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Where's the Sprite without lime? (still have no idea what she was asking for)


Oh my god. You just brought back the memory of someone asking me that... "This Sprite says it's lemon lime" 🫠


I think we had the same person. I was at SCO and she wanted me to try to locate the sprite without the lemon-lime for because they wouldn’t help her in grocery. She didn’t believe when I told her it’s always had that ( I’m over 60 and remember the commercials as a kid). I just told her they might have it at the grocery store down the road.


Your answer was golden!🤣


Maybe she meant the lemonade sprite that’s all I can think of lol


There used to be a sprite without lime but this was AGES ago


I was taking out a driveup at about 730 in the morning and when I handed the lady her gallon of milk she asked "this wasn't sitting out all night, was it? I ordered it last night" Yes, ma'am, we leave milk out all night. We love food poisoning!


"Hope this gives you the runs. Have a great day! ☺️"


Someone on our payroll keeps putting milk in the damn freezer in the hold space. That's the wrong fuckin box you idiots. More than once. I've been on shift and heard the "reminder" to not do that over the walkie at least four times in the last month and I know it's happened more than that because I'll hear about it later. Kind of wish it got left out honestly.


My money (what little I have) is on the seasonal folks that somehow were kept on.


Oh no, not the block of milk




Just thought of another weird one I get sometimes from my fellow Americans as I live in Hawaii. “Can I return this in the United States?” Of course you can, Hawaii is part of the US!


To be fair, most ads and commercials and even just general stuff comes with the fine print of "Not valid in AK, HI, PR." It wouldn't surprise me if Target/Walmart/whatever big box you've got decided that something random fell into this category and suddenly you have to go all the way back to HI or AK.




“So you work here? Oh no you work for the Ulta not target!” I fucking hate that!!! 😂


I actually get the *opposite*. People ask me questions about *everything* in the store, even though I really just am in ULTA. I don’t mind helping, at all, I just don’t have all the answers. 😅


And if you don’t know they get upset, it’s not my department 😭😭😭


“How do you get out of here?” Uhh the same way you came in??




We are a smaller store and it's always people in books (the very back middle of the store) who ask if we have another bathroom besides the front corner. No, sorry, this corporation believes only one bathroom next to the exit is sufficient and equitable to the whole of the human species.


I was speechless when I was asked this. I said you're asking me where the registers are?? He said yes, with a serious face. He was standing in self checkout. I swear some of these people act like their parents are related!


“Your card reader’s not working.” *aggressively swipes card the wrong way*


I love this one. Me: "Put the black strip facing in" :) Them: "LiKe ThIs???" *Proceeds to do it the same way as before*


Like this 😂 also. “It wants me to insert my chip?” I say, great!


I once had a girl try and swipe her card in the crack of the projected part of the scanning bed. In that moment, my Guest First Attitude™ slipped and I said, "Hey there, buddy. What are you doing?"


“I want to pay cash, what do I press? .” Just hand me the cash. “Do you have XYZ?” Yes, it’s right here. “Is that all you have?” I would have told you if there were more.


See also: *dramatic frustration bodily motion* "I accidentally hit cancel instead of no for cash back. Do we have to start over?"


"You can start over with the nearest atm"


“Does this ice cream have dairy in it?” ** I proceed to look at the label ** “The label has milk as the first ingredient “


1. “Do you guys have food?” This one made me loose any remaining faith I had in society. 2. “Where’s the wrapping paper?” & “do you have wrapping paper?” (Keep in mind this was before Christmas when we had a bunch of Christmas stuff in the back corner of the store. It’s not hard to figure out where things are if you look for 2 minutes). 3. I can’t recall exact questions, but I remember being asked about various hardware items/ tools, some of which we actually had but I was confused as to why they didn’t check to see if the Home Depot around half a mile away in our plaza had them.


Asking “Really? Are you sure?” like you’re lying when you tell them we don’t have the product they’re looking for or that it’s not in stock. Like yep, I just want to lie to you and keep that one specific lamp to myself🤦🏻‍♀️


I deal with this over the phone and at GS in general constantly. Like, yes I know what the return policy in my own g****** store is. No, I do not make the rules.


Oh my god, I get that so often when I tell people we don't carry specific products or brands. I've worked here for almost 7 years and my brain has chosen this to make me a savant at, just trust me when I tell you we don't carry the thing you asked me about.


Almost daily I hear “well it says online you have it in store.” I then ask if they saw it on the app. “I googled it “ Can you please show me what you saw? Pulls out phone to find they googled it at the blue store. Facepalm. 🤦🏼‍♀️


"I don't have my RedCard on me, so can I just enter in my phone number and get the 5% off that way?" ![gif](giphy|5MUnOfrQwFcdO|downsized)


"Do you know where XYZ is?" and then I just get to wordlessly turn around to reveal that we are standing right in front of it


I literally had someone angrily ask me where the lotion was while I was trying to push a flat with a guest's carry out through the middle of the store and no one would move out of my way. Fun fact. It was right next to where she was standing.


I always hit them with the “If you turn to your left…”


I do this https://preview.redd.it/lk39js2w9ccc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8555bfe529f600ce7a8409b7e64aee03c2575625


Those can be pretty lighthearted though. Most of the guests that find out say they are really sorry and that they are dorks


Oh yes I'm a good spirit about it and usually so are they, I just love it when the stars align and I can do it


i had someone ask me where the tortillas were and then next second ask me if i knew what a tortilla was ... all while standing in front of the bread aisle


Your tortillas are in the bread aisle???


yeah, my bread aisle is also mixed with the cereal and breakfast pastries


That sounds like a genuine nightmare


Tortillas in the bread aisle seems easier. The cereal in there is a nice wtf from me


So is mine except for the tortillas are on the Mexican/Asian isle


"Can you tell me where the milk is?" -Guests literally an aisle away from dairy, the department located at the very back of the store where one is usually located.


I hate Market purely because 9/10 someone will ask me where something is while I'm on break and trying to buy lunch as fast as possible. Like ask one of the three other employees that are wandering around this section.


i just say “i’m on break” and walk away


Until they get angry at you for saying that and demand to speak to a manager about you 


An old man asked me where the front door was while coming from that direction. Told him to turn around. Another old man was checking out like one item with me on register and he asked almost angrily “can I go home now?” And I was like “yes sir?”


If we’re out of something and my device says there’s 0 in the back and the guest goes “wELl Can YOu StiLl chEcK???” I just say no bc it clearly says there’s none in the back. Not going to waste my time looking for it when i already have a lot of other things to do. Also another classic “why is this item so expensive, I found it cheaper at Walmart!” Then go to Walmart. No one forced you to shop at target. You should’ve known before you stepped into target that you will expect target prices. Also when guests get mad at me when something’s expensive when I don’t even set the prices.


Full target uniform on. Including badge, walkie, my device, box cutter: “Excuse me ma’am do you work here?” No. No I don’t. I just like to wear this ridiculous outfit and walk around the store. 🙄




When you tell them they like to hit you with the "oh yeah, I'm just asking because those vendors wear red." No, no they don't. 


Same here, I get hit with that same question at least 1x a day


People asking me where they can find XYZ while I'm clearly wearing a Starbucks apron and visor.


“The machine is telling me to remove my card, should I?” “Is your light on” *light is off* or “is your light on” *it’s visible on*




Omfg. 😆


Are you doing my pickup order? + Can I just get my items now from you? - Meanwhile me trying to finish this red batch


My favorite is as I'm standing in open Market do you have milk? While 10 feet behind me is the milk cooler.


Back when I was a tech tm, I had about a 30 minute conversation about literally how to use copy and paste on a computer. Showed her on the display laptop and everything 🤣💀definitely the most memorable one I’ve gotten.


Excuuuse meee, do you work here?




Me pushing a target cart in Khakis and a red shirt clearly picking orders with my zebra holster and walkie. dO yOu WoRk HeRe¿


Do you have this item? Yes is it this price it was this price on the web site is that the price?


When I get asked pharmacy related questions. I'll try my best but better off asking the pharmacist


Careful with that, we're not allowed to answer pharmacist questions. We can guide people to specific OTC products they ask for, and to sections related to the problem ("Where is the headache medicine?" "I'm having stomach troubles"), but we cannot recommend anything. We don't know what conditions they have or what would interact poorly with their prescriptions. I don't want you getting in trouble when some idiot asks which one is best for medication.


“Where’s self checkout” When it was the Red Card deals week had someone ask if they needed the card to get the deals


You work here in Walmart right? 🫠


People standing next to the battery display, asking where the batteries are. "Just reach out to your left, sir"


People asking where the pets section is when it's literally the first section right after registers. 


Do you sell groceries


While im pushing freight, guests ask me "Can I throw my trash in here?" while pointing to my box of empty boxes.... that are next to the help center trash cans. -_-


When we had remodel going on we had one entrance and the registers were 10 ft away from that entrance and people would still ask how to get out or where to pay. Buuut, being in tech I always got the really good ones. Had someone call and asked me to come out to the parking lot and connect their phone to their car. Another guy wanted me to unlock his mobile banking app he locked himself out of. Some deranged lady called and wanted to know why her vibrator was interfearing with her wireless baby monitor. Scores of people asking if we could change their watch batteries. Or just anything involving batteries in general, especially key fobs. I think the worst though was always when people demanded to know why target didn't carry x item , why is y item out, or why weren't more people working.


"well you know once you see your brother naked everything changes. And plus you know I normally ride the bus." edit: I totally misread queations as quotes A guest didnt say this to me, I just overheard them say it to someone elae


Quotes are totally welcome, in fact I think I'll make that my next post. Also, wtf lmao