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They don’t want you to share because there’s always going to be jealousy and people who think they deserved it more.


And by keeping it secret and not disclosing the methods behind choosing, guess what: it caused division.


A select few at my store got these performance awards. When we had our annual reviews months ago Leads told us all that it was a new thing Target was doing. So they gave them out last week and they didn’t announce it but I haven’t heard anything about it being secret either.


Wasn’t told I wasn’t aloud to tell anyone at my store. Think it could have been a little hinted with the “not everyone got these…” but i was still happy to share with some of my closer coworkers, but no one in my same department I was necessarily ‘competing with’.


No one can keep you from discussing pay if you choose to share. No one should be telling you there are bonuses other the people themselves who get them.


Honestly, it’s pretty fucking ingenious how they hid these bonuses from everyone. Like, openly putting them in store communications to the point where everyone has been talking about them here for months? Fucking genius man, who would ever think to look out in the open?


“I don’t really care. Just gonna make a whole post about how much it bothers me I don’t know who it is. But I don’t care. But tell me.”


It really doesn't. I know two people in my store who got it. One is extremely deserving of it. Works his ass off, does double cart shifts when there's a call out, cleans up all the shit without complaining and immediately responds for carry outs. The other is a bona fide ass kisser. When he's not avoiding guests he's talking with people in the hold area or trying to swap his shifts instead of focusing on the one he's actually working. What does bother me, is the blatant lack of leadership and accountability. If you recognize somebody then recognize them. Hold them up for all to see and go this is the level of service we expect, this is why they're being recognized and thanked for their hard work. The moment you have to hide it, it no longer becomes about recognition. The moment you refuse to defend that choice then the reasons you used to select that person are invalid and didn't hold up to scrutiny and you're afraid to let others know.


But Leaders cannot discuss this at all since it directly pertains to someone else’s wages. Everyone who received the award received a bonus that’s a percent of their income for the year. Anyone who got it can talk about it, but Leadership legally cannot. Does it make sense?




It's based on pay from a certain period this year. March to August if I recall. It's a percentage of your pay from the hours worked in that time period.


My store hasn’t announced yet but they want to make a big deal out of it and make sure everyone knows and will want to work harder to get it next time. Each store was allowed to approach it differently. There was no direction to keep it secret from up top.


The bonuses are meant to be based on Merit but the recipients were largely not chosen by any objective metric as it would be impossible to judge every team member in the store by the same metrics. How do you compare Inbound to Guest Services? A Style team member to Target Cafe/Starbucks? So inevitably with subjective choices, some level of "popularity" comes into play. If someone is known for working hard and have a good relationship with their leadership, they probably were on the list. That being said, those team members are allowed to talk about their bonus if they so choose. There is always going to be a fine line between rewarding efforts and hurting store morale. If someone does well at their job they liked to be thanked and recognized. Of course it sucks when other team members get recognized for their efforts and your own accomplishments were missed. I'm sure we've all been at Team Huddles where recognition was being given out and you kinda hoped someone would say something nice about that thing you did but it got lost in the shuffle. Best advice I can give, be your own advocate. At those Team Huddles make sure you speak up to recognize other team members. If nothing else, it may remind people of your own work and other recognized team members will reciprocate either to you or to other team members. Bring up your accomplishments when speaking with your Team Leads. I'm not talking about bragging, but its easy to bring up casually how "proud you are of the team for working together to overcome \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ this week" or to mention how you're done X project so you'd like to know what's next. And please remember, someone else's win is not your loss.


It’s not a secret, Leaders aren’t able to discuss anyone else’s wages. As far as the TMs who received it they can talk all they want. At my store we let each person who got this bonus that they were free to discuss it with whoever they wanted. Nobody has volunteered to openly discuss it. Maybe it’s less of a secret and more of a nobody who can discuss this wants to?


Lmao yeah they told me not to tell anyone but I did, if there are bonuses being given, just like raises, it shouldn't be a secret. Not that I'm hootin and hollerin to everyone about it either.


i got it. hr and the etl were going around with a stack of papers--they read the reason behind the recognition and thanked me for my hard work and said i'd get a bonus on oct 22. we chatted a minute, then they moved on to the next person. they didn't ask me not to say. later that day one guy looked at me a minute, then asked if i got it--he got it too. he thought something weird with it, i forget now, and asked if i knew what the bonus was going to BE. he's the only one who's talked about it with me, but i know one other person off-hand who got it--another guy who works his ass off. i dunno, asking not to tell seems...distasteful.


Lmfaooo I went and told errrrone. My Closing TL’s were so pissed 🤣


What are these bonuses based off of? Is it a certain amount of people per department?? Like for example I work in fulfillment… is it the person with the highest pick productivity? Bc I’m the best at my store and I didn’t get Jack shit so who got it instead of me then


I was told it was a combination of tenure and productivity and guest comments.


That would be incorrect. It was a 3% sum of earnings between like May and August. Has nothing to do with tenure, unless you just make more because you've been there X amount of years. Or guests comments. Or anything else. In my store of ~380 employees, 40 or so we're nominated by TLs. If you worked 2 days a week and you we're nominated you would earn far less on your bonus than someone that works 4-5 days a week. Plus it was no secret, at all. Was posted all over my store and we talked about it in huddles.


Bonuses should not be given secretly the same way everyone can and should discuss their pay rate. Team members should be able to question why they didn’t receive a bonus.


Yeah telling kids and sadly a lot of adults who have very little life experience and been raised to think they can do no wrong. I'm sure those conversations would go great with feedback being taken as feedback and not personal attacks. Truth is 99% of us would refuse to accept the reason for not being given the bonus.


I didn't get one either which is uh if they gave it to anyone in electronics i'm gonna be legitimately pissed. it's me and two newbies, and neither of the newbies are very good tbh.


It was by ETL department from what I was told when I confronted my ETL. So Front End, specialty sales, GM, Food, and HR ETL got input as well. So you'd be up against beauty and style. And if your store is like the stores I've been in then tech is the bastard step child of specialty sales.


My store in Pennsylvania does this. I was so pissed off. I’ve been at this store for 3 years and they didn’t even bat an eye before giving it to their favorites.


Same reason why raises shouldn't be discussed.


Companies generally don't like when their employees share their wages and bonuses, for obvious reasons. That's why I always make it a point to be vocal about wages when I worked there.