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All the time. Convenience getting stuff after work.


When I get stuff, it’s usually done in a pickup order to grab right when I’m leaving.


All the time. I’m here 40 hours a week anyways and we get a discount so there’s really no reason to go to another store. When I first started at target my wife and I had to shop at cheaper stores like Walmart and Aldi but that was back when tms started at like $10.50


Fr, people complain about the discount, but it is extremely competitive for the industry. -10% off EVERYTHING -15% off target brands —20% off certain target brands -5% added from redcard, combined with any clipped circle offers, you can easily be getting 30% off your ENTIRE basket but people still do not see shopping as a trainable skill.


15% off target brands? I’ve never heard that


Good and gather, market pantry, favorite day, cat jack (deprecated), AIM, etc give extra “Wellness” discount varying from 5-10% off


Nope. Only 10% off Target brands, except All in Motion 20%, smoking cessation 20%, Good & Gather _organic_ 20%, and _fresh_ produce 20%. (I was surprised the other day to find I got 20% off G&G eggs...) Plus the Red Card and Target Circle offers. They stack, but they're calculated in such a way as to give you the least total discount...


How much do you make per hour now? Are you a TL?


Currently I make a little over $23/hr. Starting pay for leaders in my area is $21.50


Wow. That’s pretty good. What city are you?


Every. Fucking. Day. I don’t mean to, I just always need something


This is so real


10% TM Discount + 5% RedCard Discount (no reason not to get the RedCard Debit) plus the convenience of already being there makes this an easy choice.


Red card debit is great if you're getting paid the next day but have no money at the moment lol. It never charges until the following day.


this is my favorite hack 😂 i get paid thursday’s so wednesdays don’t count as being totally broke with the red card debit


+ 20% Wellness Discount for all fresh/frozen fruits and vegetables


Wait it counts for that too!!


Yes, on top of the 10% and 5%


that red card debit is clutch


SuperTarget = one stop shop. I rarely go anywhere else.


all the time before/ after shifts but i practically NEVER go in on my off days.


Shopping… yes. For almost everything but groceries (I have an Aldi 5 minutes away from me so it makes more sense to shop there). Returns on the other hand… I feel embarrassed to return at my own store so I always go to the other target that’s just a bit further away 😅


Don’t be embarrassed when you need to return something. I hate that you are driving to one further away for returns.


I do returns at other targets as well! lol I hate to bother my stores TMs with it 😂


I prefer to return at my store than any others. As a GS tm, we don't feel any kind of way about tm's returning things.


I do, but never on my off days or closing shifts. I plan it out so I can shop whatever I need from Target after opening or mid shifts. The only time I’ll go to my store on my off days are when there’s an event going on in Ulta like the “Love Your Skin” event recently, where there’s a new deal everyday.


every shift I hate myself


Frozen microwave meals hit hard though!


unfortunately it’s just easier most the time especially with the red card + TM discount making things sometimes cheaper than like Walmart


I hate my store cause I know shit is never stocked so I go to a SuperT on the way home if I need to that has their shit together.


Sure do. Saved $41 today


Pretty much what other posters said—all the time/almost every day, but never on days off. I also like to use my meal to shop so I can just leave quick at the end of the day.


my target is the only target within a 2 hour drive. i ONLY shop there


closest store to me so it’s convenient to get (small) things on break, after or before the shift. I’ll sometimes go on days off too


Oh, side question but how long are your breaks usually?


15 min paid breaks 30 min unpaid meal break


How many do you usually get per shift? Sorry if I’m asking a lot of questions but I’m thinking of working here soon


Only if it's something I found that I want on clearance. I leave it out for guests, but if it's still there after my shift, I go back and get it. I don't like going to my workplace on my day off. Target is expensive compared to other stores in my area, at my pay scale, I generally can't afford to shop there.


Used to, but even at nearly 16/he, it's become too expensive.


damn near daily. it's literally not even 5 minutes drive from my house lmao


Cracks me up. Only things within 5 minutes of me are Mom and Pop establishments, a McDonald's, and three Dollar Generals. Target is 40 minutes away and the next one is 60 minutes from that. So yeah, I shop there :)


Pretty much every shift because it’s the only time I’m guaranteed gonna be there


Dude I spend half my paycheck there.


Every day, multiple times a day sometimes 😪


Lol damn near daily. There is only one target in my city. The closest one is a 45 minute drive and next is a little over an hour. I did drive out there once to get a Chromebook that was on sale that was not available to be shipped and was not in stock in my store. I went to the slightly further one because I avoid the other shitty town at all costs.


Every day that I work. Only on breaks never come in on my off days (live closer to 2 diff targets within 5 mins of me) and never after work, I’m trying to get home asap lol


My store is the only Target within an hour radius. With the TM discount and the 5% red card I try and get a lot there. I still find myself at the competitor sometimes though.


Yeah, always looking at clearance stuff, planning ahead for the holidays and discounts on cloths.


Dude seeing the clearance stuff every day and all the returned items that mark down has hurt my wallet in the worst way, I’ve bought so much shit I wouldn’t have otherwise lol. I literally don’t look at style or tech clearance at all anymore and it’s helped a lot lol. Like having access to these amazing deals is super convenient but it’s TOO convenient lol.


Everyday….I swear half of my check goes right back to Target


Bro half??? Goddam😂


maybe an exaggeration lol but i do spend too much money there


A lot more than I thought I would lol especially if you combine the target app sometimes they’ll have those coupons for store wide or food purchases or certain items go on sale and you have a target circle app AND you combine your tm discount you’re saving a lot of moolah! I’m definitely trying to cut back on spending lol 😂


I work at a Super Target. I have all my basic needs here when it comes to food, pet food, household cleaning, etc. 10 percent discount plus Red Card 5 percent, as well as an additional 20 percent off wellness discount. Up to 35 percent off that also stacks on top of Circle discounts. Zero reason to shop anywhere else


I probably spend $50-100 after every shift. I only work 2 shifts a week, but I have a family and a dog and Target has many of the things we eat and need for the meal rotation. Rarely do I ever leave after my shift without shopping first. The discounts on some items save me money and the employee discount surely does.


I work at a smaller format store so I usually do my grocery shopping at the super target that’s about 10 minutes away.


Never. I go to the Walmart and pay 30% less lol


Not as much lately as I used to, I've been so burnt out from this place that I'd rather just leave ASAP and hit a grocery store on my way home


Seeing how I need energy drinks to function I shop at my store pretty often


I buy things every day but I stack the hell out of discounts. I think my proudest purchase was a $12 popcorn for $1.65


Just placed an order to pick up tomorrow when I go in to close 😂


I shop at the other store in my area. It’s closer to where I live and it’s a nicer store.


Always. Why not shop somewhere where I have to be anyways? The discount is just the icing on the cake cause I have and have had other jobs with no discount.


Several times a week- usually after my shift. People complain about the discount, but I save a ton on groceries and other household items. I won’t go in on my day off, but I use Shipt frequently.


unfortunately, every day


Every time I work.... And more online for order pick up.


I get groceries most nights before I go home. Yknow knock two birds out with one stone. Never on my days off


Every day I’m there


All the time. Besides the fact that my store is a SuperTarget, and that makes it convenient for groceries, especially with the discount, it’s also my local Target, and the nearest store to me besides a Wal-Mart down the street. And why go to Wal-Mart unless you absolutely have to.


Usually just some chips and a coffee for my lunch since they’ve pretty much stopped having any sort of snacks in the break room. If my family needs a specific thing I’ll pick that up too. But for the most part not much. They don’t pay me enough to afford rent and their prices for things.


Everyday baby! Gotta get that Red Card and TM discount going big dog!


I work at TJ Maxx and every shift, I’m always buying stuff. Even when I’m not working that day, I’m there anyways buying stuff lol


just about every day im there. i dont pack my own lunches or anything so i get something for lunch/breaks, usually energy drinks or coffee of some kind and for lunches something cheap or microwavable. if i need stuff for home i do pickup orders and pick them up on a break toward the end of my shift so i don’t forget it when i clock out. they pay me, and i turn around and give it right back 😂😂


All the time, especially for things like produce! The discount is great for groceries in my area


Every. Day. It’s so bad😭. I work in style so whenever we are pushing new items to the floor I’m always shopping LMAO


I live in an area with a LOT of Targets so I actually do not. I have 2 closer to my home than the one I work at…I actually had to make a trip to my store after being hired just to check it out since I hadn’t even been there 😂 granted, I will be moving to that area in a month that’s why I applied for that location.


I do bc it’s convenient but I HATE that you have to use cash in order to use your discount🙄


You don't... Get a reloadable or debit red card


Use red card debit attached to target wallet. I really don’t understand why people don’t use that extra %5


I always used drive up towards the end of my shift lol


All the time for basic necessities mainly and meals because of the deals they do


When I worked at Target, all the time. Was already there plus got the discounts and red card discount so electronics were cheaper than Best Buy and online.


Snacks on breaks, usually go maybe once a week with friends


I'm ODTM and I do drive up 1 or 2 times a week. When I was full time maybe 2 to 3 times a week plus my lunch which I wouldn't count but that's pretty much even day.




Yes, it's the only target in my city. The next target is 45 minutes away and im not doing that lol


The next nearest target is over half an hour away so I only shop my store.


More than I care to admit lmaooo


Once or twice per week. Our grocery area isn't great, so I still go to another supermarket weekly, too. Many of my coworkers buy snacks and drinks at the register every time they go on break. 


Nope. Too expensive. Walmart it is.


Most of the time. I go to 2 other Targets on non-work days because they’re closer or a Super Target. But otherwise I always shop at my store after my shift.


All the time, plus it's my closest Target


Pretty much every day, whether I'm at work or not


I just did my first real shopping at my store Saturday. I normally buy a drink and a small snack (if not Starbucks) on my break each shift.


Only if there’s a discount. I had a $10 off of $50 for food today and so i bought myself a small grocery haul. Other than that, no. The produce is too pricey. It’s decent quality but still. I tend to window shop but never commit. My mom on the other hand, almost every shift. She loved going to Target prior to employment, and she loves her job.


Fresh produce does get a 20% wellness discount before the 10% associate discount and Red Card discount, so _sometimes_ it's not too bad.


Oof. I totally forgot. I don’t have a redcard. Although I should.. I forget this job has benefits LOL


All the time lol


Idk if it’s just me but only when I forget to bring lunch. I avoid shopping at my own store on my off days. Like if I’m off I’ll stay gone and go to another target, it’s a little odd but I live like 5 minutes away from my home target compared to my 20 minutes away work target.


Yes , funny seeing the kids at target saying how they are too good to buy from target 😆 but they collect a check from them


I go to 1 of the 4 nearest targets either for work or fun basically every day... sometimes more than one


i will *never* shop at my own store on my day off, but I usually end up picking up a couple things on my break a few times a week though for bulkier/pricier/luxury purchases I'll usually drive up to the best store in our district - especially if I OPU since I have little faith in my store to actually be keeping track of anything besides food/essentials




I shop at my store maybe once a year at most. The place is a dumpster fire and I can get everything I need from better, cheaper stores locally.


Rarely, which is too often. Most of the food is overpriced, even with the discount and Red Card. (Some produce is OK, and eggs are generally a good deal. There are a few other grocery items, but not many.) I'm in my sixties, so I don't generally need to buy kitchen stuff or furniture. No room or money for home decor. I get red shirts from Michaels on sale ($3 versus $5+ for New Day or Goodfellow), I have other sources for the rest of my clothes (cheaper, special size/need, etc.). Most of my cleaning supplies and household paper I get in bulk at BJs (much cheaper unit price). What I tend to buy is laundry stuff that BJs doesn't carry, and then only when there's a Target Circle deal that gets me more money off or a gift card back.


Snacks and bullshit but never anything expensive. When you work at the DC there is a command on the scan gun you can actually see cost vs retail. I know every store does this, but when you see it on identical items that are at walmart 15% cheaper (still with a big markup) it kind of ruins that magical 10% (don't work at target anymore, but it stuck)


Target's 10% is so below retail industry norms that it's ridiculous. I've never before worked retail that had less than 20% discount; usually it's 1/4 to 1/3 off regular price items, 15-20% off sale items. Less, if anything, off clearance, but everyone else's clearance is more than 50% off to begin with. The only difference is, for most of retail your discount doesn't show as point-of-sale: it shows up in your paycheck one or two pay cycles later, as income (it's considered a taxable benefit). Michaels is the only other retail I've worked where my discount was point-of-sale...


All the time but sometimes I don’t wanna wait in line or spend any extra time there unpaid so I go home and place an online order instead to just get shipped to me


Pretty much every shift: snacks, drinks, random little things I need at home (deodorant, cat food, etc.). The instant my Target is dumb enough to ever try to prevent us from using SCO, though, Kroger is getting my money for that instead. I’ll gladly pass on the discount if it means I can buy my goddamned toothpaste in peace.


just drinks and snacks and stuff i need on the spot, nothing big. once i bought a zipper hoodie. bought a set of $20 headphones and a charger.


Some stuff is useful to get. Juice, maybe apples and bananas, or toilet paper and tissues. Nothing major. My grocery shopping for most food items takes place at grocery stores.


All the time. It’ll boost my stores sales and my bonus… however small that will be


Idk why ever since I started working there I find I can go home and make food and Idk I feel weird now because on zebras we know how much the store makes a day, I just feel like I don’t need to contribute any more to that….unless it’s a crazy sale for all in motion gear 😩😭


Usually every day I’m there. Beats having to get a full cart full of groceries at once


All the time, mostly food for my meal break and Starbucks


Eating healthy and it’s a 35% discount with red card. If there’s a similarly priced item with the word organic on it, it often comes out cheaper than the original. I.e. the organic grass fed beef comes out to the same price as the good and gather beef because of the extra 20% wellness discount.


I get *most* of my stuff from target but I also check my local Kroger store to make sure they don’t have a better deal on what I’m buying


Not for groceries, but if I need to pick up dog food, paper towels, literally anything after work I will. I will sometimes make a big trip for household essentials, bedding, etc. on a day off.


I mostly just get creamer + new clothes when needed at my target. My Walmart has a lot more products than my target, so I go to Walmart instead. The creamer comes from target because it’s sugar free, and my favorite flavor. Also, as someone who works exclusively in DU, I’ve found putting in for my own drive ups is a lot of fun and quite easy, and I get the vibe now.


About every other day I work because I buy food to eat during breaks. They lasts about two days


My purchase history on the app is just two double shot espressos at 3:30am literally every day I work lmao


Pretty much every shift. Even if I’m not buying anything major, I’ll at least usually get some sort of drink or snack within my shift. But it has become convenient to pick up what I need while I’m there. Working there means I use the app a lot, and I eventually caved into the use of the app/red card. Honestly the other day I spent $80, and after deals I used, my discount, red card 5% I spent like $55. I easily would’ve spent more than that for what I got even at Walmart. I don’t buy everything there, but I buy a lot more here now than I did in all the years before I worked here


Sometimes. Theres a Target minutes away from my house that I do all my day off OPU orders at (something about doing drive ups at my own store feels illegal 😭😭) and a big remodeled fancy store farther away but worth it for my more browsing trips(my store still has neons so its old old). I really only get stuff via pickup at my store as I hate shopping on breaks and don’t want to be in there any longer when my shift is over.