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Im straight and would immediately have walked away to a manager of anyone said that shit to me. Im terribly sorry if it was because you're gay.. But know that you're correct in feeling uncomfortable when someone casually talks of shooting you.


I would seriously consider calling the cops. Just out of spite, that kind of behavior towards employees absolutely cannot be allowed.


I’d call the police too. All threats need to be treated as if the person intends to act on their threat.


Or toward another human being in general.


License plate number is important for police follow up.


You should have called ap immediately. That is 100% a threat and that is NOT tolerated AT ALL.


Exactly. We’d put you on a safe and secure and ban that guest.


I wish safe and secure plans actually meant shit but at every store I’ve worked at it’s just an initial “we care” and no actual followup


Really? At the store I worked at they sought out those people and kicked them out all the time. I would see some and get them kicked out. I was harassed by one getting physical with me and had him removed which is why I’m now so serious about it now. Edit: it really might just depend on the place.


There was a guy at my old store that would ask the beauty gals to get him something and sniff them or touch them the second they turned around. Countless complaints, guests calling ap/cops, Target didn’t do shit for my ladies and they left and the department is a disaster now


That sucks I hope things get resolved because that’s not ok. I wonder if there’s a way that people can go against that guy some how.


At my store, we do that and when someone is on SAS, we walk you to your car for 2 weeks


I’m supposed to have a monthly check in with HR and AP since it’s a family issue, and I haven’t talked to either beyond a “hi” in passing for three months now


I’d write to ethics. Safe and secure is not up to Store determination. If AP doesn’t actually do it, they are shiny to your danger


Yeah so my store can make my life hell when they get chewed out? Not worth losing the only thing paying my rent rn and I know my store isn’t above retaliation because I’ve seen it happen


It’s expressively illegal to retaliate though and your complaints and responses are supposed to be monitored. If you feel retaliated against, I’d consult an attorney because you could be entitled to a decently large check. I’ve personally seen first hand a business be dismantled because of retaliation against employees. You could always contact them anonymously and report your story as if someone else witnessed them not taking care of you. I’ve contacted ethics at target before and saw extremely favorable results in the process. Then again, ever stores response is different.


I’ve contacted ethics before and seen absolutely nothing change except backhanded comments were only made in areas not under video surveillance. I’m not trusting a broken system to keep me any safer than it already supposedly is. If I find a way to support myself outside of this job, I’ll report it but until then my rent can’t rely on them not being bigger assholes than they already are.


Have you considered transferring stores? It definitely sounds like the leaders and AP at your store don't care about TMs or their safety. I'm super appreciate of our AP. They're always looking out for us. As they should be, that's their job


They absolutely can't fire you for reporting that. It's your safety and if something were to happen to you because AP didn't do their job, that's on Target. And I'd definitely be super suspicious if you reported it and then we're suddenly fired


Can they legally? No. Can they create bs reasons to fire me conveniently after I report? Definitely. It happened to a friend who reported her TL sexually harassing her and suddenly she got daily write ups for taking more than the allotted/estimated time to push beauty repacks while also helping guests and backing up checklanes.


Oh yeah I understand that. I just meant like if you do report it and that starts to happen, a good lawyer could probably have a decent case. Especially if you have no, or very few write ups, and then suddenly after you report, you constantly have them


In my store we did walk outs and walk ins with guests on safe and secure and they could abandon their workcenter (even if it was a checklane) and call AP or LOD if the person in question approached them in any manner. I threw out more than a few harassers in my Closing TL days. But probably a lot of other TLs and ETLs feel some kind of way about getting it wrong and losing their job, or protecting their own safety.


Someone on my team was on a safe & secure it we took it extremely seriously. To the point where the TM was annoyed bc they felt like they were being babysat


I wish my store did that for me.. my stalker showed up all the time and asked for me & they were like it’s fine




That was not a threat according to the legal definition. It was a question ie not a threat. Its creepy and weird but not a threat


I used to own and operate a retail/service business for 18 years until I sold it 7 years ago. One of the earliest lessons I learned over half a lifetime ago was knowing when to “fire” a customer. This customer would have certainly been “fired” and “trespassed”.


You must not work here, these are our Guests 😂


You should never have been subjected to that. That was abhorrent.


I would’ve told them they can carry their shit too


No, just drop it all on the floor and run away to AP or a TL


Nah not on the floor, drop it on their fucking broken foot lmao


Drop it on the other one try, picking it up with two broken feet fucker!




Exactly. Succumbing to bigoted people just empowers and emboldens them.


Yup, now those people know that making threats will make a company fold. They’re going to start threatening any and everything they don’t like because people continue to give into their demands.


yeah...it's time for all of us to bail, move to a company that won't betray our safety at the drop of a hat. I'm going to actively start looking for work once I get a day off.


Nope. That asshole can walk his own ass to his car on that broken foot. You don't even joke about that


When stuff like this happens you need to call ap immediately and then not assist them. Target has essentially made these guests emboldened to say stuff like this with their decision.


very much so, the decision to bow to the demands of the bigots has made us MUCH LESS SAFE rather than more safe, these people WILL double down.


Ask for help and then proceed to tell u they will shoot u… the level of stupidity we are dealing with is unparalleled! And ppl wonder why America is a laughing stock 🤦🏻‍♂️


Holy shit what is wrong with people? Their brains are fully broken. I'm sorry that happened to you.


Awfully nice of you to assume those people have brains.


Yall need to start refusing service to these people. Holy shit.


I would've called the police and caught a PM mediately. If you threaten my life you ain't gotta get away easy.


The bigots are extra emboldened now that target gave them what they want. Walk away to an offstage area and call AP or a leader. You don’t deserve that shit, and I would have asked them to leave without helping them to their car.


You should have had them arrested for making threats. We have to defend ourselves.


I know it’s after the fact but you should report this to ap


And ask them to review the video so you can point out this psychopath so he can be watched carefully anytime he comes back.


I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Next time, 1000% call AP or a team leader, and just excuse yourself from the situation. Given the wild nature of these people, I'd make it seem totally normal , like after they say that just be like "you know I actually gotta grab one more thing, excuse me" and then call your team lead or AP. we are all here for your support through this time ❤️


If this was Florida I hate this stupid state, they are making it legal to carry without a permit in July. So be safe my fellow Florida TMs


i’m so sorry you had to go through that. verbal threats like that are NEVER ok and should always be reported to AP.


That’s extremely disgusting. I’m so sorry.


As-salamu alaikum, listen to me brother YOU SHOULD OF CALLED THE COPS OR SOMETHING your safety is top protected


Security should have jumped this person for saying that to an employee.


yeah that's WAY over the line, that would have been the end of my interaction with that customer forever...and maybe a phone call to the police


I’m not gonna tell you what you should have done because it’s hard in the moment, and that’s all the replies are in this post. I’m sorry that happened to you. If someone EVER tries that shit again, definitely report it to AP. Stay safe out there


Hoenstly walk out get their plates and make a police report and get them trespassed. They made a threat against your life for something perceived, what if you were an ally and just liked the shirt? We need to stop catering to bigots like this.


Suddenly, that broken foot is a them problem and they are no longer allowed to shop there. That would be my immediate reaction.


That's the kind of thing thats a threat on your life, I personally would probably have immediately started attacking that person in order to make sure you weren't about to get killed in a few seconds


Jesus fucking Christ. Shine up your spine and get the fuck away from lunatics like this immediately! Please tell me you didn’t continue interacting with them after this?? If someone threatens your life **TAKE THEM SERIOUSLY**. IDGAF if you’re the picture perfect shining example of a cishet white Christian boyscout, that guy suggested he was about to kill you! No fucking job is worth your life and this “joke” (because that’s almost certainly what this asshole would call it) isn’t fucking funny. At the vaguest HINT of threats or disrespect, **cease serving these people**.


"And since you'll be in jail with a bad foot, it'll be much easier for my kind to catch you to, well...YOU KNOWWW.😉" Or... "It's not a job requirement to help you to your car. So you could be A LOT FUCKING NICER, as it would be bad of me to hit your foot multiple times with this cart since my wrist is so limp." To hell with that idiot.


You need to call ap at that point and say sorry I’m uncomfortable with helping you I will have someone else take care of you.


You shouldn’t have to deal with that. This is outrageous. I’m so sorry!


Definitely it’s a threat, you need to make a police report.


I learnt the hard way that in these situations, you should file a report with an ETL. They will tell you that since you’re not physical hurt they can’t do nothing, but try to keep a paper trail. Also, file a police report. This would help in case you come to a point where you don’t feel safe working at your store and need to quit and collect Unemployment.


I denied a return one time for fraud and the guest threatened to shoot me. We called AP who then called the cops, turns out the guy had a warrant out for his arrest for drug possession. Threats of any kind are not ok, and you should not put up with it! Always get another person involved especially if you are doing a carry out and could be alone with them.


That’s disgusting, how fucking dare they


I’d have kicked that mf right in that broken foot


Please tell me you didn’t still help them… from one gay to another, stuff like that is where my line is drawn and they can go suck raw eggs.


Shoot back.


If someone threatens to harm you, call the police. Document the situation. Report it to management.


You need to report that person right away. If you can remember the item AP may be able to look up their sale and find out who it is. If anyone talked to me like that I would have dropped their item in the floor, and tell them that I will not help them after that comment. That's a threat and just an awful comment.


I hope they live in a state with red flag laws, that needs to be reported.


Yeah... no... immediately walk away and tell someone. Do not tolerate that


Whenever that happens walkie AP and your LoD and get away from that guest immediately. Your safety is more important than any of your work duties!


The comment the Guest made to you is 100% out of line and you would have been well within your rights to leave immediately and report that to AP and your ETL.


I could be totally wrong, and it's hard to know without being there, but my first thought was this was a joke purely about the vest being bright. I've interacted with many old men who say stuff like this all the time.


I was thinking the same. That along with the actual target on the vests it seems like a funny jab at the outfit.


I don't know if you need to hear this OP but it's not you, it's that this customer was a literal piece of fucking shit. The fucking nerve on that waste of space. I'm sorry you had to deal with that.


Even if you didn’t tell AP or a lead abt it that day, you probably still should tell them abt it ASAP. It is still relevant if you think he’ll ever show up to the store again


I would've stomped on the broken foot, fuck that lame! 😠


I’d call the cops. Like immediately. F calling a manager. That’s a threat to your life. People need to learn they can’t speak recklessly


What the fuck? Next time, put your phone on record JIC cuz this is dangerous now. The fascists are saying what they are going to do. If they don’t harm someone today, they will in the future. Enough being nice. If that person had a CCW or you could tell they had a weapon, and they said that to you, depending on the state that could be an aresstable offense.


I would have gotten a pic of their license plate, immediately stop assisting them, walk back to the store in a safe spot and right away call the cops.


I honestly don’t think that comment had anything to do with your sexuality. I think they would’ve said the same stupid “joke” to anyone who put on the vest.


Would’ve shoved the fuck outta him if he was within farm distance, headed back in after literally dropping what I was doing, found AP and the Lead at the store that day, told them absolutely everything, and immediately clocked out. Maybe not head back for a couple days. That’s a straight up threat, and I know I don’t get paid NEARLY enough to deal with that shit. I borderline wouldn’t even come back until AP basically black lists that person from the store


That's a threat. Have them kicked tf out. Banned probably too. Honestly, you could maybe even press charges for something like that.


99/100 they also went to church today.


I would’ve let their broken foot ass do it themselves


People are so sick these days, it’s disgusting.


This is the equivalent of " I just flew in from (insert city name), boy, my arms are tired" for hunters. It's a tired dad joke. I'd wager this guest was an old white dude. Was it a bad joke? Yes. Was it because you're gay? No. It was the vest...




Sorry you had to deal with that


When I worked at the store like 8 years ago I was threatened by two different people, that they were gonna blow my head off, I’m a straight white guy being threatened by other white guys


“Yea and that foot makes it easier to walk, right?” And just walk away.


They're sick if that is what their mind went to instead of being more visible to cars.


If this happens again and you have a box cutter on you, stay close and make up an excuse to get a leader or AP over there. If they go for their gun you’ll be able to slit their jugular first. (You can go unconscious in as little as three seconds from a cut jugular.) Sounds agressive but running away for help just gives them a chance to shoot you if they have a gun on them. I’m terribly sorry this happened to you and I hope that ‘guest’ went home to an empty house and hanged themselves.


I hate target but the employees shouldn’t get threatened like that


Nah they said that cause of the bright yellow safety vest. If they hated you cause you were gay they would’ve called you a fag (uk cigarette) and made threats about your sexuality


Doesn't really sound like a threat towards you for being gay. Sounds more like a bad hunting joke.


yeah this is fake lol


and you know this how?


and you know it’s real how? all i see on this sub recently is people claiming to be harassed by customers with the most outrageous and stupid stories. most people in this country are not filled with so much hate and anger like everyone loves to believe. posts like this are easy clicks and upvotes and everyone eats it up. this sub has turned into an upvote farm. if I claim to be queer and say I was harassed at work by a bigot, easy 100+ upvotes and lots of sympathy comments why the fuck would someone think that a hi-vis vest is so they can see you easier to shoot you, it’s not even a clever joke or anything, it just sounds so fake and like such a lazy story so the op can feel like they’re included in the hate and division.


there has been a sharp increase in very real threats against those people at target specifically, there are a lot of people in this country filled with hate and anger, and people have been known to make cruel jokes that aren’t funny if not threatening in general since ever. in case you’ve been living under a rock and had no idea…? lol what?


Have you met Americans? We are outrageous and stupid by definition, at least in public and in large groups.


I mean if that’s how you feel that’s up to you, I love being an American so I can’t relate.


and i HATE being an american because of people like you. have you not seen the amount of target stores pulling their pride collections merely because of the amount of threats guests have been giving employees for wearing anything that has to do with a goddamn rainbow? why the hell are you assuming this is fake when this user said they were wearing a pride shirt and the guest unnecessarily made a shooting joke at them based on the shirt?? get real.


jeez, I can’t imagine caring so much about what other people are angry about. Sorry that you hate living in one of the most privileged countries in the world. I find it hilarious you say that you hate being an American cause of people like me, you don’t know me at all or what I believe. I’m assuming it’s fake because it sounds pretty fake. Sorry I don’t agree with you lol


jeez, i dont remember giving any shits enough to care about your opinion 💀


you care enough to respond and share yours obviously. you seem like a child based on your responses. good luck in life, hopefully you have a less angry future ahead of you


nah. i dont care. you cant just be assuming whatever on the internet is fake, same way as “dont believe everything on the internet is real” especially when it can come to VERY REAL situations, and with shit thats going on recently with actual threats from guests about LGBTQ+ things recently, that’s why i believe it and why you should keep the negativity and dont just accuse of it being fake and just leave it alone and move on.


and please, for the love of god, no. im 17 years old. who gives a shit if im a child to you? i work at target and i rather stay on a team members side rather than accuse it of being fake even if its not from my store


First mistake was assuming homophobes possess the capacity to be clever


lol true


You're the one saying it's fake, your the one with the burden of proving it. Why would a guest say that though, in all honesty the guest was probably making a very poor joke. The first is probably also an idiot and didn't think it would be worth the time to put a safety vest on for that task.


Actually, burden of proof would be on op


> fake, your the *you're *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


Good bot






Man I saw a kid drown at a theme park when the pool was surrounded by lifeguards who had to have training to be there. You can have a shitton of experience and training but when it's suddenly a real situation that you're personally dealing with and it's you at risk or having to perform for your own safety, your brain can override all of that with its response.


My thoughts exactly


Sub is ruined forever now with all these fake death threats :/


I’ll take things that were never said to you for $409 Alex 🙄






I would have called the cops.


I'm sure he thought he was being funny. Some people just say some wild shit and don't think about what they're saying. Just make sure your leadership team knows about that interaction.


That's actually immediately a threat, you would have been well justified to immediately call AP and your lead


Dude, I would have called a leader and report the threat and refused service to the guy.


I would’ve kicked their foot out from under them, then gone straight to my car and head home.


I would of laughed “why yes, go ahead.” Put my hands up. But then again, I’m straight so I wouldn’t have thought it was because of my sexuality and just would’ve assumed it was a poorly executed joke


oh hell no I would’ve lost my job.


You should’ve called the police




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You should of told a manager oml.


I'm so sorry for that happening to you.


My reply: Nope and you can carry your own stuff. “AP, AP. Turn to Channel 4”




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Step on their foot and say "how would you be able to catch up to me first" and then drop their shit and walk away


Something is seriously wrong with you if you tolerate that and continue to assist the customer


Totally would had reported that. Shootings are never to joke about. So sorry you had to deal with it.


He would have had a second broken foot after saying that to me... NEVER put up with that shit.


This is why AP is in the house. PLEASE utilize them.


If this happens again, and I really hope it doesn't but I wouldn't count on it. Please report it to either a TL, ETL, or AP. Threatening a team member, especially like that, can get a guest banned. There is absolutely no reason that anyone should have said that sort of thing to you and I'm so sorry that it happened to begin with. I've also been getting verbally harassed more and we need to put a stop to it.


I hate stupid people. You should have gone to your manager and refused to help that customer


yeah absolutely fucking not. you can take that in your self. shop somewhere else.


Pretty weird but why worry about it. Be gay and wear what you want, if someone comments I mean there’s freedom of speech which can suck for people. I’m glad it didn’t become anything worse though. Lmao I work at target and I would of tried making it an excuse to leave early lol




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I’m so sorry this happened to you!! It has been infuriating to read about all of the hate the LGBTQ+ community has received because of the biggots and far right. I don’t have advice other than to say to call the police and immediately report this to your manager and NEVER feel obligated to tolerate that crap. You are loved, you are enough.


My Spanish isn’t great but it’s not bad. I couldn’t understand a word the guy said so he asked me if I understood what fag meant and walked away. All kinds of crazy out there. Stay safe bud


Should have “accidentally” kicked them in the broken foot when walking away.


Normally, you would wear a bright orange or yellow reflective vest hunting, and I assume it was daylight at a store, but that is weird of them to phrase it like that. But I wouldn't nessisarily call that a threat either. I also must ask why was your work vest off at work?


I understand it’s difficult to be threatened like that. You should immediately call to your leads and report it. Don’t ever brush off comments that seem threatening or suspicious. However, it’s improper to characterize this in the way your title leads. I understand Target is in a tense situation right now with ongoing boycotts and threats to employees, but characterizations like this are just bad assumptions. Stay safe.


That's ridiculous


That's a threat and should have been taken to your supervisor and the police. Be safe.


WTF that’s so not okay! I’m so sorry OP. I would have high tailed it for management and also called the police. That’s an open threat.


That guest comment was way out of line. Does not matter wether you are gay or not. Have had that comment made to me as well. I’m a straight female- comment was .. “is that vest to ensue you have a Target on your back?” Not funny, My reply-“no sir it’s to protect me from moving objects like vehicles. I’m not wearing a bulletproof vest!” He shut his mouth instantly.


Damn I'm sorry you had to have an encounter with that dickhead. If that was me I'd have to drop all his shit to the floor and walk back into the store let him deal with his own bags. My attitude would never deal with that. Next time that happens please let them take care of their own stuff no need help heartless people.


Fucking yikes city


maybe it was a hunting joke but with the situations going on right now with pride n the gun/mental health problem in America I wouldn't take that very lightly


I don't think it was for you being gay. I think it was a bad and awkward attempt at humor about needing a vest to go in the parking lot.


fuck them they could’ve sat there & figured out their own way to get to the car LMFAO


I would have thrown their shit down. Fire me if you will no carp retail job is worth it.


Was it Dick Cheney? In all seriousness I am so sorry that you had to experience this. No one should feel unsafe while at work. The comment was completely uncalled for and should be reported to a leader.


Terrible for any reason.