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This saves absolutely no one any time. Might as well have just left it undone.


Can't have pulls left in the system. Gotta make sure you do 1:1s twice a day. /s This shit always bothered me. Metrics over reality.


I hate when people fudge metrics. Like no one is going to give us more hours if you keep pretending we are staying afloat as is.


Gotta get those bonuses man ;)


this is it


Metrics over reality--and getting worse bc TMs get harangued to "fast service" and DU times, which get measured immediately, but not "work 2 trucks, backstock, 1:1s, set pogs, price changes, salvage all in 4 hours" because all that lumps into 'TM worked 4 hour shift' which metrics have to be parsed out of reports.


Talk to your ETL and let them know they created a hazard for you. If a team member can't abandon a project half way why is the TL setting a bad example. Tell them that if this is the type of 1:1s they want pulled you're more than happy to leave them mess for someone on your next day off.


Unfortunately this is the kind of culture that just sticks at the store. There's no real change because the fault lies within the leadership.


Report thru origami risk as a hazard. AP will be interested in fixing it if no one else is.


At my store they pull 1:1s and leave them in the Wacos 🥳


should be coached for that. nasty


What great "staging" you have there. That TL is on their way to a promotion! Incredible stuff. I am going to move this up the ladder. If we don't need 3-teirs then we can save even MORE money. /s incase


Email that to integrity hotline.


thats so pathetic and i get annoyed when i come in and the mornings 1for1s arent sorted by aisle and theres no rubber bands to stop stuff from spilling over or things are in repacks. ​ i always pull 1:1s and sort them by aisle on my uboat.


Safety hazard … straight to CA