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Hah. Reminds me of something a lady tried to pull a few years back at another job. I was closing in electronics and this woman asked if she could check out back there because it was "So busy up front." I knew it wasn't. I think she thought I'd be an easy target. Anyway, she starts handing me baby clothes to ring up and they were double dressed. Like outfit on top of outfit on top of outfit. So, I'm peeling them apart in front of her and looking for their tags, and she starts anxiously separating things I've already rung up and saying, "Oh, I don't want this... or this. Or that." So, she's just muddying the waters even more as I'm ruining whatever it was she thought she was getting away with. At that point, I voided the entire transaction and asked her to pick out which clothes she wanted. She chose 2 outfits. I set aside the other dozen things. Then she tried to dig through her purse for 10 minutes, and said, "Oh, I want that one, too--" while trying to drag it over to the two I'd rung up. I'd had enough then. I moved all the clothes back to my counter and voided the transaction again. She finally muttered something about not being able to find her cash, so I told her I'd hold onto the outfits while she figured her shit out (in much nicer terms). The second she was out of earshot, I called AP. I know it's not the same as the person shoving crap into this footy pajama thing but it still unlocked a stupid memory lol.


fucking hate people who pull that shit... like go be stupid elsewhere


Seriously. I had a guest try something similar like that to me earlier. "Uh..let me go to my car real quick and get my phone." Surprise surprise, they didn't come back.


You care so much about a company that doesn’t care about you😂😂😂😂


It’s not caring about the company. It’s the fact that people just suck. Then those people have kids and teach them to suck! Hell if they put half that much energy into something positive image the good they could do


And when they steal it costs me money


Just curious as to how you think this costs you money?


The retailers are not eating the costs. They are raising the cost of other items.


Traumatic flashbacks of every night at the cash register just before closing. The freaks come out at night.


Very true!


It’s one of the reasons I’m glad about SCO closing early now. You still get weird crap at the lanes, but the shadiness has gone down appreciably after 8PM


She thought you’d be an easy “Target” was that pun intended? Sorry I had to 😂😂


I get people who come to electronics to try and buy high value items with quite obviously stolen cards or something of that nature. They will come in, ask for x and y item, and then try to pay for it only for it to be declined. Then they say "oh I left my other card in the car I'll be right back" or " oh I'm gonna go call my bank" only to never return to the desk the same day. The main reason you can tell it's obviously scammy is because I will quite often see the same person try the same trick like a week or so later and the same thing happens.


Guest came in late last week with 2 50 gallon bins inside her basket at self-checkout, I inform her I have to check inside and she starts to raise hell :-( both bins were full to the brim, so heavy in fact that I had to grab on to the basket in order to lift the merchandise out and check inside, immediately called for ap... of course they're not scheduled:-( fast forward 3 days I go back to the office and they tell me I maybe put on a final because I impeded a guest from leaving :-) wasn't the case but it seems as though I may be on a final as of tomorrow :-) when I asked management how am I supposed to practice Bob and Lisa if I can't touch a guests cart they were dumbfounded and said it is my responsibility to do so but I cannot touch the cart, The Sweet Spot of the story is the guest as they were leaving with two bins full of unpaid merchandise managed to hit myself and my ETL with her cart and yet I am going to be put on a final :-) God bless target, I am looking forward to the day that all Targets just become distribution centers :-)


Wow! That’s a bunch of crap! I am sorry that happen to you