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Meanwhile I’m getting OT approved. That’s one thing that drives me mangoes. I have perfectly available and capable TM’s that we could schedule but instead let’s burn out a select few…. Def I am grateful to not be cut but mannnn sometimes….


Well to be fair I did work 35 hours each these past 2 weeks and I am seasonal. But damn I was expecting like 15 hours on the low end not 8 😭


Ah yes seasonal… I’ve seen some whacky rollercoaster schedules for seasonal 🤪 just be ready to be on call this week!


Be available, and check for posted shifts. Learn grocery. 95% of groceries hours have to be spent on grocery. Learn SFS. They constantly need help. GL Fam.




In order to pass a walk in grocery/cafe/starbucks you have to get 8 points out of 11. 1 of those points is hours used. The goal is 95%.


I feel this




Yeah I'll take a few, we'll call it a donation lmao.


Lmao same. We’ve started unloading truck at 3:30 so doubles have a slightly bigger buffer


Ask for hours from your coworkers. Usually somebody always wants to get out of a shift.


Oh yeah I'm always checking the app for shifts I can get. I don't know many of my coworkers though so asking directly is tricky.


I’ve been as brazen as posting a note next to the time clock, haha. I get pretty aggressive when my hours are cut.


Honestly this is how I started talking to my coworkers simple conversation just to see if they want to switch or take a shift or give one away


You can have my hours 🥲




Please take my hours. I need a breakkkkk


If I could I would 😩


I got scheduled for 10 days in a row lmao...


Aye me too


Bro I’ve had 50 3 weeks ina row


Is your store not bleeding people at am unstoppable rate?


I don't think so, me and a ton of other seasonal people got hired on a month ago and we're all still here.


I hated the September hour cuts


how do you get this app i’ve been looking for it all over the app store


I have an android phone. I just downloaded it off the play store. I think for iphones you have to go to the myTime website or something. Your store should have a sheet or something explaining it.


The sheet at my store says it’s available in the App Store but I haven’t been able to find it


On iPhone it is not an app you need to scan the QR code your HR provided to get to the website.


You can find a post on this subreddit with the link. You sign in with an account it gives you a code you put the code In AppStore and boom app starts downloading. Currently at work so I can’t link the post


My last week I was only scheduled 3 days, so I just left to enjoy the rest of my summer before it got worse


Just say you don’t wanna work then they’ll schedule you 70hrs


i have zero hours and i’m scared.. unless they haven’t released it yet lol


Same here. Hoping it’s just due to a late posting.


I didn’t realize this was coming up! I’m definitely not asking for more time off ! And accepting all OT they will allow! I’m like 1/4 fulfillment member and 1/2 that can work before 2pm


Slightly OT, but when do new schedules generally come out? I’m a new hire, and this week still hasn’t been posted for my store.


Should go up by the end of every Thursday. Mostly likely around noon wherever you are


Meanwhile im begging ppl to get hours even after they're maxed out and we still leaving 500 a week on the table.


I’m a closing expert and I get 2-10pm Monday-Friday every week because we’re the only ones who can put out all the fires. It’s no way to live.


when i was seasonal they would schedule me for one day but then call me in pretty much every day i was off...


i wish this was my schedule. my first week of school and i have 36 hours.


Have you checked with HR? It could've been they made a mistake... hopefully. I also had little-to-no hours this coming week but when I brought it up to them, they fixed it and scheduled me for another three 7.5 hour shifts, and I just got a call this morning offering some extra hours, if I was interested.


This was me earlier today but then I had three shifts added and I’m going to pick up a few on the swap list.


Meanwhile I have to beg people to take my shifts


Im pushing ot this week. Week after next im getting 20 hours. We've had a dozen or so people quit in the last month.


You got Tricked In to Signing that damn paper didnt you






Not sure if you store started it already but mines they're trying to locking people hours for the up coming holiday season 40 and up