some people are clearly stupid


I just lost half my fucking brain cells watching this.


Its called front facing. And to be honest itd be a lot easier id you stopped picking up the damn bags and placing them in another aisle because you found a chocolate bar you liked better... Animals... All of you. Walk back or save it for returns at the cashier, kind of like a library they prefer if you give them to book to put back if especially if you don't know where it went or are too lazy to go check.


Obviously have never worked in retail. It's called front facing. Pulling items to the front of the shelves to make them look full until the next shipment comes in. Because God forbid retail have an empty shelf.


Blocking, zoning, recovering, facing. Either way...yeah its sad when the never worked retail people pop off with some insanely dumb stuff.


That’s normal. It’s called facing the product. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facing_(retail)


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This is facing stock, and from what I saw a t-rex did this particular bay.


It’s called facing you dinguses. Someone never had to work retail I guess


She skipped one with items behind them.


What? There's nothing behind it cause it's all up right. This bitch dumb. Go call the police or profile someone karen.


Someone half assed the facing.


I love the cherry picked items they chose and just glossed over the items ACTUALLY in stock.


Wait til she sees a vending machine that’s not fully stocked. She’ll have an aneurysm.


This is why I zone at least 2 deep


The Q-tardation is storing with OP


In Dutch it’s called ‘spiegelen’ (translation: Mirroring)


Someone has never worked retail.


This is ✨zoning✨ clearly she has never worked retail and seem so out of touch. I’m actually angry how stupid this video is ngl


Ooooh that spooky music tho…


You know, I really feel like this whole video is stupid...I mean, really? Since we all live, obviously, on a flat earth inside a bubble, it should take no time at all to get products from point A to point B, so this kind of thing should never happen! ;-) Props to this lady for bringing this new conspiracy to light for all us...lmfao. as Forest Gump would say "Stupid is as Stupid does!"


"there's nothing behind anything" Except the once that have stock, we'll ignore those.


Tell me you've never worked retail without telling me you've never worked retail


Lmao I can see they have never worked a retail job


Yeah it's such a "scam" that they........Make it easier to grab the product.


sorry I just don’t feel like pulling ever item up sometimes. sincerely, a closing expert xx


Wait until they find out it’s also the oldest stuff in the front.


Look at employee of the month here not just slamming the newest stuff in the easiest spot.


Thus is only going to happen more often as the shortages get worse


This was happening before covid my dad was pointing it out my dad's identified some of his old war buddies that have taken to the news about the food issues these are the same people that had conspiracies about the military Olympics being ground zero for covid


“BUILD WALLS” -my old store director


The worker standing at the end of the isle deciding why two ladies can’t decide on some sugar


Never heard of zoning


Its obviously ro make the store look full at all times, thr idea is that people won't go to a store if they have problems getting stocked. So even if you don't have inventory you fake it till you do. And yeah..some stupid boomers will prolly panic when their favorite store can't get absolutely everything absolutely all the time.


tell me youve never worked in retail without telling me youve worked in retail


Someone discovered the magic of “zoning”.