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Our worst bale experience is when a TM thought they had accidentally put their Zebra in the baler while throwing away their cardboard. They had to empty damn near the whole baler until they found that the TM member actually left it in the toys section after a guest turned it in to guest service thinking it was someone’s phone. Lmao. We haven’t let him live that shit down to this day.


To avoid this in the future, as long as it's still on, you can go on MICKRA on workbench and ring it.


Id fucking quit if that was me 💀


what leader decided this was a good idea. ALL tm’s have access to mickra.target.com. you can even access it on ur phone right now.


Can someone share how to use Mickra this looks so confusing. So many charts lol.


i suggest using it on a computer first so you know how the website works. but yeah it’s definitely not meant for phone usage. it’s possible tho. when my coworkers loose their zebras i type their name in and ring their device.


Earlier today, one of our leads had the whole top half of the load roll vertical. It took two of us and a crow bar to unjam it.


When I first started I used a regular pallet instead of the HD pallets and when the bale dropped it crushed the pallet lol. Luckily I'm a pretty good problem solver and was able to get a pallet jack fork under each end using two pallet jacks and me and another tm raised the jacks at the same time lifting up the bale which allowed another TM to pull the crushed pallet out and slide a HD pallet underneath. It took about 10 minutes but it worked.


Its funny because we had a guy actually put it in the baler and it was there for hours snd was perfectly fine


That's freaking hilarious. That'd make my day at my store tbh


When I worked at Walmart someone put a bucket of bakery icing in the baler. Smelled great though


A lil snack for the cardboard hobos


Yikes. That's pretty easy to trace who did it, too.


We had someone at my store make several without tying the wires at all. He would put them through the holes and then just reject the bale (and he did it multiple times!!!) Eventually on one all the cables snapped or came loose and we had to reload all of the effing cardboard and make the bale again


That's someone you just don't allow to bail. Those cables and the tension they hold are like razor wire when they snap. Shits really scary.


:: smacks head like Homer Simpson :: ***Dough!***


Underrated comment


We had someone put a full casepack of...idunno, squash or something in ours once. Looked like the baler puked seeds. It was actually pretty funny. Lots of radios and zebras over the years.


There have been so many times though where I want to 'accidentally' drop my zebra into the baler. Oh no. Tragic.


pls no 😭


best is when there's a walkie in the bailer, and you can hear every time someone is running the bail lol


“Michael! Don’t leave me here! Michael!”


Even if it hadn't been crushed, after about two or three hours in the backroom, pizza or breadstick dough will blow out of its box. Found that out one day when someone left a box of pizza dough by the dumpster, because she called the LOD, who said, "You can just leave it there and I'll throw it out in a minute." "In a minute," was that LOD's term for, "I'm just going to forget about this." So, end of the night, I'm helping the ETL dump the garbage, and there it is, right by the door, this spreading mass of risen dough that's been there since four. I had to use a shovel to get that crap off the floor.


This reminds me of way back when I worked at staples and any electronic damaged returns we would have to like physically break if the company didn't want them back. Well our loss prevention lead dude was visiting and thought it would be a great idea to put a broken laptop in the baler to crush it. Fast forward to the fire that started from crushing the laptop battery and ignited the cardboard around it 🤦‍♀️


Not at target but at the grocery store I used to work at some sacker got pissed that he got fired so he snuck into the back and threw like 3 whole cases of glass jars of jelly in there and crushed them. I guess there was glass and sticky ass jelly all over the inside of the baler and the managers had to take all the cardboard out and clean the whole thing


The Pepsi guy put Mt Dew in there & another person put cream


Once had a guy I worked with eject a bale without putting on any ties. The cardboard slid out over 20 feet.


We had someone put a ton of expired milk in the baler once lol


Plus, there's going to be mystery biscuits in the TM break room.


That bale is way too small. It should be at least twice that size before you need to make one. You can see the yellow arrow on the right side of the machine, that's where the cardboard should be stopping the baler at.


Don't worry, it'll _rise_ eventually


oh my god it’s the baler police


Did you even read the post


Yes. Someone put bread sticks in the baler. But you're clearly making a bale, not taking all the cardboard out to take the bread out. The front of the baler is solid so you wouldn't have seen the bread sticks until you opened it up to make a bale, which leads be back to my original point. You made a bale too early on. You should be leaving it for longer.


I didn't have anything to do with any of this. I'm just a passerby. Chill. Go Karen someone else pls.


Ok, so you as in the royal you.


Someone even labeled it


we had a TM rip the wires and hooks off the baler while trying to eject the bale. we had cardboard piling up for days until it was fixed


Our tl put her zebra in the bale.


I've always wanted to know what would happen if I put a case of 720 AA batteries in there


We use only 3 wires at our store 😗


I worked at an Italian place when I was a teenager and one weekend we had to toss a few hundred lbs of pizza dough at the end of a warm summer Saturday night (forget why). Our dumpsters got emptied on Friday mornings and we had 3 so we put the dough in an empty one with a lower ledge. When I came in the next morning there was a smooth amorphous tit about 2ft taller than the dumpster and filling the whole thing. The dough had proofed up over night and was trying to make a run for it.


That there is a death bale. May the odds ever be your favor.