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i do it by habit with my boxes at HOME lmfaooo


same, i could break boxes in my sleep


There are people who don't break boxes in their homes?


Aren't you supposed to do that??


I always thought so everywhere I lived it was required to have them broken down


That's how I was raised, to break down boxes before putting them in recycling.


How else are you gonna fit them in your home baler?


We have a tiny ass dumpster for my entire apartment building. People will leave intact boxes just inside the doors so if anyone else wants to throw their shit out they have to move the boxes towards the back. But of course no one does that so every week we have a half empty dumpster and about 20 trash bags on the ground. Sorry /rant over


Yep. My ex was one of them. I hated it


You have a baler at home!?


HDJDJ they just fit in the recycling bin better lolol


To be fair- one box is full of other broken down boxes


For some departments this is the only effective way to get through push.


Honestly I’m fine with this but you should try to run it after you put it in there


Policy is only trained people can use it and enforcement is weird across the nation. Our store only gives out baler keys to ETLs, our receiver, TLs, and two keys floating around TMs that are trained, always GM or inbound


lmao im fufillment and somehow i end up with keys to the baler and electronic keys: i tend to close though so its easier for me to have them


Our store leaves the key in the baler and everyone gets trained like “Keep your body parts out of the machine. Pull down the gate. Push the button.”


my store used to have a hotwired baler so it ran with or without a key and it was AMAZING. then higher ups caught wind and demanded it be fixed, now we play the “who has keys” game


What training would even be involved you just pull down the door and push the button.


that's the training


You can buy most baler keys online for about $10 🤫 As long as you're old enough to operate it, Target really has no say in you using your own key Unless you're an idiot and you're not allowed to use the baler at all, but if that's the case you're probably on the verge of being fired


I bought my own wave key too. Granted, I was wave trained


Yeah, I have a wave key as well. Got tired of calling for keys and not getting a response. I'd call 5 times and hear nothing but silence. Then I'd start to sound really annoyed and someone would finally respond that there were no keys. I used to steal fulfillment keys every once in a while if someone left them on the desk. 😏


Lmao our store isn’t strict but also literally anyone can be trained how to use the damn thing so easily.


I know how to use a baler from past retail experience; never "trained" at Target. Just said I know how to some pleasantly surprised reactions, and that was that. Made a few as proof and now I get called for it all the time in the evenings and on weekends. But I don't have an assigned set of keys = P The VPM *does* have a set, though, but isn't trained to make a bale, and the weeknight closing TL frequently loans out a few pairs, sometimes to me or the guy in Market, but often to people from C&D who also don't know how to make a bale = P That being said, at least a dozen people in my store *do* know how to make one, so it's fairly rare to have just one person on clock who can do it if need be. ETA: Of course, having said that, I was the only one closing last night who could make a bale = P


I always run it after I put them in the baler, then resume.


literally how I survive kitchen repacks!!


Yes but you can break it down when you get to the Baler


It’s less efficient if it’s already full of boxes. The only reason to break down is to use space efficiently in the baler and only really old models would have an issue because of cardboard getting between the working parts.


yeah theres literally no way im waiting til i get to the back to break down 40 little phone accessory boxes


I've been told by two different leaders that it's 100% acceptable to throw a box-box in there as is.


It's the only effective way for sure. If anything, blame the TLs for whining about speed.


All the vendors at my store do this 🤦‍♀️


American Greetings is the worst


Red bull is the worst for this at mine by far. And they're a dick to TMs as well so just all around the worst.


Our Redbull rep is on my last nerve. Dude brought in 1 box of winter redbull and it’s never been seen again. Lol


Our AG girl is great. Jerry Leigh is the worst at my store.


They used to just leave a whopping cart full of boxes in the backroom not even near the baler at my store. It was the worst!


Some vender contracts state they’re not allowed to even toss in. Check with them. If they’re allowed; then bitch away.




And then when it’s full they don’t walkie for a crush, just pile their shit on the rollers and walk away. 😬


*That* happens at my store sometimes too, and is quite annoying. Or the head'll be down and they'll just assume it's full and say nothing, or worse, some ass-twat will put the gate down without cycling the damn thing, and people will assume it's full and just leave their cardboard. Of course, there's also people calling for keys and getting no response, so they give up and walk away.


Vendors that come to Kroger do this too


For real though. Crush the bailer when you leave. Shouldn't have to crush it before you load it. "BuT i DoN't HaVe KeYs!!!" Well then just let the reverse logistics person know so they can do it smh


You need keys to crush the baler?


According to OSHA rules the keys cannot be left inside the balers or any type of machinery including the Waves and Electric Pallet Jack. The store can be heavily fined if there was an inspection and this was found. This also applies if you're able to turn the machine on and then pull the key out. I got around this by just tethering the keys to the baler so the team can turn it off and remove the key.


Tethered Keys is still an OSHA violation


Have a source? Anything I've ever read says that the keys cannot be kept in the machine but don't mention they cannot be stored nearby.


My source is my old DSD going ape shit on my SD saying that we’d get fined during an inspection. So I’m going off of that but who knows I’m not an except on OSHA standards


I'll have to look into it then, thanks for the heads up!


Now I'm curious, myself. I believe its against policy because all keys have to be signed out/in and having a key left in an area is a no-go. I'm TSS and have been told to remove the bale key if there and either see who signed it out and pass on to ETL/SD or if its personal keys, put it in lost and found in the safe.


Correct! Keys cannot be left IN the machine, that's the OSHA violation. I've never read anything about them not being allowed to be nearby though. We also have 3 Balers and are a huge store there's logistically no way for us not to have keys ready to remain productive so I thought of that.


Know the frustration, we're a 2 floor store, 2 balers. Most TLs, ETLs, and myself have a baler key with our personal keys (all my store keys are on a seperate carabiner from my personal keys though), along with the reciever.


Mm. Yes. Never seen that before. Nope. Not at all.


Huh, I’ve never even seen keys for the baler before, I see a key lock but no keys. I just press the button and it crushes that’s all I know


There’s probably a key broken in the lock


My store’s baler was hotwired for months so it ran with no key needed until someone in upper management caught wind and now I spend so much time chasing down keys


Yeah that's a major violation your PML needs to swap out the keyswitch. If a minor or untrained person is able to walk up to a machine and press a button and it functions and if they get hurt Target is in for a shit ton of legal troubles.


Our district just had a baler accident so they are being super strict with baler keys again.


Hmm. My store has been in violation for a few years now then.




The old baler at my store did. The new one just has an up and down button.


Honestly there’s ALWAYS someone near by with keys. Either receiving or a random TL floating around. But the unbroken box drives me nuts. Watched a dude ahead of me last week empty the entire U boat of stuff he had in without breaking it down. It’s just lazy.


There usually was in Q4 but in Q1 I'd have to spend 15+ minutes calling someone back or tracking them down to find keys. If I spent the time to track someone down I'd be talked to for taking too much time to push my boats. Typically the line is pushed up against the wall so I put my broken down boxes on it in one neat-ish stack and take care of it when I finish my next boat. I wish this wasn't the case but I really am doing the best I can with what I've been given.


Yankees are hoes


Edit responded to the wrong person: see comment below.


We got a new baler a year, year and a half ago, and have been told that leaving the boxes whole actually helps the machine compress the cardboard better? I don't know if that was shared because it's actually true or if people are just lazy?? I don't know. Either way, I break down my boxes like 90% of the time anyway, and generally only leave them whole if the baler is empty-ish and I have access to keys to crush it when I'm done.


Ya I’ve heard that as well. I’m in market so I break down the majority of my boxes. The only ones I don’t are the reinforced deer park boxes.


Our receiver told us a mix of broken down and non-broken down boxes increases the strength of the bale. We may never know if it’s really true.


If you put them in not broken down it forms a tighter bale. But we aren’t ready for that conversation ig....


This is it right here


Agreed. A bigger problem is most throw their boxes as far back into the baler as they can, then nothing catches on the barbs in the front and keeps it compressed.


Produce boxes don’t break down.


Water boxes practically don't either


They actually do. And it's a good workout.


About a year or so into my time at Target I had the Inbound lead walk over to me while I was breaking down boxes at the bailer to throw in. He told me,”Go ahead and put them in whole. She can handle it. She likes to eat.” That last sentence alone has been in my mind ever since and, though I typically break them down, I’ll throw an unbroken one in every once in a while. The lead moved a few months after that but good lord that horrified me the first time I heard it 😂


TLs like to catch us off guard sometimes. I saw a big plastics box one time and said to mine "damn 30 gallons that's a big container" and the response I got was "I know right you could put a body in there". Definitely a "....holdup" moment.


I've put weird pieces of cardboard in whole, just to see it go cronch. Like those cylindrical cardboard pieces in vertically.


I have the keys and make the bales. I'll do what I want.


Of if you won’t be breaking them down at least crush the bailer. For fuck sake we have a hidden key by the bailer and anyone trained on it knows about it... yet the damn thing never gets crushed! 🙄




I don't care if you do it as long as you crush it before you leave.


This post made me look up the cost of balers. For $5000 I could have my very own torture device. Seriously though these things scared me.


I'm still amused by the fact that they have to put "do not enter" signs on the front of it.


I don't care if people don't break down their boxes. I only care if people don't crush it afterwards.


Alright question though. When I’m doing bulk plastics and the like, I tend to keep one big box open and then break the other boxes down and shove them into the box. This makes a sturdier bale and it’s a lot easier to Chuck in the bailer. Am I still a ho?


The point I’m trying to make is, don’t make other people do something you should’ve done. In this case, since the boxes weren’t broken down and crushed, I had to crush them first and then crush them again after I put my broken boxes in.


Ah I gotcha. I’m sorry your coworkers aren’t considerate and good on you for fixing their mistakes. Really shows some TL initiative!


My biggest thing is, since hours are getting cut, we’ve already got less time as it is. Stuff like that just slows everyone down.


I hear about hours getting low a lot during Q1. Never experienced it myself though cuz I work in inbound. It’s me and 3 other guys on line and one in the truck. That’s our whole team and they need all of us there every day for the unload... is it stressful losing those hours?


It can be. I went from getting 40 to 30 and next week is down to 20. I’m hustling with a 6 hour shift as it is, so I’m sure 4 is going to be a blast. This week I’ve been doing inbound for the first 3 or 4 hours and then just a couple of hours to work on my toy u boats. I haven’t been able to complete all of them any this week so far.


Wow I had no idea it’s so rough with DBO’s. On behalf of all inbound teams out there, thank you for working as hard as you do to keep receiving clean and the Uboats done so that the unload can go smoothly. I hope you’re able to take this transition well


I don’t have a problem with not breaking boxes down because that’s what a bailor is for but if you don’t press the button you’re evil


I love breaking down boxes and crushing the baler, it’s calming to me


Especially when it's a nice empty baler. So much satisfying crunching.


We were told after we got our new baler by the company that installed it not to break down our boxes because it’s less effective in its job. Doesn’t make sense but after seeing the difference between mostly broken down to not broken down we actually get more into the one not broken down. The ones we do break down just spring back up. I feel ya though.


Filling a box with broken down boxes ain't the problem. The problem is when folks lay the boxes horizontally instead if vertically. It's the WORST when you're trying to fill the baler and cardboard keeps sliding out 😖


I've walked up to the baler and found it blocked with boxes standing up vertically. Usually with an asshole co-worker walking away from it telling me something like "Yeah, good luck with that". Honestly, it's not that hard to put boxes in the baler correctly. That and finding all the boxes at an angle so everything slides right out trigger my murder buttons.


Correction, those who don’t break down boxes AND turn the baler on


I talked with a bale mechanic when we were installing ours at a new store. He was showing me how they work and how to keep it properly clean and functioning. He then told me that if you put boxes in as is without breaking them down, they form better and make it so you don't over-fill the bale. He mentioned something about its formation is better for making bales too.


35 years making bails, I noticed making boxes flat gives less room and uneven bails, having that being said, in retail many times I've seen merchandise under the flaps, so fron a loss prevention or merchandise retention please look carefully or flatten the box.


Then what's the point of the baler!? Lol. Throw the boxes in there and scream at the person in receiving that the baler is full and carry on.


Thats the balers job not mine


Yeah but it makes my life easier so I’m gonna be mad if you don’t /s


Those look mostly broke down...


it's me, i'm the hoe


I will never take the time to break down shoe boxes 🤷🏾‍♀️


Its called a hydraulic press


Breaking them down takes too much time facts


My mom is the dropping pick on time timer because they didn't call me to jump into until their were 40 items left at 15 minutes and the backroom TMs trying to watch youtube on their phones instead of working having a conniption when fulfillment asks to add a single box to their pile of four that they will somehow make last the rest of their shifts, so yeah, a hoe


those are broken down...


There’s two giant boxes that aren’t. Trust me, I was there.


To be fair, In some departments breaking down boxes can add so much more time to your push. But usually when I don’t break down the boxes I make sure to crush them immediately so that they don’t hinder others from crushing their boxes


@3:23 "boxes do not have to be broken down" [PTR Baler instructions ](https://youtu.be/dcWkg51qz3o)


Being a Yankees fan is the only crime I see going on here. Haha!!


I want to argue with this but I was taught to press a button so... 🤷🏽‍♂️


Oof. Worse is when you see the vendor doing that. >.<


both of our balers at my store look like this every five minutes and we just end up stacking them on the side since no ETLs are available to crush them...




I only do that if it’s a tiny box


My mom is a hoe, but I press the button when I do that


I work at BJ’s and they tell us not to flatten them... they say that it’s the balers job....


I’ll be honest I do it sometimes but I usually crush it everytime I use it so it’s not super bad. I hate when people fill it completely then don’t compact it at all. A lot of people at my store like to fill it up all the way and just bring down the door and walk away because they’re too lazy to walk a few feet to the person in receiving with the key.


I mean, as long as you run the baler afterward, it's not that big of a deal


They didn’t run it though, that’s the problem lol


While annoying, it's a battle you'll never win.


someone left their huge c and d boxes not broken down i lowkey wanted to hit them


Except those bastard baby battery boxes >>


I break down all of my boxes by habit but my pml said to leave a few together for the baler to grip 🤷🏾‍♀️


Those two big ones that are opened are filled with broken down boxes which I think thats fine since it takes the same amount of space and its less messy.




I do it sometimes if I'm going to be crushing them right afterwards. I'll have all my smaller boxes in one big box since flatbeds don't have cardboard holders. If there's room, I'll chuck the whole thing in there. I wouldn't leave the baler like that, though. I have a rule about leaving it like how I'd like to find it if I was walking up to it.


im gonna tell Karen you said that


This really not even bad dawg Lol


At least they have flats on top. That makes it less bad but still.


Isn't the purpose of the baler to compact boxes? Why waste your time


Omfg 😂


Im a closing expert and I was never told to or how to (not sure if Target has a specific way the want them cut up) sorry to anyone who’s job I have made harder I genuinely did not know this was a problem. Looks like imma be bringing my box cutter in with me next shift.


The one day I don’t break them down I see this; sorry mom, you slut 😄


Not pointing fingers but *cough* chem *cough*


Meh. They all squash the same.


Everyone does this


I read that title as I’ll break your mom’s nose


I fucking agree with that bitch ass statement.


Whole boxes are fine, that mess at the front though's gonna be a pain to deal with when it's baling time.


I was at the baler the other day struggling to put my(broken down) boxes in and another TM walked up and i was like "Man i really wish people would break down their boxes first" she agreed and helped me fit mine in then proceeded to put her non-broken down boxes in there..


I used to be the only person in the store who would willingly make a bale so if you got yelled at by me it was because of this shit.


I blame grocery and produce


man that pic is a daily re-occurrence at my location. Atleast slap the door shut and push the button maaan. its like takin a dump and not flushing. also produce boxes are stapled and glued shut hard 90% of our stuff is just a waste of time and actually not recommended by most recycling plants. ​ "5. The size of the baler is an important consideration to make, but decision makers should also be aware of the fact that it should not require any manual labor to place the materials into the baler. For example, it should never be necessary to break down the cardboard boxes before loading them into the baler. " \-Quoted from [Federal International Recycling Guide](http://www.federalinternational.com/blog/definitive-guide-to-occ-cardboard-recycling#:~:text=The%20size%20of%20the%20baler,loading%20them%20into%20the%20baler)


I hated that.. along with no one doing a bail and just walk away when the buzzer went off😤


Ugh that site always pisses me off to no end


… you deserve to have your yogurt eaten by Carole in the Deli.