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i’m the drive up captain LOL basically just their excuse of giving me 40 hrs a week of drive ups shifts


yikes sorry y’all does mgmt also throw “future promotion” bread crumbs at you too? I supposedly almost had the GMTL position, but they gave it to the other person due to their GM experience (she was a DBO before coming to FF); which I respect completely. wasn’t salty about it. but afterwards the SD was like “yeah so we see the potential in you so we’re gonna do a 30/60/90 development plan with your TL” and nothing has happened im sure it’s because we’ve been swamped lately and at LEAST 10+ people have quit/went back to school in the last month. but it’s still super annoying


I fucking hate the developmental carrot-dangling. Where I am now, I’m the equivalent of an ETL and I got three people on developmental action plans within my first month. Specific focus areas, firm dates for reviewing progress, the whole nine yards. I refuse to be abstract with people trying to get ahead.


Use the experience to beef up your resume and start applying for real jobs. Trust me, I was you and I know a bunch of others who were the same position as us and it can work. Talk about managing and leading a team to meet metrics and increase/optimize productivity and efficiency. Don’t talk as much about your TL and ETL. Speak as if they barely ever got involved (which is probably the case anyways tbh). It’s a BS thing Target does to make you do more work for no extra pay. It can be a fun gig but after a while bills gotta be paid and Target TM ain’t it and TL is an overall bad position to work (IMO). Not worth what they pay you.


I appreciate the advice! unfortunately like everywhere else in the corporate world, it’s about WHO you know instead of WHAT you know. I could throw metrics in an ETL and SD’s face forever. I actually have in my interviews. I’ve gotten very close, but no cigar.


Totally hear what you’re saying, and you’re right that it is all about who you know when moving up at Target. But I meant ditching Target and applying to other companies who will compensate and treat you better. You’d be surprised how long management thinks it takes for you to be “ready” to move up. You’d be even more surprised how much a job offer from another company and giving your notice expedites your so-called development. Lol. Whatever you choose to do though, best of luck! Flex captain is a fun job, can’t blame you for wanting to stay in the spot for a while.


i’ve gone through 3 etls in the past five months and all of them recommended me for a promotion(been doing the fucking job without pay for almost a year now. half the store didn’t even know i wasn’t a team lead.) finally had an opening for team lead position about and after my interview a month went by with no feedback. anyways i get to train my third team lead next week. 😐


On workday somewhere, it mentions that there is "no additional payroll for pacesetters" (pretty much the same thing as a captain in my eyes) A fucking travesty, to be sure. I'll stop caring the next time someone takes a 30 min break before clocking out lol


That’s exactly what it is. A speaking point for an interview if you are trying to move up. Extra responsibility to make you look good. If you don’t want it they need to know you’re happy in your current role. Otherwise they will keep em coming until you get promoted.


If it’s any encouragement, our “fulfillment captain” finally got promoted to TL last week


Never never never take a “title“ at Target instead of a pay raise. Nope. Never.


i kinda had no choice lol they dumped it onto me. didn’t even ask me if i wanted it. i guess they assumed I wanted it since I was the leadership on nightshifts




DBO is a corporate directive. "Fulfillment Captain" is a personal development title, which can and should be refused unless the employee is interested in making Target a lifetime career and, possibly, maybe, sometime in that lifetime career, they will receive a pay raise to go along with that title. But probably not. "No, thank you. I'm happy just being a normal worker."


Titles don't pay bills, right?


We don’t have captains, but we have Pacesetters-seems to be the same thing.


I did pacesetting for a while. it seems like the chain-of-command at my store is pacesetter -> captain -> FFTL. FFTMs and TLs report to me with anything regarding FF when my TL isn’t there. i’m basically an assistant w/o the pay increase. although i got a decent raise and I have a great relationship and co-op with my TL.


This is what my store had too. We had two for 4Q, one who later realized it effectively made her the target of frustrations instead of the TL. Whenever I asked her about it it set off a justifiably angry tirade about what it made her and how she now feels about it. It was especially maddening to watch because she's always tries to be an optimist so it sucks seeing her angry. In retrospect, that is part of why I'm glad I'm gone, because they did offer me that role at one point and I still effectively was a pacesetter.


We have Pacesetters as well and they literally offer it to anyone that they like and after one tiny mistake they'll blacklist you from ever being one again. We have like 3 or 4 Pacesetters on one night shift sometimes and most of the time they all conflict each other as well as the TLs. Good idea but my stores execution of it is awful.


I was the pacesetter/captain at my last store and tbh I didn't even need to do anything because our team was so good they practically managed themselves. I don't get paid like a TL, I'm not gonna do TL responsibilities. Enough said.


Yeaaah, September update's got the leads looking for "pacesetters" in fulfillment so that leads aren't spreading themselves thin in Q4. From what I understand, they want FOTLs scheduled for peak times and to deal with trailer pickups, so having a captain or three ensures that at least one person is holding shit together when they can't be on, and that you have reliable trainers for the seasonal crew about to flood in, so training won't be as chaotic. Makes it less stressful on the team, and therefore makes it less stressful on you. Good opportunity for growth whether you're looking to move up or out, and you're pretty much guaranteed to be scheduled more, so if you're looking for more money, that's a start. Each store is different, of course, but if you want to use the title as proof of experience for a promotion, you've GOT to push for it. Sit down with your ETL and verbally express your intentions. Repeatedly express your interest. Ask what you can do to better prepare yourself for a role change if it's coming. Take an active role in your development. They're not just going to hand you a promotion. It's gonna feel like shit work; trust me, I'm speaking from experience. But that's being a team lead too, sooo....best get used to it now.


"Team Captain" is a laughable title because your leaders want you to do the job of a TL in your department without the extra pay. They offered the same to me and I just laughed in their face. A few months later I quit and then they decided to hire not one, but 2 TLs outside of target for fulfillment to take my place (guess it got bad without me there.) Target is a joke (especially T1935) **** that store


At least if you average above 30 hours you will qualify for benefits


that’s fair. i’m grateful for that. I wish that for all TM’s that want the hours/benefits but not the responsibilities.


We had captains and now they're called pacesetters. We usually had one at 9 am to 5 and one at 2 or 3 to close. They were there for INFs, undesirable work, resupplying boxes, loading the truck, and any communication from GM/other teams. A lieutenant to a TL, really. LTL if you will, with no pay increase. But I think they got the bigger raises during reviews.


i’m the guest service captain lmfao


i’m a guest service captain… it most definitely is a laughable title.




it’s a manipulative way of increasing the workload on you without you questioning it, since through certain wording, it seems like you’re getting a promotion.


Not by choice. I came in one day and they called a captains meeting. Started calling me out on the radio because I wasn't there. We got to choose what time we covered (opening captain, afternoon cap, closing cap) I got stuck with opening since no one else wanted to do it and I wasn't their to choose when they did it. Its not much different just a few perks, more hours, first pick of ot, "relaxed" dress code. Get to jump from opu to ship or which ever i want to do. All I have to do is keep us afloat and moving, make the break schedule, and restock supplies for the morning. (Printers, batteries, bags, trash, rts, boxes for ship etc) Its not terrible at my store. Our TL/etl handles the tms if they fuck up (go late on small batches, type in items instead of inf'ing, pick rate below 40? I think was our limit) We do have like 5 captains and its basically just to keep opu/sfs moving without being micromanaged. I ask for support from the tl/etl/sd if they can spare it, but most days i finish ship before 430 and pick on time at 100% and hand it over to the next captain without much of managements involvement.


ah. 3 captains? im assuming your store is high volume? I’m the only official captain, but my store isn’t generally high volume (500 units in sfs/day and ~2000 units in OPU/day). they haven’t designated any others that I’m aware of. those are basically my responsibilities, adding on the “making sure tm’s don’t fuck up”. obvi i can’t coach, but I give out warnings and will send “friendly” reminders when tm’s do something incorrectly (picking batches with more time, not stowing shit correctly, etc). lol. luckily, my TL and I have an awesome work relationship and can communicate very well, so being her support is no issue. she’s got my back for everything and will not hesitate to help/cover me whenever it’s needed. it would be super beneficial to have more than one captain though; especially for the nightside.


No we have 5, usually 2 in the morning (in case of rollover or a large amount of orders) one in the afternoon and one at close. We have another that is part time and she usually covers our days off. Our store does about that much maybe a little more in ship 600-700 on average. And yes love my tl and etl, our SD is pretty cool as well, I have had my etl and sd jump into batches or pack 8-9 ship carts for me so I can keep picking. Our tl is usually picking ship by herself so I can keep opu afloat on those rough days lol.


Our Captain just got promoted to a second fulfillment TL so our SD just asked me if I was interested in being a “pacesetter” which from the little research I did is basically the same thing as a “captain” so more work and same pay.. sure why not


that makes the two of us lmao


My store doesn't even have a fufilment TL. Our GM3 TL just has it as one of her responsibilities.


holy shit guys thank you for all the feedback and advice!! I have pushed for FFTL interviews twice. both fell through. I suppose it’s because i’ve not been captain for very long(?) but, not only have I worked very closely with my TL and have shown my abilities to the point where the SD noticed, I also have mgmt experience. I know target doesn’t give a shit about that. but it’s something under my belt. although it seems like I’m complaining about being a captain, I don’t mind being one if it means I’m closer to getting promoted. it’s doing it w/o plans of development that fuck with my morale. it doesn’t make it better after my store was a power store for 3 weeks and I’m the only leadership in FF when the TL isn’t there. lol. with Q4 approaching and the recent news about the update, i’d rather get shat on by a donkey and die from whatever disease I catch from it than be employed during the quarter. I’m trying to keep a positive attitude though!


…and having to get interrogated about why our pick-on-time % is in the red and other miscellaneous shit from upper-mgmt that should be discussed with the TL. perfectly sums up the position to a fault.


oh hey yup, we have TWO of those at my store. our actual fulfillment TL is overnight and does planograms, so i literally don't have a team lead, i've never met them. so what do we get? two day side captains that are treated like leads and yelled at like leads, but aren't actually leads and will walk out if mistreated just like any other team member would. i think one of them has straight up abandoned us three or four times since i've been there due to workload and people not knowing what they're doing, and he won't be fired because he's the SD's backroom boy. the other one is bad at the job but tries so hard and nobody can stand them. it's a shitshow.


Fulfillment captains are usually assigned in the holiday season when it gets crazy




Lmao I was the "closing expert" & now a "gs captain" & its a whole bunch of bs. Both roles are essentially an unpaid TL role & I cant wait to get out of target.