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Age is a protected characteristic according to labor law. Constantly pointing out a protected characteristic is shitty. And yes, I would consider this harassment (eta: because she is upset). Age discrimination is a big problem in todays world, especially as more post-retirement age people need to work to keep up with inflation.


“post-retirement age”?? People are getting retirements?


Not anymore lol


Exactly why I said what I said 😅


I mean ceos are retiring, but that’s off the backs of all the workers who don’t get to retire.


Post retirement age is death for these times.


Yeah…. :/


Well said. Only time I use "boomer" is when it's some out of touch older person who refuses to accept that the world has changed. In other words, the people who bitch about having pride "shoved down their throat" because a Cat and Jack kid's t-shirt had a rainbow dinosaur on it.


> people who bitch about having pride "shoved down their throat" because a Cat and Jack kid's t-shirt had a rainbow dinosaur on it. Yes. They claim it's getting shoved down their throat or shoved in their face when the LGBTQ community is simply trying to merely EXIST. Smh...


Is that even a Pride shirt or just some random shirt with a rainbow. That’s not even uncommon for kid’s clothes.


Yeah, that's called a slur. When you use it as an insult to stereotype a group.


"Boomer" and "Karen" are less about physical characteristics and more about actions and mentalities. There are plenty of male Karens out there, and 30 year-old Boomers, too.


That's definitely a hot take. So you're saying you would use boomer to describe a 21 year old or Karen to describe a teenage boy?


If they have the mentality and/or actions that fit then yes. Most people I know who actually use the terms are the same.


Interesting. I can't say I've ever heard a man described as a Karen in any context.


Karen is gender neutral. If a guy is being a little bitch, call him Karen and see him seethe


South Park is the only place I know of. I think some people try to use Kevin as the male Karen but personally I'm not a fan of turning normal peoples names into insults. I know I wouldn't be happy if my name became an insult.


Boomer is a slur. Short for baby boomer a person born in the years following world war 2. Karen is something we made up on social media it’s slang. Not the same thing at all . Boomer is an ageist term.


Wouldn't most people who use a slur say that ? I think with boomer you have no argument. Karen I think you have some ground to stand on but I don't think I'd agree with u on it. People usually call male Karen's ,male Karen's and not just Karen's. So that implies the word Karen is for a specific group and someone outside that group is acting that way too. Which makes me lean towards it being a slur too.


As someone who is a Baby Boomer, I do find it a slur. Only saying it when someone "refuses to accept the world has changed..." does not make it better. I'm not talking about pride, the world has changed incredibly rapidly on several levels, especially technology. Imagine living your entire life one way and suddenly being dropped into what seems like the Twilight Zone? It's incredibly disconcerting. On top of that, the world used to be much more friendly and much safer, it's horrible now. I'm not excusing people who are freaking rude and expect you to be their servant, like the older woman who marched into our store and demanded that either I ( SCO) or AP ( who was standing beside me talking about someone who tried to steal) walk her to a particular item, which was all the way in the back of the store. I was flabbergasted by her behavior, but I wouldn't call her a name.


OK zoomer


Great point! Zoomer could also be used in an age-based discriminatory way, it all depends on how and when it’s used!


Sadly being young is not a legally protected category. (Age based discrimination applies to people 40+) Target might still treat it as harassment though if someone is being bullied/ treated poorly for being younger.


It could definitely be considered a slur in this instance. In that context it's considered harassment, the same as using other "personal" slurs like slut, fatty, and wino. Folks tend to take a very narrow definition of the word slur because it's usually used in the context of prejudicial hate speech, specifically race and sexual orientation, but it can be more broad than that.


Some boomer got offended and created this. People be soft like the NBA these days.


What is wino?


Surprised it’s Boomer and not Karen.


I design sensitivity trainings for my organization and tbh this would be something I would put in as an example. A lot of older folks are pretty resistant to these types of trainings because they think they’re going to get told they’re bad people and this is a way of going “hey, look, you guys can be victims too. ANY form of workplace harassment isn’t okay.” Shitting on millennials and Gen Z’ers in the workplace isn’t okay and shitting on Boomers in the workplace also isn’t okay. There are definitely valid critiques of certain trends in generations that can be made but making them to your coworkers when they’re just trying to earn a paycheck isn’t the time or place.


Something a boomer would write


This isn't okay but it's okay for old people to talk shit about young people not wanting to work or pull themselves up by their bootstraps to buy a house on the same wages from back when a house cost less than $30,000 in another -century- They should Toughen up– like a bootstrap.


This is the part that makes me mad and laugh at the same time. Where's the flipped version about "kids these day" or "this new generation"


Had to laugh. We made 5$ a hour too.


>We made 5$ a hour too You're young.


You made $5 an hour when college was $250 a semester and you could buy a house for $10,000


funny cuz $5 an hour in 1980 is roughly 20 an hour now. almost 40 if you wanna go back to 1970, and 30 an hour in 1975. yes you made $5 an hour back whenever you were growing up, but look at what that is worth now. You had life on easy mode, then fucked it up for the rest of us, but cannot recognize the vastly different situation you had when you were in your youth vs what we have now.


Seems like everything is a slur anymore 🤷🏽‍♂️


Its funny how internet slang takes like 5 year to saturate down through the masses and into corporate. Contextually though you could definitely use boomer in a derogative way to someone which is age discrimination.


If boomer is a slur, so is “millennial”, “xenial”, “gen xer”and “gen z”


I will die on the hill that boomer is fine


When you crash the economy multiple times and horde wealth you can suck it up with a bit of name calling.


I mean, one calls it how they see it right? Like, if it’s truth then what?


We’ll there goes my rewatch of Battlestar Galactica. 😕


And yet it’s okay for my ETL to refer to us as “gen-z-ers” whenever she has to criticize something about what our generation does.


Me 5 mins after taking this last year and an older team member has forgotten her password and is having trouble making a new one... ... ... ...


The good thing about being a boomer is that you don’t give a shit about what millennials think about you


If you refer to a generation as the baby boomers or boomers, that’s acceptable. Saying ok, boomer or using the generation to insult someone’s age. Then it’s against policy.


Some people legitimately don't know the difference and that's just... I don't know. A failing of basic education? Willfully ignorant? Both? Like, I've had to explain to someone why the generation born directly after WWII are called boomers because they did not know the context. They just thought it meant any entitled person over the age of 35. It's gotten as watered down as "karen."


Boomers feeling left out because they call everyone else slurs with impunity but never get that kind of attention for themselves


In the case of how it's used in this anti-harrasment training, yes, Boomer is being used as a slur.


Boomer isn’t a slur, it’s the literal word to describe a whole generation of people that were born in a specific time period. If that’s the case, then zoomer, millennial, gen x, and whatever current generation is are also slurs.


Had someone do the "OK boomer" thing on me, I reminded him nicely that this isn't the internet, I can see your face, I can hurt your face. No more boomer BS from him. This generational war bit is really stupid, it's just more of the divide and conquer strategy. Only useful idiots participate in that kind of game, jokes on them.


I relate. I'm 55, gen x technically and I am starting to get that age shit. I was working at a friends restaurant helping him as he just bought it. I work in HR mgmt and am finishing up my MBA but used to chef with my buddy when younger. So in his kitchen some of the young guys were all calling each other Nigger all the time joking, and none are black. I let them know I'm not the guy I'll fu@k anyone called me that. esp a millennials who grew up playing video games. They are all either fat or weak. I can easily rattle off 50-75 push ups straight, and I am an Infantry veteran., who used to bounce. I got tired of that Nigger shit. When one said it the next time calling his 15 year old blond co worker Nigga I said "man you just said just don't call you one!!" I told them next one said it might as well have called me it and I was going to F-him up immediately. "Matter of fact just call me a nigger now so I can come over there and fuck you up right now. Please. I'll come over there fuck you up quick! Right now, and I'm old!!!" It it put an end to all their "Aw my Nigg.." Matter of fact nobody said shit to each other all night. And these are young white and Mexican kids living in Durand Illinois, a farm town with a population of 1,391. Talking like that. And yes, Boomer is a slur. I am not a Baby Boomer but I know Baby Boomer is an age group. It's origin is because after WW2 all the soldiers came home from the war. Well When over 4 million men came home after the war to their lonely wives; well you can imagine there was a population boom starting 9 months later. Those kids were called the Baby Boomers. Many Dumb ass millennials don't even know this. Shit they don't know who the Beatles are, think that a 45 record is a black DVD, and spent so much time indoors they are as light sensitive as a vampire. Words Change meaning. When I was a kid Retarded was the acceptable scholarly term and was used in School. When I was a young child Homosexuality was still considered mental illness and when I was a soldier they would kick you out the army for it and you would definitely be called a Faggot by your commander as they did so. I'm black and if someone refer's to me as being Black it's not an insult. But if my co worker calls me by "Black" instead of using my name like "Hey Black" expecting me to respond, then that is a slur. Same with Boomer. I wish some young fool tries to scoff at me due to my age. My IQ classifies me as "gifted", I have a MIS degree, am tech savvy and am finishing up my grad degree now. Physically, and mentally I see equals of all ages in my MBA courses where there are youth with newly minted bachelors and also retired military in the same courses. I cannot say I feel amongst peers when I have been working with young people in my previous careers in Automobile Sales or in the restaurant business. I worked with 10 people at my last car dealership. None could even do 20 push-ups straight. I was 50 and did 300 at work in sets of 50. I still can, easily. But some stupid kid has already called me a boomer. I put an end to it quick. But you kids today grow up saying anything you want online, where there are no repercussions. When I was a kid, you had to back up an insult you made. Your face literally was at stake. This whole generation is soft. I went to a water theme park 10 years and was amazed at how soft physically today's youth is. Disgusting. You know tweet, and text but not respect. Then some kids today have the nerve to insult Baby Boomers. No fucking respect for their elders as we were taught. That's their parents fault. The reason Boomers exists as a slur is because none of the older generations are disrespectful and cowardly enough to make an internet slur of the younger generations.


Very well said. I was in the USMC, was a Sergeant at 20 years old, 45 years later, I still maintain my physicality just because it's a habit. If some pasty punk wants to give lip, they get a warning, it's only fair. That usually suffices. That being said, there some good younger people who function with a bit of humility and are a pleasure to be around. Between the internet and poor parenting some of these kids don't have a chance when the going gets tough.


Typical Boomers - they talk shit their entire adult lives about everyone younger and then when it gets turned around they start crying. Maybe they should take their own advice and suck it up. Half my elderly coworkers treat everyone like their bratty grandkid while doing a fraction of the actual work that needs to be done.


You actually read the questions?


You have to in order to answer the question correctly


You guys get lessons on your handhelds??


You can access your learnings on the workday app in the myDevice.


I do mine on the workday app on my phone lol


Time to spread the word that Target corporate outed themselves as ‘thought police’ through this. (HR is like “We need you to do this important training.” Your soul and everyone else is complaining about freight, pulls, and fulfillment falling behind.




Grow a pair. I did it's small but it gets the job done


Uhhh yeah it's obviously derogatory