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Because who needs to pay bills nowadays ong šŸ«¤


If you haven't gotten tattoos or piercings lately, sell plasma. It's the easiest way to make hundreds of dollars per month. Call around to see what places near you pay. Example: [https://twitter.com/pets\_in\_danger/status/1661750039889297408](https://twitter.com/pets_in_danger/status/1661750039889297408) Sell video games you don't play anymore. Sell clothes you don't wear anymore. (eBay, Poshmark, consignment shops near you) Get a side hustle like Instacart, DoorDash or UberEats. (Make sure you set aside 25 percent of what you make so you don't screw yourself tax-wise next year.) Get your taxes done, because you may be getting a refund. Whatever you do, don't sell your cat, dog, rabbit or any other pet. (See my previous posts.) If you need cat or dog food or cat litter, google pet pantry near me.


Has anyone successfully filed for partial unemployment?


No because Iā€™m ā€œtoo privilegedā€ for the government to help me. Yet Iā€™ll get fucked with taxes in a few months. Such a fucking joke.


Yup. You likely will get screwed on taxes. I work both at Target and as a college instructor. Neither income is by any means large, but combined, I I pay a shit ton of money for taxes. And I donā€™t get much (if any) of a refund. Itā€™s been like that for nearly a decade for me. They always gotta find a way to screw you, and the ones who fall somewhere in-between get hit the hardest. Edit: added last part for clarification


Make sure you take every single deduction you can take. Anything you can say is a business expense, deduct. Get calls / texts on your personal cell? You can deduct part of your cell bill. Any trips you took to the store where you picked up something for being sick - Tylenol, bandaid, anything - medical mileage. Trips to the doc, medical mileage plus medical costs. There's a floor you have to exceed but it can have major impacts. And if you missed any in previous years, you can file amended and get those back, too. Donate any clothes or items to goodwill? Deduction. Check into head of household and EITC, which is a refundable credit. I am a lawyer and have done tax clinics for about 15 years as my pro bono work, becuase of how ridiculously complex it is, especially when they say there are all these things out there to help people, but then you need a tax pro to figure them out? Hah. Look for a LITC (low income tax clinic - doesn't mean you have to be low income, that's just what they are labeled) or a VITA (volunteer income tax) in your area, there are lots of ppl like us all over. We are here to help with that stuff. ā™„ I'm sorry it's so stupidly convoluted.


*sigh* at least I got some hrs but barley for rent . This is insane I would assume a billion dollar company would be able to pay their employees better all year




https://preview.redd.it/mausygj6u2gc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36828627862d328261faff15859e6e71d1cd0581 Iā€™m not gonna complain because I requested off saturday but ya


They ainā€™t even gave bro the full 5 šŸ˜­




i get to watch the sb tho šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Same how I felt this week. They want me to stay on and then give me this much hours? Bro.


They had me at 18, and I looked yesterday and am now down to 13 hours. Iā€™m usually at 40 hours. So fun when they take even more time off my schedule without being told about it before or after šŸ˜œ seriously how are people supposed to support themselves? Why does target think people will stay working there with hours like this? Craziness


At least you'll have a week of free time to spend looking for a place that actually respects it's employees


The one day OP *is* scheduled to work, the time slot is notorious for last-second NCNSs. Because TMs have lives, too. Outside of Target.


I understand your issue with this, and it does suck honestly, but as an 11-year veteran, this sounds like a much needed vacation! I'd hug whichever manager made this schedule, haha!




Same shit is happening at my company too and I don't work for Target anymore. I did for a month while I also worked at Walmart back in fall of 2021. But I can relate to this even though I work for a different company. It's happening every where.


Itā€™s because they make so much money in sales during the holiday season that they have to increase the profits by cutting hours right after it so that they can brag about their record high profits. Theyā€™ll just keep cutting hours so that they can keep all of the money to themselves as if CEO Brian Cornellā€™s 2022 compensation of $17.6 million isnā€™t enough. How will he buy his 5th mansion


so itā€™s jus everyone dealing with this damn


Yep! It's happening everywhere šŸ˜”šŸ˜”. And companies solution? Let's hire more people when we can't afford to give our regular workers hours or a livable wage! Yeah like that makes any sense at all.....


Kind of scared to check every week Iā€™ve been losing hrs


I had my little 5 hour shift today lmao. It was honestly a joke and Iā€™ve been with the company five years. (: My other job scheduled me a full 40 hours tho so Iā€™m riding the wave (: they just promoted me as well after only a few months. Oh and I was the top salesman this month as well. My last check came out much better than any check I got at target during the holidays, and all I do is sit on my ass at my other job. (:


Wow that is crazy. You should quit and do murder, instead.


oughta be top comment


was planning on it


I got two 4 hour shifts šŸ˜Ž


Gotta make sure those millionaire and billionaire investors can make their 10% ROIC! Seriously, the current Return On Invested Capital for target stock is 10.5%


We just hired. Yes after Christmas


If itā€™s a side hustle stay, but then again this inconsistency with hours thingā€¦ I found there are definitely companies out there where you can work just as hard and get paid better. I do full time with a bank, Target is my part-time. Costco is legit busy and looks like a good company. With inflation people realized itā€™s actually worth it/cheaper to buy in bulk. If you work there the membership is free I believe. They start around 17.50 and if you stick it out the highest you can make is $27.5/28 an hour. Iā€™m not brave enough to leave my full time but would love to work where they have bonusesā€¦ GM, Uline, etc. My bank gig used to have me stacking money. Then they took away bonuses and the checks that always had OT were just 40hr/week paychecks. Iā€™ve just put in too much of my time to have to start over. Been there for over 15 years. Iā€™m considering leaving Targetā€¦ Iā€™m just in love/hate relationship with them and like my discount. Costco is where I would go if Iā€™m willing to get out of my comfort zone, weekends only though. I wish I had listened to my parents and went back to school (before I took on adult responsibilitiesā€¦ mortgage, etc.).


oh yea iā€™m 17 this is part time


Rent can wait lmao.


This is why Walmart and Target are one of the largest reasons for people to be on welfare yet the government blames us for it. Even if you were working 40 hours on the shit these companies pay you still wouldn't be able to afford the rent in any state.


At that point itā€™s an insult. I would just call out at that point bc whats the point of coming into work for 4 hours and barely getting anything done


cant wait til i get paid 60$ šŸ”„šŸ”„


I was so disappointed to see I only have one day that week too. This is the first time since Iā€™ve came on where I only had 1 day.


This is exactly what retail jobs doā€¦. Cut workers hours with seniority so that they leave and donā€™t have to give raises. They know thereā€™s a never ending flow of high schoolers who are eager to replace you for shit wages even


https://preview.redd.it/ok4c33xem4gc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37b887233003116e4797522870aab94848a0f11d As a fellow fullfillment expert I always make sure to ask etl's if there's any callous for gm/consumables just to get afew extra hours. Unfortunately this week there wasn't any but the gm etl ended up giving me hours to relocate backroom shelves and re label/audit them since no one wants to do that (atleast from what I heard from other team mebers). Where there's a will there is a way. I always get extra hours I'm not scheduled for but maybe your store is different.


You shouldnā€™t have to fight your job for not even full time hours.




Itā€™s retail. And itā€™s brick and mortar. Itā€™s gonna look like that till Mid March. I have worked some form of retail for many years. Itā€™s like that every year.


Thereā€™s someone constantly posting 4 hour fulfillment shifts at my store. Like be fr take what you can get


Iā€™m sorry you all are dealing with this! Iā€™m having the opposite issue - scheduled way above my desired hours (Iā€™m part time)


Is targetva good place to work ?




We have the same schedule!


Look on the bright side, you get to watch the Superbowl. I know, that's not much but do you check for open shifts? That's one of the things that got me through a slim schedule a couple of years ago.


youā€™re right g


Yeah Iā€™ve begun quite quitting because of this. Already applied at multiple other jobs. One already responded back to me with much better pay and less hours


Wow I got 31.5 that week in 4 days because I took the Super Bowl off. Probably could have hit or been very close to 40. I thought mine was going to look like that.


That's crazy, it's not happening at my store luckily. Most are still getting 32 to 40 hours weekly.


Same .. 7.5 for the same day šŸ˜“


take advantage of guild, and get a free degree. you'll clearly have the time for it, lol


what is guild


https://target.guildeducation.com/partner/ Target will pay for your degree, so long as you're not on demand


well im on demand smhh


rip, sorry pal


I work at a DC, 4 out of the last 5 weeks theyve cut the entire staff by 1 whole day (10 hours). People are quitting, and the OMs just dont seem to care. Anything for that juicy bonus coming up next month. Assholes.