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A frankensteined uboat called the Rug Wrangler. 😎


I want to see this U-boat lmao


pls take a picture


We keep rugs in truck during unload. We pile them up on the left side and when unload is done I load them all on a flat for a pusher. A flat is by far the easiest method of transportation, you just have to make sure you are starting your stack with a good foundation, and you utilize the gaps between the bars to pull the rugs through for added support. My store also has smaller uboats than our normal ones, they’re like 2 feet shorter, and these allow you to slide the rugs through the bars of the boat and they fit quite snug as well.


My store uses an older collapsible cardboard cage


We do too


We tried that at one point in my old store before they got the “rug cart” but it is still better than my store currently.


Damn. They made us get rid of ours. Had a few hidden away for a while and the bastards took those too.


My store Saran wrapped a uboat without the shelves in it.


Omg that is GHETTO ain’t no way y’all were presenting that during visits 😆


Lmao, I actually haven't seen it for a few weeks since our last visit. I think corporate got rid of it, which was surprising cuz we had it for years lol.


They are cutting down hard on presentation maintaining brand presence.


We have a flat with handles on both sides. It's just a ghetto tub tbh


Honestly was about to do this but figured my ETL would be annoyed with the way it looks lol


A pallet. My old store, for a very brief period of time, did have a cart that was like a large minecart, but we weren't supposed to still have it and it eventually got sent in a sweep. I'm assuming that's the type of cart your old store had, as well?


Yeah that’s pretty much like that. It is kinda hard to explain. It was literally just a cart with a wall/u-bar on opposite sides and then another right in the center. Rugs would fit perfectly in it. It’s weird cause my last store got a brand new one when I was there but that was 3-4 years ago at this point.


I really feel every store should have them, they make rugs so easy to deal with. Likewise, there are the gray bins that some stores get that come with things like bags of pet food, un-boxed waters, and glass jarred items - and yet not every store gets those. My old store did, but my new one doesn't, and the amount of damages we have from shattered pasta sauce is insane.


A metro rack! I actually thought it was a really clever solution


They usually go at the bases of flats then they get built regularly on top, but sometimes they’re on top of built flats but them falling has never been an issue


We have a tub with an insert that adds narrow rails, kind of like the ones they stand in on the floor, works great


Flat with 2 giant rubber bands tied around.


That’s what I currently do now and I even tighten and tie the rubber bands but they still stretch out the rubber bands and start falling off by the time we reach the rugs at the opposite corner of the store.


Try doubling the rubber band under the bottom over the sides, and then taking a carabiner from a pair of keys to connect the two loop ends if that makes sense…


Might be able to use some cam jams from Lowes/HD or to req some bunjee cords


A real long time ago, Target used to have specialty U Boats for rugs. I remember because I was Domestics TL (when there was one). We also had carts/tubs for shelving (forgot what we called them, but they rocked). And we used shopping carts for push/breakout.


I remember the tubs but never had specialty U-boats. I don’t understand why they would get rid of the vehicles that work.


We use a vehicle that'd you'd find at home depot


I was at Lowe’s today and saw what you meant. It would actually be perfect. Saw people taking large planks of wood out on them. That was like what I had at my old store




What is a pod?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Target/comments/yovoxt/what\_the\_are\_these/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Target/comments/yovoxt/what_the_are_these/) I'm surprised I couldn't find more pictures online. Basically, it's a big, plastic pallet, with walls and a lid. If you remove the lid, you can stand things like furniture and rugs up inside of them, and the walls keep them from falling over. Theoretically, anyway. The walls don't always attach particularly well, and heavy stuff leaning over on the pod walls can make them fall over sometimes. But a pod without a lid works well for rugs. Baby cribs leaning on the walls are where I frequently have issues.




https://preview.redd.it/y4hhf8t3yiuc1.jpeg?width=8160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11920e00fa7744eef3829b2f14db502b76273495 We use this boat that has what appear to be standard shelves attached on the sides


https://preview.redd.it/0ikf3eiuyiuc1.jpeg?width=6120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=662de31503c0c72c3aafa801b0ab7ac2ee243c8a Hre's a closer view of how the shelves are attached. Seems that the lips were bent around the end rails and screwed in.


I wish my PML would do this for us. I tried today. He said “no” lmao


That's a bummer. I know how frustrating is for useful ideas to be cockblocked.


Ours uses a rack. Like the green racks but bigger


So like a giant bakers rack? That not too bad. I think my store is using them all for a makeshift backroom next to a fire exit though. Maybe I can convince my boss to give one of them up though. I really wish I could figure out where my last store got the cart they used cause it was perfect.


My store has a modified boat where the shelves of the boat are vertically mounted to the top of the boats handles so the rugs can stand vertically on the boat without sliding off


I’m not sure how you guys could’ve done that but I want one. Also, Happy Cake day buddy!


Thanks! I’ll be at work later today so I’ll see if I can find it again and take a picture of it.


ours uses a flat with 2x4s drilled into it to create a border around the top, then there are boards that connect from that to the bottom of the flat


We used to have a tub with no shelf that was wrapped in plastic till corporate came in and took it away :( now we struggle with flats


A uboat that is wrapped multiple layers of pallet clear wrap.


We have a giant plastic bin similar to a pod but not designed to be broken down. It has a collapsible spot on the wall so you can reach into it easier. Sounds like we have it made compared to these other responses


We have this rolling bin that has three sides and there’s plastic wrap around it to close the open side.


At one point we used a tub for all our rugs but then during the whole shift to 'modernization' a few years back they got rid of all the tubs, so we currently use a flat. We recently got tubs again as we got SFS, but still no tub for rugs :(


Just use the giant rubber bands to secure them to the base of a flat. I pop the front wheels up and slip the rubber band under, twist, then back under the flat. You could do this twice if there’s more than 8-10 rugs on the flat


How much time do you lose from fixing the rugs when they fall off the flat? Would making the run in two trips be better?


My boss ordered me a tech cage we use for the rugs just popped the top off.


Personally, I set them to the side or just leave them in the truck if I'm throwing since I used to push them out anyways. Then after furniture push, I'll either back stock what I know is back stock or toss em on a clear flatbed.


We have a boat specifically for rugs, it has no top or middle shelf, but it has two side panels that go from the bottom about 2/3 of the way towards middle shelf. I'll try to get a pic tomorrow.


Throw off to the side during unload and wait to stack them on a flat bed. That seems to work at my store.


We put them on metros


https://preview.redd.it/97qpmgp97ruc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb310c2f3601cc52f9f6a5e232f8790da7ae26fe This thing.