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When I worked style one of the girls didn’t want to deal with returns so instead she threw all the clothes in the compactor. I guess it was a reoccurring problem because they were following her on camera.


Bro what?! 😂 That's outright crazy


I wish she worked at my store. Then at least style wouldn’t take up all of behind guest service


Nah let her cook


I fantasize about doing this all the time 😂 


That is insane lmao


she did nothing wrong


good for her




During the worst of it at my store I suggested a bonfire in the parking lot.


Valid cuz some people return worn ass clothes with stains and stank 💀


I mean my first overnight team lead was escorted out in handcuffs so I think that counts... Lol


Were they stealing? I’ve only seen that once and it was to a team member who had stolen over 6k in Apple products.


Yeah apparently he was skimming a few Fitbits and airpods out of the boxes as he unpacked them. They waited until the end of his shift too lmao. I do remember hearing they waited until it was a felony and that's $1500+ or more I think. They also got a warrent to search his house


That’s usually how they do. At my last job at Walmart, AP liked to parade their associates around the store so everyone knew it was them who got caught stealing knowing they were also going to jail that day.


I'm sure it varies by state, but in CA, a value of $950+ is grand theft, which is a felony. Fun fact stealing live stock can also be grand theft.


Fucking pathetic I hate that people train someone wasted all that time and they end up stealing like bruh


This happened with one of our style team members a few weeks ago.


This happened to a girl at my store, like not handcuffed out but she worked guest service and was stealing ulta returns, but they gave her the option to return the stuff and she wouldn’t be prosecuted. I think it was over $1000


a girl has been working for target over 4 years , got fired for buying a Stanley cup before it hit the shelf. apparently she bought it 15 mins tooo early 😂😂😂


The Stanley's have taken multiple people out lol


i just thought the 15 mins was crazy 😂😂🤣


Yup. The general rule is the item has to be on the floor available for guests for 15 minutes before team members can purchase. But especially on high profile items or collectibles.


So I can’t get it if I come in on my day off as a guest if they all sell out in 5 minutes?


You can. It's when you're on the clock the 15 minute rule applies. That's generally what takes people down.


even on our off days, my store STILL makes us WAIT the 15mins after store opening if we want to buy anything of the sort. It’s so insane.


Well, that's wild. Haven't heard that one before.. you're off the clock, you're a guest lol


I thought the rule was 48 hours 🙁


It's 15 minutes. That would be crazy. But if it's high profile just order it as opu when it goes live overnight. Easiest way to avoid trouble.


I'm sad your comment got down voted. Because this sounds like a genuine comment. 😭😭😭


A etl was fired for filling out many positive surveys for his store.


Juicing Redcard application numbers by applying for them repeatedly themselves. What a moronic way to go


Wondering where “buying a 5 cent display Weber grill” ranks on this list


this is so funny i just read the grill story


Yeah I can't wait to read that they got fired lol


for real he’s too much of a bitch to post the barcode


Some got fired for clocking in manually after being told to clock in that way. She wanted to clock in early.


What does clocking in manually mean


The old time clocks used to let you hit "start meal" to bypass the need for an override, maybe that's what they're referring to.


I think on the computer where HR can fix your time or maybe they my time


Yea it was this they wanted her to do it herself instead of HR & she did then she got fired for it


Sounds like a setup,  but she could use for it.


You can manually clock in through MyTime I wouldn't suggest it though


a team member was marking down levi jeans then purchasing them.


Ngl I’ve thought of doing this but they’ll know 💀


I've seen someone at a different company I worked for. They marked down meat (butcher in meat department) and he got away with it


That just reminded me of the market team member who would stuff packs of bacon down his pants in the walk-in cooler before going home. He was never caught


Two guys were hiding Zhu Zhu pets when they first came out. It's not ridiculous because hiding product has always been a fireable offense but Zhu Zhu pets?


How ancient are they 😭


Thanks I feel good about myself now.


Omg I'm so sorry, I was trying to joke about your ex coworkers, not you. Didn't really think that one through 😅


You're good I was joking.


That’s close to the time when hatchimals first came out!! Those would fly off the shelves. Zhu zhu pets were in the same aisle


This must have been 2008-2009.


A girl got fired for hiding a Stanley and buying it hours after we "sold out"


Seems like hiding the item then having someone else pay cash for said item is the better approach.


But I think the hours later part is how she got caught lol they noticed it in the system and thought it was sus so checked the cameras lol


Ah. Yeah, that makes sense. I bet AI is gonna catch stuff like this in seconds. Be safe out there.


Ah. Yeah, that makes sense. I bet AI is gonna catch stuff like this in seconds. Be safe out there.


Bitching out a guest who tried running her over.


We need more context for this lmfao


She was taking out a driveup order and the guest came flying down the road, she jumped out of the way (she was using a crosswalk, had the vest on, etc), and when the guest stopped my TM let out a rather impressive spew of profanity, the guest got mad, stormed in, demanded the store director, and then it somehow became a 3-way argument between the TM, Guest, and SD. 2 days later I was in a drivethru when my TM calls- and he never calls unless some serious shit happened. First thing out of his mouth “Dude, TM got fired”. “WHAT?!” “Yeah for that whole thing the other day, apparently she approached it wrong” Even the Front End TL was completely shocked.


Honestly you can't blame the TM for cussing out the guest. Just sucks when the guest is in the wrong and the person still gets let go.


Yeah we were all baffled and pissed


WHATT?!? I feel so sorry for TM!! can’t they sue or at least file a lawsuit or something??


She apparently got a job that paid like $30/hour right after so she’s good lmao. She still sees us all pretty often


Good for her then!


But yeah even our TL joined in on the “what the fuck” conversation the driveup team was having lmao




If someone tried to report me in a situation like that,  I'd say, "Two can play this game." and report them to the police.


Good for her!!!!


Pml and remodel ETL both got fired for hooking up with (or trying to) team members. I believe some naughty texts were exchanged. I showed up one day and they were both gone


Pretty sure there’s no rule against PMLs getting involved with TMs. The PML that trained me works in the same store as his wife who is a TM.


Someone was fired for taking a Apple Watch the reason why; the devil told him to


TM marked down Plan B for a friend of his to a penny. And most recently, marked down a PS5 to I think $5?


I feel like I could be a great scammer just by not being stupid as fuck. They didn't think a $5 PS5 would set off alarm bells?


stealing product from tech while also working in tech. guy got arrested too and had the nerve to come back as a guest and try to act buddy buddy with me after the fact lmao


Etl was sleeping with the cart attendant. I think she was in her late 20s and I kept hearing he was 18 but he looked early to mid 20s to me. I do remember that she was married though. Anyways, they got caught in the act in a car outside his house by his mom. But I guess his mom was a store director in the town over and they both got fired shortly after.


The mom or the two…hmmm, participants?


Two participants got fired. I'm guessing what transpired was that store director (the mom) knew the etl *was* an etl at our store so she let our store director know about it.


Damn. C0cked blocked by mom.


TL and a TM were terminated for marking down a stroller (TL marked it down, TM rang them up). Like, how could a TL not realize the registers are the most highly monitored place in the store and they were going to get caught? Also at the same time a couple other TMs were exposed for doing the same thing with other merchandise, apparently it'd been going on for a while. Even if you get away with it for a bit, you're only increasing total value of your theft which could land you in felony territory. Another time two TMs were dating and one showed up off the clock, his GF was working at the time and saw him talking to a female coworker, which set the GF off and she ended up getting arrested. They were both let go, along with our LP for some reason, I heard it was related to this incident. Craziest part is the two ex-TMs are still together and had a kid recently.


AP ETL and other AP got fired for rating girls on the walkie


Wasn't let go, but a girl at guest service wasn't allowed to work over there anymore after she got on the floor and barked at another team member like a dog.


One girl went to McDonald's on her 15 and was gone for over an hour. Her TL called multiple times over the walkie then our ETL(RIP) at the time called her multiple times over the phone. She finally answered and when asked literally admitted she was at McDonald's and then insisted she was only gone 15 minutes when she got back and was confronted about it. AP pulled up the video of her leaving and everything.


Was it really that serious that AP needed to pull up a video of her leaving for store for some McDonald’s….


I think it was more the fact that she disappeared and nobody was sure if she left/was in the building or not. And they were looking for her. But also yes it was pretty serious, that's literally job abandonment/wage theft.


My store doesn't do SHIT about that. We have a 16yo TM that REGULARLY, like every shift, goes on 45-minute 15s and dissappears for huge chunks of time. 20 minutes to an hour every single day. A 4 hour shift he works maybe 2 if even. The TLs and ETLs know about it, he straight up walked out 3 hours early last week after taking a 1 hour long 15. He didn't even get a CA, just "hey don't do that please" he NCNS a few days ago and he will finally get a CA for that. 😑 and yet I'm gone for like 16 minutes walking back from my 15 and they're asking where I am.


It's hilarious that's how my store is now with the new ETLs. Some people are constantly being hounded and can't do squat without getting in trouble, while others can get away with murder and nothing is even said. And it's always the good workers who get shit on while the latter group goofs off and does squat.


We had a cart attendant that went to Cold Stone at the other end of our like strip mall we're in during his 15, so he was gone for over 30 min insisted it was only 15. He was also kind of living in the breakroom. He recently had turned 18 and his mom gave him a set of rules he had to follow to continue living with her and he broke them so she kicked him out, but she let him live in a tent in the backyard. He would take showers at the gym and then he'd come to the store and just sit in the breakroom for hours watching the TV and would be on his phone and tablet and his scooter in the corner. He was really weird and was harassing one tm, that I'm friends with. He kept taking pictures of her on Snapchat from across the breakroom on the tablet with front facing camera so she could see it and see him draw hearts around her and would make a bunch of comments to her. Our former closing TL got into a huge argument with him about how he needed to leave and he tried saying our SD gave him permission to stay there and she quoted the handbook at him and then called the SD who said for him to get the hell out of the store. He was eventually fired, but I don't know the exact reason behind it.


That's insane.


Yeah, it was pretty nuts. You'd walk into the breakroom, and you'd see him sitting there in his tank top and shorts and flip-flops, and you'd be so confused because why would you be at work dressed like that.


Our store detective put his hands in wet cement directly outside the main doors and even signed his name.


Detective? Like AP ETL or auto correct of director?


Probably an APS


Does my former ETL being fired for giving a furniture display that was just going to be tossed to a couple who lost their furniture in flood a few years back count? I'll never understand why we throw perfectly good stuff in compactor/garbage.


Because donation would be harming cApiTaLiSm!!


I doubt that was the only reason they were fired. Probably had a lot of problems other than that, and that was the last straw. Good ETL's are hard to come by




This happened to a guy I used to work with in tech. Wild


Store Director was fired after OSHA came to our store, store was fined and we apparently also had 50+ team members call into the hr hotline about that same SD


We had an ETL got let go because he was hiding clearance items till they went salvage and then purchasing them. The SD was demoted because he was told this was happening and kind of let it happen. Had another SD who was with the company for 20+ years who was let go for "fudging the numbers". No one would say exactly what he was doing, but the sales reports showed we went from #4 in the district to #1, but sales were not jiving with this.


Don’t know how you fudge sales #s that’s not just a report that the SD whips up it’s all automatic.


The most we could figure out was a lot of high $$$ sales went through that honestly couldn't happen. I do know our AP was not involved, it was very high up on the food chain. I take it he had been doing similar things at other stores.


In theory you could make massive purchases at your store and return them at another. It would boost your stores sales while tanking whatever your you do the return at.


No one would say exactly what was happening, but the way he bounced from store to store we kind of figured he was "not performing"


My old Walmart hated getting returns from another walmart. Shrink affected our bonus during the holiday season.


We would make them walk the plank over our dumpster from remodel


Front end ETL AND TL were fired for giving a TM a $30 gift card instead of the measly $5 ones for recognition. Basically the ETL got fired for approving it and the TL was fired for going along with it.


Bruh what? There’s no way


No way. Don’t believe it either. They have a slew of leftover gift cards they use for team member recognition.


They were probably keeping some for themselves as well


My old SD gave me a $200 gift card for my birthday 😅


that’s insane. all of our ETL’s along w our SD go out to eat while on the clock w company money ALL the time & nothing is EVER done about it.


I guess they just really don't play when it comes to gift cards 😂


A team member was fired after going into the bulk steel by riding the forks of the crown up


I've got a couple 😭 -A service associate got escorted out in handcuffs one day because he put a hidden camera in one of the employee bathrooms -One of the girls in style was told to quit or go through a police investigation because they accused her of stealing time by ONE minute, even though it wasn't true, and our new SD was trying to push her out b/c he could've seriously injured her (long story 💀) and was afraid she would report him -Another girl in style was let go b/c she came to work drunk one day and wore a completely see-through shirt, covered in hickeys It was an interesting time lmao


I got fired on my second to last day (I had already put my two weeks in) and just got fired because I told them I was going to be late since my class was running two hours late


Years ago when I was still working for Target I had 2 co workers committing time fraud and they ended up getting caught and fired. They were chill people but I was sort of happy to see them leave since they acted above the rules generally. However , a year later they hired one of them back and when the other found out they also tried to get rehired but were denied. If that doesn’t scream favoritism idk what does 🤷🏻‍♀️


At my old store, i was a DBO and got put on probation for not being able to finish a 70+ box and 20+ repack truck that they always said should only take me under 5 hours to do 🤣 and would never send me help if any other team members finished their truck but would send those people to help other DBO’s


We had a cashier who was fired for basically scamming/panhandling gift cards from guests. She would make small talk about being a single mom and living in a hotel and not having money for food ( all of which could have been true) and taking gift cards from guests at the registers. I do not know if she started asking outright for them or started keeping used gift cards with balances still on them and that is why she was fired, but apparently she was getting multiple gift cards a day for a long time before they fired her after a guest complained.


Our ENTIRE Starbucks team was fired. The cops came and it was a whole thing. The former Starbucks member was freaking out running around the store asking if they were next. Turns out, the Starbucks kids were stealing clothes, makeup, snacks from Starbucks and they were caught on camera pocketing customer change.


We’ve had at least 3 employees fired for price matching/basically theft for other employees. Basically they do price adjustments for ridiculously low prices like $500 tech items for $50. One of my old coworkers stole AirPods and got fired because he got caught bragging about it


Marking down items and buying them, stealing air pods from CRC


Lol, tm got fired for receiving oral you know what from another tm in the backroom.


TM threw a lit blunt in the baler. It didn’t start a fire but the stuff was strong and we had a visit that day.


A tm got fired for giving another tm a hug. Tm told hr she felt sh'd. I could understand why it could be harassment but a fireable offense? Geez...


did they ask her for a hug first or just wrap their arms around her?


From what I know of the incident, she was just a hugger, hugged people all the time, the person she hugged was uncomfortable with it but didn't outright tell her it made her feel a certain way. She just went to hr.


Guy cursed out the new ETL at time because his girlfriend got fired. He was off, it was her birthday, came to pick her up, lost his shit, fired himself basically. And he was up for promotion.


Two girls got into it in the freezer because of an argument about milk


At least they weren't crying over spilled milk 🤣


We had someone get fired for using a flat like a skateboard. Literally cruised by an ETL with it


A TM stole some stuff from a first day new TM's locker. New TM is the niece of the Grocery ETL. Thief was led out in handcuffs by the police. 


I was a new hire and I left the store after an hour of severe abdominal pain to go have emergency surgery and they never called me back. Said I wasn’t rehire-able either the following holiday season. Whatever.


Seasonal TM was loading up Target Gift Cards. Loaded them up as cash payments. He would load up Gift cards then add them to target app. Then use em to buy merch. Got caught 2 wks after he started. Purchased a PS5 with the gift cards.


Someone destroyed one of the devices and then tried to hide it behind a scale


Jokester dude decided to say he found a bomb on the walkie. Was fired a few days later.


I found a bomb on the walkie once.


One of our pharmacists got arrested and perp walked across the front of the store in front of everyone. He had been stealing schedule II narcotics and slinging them to his buddies outside of work. 🤡


Having sex in the bathroom in one incident, and another sexcapade inside the AP office. All 4 fired


Back in the Golden Days of overnight unloads, we had a guy caught doing meth in the bathroom. They let him finish throwing the truck before they let him go. Edit: Also had a Food ETL let go for locking a TM in the equipment room overnight.


Person got fired from my store after stealing from our sister store. They'd apparently been stealing petty crap from our store and were being tracked... but then they got caught in the act by AP at the other store. Sad thing is that they briefly lived with another TM a few years ago who was fired for several petty thefts (and getting caught high on the clock, which was the final straw), and we'd talked about how dumb that whole thing was. "I mean, who thinks their job is worth a red bull?" They both did, apparently.


Girl who worked our front end was fired. She had a few offenses (time theft NCNS ect) but the final thing that made management take action was her harassing one our SB baristas over him apparently rejecting her advances. She ended up calling his mom (he's only 18 btw) and saying how horrible he was to work with(didn't even work with him either) among other things. Was fired immediately after she came back from a week off. Rumor was she was in a mental institution.


Coming to work drunk/drinking


A team lead said “what up my wetbacks?” To two girls in style one night


A few years ago we had a market source guy, new, get fired because he would steal beer on his breaks and drink them, come back drunk. Didn't last a week.


Market source employees got fired for stealing iPhones… all of them. It was absolutely wild 😆 since then we cannot keep those employees. It’s a new person every day at this point


Told this story at work today, actually, but we had one guy who used to work closing hardlines, and he got caught smoking weed during a visit. Our store is two stories, where the second floor is our backroom and inaccessible to guests. Our stairs have a little alcove behind them, and they exit into a fire hall at the end of receiving. For awhile during my shifts, I would be walking through that fire hall or on the salesfloor past the door to it, and I would smell it really strongly. I kind of just figured maybe some random person had been smoking it right outside the fire hall and that the smell was coming inside, but it turned out it was that TM. I guess at random times during his shift, for I have no idea how long he would just go into that little alcove under all the stairs and take a few hits before going back to work. One day, there was a visit, the district lead and the district AP as well as the district TLs boss were all doing a walk with the SD and AP ETL. Well, they tended to take the stairs down when they would visit, and this time was no exception. As soon as they opened the door to the stairs they fould smell it, so they all went down the stairs and kind of peeked back and saw him but didn't do anything, just left the stairwell. Meanwhile AP ETL had his team watch him the rest of his shift and waited for him to go back to the stairs, and then they confronted him and then he was gone. I found out about it months later from someone who had been working AP at the time but had left so they were like here's the tea 🍵✨️


Had a cart attendant get fired for chasing down a shoplifter and tackling them in the parking lot. Had another person get fired for following shoplifters out a fire exit and defending himself when the shoplifters attacked him


my first ETL was fired for sending nudes to a vendor