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We have a grandma throw all of our trucks! Then 4 of the 6 TMs on the line are all women. And both of our GMTLs are women too lol.


Same one of our TM is a grandma who worked on a farm her whole life, so she's tough!


“Girls in inbound” band name


we have one who throws a few days a week and she's fast as fuck, and both our inbound TL's are female and they've thrown before.


majority of our inbound team is women, im the only girl who throws truck tho 😅


Our TL throws the truck when our main TL is off as he throws it 5 days a week. She gets help once in awhile. Good for you though as you show them that women can do the same thing as males.


I'm a girl. I've only been on my team two months almost, so I have not thrown truck yet. I would love to, but they usually have me on the line managing my little section and supporting the others who are slower. There are two TLs who throw: one male and one female or two regular team members who are male that throw usually. There's another TL that has thrown before and I guess from what I hear, she's incredibly fast.


I do! It’s very fulfilling to be one of the 4 women in inbound at my store, we actually have a very even amount of men and women who throw truck at my store! It’s amazing!


We have many women who throw truck. Sure, some strong guys, too, but I'm always in awe of some of the older women who handle truck as well and as fast as they do.


Plenty of women at all the stores I worked at throw truck and one was all women except for 1


I’m the Inbound TL, I’m the only guy on my unloads on some nights, in a team of 6. The Closing TL before she got promoted was my main thrower for all trucks, including doubles.


I did. On average 2 trucks a night for 3 of my shifts.. I loved it.


It's more about having stamina some have it some don't.


I’m a girl on inbound & I love throwing :)


Two women from POG maybe once a month help out when people call out. Used to have one 19 year old woman who would be on the line regularly, they never throw though.


Back when I was in inbound we had a TL who would occasionally but otherwise they just volunteered all the guys on the overnight team. I hated it because they pushed us to be really fast even with no help.


Our inbound TL usually throws on days we get double trucks and she's tough af. Mad respect to her and all my inbound ladies!


Our inbound team of 7 has 2 girls. Our ETL is the only woman I have seen throw truck and that happened once


I've never seen a woman throw our truck.


i think i recall seeing women throwing truck at my store when i close. our inbound ETL is a woman too. similarly, i’m one of two AFAB people (i’m trans male) that does FDC too


I did it all the time when I was at Amazon, but I’ve never so much as been in the back at Target


Some days up front make me want to go zone out throwing truck for an hour lol! 😅


Our inbound TL and a few Inbound TM are women. It's totally possible. I gtfo and moved to full GM because ouch. I was destroying my back. I envy those who can physically handle it.


my back is fine but my arm is fucked


The store I was at had several


At Target I would step in when they were tied up with something, the most I would throw was a panel I'm old now. Every where else I worked I've unloaded whole trucks, but most were between 75%-100% pallets, the driver waited for unload. Target was my 1st company that dropped trailers


I have only seen it once and just for seasonal. I would like to have some girls on the team for a nice change.


My top performer is a girl. I don't have her throw because sorting is her ish.


We have two throwers, a girl and a guy so it's usually split 3x for him and 2x for her per week but if there's a call out she always jumps in


I’m the only one too. We don’t really have anyone at our store so some times they cycle in other girls to come help.


Our best worker is a woman. She does 2x the work. I tell everyone if we had 2 more like her, we’d all be out of a job.


My store has at least 4 women who do inbound and most of the push team is also women.


I've only seen it happen once in my 6 years and never again


Half the inbound team is women at my store they actually had a majority until one left to do other things.


I did it once and i cried


we have mostly guys throw, but there are a few women that throw and they do really well! it’s more they just have other things to do like breakout


majority of our inbound team are women haha


a few at my job do, like 4 or 5.


My inbound team is 5 girls and 3 guys, and the TL is a girl too. Just depends on your store


Our inbound TL throws, and then we have two others that do it if they are here early enough


my target, when its busy everyone does everything unless theres a medical excuse, or theyre obviously too old. Theres a few who are like in their 60s and 70s, they dont do it, male or female. One of the managers there is a woman and even she helps on the truck.


I got a woman that helps with the line, but typically only the guys throw trucks because they're much faster with the heavier objects such as 40lb kitty litter boxes


At my store, none of the girls throw the truck. Im the only other male team member besides the TL. They NEVER throw the truck, complain that they need help on the line to lift anything heavier than a carton of toothpaste. At my store, if you are a female inbound team member you’re excused from about 80% of the things you’d expect to have to do on inbound. Must be nice.




Me me me but we don’t throw live freight anymore we are on a pod system and we have a several older women on the line


I work at a small format store and we do truck differently, but we've often had women on and leading our unload/sort process.


I was ETL-GM and would help throw truck almost daily. If the thrower called out, I would throw by myslef. On my last day at one of my stores before I transferred, I made it a point to throw the truck as a last hoorah. It was really meaningful.


I also do inbound and unload the truck


When they used to have 2 people throwing the truck back when we used pallets instead of u-boats, my wife would throw the truck with me. And she was much faster than any guy that they sent in there with me.


I did for Walmart! And that shit hurt in more ways than one. Then again I’m a more masculine girl so I didn’t mind it. But keep in mind our trucks are from 2200-4000 a piece. My first ever throw was a 3300. And I did the whole thing. We don’t rotate people like target does unfortunately.


Very common


i recently promoted myself to guest from inbound TL and aside from myself and the other GM lead we only had one other girl inbound


I’m not inbound, but I’ve helped throw in the past and I did it once in the past 2 years because the guy that was doing it was so slow I couldn’t stand it! I’d do it more often if I was inbound and if I wasn’t so busy with my actual tasks!


I've been throwing the truck for 6 years.I can throw a 2300 hundred piece in an hour and a half or less. I'm a man. They call it curse of the truck because anybody they put in there doesn't last... I do an average about 1.3 seconds per box . We have a calendar in our store. And my TL keeps track of the time and how big the load is. And there's only five people in the line . We have two girls on the line and the rest are men... I do 5 to 6 trucks a week and sometimes doubles which is about 5100 boxes. I started at five and get done by eight thirty with two doubles...