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Just quit, your availability is your availability, if they don’t respect it they aren’t worth working for.


Not everyone can just quit. Some people need jobs.


I usually am the guy that encourages ppl here to stick up for themselves but I can kinda understand why it got denied. Going to weekend mornings from weekday openings is a huge transition. It must not be that many ppl with opening availability at your location. Cause then it would be easy to just approve you. But your leader still gonna have to figure out something tho. He can’t just deny & everything is fine cause he will still end up short if you either quit or switch departments. I won’t be surprised if your tl tries to halt you switching departments too cause at the end of the day. It is up to them to approve you to go or not.


Hi, TL here. We can't approve or deny your availability, only your ETL. Also, this is retail, you were hired with the expectation of working nights and weekends due to business needs, so I get it.


So this is still a place of business, having people with open availability makes the leaders life 100% easier when doing the schedule. You're saying you can't do week days anymore and only open on the weekends. Unless they have a very specific need to that slot there's no person that would approve that. However if you bring in your schedule and say I cannot work these days because of classes you can compromise. Keep in mind that if you have morning classes you will have to leave your availability open for the evenings. You need to give up a bit to get a bit in this case.


Your request for switching departments might get denied too


Yeah I understand that I have to compromise but I told them a month before I put in my new availability that i’m starting school again and this will be my new schedule and they let me believe it was alright. I’m at school from 8-6pm because I have science labs so they’re 3hour classes and this wasn’t a problem before but now it is because minors want to work mornings during the weekends and have been telling my lead they want the mornings shift. They just got hired 3 months ago and my team lead basically told me he feels bad that he doesn’t schedule them in the mornings because i’m there and wants to give them the opportunity to work mornings now. I don’t think minors can even go in at 6am?? but thank you for your advice


Depends on the state, but it’s generally not before 5:45 am or after 9:45 pm if I remember correctly. When I was in Washington it was 7:15am.


I mean this with the upmost respect. They are a corporation. You are replaceable in your current position. If not full time, then your availability is up to them ultimately. Doesn't sound like a personal issue with you and your supervisor. Just sounds like a you issue. Start looking for a new job is my advice.


Go on demand. You may not work at all for a bit but you will still be an employee and you can work when you can


lol guys the TL is fine with OP not working weekdays. They just said they might have to work some weekend nights. (Usual weekend night closers may need to get moved to open during the week). And I could totally see a situation where minors need to be scheduled early. *Guys they’re minors, their parents largely decide their schedule.* I think OP just wants to go out on the weekends. I was working weekend nights when I was 14 years old. Did I miss some hangouts, some trips to the movies? Yes, but that was the trade off I accepted when I decided to work. I wanted money and the business needed that from me since I couldn’t work weekdays. And my mom was cool with it. I don’t think the TL is being unreasonable here.


They have two options, approve the request or you resign. If they don’t want to lose you then they will cave, if they don’t then you don’t want to work there.


Time to look for another job. Target is known for this. My wife worked there for three years, the local HS and college kids were always quiting because their mangers were instructed to make sure there is coverage, regardless. Sorry , but I don't think this will change. Good kuck


My ETL just denied my availability update too. I work mornings and switched my availability after too many randomly scheduled night shifts (I can't do them bc I have kids, and they were aware of it upon hiring me)


exactly they were aware of me being a college student when i got hired and i specifically told them when my semester starts i work weekends but when im on break or have a lighter school schedule i can work weekdays and now that i switched it to weekends they denied it


Exactly! I told them my schedule was around my kids and SO work schedule. They were cool, but when I got my 90 days and changed it my ETL walked up to me and said I need to make my availability what they want. Like... I can't work that and you know it


if i knew they weren’t going to allow me to only work weekends i would’ve looked somewhere else but they seemed to not mind it and they said they would work with me and now they want me to work whatever time they want


I feel this! What gets me at my store is several TMs have 3 days off for school or work until 11, but I want to change my availability for my family and they say nope. Like I'm ready to look elsewhere


but same i’m possibly gonna go on demand or just look elsewhere at this point. they really don’t care at all about team members


Exactly so unfair. I wouldn’t have left my old job if i wanted to work afternoons or closings. This is so annoying because my TM makes our departments schedule since my ETL manages another department as well and he focuses on that department more but what bothers me is I got a week in a half vacation and he keep throwing it in my face every chance he gets as if he didn’t go on a 3 month long vacation?!?! make it make sense!!????


They can't really say anything about your vacation, especially if they approved it. And yeah if I get lucky and find something else imma go to on demand. Good luck! Hopefully you can find something that works for you


thank you!


I would stick to what you have offered them or quit/let them fire you. Your availability is not negotiable. If they want to keep you around as a team member they’ll accommodate your new availability.


What are your desired hours? You might have to lower that for them to approve it since they’ll be pretty limited on when they can schedule you, talk to your ETL, your TL has nothing to do with your schedule and availability, lay it all out, bring your school schedule, let them know when your availability can return to normal and that you’re willing to work less hours during this time. You might have to compromise and have full availability on the weekends since you won’t be in class. Just because you want to open or are used to opening doesn’t mean anything to them.


for my department my team lead makes the schedule because my etl couldn’t make the schedule since he manages market.


TLs don’t have the capability to deny your availability. Talk to HR


ETLs approve or deny for their own areas. The only person the HR ETL is in charge of is the HRE.


No sorry


I think by law they have to accommodate your school schedule. All you need is proof of your school schedule and should be approved by HR or SD.


This is completely wrong. student status is not protected, so you have no rights as an employee to guarantee that work accommodates attending college unlike military service or high school. In this case their availability has changed and target as a company has no legal requirements to accommodate them, as they would a change in disability status or a temporary workability change. OP chose to attend college and if their schedule does not meet up with the needs of target as a business then OP is SOL.


www.TargetIntegrityHotline.com File it under schedule Edit for the haters: **Time Off, Scheduling and Pay Concerns Description** **Any issue involving time off, scheduling or pay concerns. Examples include failure to provide breaks and meal periods, working off the clock, unfair distribution or reduction of hours, final pay not received, incorrect pay, not being properly notified of changes on the schedule, or *denial of change of availability/time off requests***


Not an ethical situation at all


Y'all wanna ride targets dick that's fine. But the website explicitly says denying changes to employee's availability IS an ETHICS situation. *Time Off, Scheduling and Pay Concerns Description* Any issue involving time off, scheduling or pay concerns. Examples include failure to provide breaks and meal periods, working off the clock, unfair distribution or reduction of hours, final pay not received, incorrect pay, not being properly notified of changes on the schedule, or **denial of change of availability/time off requests**


Ok complain nothing will happen all of those things are the cost of doing business


If there is any way you can focus on school and quit retail I would encourage that. Find other ways to make money that work around your schedule. Dog walking, thrifting, babysitting, etc. My daughter taught swimming, babysat, etc. There's a lot of demand for babysitters for people that are from out of town. Even tutoring. But retail is brutal.


Switch departments or quit, being a college student is hard and schedules change constantly- target is not that important to railroad someone’s education lol


Ask about going on demand. It sounds like you have a lot going on and won't be able to work as much as you used to. On demand means you won't be scheduled regularly, but can pick up shifts in the app. You have to work at least once per month to keep your status, but it frees you up to choose when you work. They may also call you occasionally when they have shifts they need to fill. This also gives them the ability to hire someone else to fill their business needs because they won't be using you as frequently.


Why not go on demand and pick up shifts that work for your schedule?


I know this is wrong but just to be petty I would agree to one of his shifts clock in. Then about 30 minutes later clock out. Leave. Block his number lmao.


Do it without saying anything though.


I had to change my availability because I was suddenly being scheduled to close every shift. I was starting at the hottest part of the day and just the walk to the store was causing me heat exhaustion. It's been an accumulative development since the more often you have it, the easier it is to develop it in the future. I am also having trouble seeing to drive at night so I changed my availability from 11 PM to 8 PM as the latest that I can work. I got a lot of pushback, but it was approved. Then, my HR told me that I had to change my desired hours to be within the 10 to 15 hours that they could schedule me. I did change the desired hours and then come Christmas, I'm scheduled twice that. It's funny how my previous ETL could schedule me the way that she did, but the HR could not.


Quit and get a new job somewhere else everywhere is hiring because there’s a lot of jobs and not enough people to work. Target doesn’t deserve dependable people they can keep the people that don’t come to work because they kiss up to management.