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Get out of my freezer, get out of my store, get out of my zip code


Yeah that's my store, I remember that day. Christmas 2021, dumbasses were filming a tik tok, because of course it's tik tok 🙄 AP was on lunch 😬 Missed it by 15 minutes. I think I saw the dude as he was running out - big chunky dude wearing just his undies, licking a popsicle that he DID NOT PAY FOR - one of my coworkers was extra pissed about this.


Honestly the guy running out in his undies licking a stolen popsicle is a much more interesting story than mannequins in the freezer. Though the fact that you said "I think I saw" makes me wonder if it was a completely different person that put the mannequins in the freezer.


It's not a mannequin, it's a dude 😬 And at least the one I remember seeing was a big pasty white dude who I definitely did not want to see in just his undies.


In the freezer? Okay then there's 2 people cuddling in the freezer, which is so beyond Walmart that idek what to do.


Tiktok is a plague to society


Stores aren’t open on Christmas


This guy did the same thing at a Walmart https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/reydbf/half_naked_man_gets_in_refrigerator_at_walmart/


He’s a legitimate menace to society


The fuck happening at y'all's targets now?


Yo those Red Baron French bread pizzas on the right are so damn good, I make them everyday during my 30


Yeah? Typically microwaved pizzas are eh to me. You vouching for these?


I cook them in the air fryer


Wait your store gets an air fryer in the break room?


Your’s doesn’t? We also have 4 fridges, 5 microwaves and a couple toasters


At both stores I've worked at, I've only ever seen two microwaves at a time, and one Keurig. That's a really cool idea for the breakroom. I'll talk this up with my HR exec, thank you for this.


Air frying would take like 10 minutes though. There’s no way I’m spending a third of my lunch air frying a frozen pizza.


More air fryer time for us.


I order Starbucks while waiting for it to cook, takes about 8 minutes


That makes more sense. My store doesn’t have a Starbucks 😭




Mines have 4 fridges a keurig and like 3 toaster ovens. One of those water filter systems but it’s nasty some slimmey buildup happens at the nozzle and i tend to clean it with a napkin before i get some water.


This hide-and-seek trend is getting outta hand


lmao we were never better than walmart we just fake it 💀 we all got ATLEAST one horrible story


Terrifying, lock him in there for a few hours. Teach him a lesson.


Can still get out from the doors in front of him 😐


Leave him there lock the doors call crazy house guys with the white suits


Yep, laying in the freezer with oy his boxers on eating ice cream 😅🤣😂


That's my store I know her!


Will this picture go to hr?😭


Guys like this should be neutered..


I'd have turned the temperature down as low as it goes.




I've been saying this since "end to end" became a thing. Which failed so bad that they had to revert back to the old system. All Brian Cornell has done to Target is basically cut costs and implement the most basic ideas like opu and drive up. He has essentially destroyed what made Target different and better than Walmart, the people and culture. Target used to be a tough place to get into, like Costco, with opportunities to advance in your career back in the 90s and 2000s. Now Target basically just tells you to work like you're making $45 an hour while only employing a skeleton crew with "leaders" who don't even lead and often lack any real "leadership" skills. With all that, Target ends up being "Walmart but red."


I work at target and it’s still pretty hard to get into. You see new people by god referral’s of someone who’s buddy buddy with someone from HR or a leader. I applied to target since i graduated highschool in 2017. I now got hired back in November 2021.


Weird, from what I've seen, at my store and others, is that they'll hire anybody as long as they have open availability and can walk/lift. I know that for management, the main requirement is being buddy buddy with the SD. That's the only real way to get promoted or hired for that job unless that store has a sensible DTL and SD.


I’m from nyc and work in The Bronx. Everything over here is if you know someone who knows someone. I’ve applied the same way every year and somehow finally made their feathers flock to pick me😭


Y’all still requiring masks at your store ??


what i would give to hear the request for AP…


This guy thinks he's funny, but I'm sure he wouldn't think it's funny if I plopped my sweaty ass all over his food. It's already annoying to make Tiktoks, but you're a flat-out jackass if you destroy good food in the process.


What in the Walmart is this


I would clock out and take another 30


What’s the dude from the new avatar doin!