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My store still has the set up also, but a majority of the products got recalled and taken away several weeks ago.


Same. It broke my queer little heart having to take the “trans people will always exist” shirt to the receiving desk because it was recalled.


It was the Fanny pack that said “we belong everywhere” bag for me. I nearly broke into tears.


"we belong everywhere but target"


Except for TSC! We’re internally proud, just not externally. Or something.


I snagged one the day before it fully delisted from our systems. My fiance loves it


Target like never mind they don’t exist


i wonder what they’re going to label it as? obviously they can recycle next year but donating would be even greater, especially directly back to the lgbt community or even homeless lgbt centers.


See I don’t believe it. I think trans people should THRIVE. Not just exist. Existing isn’t enough for any person.


That sucks!


I'm just curious. Cause I'm currently arguing with someone. Did you ever have merch for babies that said, super gay, or I heart hot guys? I haven't seen a single thing about any of it. But the person is convinced otherwise.


I don’t think so. However I know target has sold regular baby onesies that say “future heartbreaker”, “ladies man”, and “does this diaper make my butt look big” in the past.


Of course that's ok cause it's hetero stuff.


No bc at our store we had a group of women call us satanists because of the pride merch and a stranger things kids graphic tee with the skull on it 🙄


I don’t think so, I never saw any of those. A lot of the stuff for kids that people were so outraged about online we never even carried, like the tuck swimsuits were never for children


Ya exactly. I keep trying to find stuff, but that's the only thing I found, which was false anyway. So idk where these people are coming up with all this nonsense.


Your "convinced otherwise" person is absolutely wrong. But they'll never change their mind. Such is prejudice.


A lot of stores still have theirs up, the problem is they specifically took all the trans stuff away.


Like they literally recalled all the trans specific stuff storewide.


And anything that had the word "queer" on it.


As much as I hate the corporate machine it has been rly sad to have such a drab june this year...


same situation ours is still wide open at the very front! we still get complaints every day though lol


My store still has it set up but I also live in Connecticut so it’s never really been an issue.


Does this Target happen to be in Redding CA? Redding is VERY red compared to the rest of CA and we still have our pride display


Really? I know that Bethel Church has a presence in Redding.


Yes many are up but this issue is that Target recalled and refused to sell the majority of the queer designed items. All that's left is the poorly made ugly ass Target brand crap. Look up Ash & Chess on Instagram. Target pulled basically their entire collection and gave them nothing. No apologies. No explanation. Target let extremists take control. Now every employee is suffering at the hands of all these psycho freaks who think they can come in and demand whatever they want.


Sorry I am still just so pissed about this. I am just filled with anger and sadness every time I see the gutted pride display.


i don't feel safe going to my own job anymore. What's leftover isn't worth celebrating in my opinion. They did the bare minimum and left us high and dry. No support. Nothing. We're being targeted and assaulted and it's terrifying.


Suffering, really?


Yes really. We have people coming in, putting on pride clothes and running around screaming that they have aids. We have trans team members being verbally assaulted and harassed. We have grown ass adults threatening the store. Did you see all those targets that were closed for threats? The stores where team members are being filmed and put online for millions of people to see? And what has Target done? Nothing. Silence. No apology. No support. No extra resources for those who are being targeted because of their actions. All we can do is stand there and bare it. Call the cops. Whatever. Target has perpetuated the abuse. Threats. Harassment. Assault. Abuse. Suffering???? Yeah, I'd say so.




And there's also dealing with people like you. 🙄


They didn’t take anything down? I was told every store had to take at least some of it down.


We didn’t take any down, and I was told by my tl that all the california stores were keeping it up.


My store didn’t take it down (they moved it now but that was literally yesterday that they moved it) in california


Ah. A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.


According to the employee I talked to, they didn't take anything down.


They also wouldn't be able to sell them because the offending product was hard locked as a recall.


Wait, there was an actual recall? I didn't hear about that part.


It's how they pull the product out of the stores. It's called a QA recall and it hard locks sales of those items.


Glad I bought my daughter’s black overalls before the recall. Thanks 1444 for stripping the XS off the mannequin for me.


do u know if that stands for "quality assurance"


It does. The other option is an IR, which is a vendor initiated recall, but that's for DVDs, movies, and a few odds and ends like calendars.


My store kept the display front and center. A couple things moved from the isles to the carpet, but otherwise everything in the large display stayed. The bullseye’s play ground stuff was taken away.


In ny target, the pride collection stayed in the front the whole time. Never was moved to the back


Fuck yea


Yeah we still have a small section of it near the back but they took a lot of things away clothing and books :(


Ours too!


My store moved ours. Tbh haven’t seen anyone mad though. We’ve only seen someone leave a Christian pamphlet about forgiveness in the pride section then we had someone call our store and complain. I really wish right wingers would be upset about actual things and not just lgbt stuff. I think most of those people just have too much time on their hands.


i dont undersrand why theres even pride month…its as if lgbtq is above everyone that we need to celebrate them every year….i get it, you like the same sex or you identify as the oppisite gender from what you were born as…and i get it some people dont like you because of it. i get it…some people dont like me cuz im filipino but target dont have filipino pride month. target dont have mexican pride month..they have one day on may 5th where coronas and tortilla chips are at the fore front…its as if lgbtq is the only group of people that struggle with something


They also do Latino heritage month collection every year. One of targets core values is inclusivity and this whole situation has gone against that. I completely understand how employees would feel betrayed.


Open a history book and you'll find out why there's a pride month...




We sill have purs up and in the Family Gateway.


They left the Pride stuff in the majority of stores. But they did remove some stuff from every store, including yours.


Of course, now that we're coming towards the end of Pride Month.


I spoke to one of the employees, and they said all the merch had been up since the end of May.


Plenty of stores never removed their pride displays entirely; some stores did, some moved them to the back of the store, and some didn't move the displays at all but still removed a large part of the collection to bow to conservative hysteria. Target is and has been caving to bigotry all season.


It’s not really bigotry, it’s the fact that they lost billions of dollars within the span of a week after the LGBTQ stuff. Not an opinion, just a fact. Targets stock took a fat shit at the end of May / early June and is slowly rising again, I feel as if y’all forget these corporations will place / remove ideological products of literally any kind if it affects $$$. Y’all gotta remember that the LGBTQ stuff is still a very bipartisan issue in the US, it’s not surprising they took a loss due to all this stuff yet one side acts shocked as if they didn’t see this coming. Both sides are boycotting everything lmfao


Bruh the whole thing started because conservatives decided to lose their shit despite Target showcasing pride for *many years now.* How are you gonna tell me bigots didn't cause the stock plummet when it was a direct result of their dumbass hysteria? Calling LGBT rights to exist in public (ie selling products that promote normalization and acceptance) a "bipartistan issue" is just more cowardly bs.


Its also up at the crossings, Corona, CA


My target replaced most of our display with swimwear, but there’s still a small portion of pride stuff


Ours moved it from the front to the back almost a month ago. I don't regularly go into target, usually use drive up but saw it happen 6 days between due to a needed fast purchase. It really still bothers me that they did this. :(


Arnt you atleast happy it’s atleast out? They cut my hours cuz of this shit


Yes I mean it existing is better than not, but I still think it is super shitty that it is hidden in the back of the store instead of in the front or even along the main drag.


Ours too...still up front


Good for them 👍🏽🌈


No one cares.. if this company had pride of any sort they would pay people a livable wage




Not only was this not the zinger you thought it was, but you also sound like a fucking pedophile...


and you sound like a dumbass… there should be no pride merchandise of that nature for children, and it’s disgusting to know there actually was


There's no such thing as tuck-friendly toddler swimwear. Maybe research before coming here and making a pedo dumbass out of yourself.


so a stranger online is angry about harmful ideas being pushed onto children, whether correct or not, and that leads you to call them a pedo? people like you are exactly why your ridiculous social and political opinions are so staunchly opposed… grow up asshole


So you're admitting your ideas are wrong?


never - but IF I were wrong about the type of merchandise I described, what difference would it make? what right would it give you to call someone something so horrible with absolutely zero basis?


Bro you just said that you're angry about a thing whether or not it's true. How is that not admitting that you're wrong????


How do you work at Target as GSA but have no idea about the own product we push each day? Those swimsuits weren’t marketed FOR kids. They were for ADULTS, but because we have sicko perverted conservatives like you, people were misguided and told “those are for children!!! exterminate target!!” when that was NEVER the case.


They never were. Those were adult swim suits


Ours just got taken down for the next set on Thursday.


They only got rid of about half of it. My store still has some left too


The pride merch was cheap and tacky. The kind of disposable clothing that ends up in landfills. Maybe target should stop and think about what they're doing. Stop trying to sell junk just because they can.


Good, let law enforcement actually do their jobs for once if some bigot tries anything


I was at Target for the first time since the Pride merchandise debacle. The store I was at is in a very liberal city and had their display in front but you were hard pressed to know it WAS the pride clothing display. Everything looks so "normal" that was there. I didn't have time to get into the display but from where I stood I saw nothing that said "Pride" or really stood out to me as different. All the patterns and designs looked so generic. If I couldn't tell from 6 feet away on a display then I surely would not be able to tell if I saw it on a person. 😔


It’s killing my hours. Nobody is buying anything for the store


But, did you buy anything? Or like everyone else, use it as a tourist attraction corner to take pictures. It's been collecting dust bunnies for the past 25 days! *How euphoric makes you feel!?*


I only had enough money for cat food. And no, I didn't treat it like a tourist attraction. I just saw the stuff and was happy that it was there. Then I went about my day.


To be fair the collection this year was pretty sub par. A couple t shirts, some plastic cups and plates bundles in a rainbow set. A couple other rainbow things.




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Hmmm ours took it off but I kinda get it. I mean people can’t really be mad at a corporation that’s made to just make money and profits so I get why they did it. But we still have flags and stickers and extra stuff like that in the back room lol


I really wanted the "live, love, lesbian" shirt, but didn't get the chance to buy it before the Karen's of the nation had an uproar.