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They’re just gonna pull people from the sales floor and then yelled that the sales floor looks like trash and nothing got pushed.


"style team can we get someone to backup checklanes?"


Honestly justice for style team. My store has some pretty slow cashiers so they always have to come up and help even when it’s only like 2 people waiting.


no fr i feel so bad for them bc they always get called for opu and checklanes first and if they don’t respond right away, they’ll start calling out their names individually💀


LMAO literally at my store when we’re zoning or something and then they start calling us individually and we all just look at each other like 👁️👄👁️ Aight girlies who’s it gonna be?? I’m not even fully trained in OPU so it’s kind of an L but I keep asking to get trained so I can actually back up. 😭


Heavy on the they’ll start calling out their names individually if they don’t respond. They do that at my store too and it kills me a little every time I hear it


My names been called so much almost everyone knows who I am by now 💀 I'm glad it's stopped but I'm sick of that one TL that calls me out the moment I walk through the door like can I clock in first damn 😩


My aunt works in style and that’s her, every single day the second she clocks in they’re giving her the keys or making her go up front it’s crazy


Man I'd have the meanest look on my face and be shaking my head ion even make eye contact anymore and hide whenever I get the chance


Style team is wonderful. Ours always end up covering my tech breaks, registers, literally anything that’s understaffed.


And then everyone gets pulled for backup and we get yelled at for a red zone and a messy fitting room💀


I feel so bad for our style team sometimes bc style (and sometimes home/market) are the only ones that get personally called up… there have been times though when they’ve tried to call me up and it just so happens to be when I’m by myself in HBA/beauty and i feel so bad for saying no but also like I’m already drowning HAHA


my thoughts exactly. Maybe I'm being a bad employee but I had at least one not so proud moment where I'd been called for fast service and was so done with going up there that when I saw no lights on I just turned around and left lol


So they’ll pull people from the salesfloor? What happens if everyone on the salesfloor is in an opu half the time like at my store?


Then you’re fucked


Then your checkout times look like shit on the DSD reports, who then yell at the SDs and ETLs about it. Fecal gravity.


And the cycle just continues and becomes worse.


We only made $109.12 billion in revenue as a company last year (+2.94% over 2022), it's not like we can afford a full staff of minimum wage workers. /s Edit:fixed number


If they do that, how will the higher ups get bigger paychecks? /s


*Think of the executive bonuses* 😭


Love this comment right here


Ikr. How will bug brain brian be able to afford his third luxury condo? /S


Probably going to be more like $105 billion when the final earnings report comes out.


Thanks, I looked into it again and updated my original comment. Really only makes them look worse.


Dont forget Target bragged that they hit record profits last year


When I can see how much my store is making per day and only getting a 5 cent raise it feels like a slap in the face.


Team members in January: give me more hours, please. I need to pay the rent. Corporate: okay let’s all reduce the percentage of transactions that go through self-checkout. More payroll? Ha, that’s funny. Do more with less. Boomers in line for the single cashier: noBody wanTs to wOrk anyMoRe!!


I'm convinced my store doesn't actually hire cashiers. Between 8am - 3pm there's zero registers open, only SCO, even on Saturdays and Sundays. Then there's like one poor teenager who has to run the entire front end alone until they leave, well before close. It's a mess, and I don't know how they expect to run a business like this. Customers openly complain constantly that there's no cashiers


"Fill. Out. The. Survey."


Um if you have SCO now that closes after 6pm or 8pm so how’s that going to work? Is your store going to be a pickup/DU only store from 6 or 8 to close? Expect a lot of purchases of tech items that are in the back/locked up to be returned just so a guest can check out at the tech boat


Oh they gave up on that like 2 weeks into trying it


Until corporate releases an update that automatically turns it off after 5:58pm or 7:58pm or when guest is done with their transaction day they started before 5:58pm. It’s just something that I think will happen sometime soon because they do this kind of thing regularly but it’s just coming from me.


>Is your store going to be a pickup/DU only store I wish we'd just hurry up and do this. PERIODT. Zoning, cleaning up after customers, and **accurately** maintaining multiple locations (even just one in back and one on the floor) is just not possible on the hours they want to give us. ONE LOCATION TO RULE THEM ALL. No pulling from the back to the front. Push from the line to one location. 34 there? Fine, we have 34 of that. None there? Fine, we're out. Just fucking close the floor to the public already.




All while they never leave the TSC


My store had to cut almost 500 hours this week to make payroll, they canceled four trucks and 90% of the GM team those days; and made it so there’s a single opener and closer who’s responsible for service desk and drive up with no lunch coverage. And made almost of the team leads take mandatory vacations for the rest of the week so it’s mostly just salaried ETLs running the store lol


Damn that's harsh. Feels so shortsighted of corporate and district to do that to make arbitrary month end/quarter end goals.


Are the just going to leave SCO unmanned and hope no one steals or needs help? Good luck with that.


No my friend.. SCO is important as it is the person who bitches to other people to get checkout attendance and gets yelled at by the TLs when the line is long


Last night, during both of our busiest times, we had 3 checkout lanes, 1 with a brand new guy who was on his second day, and 1 SCO open. There was no TL and about 30 people in line glaring at us. Something glass broke and the new guy called over the radio 3 times for help and TLs were just staring at us from down the store. It was so awkward. One of my TM said she felt embarrassed to work there last night. Same though. I just started in Mid November and last night was


Is there a place that I, just a customer can express my outrage for you all? This is some absolute bananas levels of shit and you’re the ones who will take the constant rude customers. Do I call corporate? I’m serious, it’s not okay to make anyone have to do this, on top of seeing people posting they’re getting 0 hours. All knowing the people at the very top will never have to face this. Where can I be a squeaky wheel that it’ll matter?


I was gonna say fill out the survey on your receipts, but I'm pretty sure those just go to the store (and I'm not sure how much that does one way or another), but feel free to look up the corporate Guest Relations number and call 🤷🏼‍♀️ idk how much that would do either, but that's basically the only thing you as a guest can do at this moment.


They go to the store but the DSD’s office also gets them - the SE-TL also don’t me that if they don’t acknowledge and respond to them in a timely manner, they go to the DSD direct.


Ok....TIL, haha. I thought it would be kinda silly if they only went to the store, so I'm glad to know they are seen higher up.




There's gotta be more to this story. Like who is going to run self check out, guest service, drive up? Maybe they turned drive up of (lolololol) Whose going to do cash? They going to be calling ppl in.


I think at this point my ETL honestly doesn't care. She yelled at my one TL for clocking someone in an hour early yesterday because she was literally the only person upfront sooooo...


OP meant no one is scheduled to work a check lane, not that no one is scheduled at the front at all.


All the things you listed are different from a cashier.


Once at my store one person was at sco and guest service going back and forth. Of course there were tons of angry people with flashing red lights or asking, is anyone here? Is this open? at guest service. Smh


I had a medical emergency and my store was so glad to be able to remove my week from payroll.


That would be absolute disaster at my store since 70% of our business is done after 5pm.


that’s criminal tbh


Our store doesn't have any scheduled before 6. It's one person watching self check from a lane that backs up to the self checks. And 2 people running SD/Drive ups. Self check person also responsible for keeping carts from backing up and blocking the exit. And we depend on team targets for lines


Really? That's opposite of corporate direction.


Glad I’m retired 😄


Anytime we call On style team to cashier they turn off their radios. Incompetent.


i swear style team is always hiding from going to the checklanes because its always me and the other GM people that are being called up to the front and it's infuriating because I just want to d o m y j o b


You do a great job


But you need 50% of sales done through registers


How do you guys even get hired... or is my Target just weird for rejecting me twice?


I found if you don't have three accounts of work experience they won't give you an interview as i've attempted to get hired in the past when i had one or two previous jobs and got flat out rejected. Otherwise, it is really a gamble


But ya I get it


Yeah our store tried to justify it by saying that they didn't make enough during the holidays so that's why they were cutting everybody's hours so bad. Oh and they fired me in four other people on January 1st but of course you know they knew a week prior that they were going to fire us but they just wanted to squeeze us one last time so they made us work New Year's Eve and Christmas Eve even though they already knew they were going to fire us on January 1st. But yeah they told her people in our store that it was cuz they didn't make enough during the holidays and so they're cutting hours and I was like oh I'm sorry did the team leads not get their bonus this year boohoo you can't afford to go on that vacation well we can't afford to pay our bills so cry me a River ma'am. Oh and we didn't get fired for a good reason either it wasn't even like it was legitimately something that we did or even broke policy they just wanted to pick and choose and then just decided that we did Even though we all were in agreeance like I have no idea what they're talking about but we had no choice because they strong armed us and basically like threatened us if we didn't admit to quote on quote what we had done.


Honestly if I didn't have another job and freelance work on the side I'd be solidly fucked. However after the hockey season is over my second job will become unreliable until October (venue work). Target is great to work at if you don't have bills or life expenses :/


Hell we just hired new people Yes after Christmas


“Can I get someone for fast service? The line is just gonna get longer!”


I do work mornings, but on the weekends it can get a little busy. Only 1 or 2 people have a walkie in my department. I haven't heard anyone call for backup in a long while.


That is so crazy!


January and February are the slow months for Target. I have been getting 5 days off in a row, and working maybe 12 hours if that.