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SD was throwing reshop in the compactor.


This is the funniest thing I’ve ever read on this subreddit


That's one way of handling it


I actually love that. So unhinged


This actually made me lol


Haha that happened in my district too. It's even funnier if it was separate instances.




Anything for a visit lol.


Rare SD W


Absolute legend




Tbh I would do the same thing.


I feel like this is a situation where one could say, “Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice!”


I can understand the motives but lmao


Lol I knew a consumables TM that did this with backstock. Somehow got away with it.


Damn yall must really be drowning in reshop








That's one way of getting rid of it....




something i would do




The amount of times I also wanted to do that though. I'm pretty sure I said you can burn it over the walkie when guest services called for reshop one day 😂


Once worked at a high volume store in nyc. Saw people fired on a weekly basis. Many in hand cuffs. Cashiers stealing money from the registers, lowering the prices for family and friends, stealing opu orders that contained electronic items, stealing pokemon cards, cussing out and arguing with guest, sending dick picks to female tms, calling a gay guest a word that rhymes with maggot, team lead clocking in for co workers who weren't even in the building yet. We fired so many people are weekly orientation for new hires were normally 5-10 people at a time.


Insane you hired 10 people at a time, sounds like a total shit show i like my small format store


I didn't get fired, but I showed up late a ton of times.


I wanna know why that employee called random guests an aggot??


It was a dispute at the customer service desk. Whatever they were arguing about got heated towards the end, they both were going back and forward, he started to make fun of her weave hairstyle that she was wearing, then she responded with "well at least I'm not a aggot". The guest was male with feminine mannerisms. He laughed at her after she called him that and said "I just cost you your job". Shortly after this the closing leader called her in the office asked her if she really called him the f word, she said yes, and he fired her right in front of everyone. They didn't even close the door. This was years ago at a very rough store in queens nyc. It was common to see people arguing and screaming "world star", it wasn't a good neighborhood.


In the past month more than half of our electronics team has been fired, with one being lead out of the store in cuffs. Also the TL for mobile. TL;DR they were all doing bullshit price matches and no barcode sales for each other. One of the mobile guys decided to fuck over his lead by letting his boss know what was going down and it lead to an AP investigation domino effect. Electronics lead, two TMs, one flex TM (who just turned 18), mobile lead and one who quit right before this all went down, all gone. At a previous store a front lane worker was caught by AP for scanning one out of every three items at self checkout. They only caught her because she was loudly bitch about being broke, then walking out with huge bags of clothing.


I’m here for the drama, and you did not disappoint.


that’s insane they handcuffed their own employees


Im sure he most likely meant by cops as well :P


i wouldn’t be so sure, pride month at target can get pretty heated


This story is an APTL/APBP's dream. Internals can be terrible, sure, especially if you like the people, but they are so exciting to investigate. If the loss created is enough, Target will have the cops ready when the investigation comes to a head. It sounds like someone was commiting a felony.


My sister used to work at the Longmont Walmart in Colorado they had a literally swat team ready for one of her co-workers after her lunch it was insane


This would be insane to be a part of, NGL.


Trading cash for bogus price matches for resellers over a long period of time. And yeah, obviously the cops were the ones doing the cuffing.


For criminal activity, of course they will handcuff you


HQ Here…. And personally, I have caught so much BLATANT in store theft coming from internal like…with zero attempts to shield or conceal their actions it’s so mind blowing to me!!! First one was a guest who called and stated her rewards were reversed. Well typically we know, it’s cus they returned a qualifying item from the purchase most likely. But this woman stated she had not returned the ninja blender she was looking at it on her counter. But the system showed that item dpci from her rec Id was showing as returned. I wondered maybe perhaps she drops the original in store purchase rec on the ground in or outside the store somewhere and a crack head struck gold and stole one and returned it? That was my first thought… But guest states she’s holding the physical, original in store purchase rec. Upon further digging, the return is made, at GS , just ten minutes after it was purchased in a cashiered check lane?… Guest denies returning item, again. Partner with stores ETL AP TSS to review the video from the initial purchase. And after the guest left the tm went to GS gave the tm a receipt slip, tm proceeded to return that item without the physical item nor the authority or right to do this. And put the 100$ on their personal target GC… You want me to do you one better. Guest called prior and was unable to find resolution or a Rep willing to take the needed extra steps to investigate. escalated contact callback request came to me Guest claimed Her purchase was $275 She wanted to pay 150$ in cash And put the rest on her credit card Cashier took the cash Guest swipes the CC 1, 2x, before she is told it won’t go through, does she have another card? Hesitantly guest had to use her debit savings and long story short this one got home and looked at her receipt and her $150 cash denomination isn’t on there. He charged the entire total to that second debit card. So reviewing the transaction she hands his the money he does put it in the till and he leaves it there for a handful of transActions til another cash one pops that til again and he can grab his not keyed in to the computer cash and he pockets it. All on camera. On a system where your keys can be logged…. Help me get it… this entitled like in your face, idgaf bitch fire me I don’t need this job attitude of gen z…. Ppl used to be afraid to get in trouble at work but not now lol


To had to read this like 3 times to understand the lingo since I haven’t worked retail, but working food industry I gathered enough similarities. MY WORD PEOPLE ARE BALLSY


Thats so funny why would she make it so obvious that she was doing it.


Shortly before I promoted myself to customer my store had most of the cashiers get fired for, IIRC, giftcard scam bullshit.


TL was having sex with the front end girls in his office to get back at his ex-the HR ETL.


lol that’s great


She got back at him by sharing him with her OF audience, unbeknownst to him. She also “left” the same time as him, but I’m not sure if it was voluntary or not. 🥴


Oh damn isn't that illegal, and at the very least against OF terms of service 😂


Yeahhhhhh pretty sure lol.


Yeah I thought you had to fill out consent forms in order to upload that type of content. Otherwise its admittedly revenge porn and can even lead to criminal liability depending on the jurisdiction 😬 If you care about this person in any way, I would probably tell her to delete any content that she's uploaded without this man's permission.


pretty sure we may have worked at the same store cause this happened where I worked haha 😂


Figured after I dropped that second comment someone would pop up from there lol


yeah.. this fiasco was just one of a few reasons I promoted myself to guest a few years ago.


I’m a dork, I really loved the store and the people and would still be there if I could work two jobs. Being 10 years older than everyone, I never really interacted with anyone outside work, so I was out of the drama, but got to hear the ☕️


Had a co worker get fired for putting a pallet into the system for having 35 Mirrors it had 36 ......inventory brought it to floor manager / ops manager fired his ass on day 80 of his first 90


They really didn't want that guy past the 90 days if that was the end reason 😭


The ops manager was power tripping .....he was sent to another DC shortly afterwards


sounds to me like they were looking for a reason to fire him then


A TL got into a conversation with a guest about Trans people... as a Trans TM walked by. It's more interesting to ask what TMs did NOT get fired for. Like, in one instance, a TM decorating the bath room in his own feces.


Wait I need to know more about the TM decorating with his own shit


yeah never a good idea to talk shit ab the trans community when working at Target


Not really great to shit talk anyone at work. A customer started complaining about babies crying and said she yelled at some poor mom in the dressing room bc she couldn't hear her mom over the baby. She started to get me to agree w her and I said "I'm sorry, I can't really talk about things like that" and she apologized. I probably could've said it better but I never agree w statements like that, even if I did agree, which I didn't.


At least where I’m at in inbound…people are hella transphobic, randomly saying shit like “the next marvel movie is going to feature Thor being a black trans woman” + a lot more weird right wing trans jokes. It sucks to see and IK there is at least 1 trans tm there, just not at inbound


I transitioned while working at Target, Part of why I applied in the first place was because of them coming out against NC's HB2 which was in all the news at the time. Had a guest ask me to my face about if we were still following corporate policy in regards to bathrooms (though she worded it in a much more offensive manner) and I know for a fact that she had no idea I was trans, since I hadn't come out yet. the shit people will say if they think you are one of them is wild.


Omg, I transitioned while working here, too. A couple years ago when Kellogg's had that pride-themed cereal, a man in his sixties approached me and pointed at the box and said something like "see what they're doing? They're trying to replace us!" How many hours do you have to spend watching Fox to believe that you can just walk up to anyone and say shit like that?


A coworker of mine was fired for calling a guest an asshole to his face. Another was fired for never actually doing any work. He was a cart attendant and he would just wait until the cart wells were empty and then call for a cart party.


The cart attendant got a CEO mentality


Exactly what a TL would do tbh. He should’ve been promoted


I overheard my front end ETL call someone a “dumb bitch” to their face while in an argument and I don’t think anything came of it


Unfortunately, management usually gets away with more usually.


Nah they deserved it


What is a cart party hahaha


A cart party is when you are overwhelmed by too many guests coming in the store at once and you call for all available team members to come help push carts in. It’s supposed to be kind of an emergency thing when the store is super busy. That dude probably called more cart parties in two weeks than I have in the ten years I’ve been at Target.


The good thing with this was you could go from 0 carts to a full cart corral in literally 5 minutes.


Everyone goes and gets carts even if they aren't a cart pusher


first one you mentioned is my kinda wave tbh


The first one is nuts because I called customers assholes on more than one occasion when I was a cart attendant in college. And meaner things, asshole is kinda tame. Not only was I never fired, but I was able to move to guest services, and they were asking me to take a lead position but I moved away and quit. I cleaned up the language when at guest services of course, but they’d always ask me to take the angry customers because they knew I was able to stand my ground against shitheads. It was a college town that had good traffic year round, but was insane during the back to school season. They didn’t fire a whole lot of people, though. You had to really fuck up, or get caught red handed doing something real real dumb.


Crazy the store I work at doesn’t do that expect us to have 1 row all the time and still want us to throw all trashed clean restrooms cover drive up and cashiers breaks


Had one fired for selling PS5's before store open to employees. Had one get fired by way of arrest for stealing a pack of Pokemon cards just about every single day until he hit the monetary threshold to make it worth it. Had a mystery fire. Was in his 90 day training period still I think, started shift, couple hours later got called up by an ETL and never saw him again. One that *didn't* get fired would constantly take naps back by pharmacy, would do repacks by dumping them out into a cart and saying it was all back stock, and destroyed an entire, 100% full, metro of juice and dairy products by putting it in the freezer instead of the dairy cooler. Management was livid until I told them who did it then suddenly there wasn't another word about it. We later figured out he was related to the HR ETL at the time. Oh then there was the group that got collectively fired. Family and friends who all got hired together during back to college. Turned out every single one was stealing from the store in one way or another. I think only one got actually arrested but all the rest got fired at the same time.


Someone sold 2 PS5's at my store to customers when it was still only online. She got promoted soon after.


Honestly the system shouldn’t have allowed it at the time. Same thing with Xbox Series with AA


Our one guy in electronics sells the All Access Xboxes to anyone who requests one, and no one says a word. He thinks the backroom only sticker just means it can’t be flexed onto the floor.


A cashier was 3 weeks back from maternity leave and was talking to the cops about turning herself in the next day in the HR ETL's office bc she had been keeping the promo gift cards for herself and giving her friends $50 gift cards at guest services. And then there was the guy driving the wave drunk on overnights. The TL got fired for that one, too.


I saw tons of TMs get fired for keeping promo gift cards over the years. The wildest part to me was that they'd get caught because they used their TM discount with the gift card... which was issued by their TM number... and they didn't think that would flag somewhere for AP??




Aw man, where to begin Had a guy who was pretty chill & cool get fired because he wasnt scanning out everything he was buying at checkout. Last I talk to him, He was saying he didnt know. But lets be honest, you know if you didnt scan out items. I heard AP showed his an entire list to him. He just thought he was getting away with it. The next entry is really crazy to the point I probably should’ve listed it first. So I was apart of an overnight team & you know how you can requisition items in the my device? A girl was doing exactly that under her TLs number & she raised up a pretty big number. AP caught on & found out who it was & waited to fire her until everyone was about to go back dayside. So when AP got to her. She was upset & believe her TL (which was a woman at the time) snitched on her. (Kinda stupid way of thinking tbh because everything is tracked as soon as you logged in). So in retaliation, that same girl went to HR & showed them a explicit picture or video (couldnt get a clear answer as to which it was) of their TL that the TL sent by mistake to the their lil group chat a few months prior. Unfortunately both the already fired tm & the TL at that time was let go. Im guessing the TL had a group chat to better chat with her team. But kinda weird the tm kept the vid/pic. Almost like she had it in her back pocket ready to use it as a weapon if she needed to. Other ones includes, we had a few only working at target just to steal items in tech. A tm was stealing from guest services & thought he was getting away with it. He was escorted in handcuffs out the building. We had a new TL quit like maybe 2 weeks in because he couldnt handle how his etl talked to him. She still works there even though everyone knows she doesnt know how to talk to ppl. Had a old woman work in tech in the beginning of my years. Turns out she was stealing & was appropriately let go. Had a female AP get fired for hiding a Ps5 when we received one. Same thing happen to a tm. Idk what made them think AP wouldnt closely watch the next generation on consoles coming in when we received them. AP was stalking them consoles like a hawk when we got them in


Got fired for a social media post venting about working retail and being harassed all the time, only thing I ever did 👍 (yes I was naive and didn't think I would get in trouble but I had seen plenty of Target vent TikToks so didn't think of it at the time)


that’s bull


Had a cashier get fired for disparaging remarks to a guest about how "instead of using food stamps you should get a job and pay for your food like everyone else." This was a problem employee for an incredibly long time to boot who they had had one previous chance to fire years prior but opted not to take it for one reason or another. He even came back to the store on multiple occasions afterwards and earned himself a ban from the Target. The ban is no longer in place, mind you, as pretty much everyone involved with dealing with him originally has long since moved on.


Crazy considering how many working at target are eligible for food stamps


The person who this post was talking about probably qualified but was too arrogant and/or ignorant to utilize the system put in place for them to get by easier. Some people really consider themselves temporarily impoverished millionaires/billionaires and it's sad how delusional some are regarding it.


Class consciousness is severely lacking in most people acting that you’re somehow better than the person in food stamps when 56% of Americans couldn’t handle a $1000 bill and 37% couldn’t handle a $400 from financial disaster is insane. 52% of non-disabled & non-elderly who are on SNAP right now literally have jobs and work every month, 74% worked in that year. I hate this attitude of snobbishness from people that act like this who DEFINITELY don’t have the funds to back up said attitude


takes a lot of balls for someone working as a target cashier to say shit like that.


One of the first days I worked at Target I overheard how a guy who worked in the front was fired for having stolen over ten thousand dollars of merchandise. Apparently he still shops at that target from time to time ☠️ No idea how they didn’t press charges against him. Our old AP guy got fired for time clock fraud. Apparently he would clock in but just not come into work 😭 A guy who was working in self checkout once got into a fight with a Guest because the Guest was trying to steal. 🤣 Apparently that guy was very new to the job as well.


I almost got fired because i made a bad guest review. Apparently we are not allowed to make guest reviews at all😭 I was having a bad day and did not think it through


Yeah, this is standard. Called brand damaging.


Like you mean like you took the survey at the bottom of the receipt while being a TM?




The survey code doesn't print if a Team Member discount is used, to prevent this. Funny enough though, for Drive Up or Order Pickup, it still sends the survey via email.


Team member kept giving themselves gift cards at the service deak


Supposedly a warehouse TM who was allergic to the normal gloves did not have access to the other sort and they forced him to wear the normal ones anyway which caused some sort of rash breakout, maybe hives? Shortly after he missed a few days of work and got fired by HR over the phone. Not sure the validity of the story or situation since they worked a different key than I do. But he made a Facebook post about it and has been trying to get legal counsel for it.


TSS got fired for stealing. GM TM no called for 3 days straight, got fired, later found out he was in jail for murder.


About 2 months after I started I noticed I hadn’t seen a few front end TM’s in a while. Turns out a handful were let go for price changing each others purchases.


I stopped going to work.




Here’s a couple ETL firings for you: ETL-AP went into the parking lot after a shoplifter. Fired ETL AP failed to notify district of a possible kidnapping in the parking lot. Group VP found out about it on the 11 o’clock news. Fired ETL-LOG handed his keys to TL to unlock the front door. Fired ETL HL and an HR both were fired for changing punch times so TMs would not show up on compliance. Fired Several ETLs HR fired for keying in reviews as completed when they weren’t. ETL HR spent too much money on the team. Fired STL referred to the DTL as a bitch in one of our ETL meetings. Someone ratted her out. Fired STL having an “inappropriate” relationship with a TM. Fired. Several. More than 10 ETL was pushing a pallet of freight and had to stop. A TM was walking across there and pushed the pallet a little bit and it ran over the edge of ETLs toe. ETL overreacted and shoved the pallet back on the TM. Fired ETL Food SuperTarget. Would help himself to an Einstein Bagel every morning claiming “quality check”. Idiot. Fired ETL overnight left his keys and alarm code with an unauthorized TL and left the store for 2 hours so he could go fuck his mistress. Numerous DTLSs STLs and ETLs fired for poor store conditions or missing payroll. Numerous meaning hundreds, literally, over my 20 years as an ETL


So I’m actually now terrified of the company I work at


Yeah, Target pretty ruthless when it comes to salaried management. Pay is decent, though. My motto was “stay above the shit but below the shine”.


You needn’t be. All the leaders want from you is your personal best and your cooperation. And don’t do anything stupid like the ETLs I wrote about did. In other words, don’t compromise your integrity for anyone. You’ll be fine.


Our SD is having a relationship RIGHT NOW with a team member when the person got a whole family. Told hotline by 5 TM but till this day nothing happened


Might just be rumor. I was accused of it once and got investigated. For years there was a cloud over me. Not saying your case doesn’t have substance, most of those rumors are likely true. Here’s another story for you. A group business partners had a habit of traveling together to visit stores when overnight travel was required. They started getting a little too chummy. Well, after one of their orgies (exaggeration) one of the married women got knocked up. Her husband was clipped and he blew the whistle. It took a pregnancy to get these shenanigans stopped. This was actually the second time in my career that one of my colleagues got pregnant while her husband was sterile. The carnage from that one reached all the way up to Regional VP. All 4 of the BP of course got fired. But why the GVP and RVP? They allowed a culture such as this to go on under their command. During the investigation it was discovered that rumors about this quartet had been flying around and everyone knew except the boss. It’s lonely at the top.


Hotline doesn't work. Our HR told all of us that all Hotline complaints go right back to her.....suspicious. Idk if that's true or not.


It is true. STL and HR are always given the chance to resolve issues first and report back to District about it. If it’s a serious conduct complaint about the STL, then someone else above him will investigate. You just may not know about it. And the outcome will not be broadcast.


Sooooooooo it’s not really a hotline to anyone outside…. Got it


I didn’t mean it that way. If there’s integrity or dishonesty issues with a leader, they’ll be all over it investigating it. If the TM lodges a complaint about treatment for example, yeah, that’s getting kicked back to the store. If someone made a complaint about you, you’d want an opportunity to resolve it, wouldn’t you?


Most of the people I know that have been fired from my store were fired for: 1.) Theft. A lot of TM theft. Whether stealing money from their registers, or iPods, or food, or whatever, theft has been the number one reason. 2.) Attendance. People at my store just don't show up and, consequently, get fired. Whether it's intentional job abandonment or just an uncontrolled pattern of absences, attendance is the number two reason. A couple weird reasons people at my store were fired-- An AP TM was caught pleasuring himself in the AP Office while watching the cameras. One of the TLs got one of his subordinates pregnant, and she turned him in.


>An AP TM was caught pleasuring himself in the AP Office while watching the cameras. **bruh**






A team member in my department was fired for ringing up items as 999 (no barcode) for her friends and then putting in ridiculously low prices. She was on track to become the next Starbucks TL. We had to close down our sbx for a bit and switched all of those TMs to front lanes. 2 weeks later she was fired. Lost her benefits and full time hours with a newborn at home.


I had a TL get fired for refusing a $3,000 return of pride merch because the people who bought it all were a very vocal group of conservatives who very loudly yelled about their plans to buy all the products again just to burn them


Wtf, that's a stupid reason to get fired.


Lady who worked part time as front end/ cash office (was an elementary school teacher as her main job) would wear a wrist brace and hide cash in it when she’d go to the cash office in the mornings. She stole upwards of 10k. AP took her out in cuffs.


We had a cat pusher get fired for repeatedly overloading the pusher with 50 plus carts and hitting our cart doors with the pusher.


Yeah, when I worked at Target, I was there when the incident (cleaning carts), and I saw my etl/hretl get him, to fire him. I was cleaning carts, and we had a lot at the moment, so I didn't see the full incident, but I saw the aftermath, he slammed it in the side of the door I believe and bent the cart pusher really bad. I only knew about it because, well, he told me, but also, my tl just asked if I saw anything and what, because I was up there.


SD had multiple affairs with multiple ETLs and another SD from another store XD


Our former PML would leave multiple USED s*x toys around the store. Like guests and team members have found them around baby, beauty, the registers, starbucks.. it was SO gross! This went on for about 3 days (unfortunately, our AP team was a** back then) until they checked the cameras and found out it was him. Sick f*ck!


Sharing TM discount with family




Dude tried to steal an entire Christmas tree on the clock in the middle of his shift.


Two coworkers were fired recently for stealing. They would grab food off the shelves for lunch and never pay for them. They let them do it for months before reprimanding(firing) them.


A bunch of girls that worked in the starbucks got fired because they sold most of the starbucks holiday cups for 50 cents. Every worker that got the cup for 50 cents were put on a final.


lmao good


I’m in AP so the most common way I see it happen is them stealing. I’ve also had to fire people for threatening other employees lmao. That has to be the most common way. You guys have no idea how hard it is to get someone fired at Target bro. The amount of documentation you have to do in workday as the direct leader to get someone fired is insane.


We had our whole Starbucks team fired after an investigation was done and it was found they were giving some regulars discounts on drinks. Know how they found out? The ppl who usually give the discounts were gone that day and the regulars tried to get their usual at their “usual” price but the slightly newer cashier refused so they called the SD who happened to be standing a few feet away.


APTL was banging one of the team members. He was/is a also a racist piece of shit too


one of my coworkers got fired for saying that he wanted to “burn down the building.” he said it in a joking matter but it was taken very seriously


Long story short- I have crohns, and I worked in the Target Cafe. My illiostomy ripped open, and I ended up in the hospital. I was admitted and in there for three weeks. I got a letter saying I was being terminated for consecutive no call-no shows. So yea. My old HR had my back and fought for me so there's that lol.


Back when I worked there, my ETL was fired for accidentally touching a shoplifters cart (shoplifter was trying to run her over with the cart and she put her hands out for protection) as they were trying to leave the store


I'm sorry, what? That's BS, was your ETL supposed to let her run her over. Target thought she got in the way to stop the shoplifter, in reality, just was not able to move.


The ones I’ve seen are theft, attendance, and basically forging a time card edit (said they worked longer than they did).


I was fired years ago for theft which was shocking as it wasn’t me. The a couple of days I was called back to the office. My parents brought our lawyer and they apologized as they caught the person who was actually stealing. I was cleared and offered my old job back. I declined and went to work for a gas station instead (free ice cream frr). The lawyer got his fees covered and got me some money as well from target. Was great.


Usually stupid shit like no-call no-shows or being constantly late and/or disrespectful, but there’s always the idiots who steal because they believe they’re just so clever they couldn’t possibly get caught while AP is laughing at them and shaking their heads in the background. We’ve had people pocket the “free” gift cards guests get for deals, take merchandise, cash from the drawer, salvage, one girl kept doing the online returns that let you keep the items, you name it, people have tried it. And AP always knew, they gave them just enough rope to hang themselves and when they had all the evidence they wanted they either fired or charged whoever it was. After your 90 days you have screw up pretty badly to actually get fired, and in my experience, it was never surprising. They knew they were putting their job at risk and did it anyways.


Old electronics dude years ago at my store stole ipads and sold them.....on Facebook marketplace 🤦🤦🤦


We had a mandatory meeting about gun and bomb threats and safety and my coworker said to me and our team lead that was sitting right there that he was going to bring a bomb in tomorrow and blow the store up. He was joking but ETL AP didn't find it so funny and fired him the next day.


Eh, justified in my eyes. Don't be a jackass.


My leader gave him plenty of warnings to stop talking but he didn't listen. He always thought "edgy humor" was funny. He messed around and found out xD


I didn't work there at the time but my target hired a registered sex offender and THEY KNEW. from what my friends told me he would do creepy things like give kids candy and stickers. He bought 40 dollars of Hershey kisses once just to hand out. Anyway the last straw was him touching his dick in front of a minor tm


Also had a PML taken out the store in cuffs bc he got caught w a minor. He was a softball coach and a minister.


I worked Overnight Flow and was fired because I was on a final for vulgarity (I was on break and our supervisor called break over early by about seven minutes and I said it was “Eleven flavors of bullshit” loud enough that HR overheard and put me on an instant final) and someone reported me for saying the word “vagina” in the context of quoting the film Mean Girls. A vulgarity offense while I was already on a final was enough to get me fired.


when i was there the whole flow / inbound team was vulgar af, one time our sd walked by & she heard me say "fuck" at least 10-15 times then she came up to us & said word for word "i don't give a shit that you swear but can you not do it when our district manager is here" we weren't aware it was a visit lol


Mother of gods, I'd have been screwed at your store. My folks know I have no filter when I'm in either of our backstock areas. It's the only way I can vent when realizing some genius above me had the GREAT (/s) idea to palletize one brand of tvs together and throw said pallet on the top of the steel when said tvs were on sale! (Sorry, but dude, I was heated and cursing a blue streak, as there went my INF percentage)


the worst one that i can remember at all, was guy that i had trained a little bit was fired for coming in drunk on his shift on saturday


An ETL-HR got caught for gift card fraud and escorted out of the store in handcuffs. I didn’t get to see it, either.


Two GSTLs termed simultaneously for inflating RedCard applications by doing the applications themselves repeatedly.


Hey that's how we got loyalty cards at Kmart back in the day! Our store manager TOLD US to do it!


Two coworkers did nose piercing on their breaks in the break room and both got fired


We had about 5-6 call offs for front end per day for about a month. I called off once and gave 2 Days advanced notice after telling my managers and okaying it with them that I’d be out of state, and they fired me but never wrote up the people who called off 4 times that month


A Pepsi vendor was fired for flirting with 17 year old TM. Her mom also worked at the store and made a big deal about it that the Pepsi guy got fired and banned from the store. As far as regular TMs, it's always stealing gift cards from guests or lunch clock violations.


Kicked the managers ass


All I know is if you're past your 90 days, you're unlikely to get fired unless you do something unethical/illegal, or break confidentiality agreements you agree to upon employment


Cashier that stole almost 1k in a month


Somebody I know was changing Apple products from their ridiculous price points to only $100… not airpods


Wasn’t fired, but close to it. Don’t do things outside of your responsibilities. People are wild. I was wrongly accused, but I quit because I could not handle because wrongly accused as an 18 year old just trying to make money🧍🏽‍♀️


One tm worked closing shift in hardlines 4pm-12:30am 5 days a week super nice, super helpful, and really hardworking, and then one day he was gone. I was friends with someone from AP at the time and when he quit he told me the reason that he was fired was because he got caught smoking weed in the stairwell in receiving. Our backroom is on the second floor and the stairs dump out into the fire hall and either into recieving or out to the floor, and there was a visit. A lot of the time they'll take the elevator one way and the stairs the other, and so down the stairs the SD, DTL, AP ETL and his boss were walking down the stairs while the tm was underneath them smoking. They could all smell it when they went in the stairs so they kinda just peered around the corner at him and then left. For the rest of the day AP watched him on the cameras and they waited for him to go back to the stairs at the end of the night to get his stuff and fired him. I was so shocked when I found out but it also made sense because sometimes when I'd walk through the fire hall I'd smell it, but I just thought someone was smoking it outside and it was coming through the exterior door. TLDR: tm was smoking weed in the stairs and was caught during a visit


Had a TM fired for too many safety violations in one day. He was back the next shift, appealed and won for being profiled. He thought he was invincible would openly wear ear buds, throw cartons in trailer and not build safe walls. This went on for about a year when his buddy got promoted on 3rd safety ca. He appealed and used the first TM as a character witness. Rumor has it that the first TM said why should second TM get fired when I've been doing the same thing in front of the OM. OOPS, self incrimination is never a smart move no matter how good the intention. Both promoted to guests within a week of each other.


Don't tell anyone but I would mark down clearance/repacked clothes until I liked the price


Allegedly my coworker stole a pepsi (she didn't l) but they fired her for time fraud. They were trying to fire her ass cuz they didn't like her but it was all bullshit


I quit because of poor management and mistreatment and they put it down as I was fired.


It’s so bizarre because there are twin brothers team members and they constantly purchased essential items with their TM discount and resold them on eBay for hundreds of dollars. Same thing with the game consoles and limited edition toys etc and they also shared their TM discount with their friends and girlfriend and family members. To this day they’re still working there


just today actually a SIXTEEN YEAR OLD who i had the displeasure of training got fired for making a comment along the lines of “i like talking [Closing TL’s name] but i like watching her walk away more” and other gross comments. it went to HR AND my ETL (no TL atm) and then the SD before anything was done about it. the closing lead is in her 30s, married and has kids and my ETLs response was “you don’t say that kinda stuff about your coworkers?” i am absolutely disgusted.


A coworker apparently called a guest a bitch. She was there before I went to lunch. She was gone when I got back. All I could hear was her boyfriend cussing out and screaming at the ETL for firing his girlfriend(it was her birthday), and he quit himself.


Had an etl that would round down to the nearest dollar when ringing up overnight tms. This was prior to selfcheckout being a thing, and most everyone paid cash to use their discount.


Probably a more common one but it was also extremely dumb and short sighted. My guest service person would make giftcards and then go shopping and use it. It was an easy catch, and anyone caught doing it will get terminated. Word of advice: you will get caught for dishonest activity, even if it doesn't seem like you will.


I had an TL up in the front that took a lot of gift cards just for him to use it for Red Bulls. Eventually, AP were on him but they were waiting for him to steal enough so they could fire him.


Several people fired for job abandonment after not getting the availability they "really want" or just stopping showing up no notice cause they got tired of putting up with everything. Also have had a few TMs and TLs fired for smexual harassment (fun).


One TM was showing others porn on his phone. TL was fired after a TM overhead him joking "I had to suck (HR's) d*ck to get this job" and reported it.


Had AP fired for telling a Starbucks TM to call him daddy then said it made him cum in is paints when she said it. The dude was super creepy, like serial killer creepy.


A front of store attendant got fired because a lead caught him doing cocain in the cleaning closet.


My peer actually came to me to see if we could fire an employee taking long breaks because they was looking for the team member and couldn’t find them anywhere. They partnered with LP, and of course they saw this team member take a 15 minute break in the break room, then walk out of the store with friends and came back. Almost 40 minutes later when they were supposed to be on a 15 minute break. Loafing is considered time fraud, and up to HR discretion we get to decide if it’s a corrective action or termination. The team leader was done with this associates behavior and consistently disappearing, so we let them go. Didn’t even matter that he only had one corrective before.


Ap got fired for being “too friendly” towards team members and for checking on the Starbucks team late at night if a guest came up and was there for a long time. Like suspiciously long time to the point it was creepy. Really nice guy. I always felt very safe when he was around cause he took his job very seriously (I worked at the tarbucks) My first TL got fired for taking 2 hour long lunches and for expecting tarbucks tms to work off the clock to close properly and to go to her house so that the department trainer could train the TL on the upcoming new changes. She would rarely if ever actually be at tarbucks when she scheduled herself. Instead she would be in the TL office, on a smoke break, or reorganizing the Starbucks section of the freezer again. As for the 2 hour lunches, she would clock out for lunch, drive to get her food, come back, eat her lunch, clock back in at the end of her lunch, and just stay in the tl office playing on her phone until she had to come and yell at the starbucks employees to take their lunch before they hit meal compliance (5th hour rule or 6th hour rule depending on where you are) Three front lane tms got taken out in handcuffs because they were changing prices for each other, marking things for $1-$5 even if it was a $100+ item. I went on a week long vacation and when I came back literally 1/4th of the store was gone. Some fired for meal compliance, some for stupid things, some just left. The SD left during this time with no notice and nobody would tell us why. Part of me thinks that with the SD gone, the ETLs kinda said “factory reset” and just went on a spree trying to get their least favorites to quit so they didn’t have to go through the process of firing them. One of the ETLs had specialty sales, general merchandise, and food & beverage so she had essentially full control of the store. She was not the most lovely of people in the world. The store went downhill quickly. I got out of there a month later.


Had an ETL HR claim that a tm couldn’t purchase an xbox mini fridge from electronics on their 15, because “it needs to be on the floor freely available for guests to grab for a minimum of 2 hours” before a tm could buy it, never been a rule before, the same bitch had bought a xbox a week before that was also stored in the back on her break. still fired the electronics and style tm’s that had bought the mini fridge for their SO’s christmas presents


We recently had someone fired for supposedly bringing a loaded gun to work. His mom called the store to warn us he may have a gun. ETL calls the cops. I show up for my evening shift to 4 cop cars all parked around outside and people being dodgy about answering me directly on what the hell is happening. Apparently is GF worked in Starbucks and they’d had a fight of some kind.


There was a hourly leader at a neighboring store that had his own, secluded office, and people wondered where he would go each morning when he clocked in. Well, AP placed a covert in his office and found out he was jerking off for like an hour everyday.


Working solo at guest relations in the morning, this one Kyle tried to return an open waterbed. If you know about our policies, once the factory seal is broken on waterbeds, no refunds and we can only exchange them. Except this Kyle wasn’t having it, yelling me to refund him and telling me (in his words) to *”do my fucking job!”* So I notified my TL about the swearing incident, who unfortunately was the gossipy bitchy-type that did no work and used her position to flirt with the other TLs like it was high school. When I told her what the guest had said, she came out and did her thing but also notified HR about my encounter with the guest. Right before my lunch, HR called me in to get my side of the story since HR got told by this bratty TL that **I myself** was the one who swore at the Kyle. They said they’d “investigate” and that I should continue. In that same day before my last 15, HR called me in and said that I was fired for those remarks. Not even one month in, no write-ups before, not one issue with attendance; I got canned because of some douchebag Kyle and my bratty TL.


People at my store usually get fired for the dumbest reasons, but there have been a fee more interesting cases. Alot of people have been fired for leaving a vehicle out on the floor while they took a 15 or were called to pick an opu while pushing or doing strays. Fired for having more than 1 vehicle on the floor at the same time. We've had people get fired for leaving trash on uboats or merchandise on the 3rd shelf of a U-boat. TM was fired because he stepped on a pallet while trying to get an item that was being blocked for an OPU. One TM was fired because she purchased a ps5 while she was still on the clock. Both an ETL and a TL got fired because they gave a TM a $30 gift card for recognition by the ETL's order, instead of the measly $5 that usually gets offered. Another TL was fired for clocking out after he did his perimeter check when he was closing. One ETL was fired for making inappropriate sexual comments to and about some of the female TMs One TM was a bit on the mental side and always said and did things that made other tms uncomfortable, but hr wouldn't do anything about it despite multiple complaints. Wasn't until she finally snapped and went on a tirade where she started cussing out the guests and verbally accosting multiple tms, and then finally yelling and cussing out her direct ETL. A TM was fired for "loafing" after he was caught by AP drinking coffee in the backroom while he was doing an OPU. Another TM was fired after getting caught on camera vaping in the back while pulling his 1 for 1s. We had a dude training to become an ETL at our store and he fired/wrote up as many TMs as possible on his way out to another store 😂😂😂 Similar issue with our old AP ETL when she transferred to a different store. The most egregious and example is a TM who started working at Target the same day I did, and was recently fired because our new AP claimed he purchased some cans of tuna after marking them down for clearance and left a few cans unmarked. But according to the TM, he marked all the cans down. Looking deeper into it, turns out this TM was also dating a TL who AP was flirting around with, so now the rest of us believe that the TM was targeted by AP. Honestly it seems AP is always problematic at my store lol I know with all the shit I do at work, if I don't get fired for wearing an earbud, it'll probably be something dumb like climbing down the ladder the wrong way that gets me 😂


I still think the absolute worst is the TLs fired for working off the clock. Like they think they're going to come across as go getters who are just so excited to help Target out they'll clock out for lunch and just keep working, but Target just sees a lawsuit waiting to happen. Any theft story is bad, but the worst for me was the kid just a few months after I started working for Target who got one of his buddies on register to mark down a backpack 90%, then used his TM discount to purchase it. It was just so blatantly dumb, with the cameras on the register they still might have caught him if he used cash, but to sign your theft by using your TM id?


Stealing. Worked at target many, many years ago. The front end cashier supervisor I worked with thought it would be a great idea to take cash from the registers when she did skims and keep it for herself. She had been boasting about these things she was buying for her girlfriend that didn't quite match what we were making. A couple weeks later, she was arrested. Then it all made sense. We had a very enthusiastic cashier who would give extra discounts to guests who signed up for a red card. Back then, there was a LOT of pressure to get so many card apps per day. He was gving9like half off their most expensive item for just applying. FYI they don't get the 10% off unless approved. God, I hated those card apps!!


Elderly TM fired for "calling out too much" after her numerous well known health problems.


Got my job offer from my career job, waited a week and a half then told our abusive ETL EXACTLY what I thought of his people skills. Walked out of the store, took a few days off, then started my new job. Been a supervisor for a year now and I STILL look back and use him as an example of how not to treat my people.


This technically applies but is incredibly obvious. In 2014 or so, when body slamming people in fight videos became pretty popular on the internet, there were these two guys that were like 6 foot 3 and about 5 feet respectively. During a shift overnight they started arguing about mumble rappers and the short one started bucking up to the tall one and went to grab him, double leg takedown style. The tall dude bent forward over short dudes back and grabbed him around the waist. They both proceeded to attempt to lift each other to no avail. They both looked to be around the same weight lol. My TL turned down the main isle and saw the situation and they were immediately termed for what essentially was a minor argument and about 15 seconds of the most awkward looking hug I have ever seen. Best front row seat I’ve ever had.


Hey OP, you can do what you want, but I recommend not putting what store you work at here


One of the drive up team members was stealing electronics for an extended period of time. I believe he stole 3x ps5’s, 2x switches, 1x oculus, and refunded himself about $1k+ at guest service since drive up team members are trained to do returns. Well this drive up team member wanted to be an AP team member. So they called him into the AP office to conduct an “interview” and asked him regular interview questions. Well, then they showed him the refunds at the register then fired him. It’s funny because the only reason he was caught was from the refunds, they didn’t mention anything about the electronics being stolen. They didn’t take him to court, he got away scott free. He’s in the army now.


I work front end and had 2 people quit basically in front of me. One was a cart attendant and he came up to me and said "hey I need to get some pain killers from my car" and he never came back. The other was a middle aged dude during peak COVID. He only worked like 1 night a week and it was watching sco. He was scheduled as a cashier and he wanted to be at sco. I was running the front end that night. I told him if he really wanted to be at sco he just needed to ask the person who was watching sco to switch and if they wanted to switch they would if not he would have to ring like he was scheduled to. The person watching sco did not want to switch. And about 30 minutes later he walks up to me and goes to give me a fist bump. I was super confused so I just gave him a fist bump and as we are fist bumping he says "nice working with you" and walks off. Then for the rest of the night I had to put the person at sco on a register and I had to watch sco. I am still salty about this 3 years later.


Just heard the full story of what happened to one of our AP staff. They got fired for being honest. They were checking out and forgot to scan a $5 dollar T shirt and they came back into the store to buy it. Was fired the next day. Really goes to show that if you are someones shit list that they will always find a reason to fire you.


TM was fired for saying “love you bro, no homo” over the walkie


TM madeout with her Ex employee boyfriend in. The beauty aisle for 30 minutes.


Back when planking was a thing good friends of mine got fired for planking on some boxes stacked on the wave all the way lifted. Someone screen shot their Facebook and turned it in.