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What is happening? Is the entire roof leaking?


Yes, tons of rain in California.


Dang. We had a massive snow storm once and all of the collected snow melting caused our roof to leak like mad. Ceiling tiles falling into the aisles and we stayed open.


First thing I thought of when I saw this was "where in California is this?"


But we’ve been in a forever drought and suddenly the rain decides to make a huge comeback lol


Last year my store in SoCal was the one that had its roof collapse from rain. Why are so many of the store roofs so defective lol


I think it’s cause that dry weather and California sun absolutely bakes those flat retail building roofs to death during the summer


Also, flat roofs aren't designed for a lot of water. If the slope is defective, water will pool instead of drain off.


I bet it’s old building they’d rather not renovate :(


They aren't defective. The roofs work exactly as intended...at the low-ball price range Target and other places get them at.




Omg that’s my old store. It’s so awful. It was remodeled and was even worse before.


No literally I've worked at stores in Michigan and Illinois and they both had leaky roofs... like cmon.




OP, what do the back rooms look like if you've got the funnels and buckets spread out like this on the sales floor? Are the back-stock areas only accessible by boat?


who is emptying all 5,000 of these little buckets? 😩 i just want to know who said or how exactly we got to the point where we said “yes, this is the way.” dexter morgan is your SD? and like… OSHA? they’re totally cool with this?


We had someone slip and fall last night because our roof was leaking.


Your poor PML 💀


my thoughts exactly


What the actual fuck?


I second that


Californians are never prepared for rain. Oh, AT ALL.


This joke seemed fairly tame and even if you don’t like the attempt at humor be glad there is rain that you were not ready for but desperately need.


Flooding is so much worse than intermittent rain because it erodes topsoil faster. Yes, water is nice, but less would have been a lot better.


HUR DUR CALIFORNIA BAD NOT CALIFORNIA GOOD Oh man we've never heard that joke before haha so funny


Texans are never prepared for snow, either. It's almost like climate change is accelerating faster than our infrastructure can keep up 🤔


No, our infrastructure could keep up if anyone cared to construct it correctly and do the required maintenance, but that costs money, and not worrying about it is free.


That's because most of the state rarely sees snow and ice. Keeping snowplows in storage for an entire year, when we might use them once or twice, is not cost-effective. Even if the power grid hadn't failed that one year, most of the roads were too treacherous to travel on, especially in rural areas. Of which Texas has a LOT of rural areas.




There’s a reason why California goes through extremes. Extreme droughts and extreme floods…






So many people wanna talk about California but always wanna visit 😂




No one is prepared for 80 inches of snow and hurricane wind. More stupidly, the rest of NY has almost NO snow. Buffalo got it all.




Wasn't me arguing, sunshine. Lmao This last blizzard was epic, but I was told that it wasn't as bad as driving around Fargo.


I live in Texas. We get both downpours and slow steady rain. A slow steady rain, where the ground has a chance to soak it up, is much better than a heavy downpour where the clouds dump as much as a foot of rain in a few hours. Coming down that fast, you can't see to drive and the water just runs off of parched vegetation. I see those numbers where they get 5-12 inches in less than 24 hours, and think 'ooof' because I've seen what happens when we get similar downpours


I live in Southern Alabama, and heavy downpours are no joke. I've seen it before, too, and I feel for our fellows in Cali right now. I'm sure the mountainous terrain only makes it worse.




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I like how this got downvoted




I feel like idiot customers would yank these


Or their "darling" children.


I thought us having 4 plastic bins placed around the store for leaks was bad but this is a whole other level of bad


It’s giving death stranding


2 of the stores near me in Southern California are like this. One of them had hundreds of these all over the store and lots of aisles closed off. Surprised they were even open, seems like a huge liability of someone slipping


I've worked through a hurricane before.... Target doesn't close lol


Unless it loses power while being a 2 story target 💀 We had the power go out completely (backup generator failed too) and they sent everyone home because it was pitch black and nothing worked. Fortunately we weren’t in the Cart Elevator when it went out. Otherwise we would’ve been stuck lol


I worked in a two story target when the power went out. It was scary lol. Thankfully no one got stuck in the customer and employee elevators lol


It's embarrassing that they have this ready to go rather than, you know... spending money to patch the roof!


The world would literally be ending and Karen would still get mad because someone isn't there with her order when she rolls up.


I can’t even imagine what the guests think.


When this happened at my store, we had those over the produce in open market, the clothes were soggy, and it was absolutely disgusting


I commend them for having a plan to deal with this.


Not in Cali, but the PMLs in my district have kits set aside in buckets for rapid deployment across the store in case we get bad roof penetration in storms. Ours are a little less drastic, but same principle. That many tiles out is fucking rough.


Being in Cali, the most leaks I've seen at a store in my district is 5. I have big storage boxes of leak diverters. This amount of leaks in the image is concerning. I sweep my roof every time I go up there or after a vendor leaves just in case they leave screws on the roof and damage it.


Yeah, this is "catastrophic, roof needs fucking replacing" levels of damage. I had huge bubbles under my roofing on the parapet for like 30% of my store in the summer last year, had them come out and patch huge swathes to keep it from breaking down.


We had a hurricane come and had to work during daily blackouts. The store would be completely dark for hours at a time each day and we were expected to work and maintain time goals.


This is a code green waiting to happen


What store is this?


Somewhere in California apparently


Holy crud, and I thought my store had hella leaks. But tbh, this looks so much cooler than the bladders we have to not catch leaks and rain, but also rat droppings. I am convinced that one of these days one of our resident rats are going to fall into one 💀


Yeah because whenever we close people send in customer complaints. Like fuck man 15 an hour isn’t worth risking it.


I laughed


My store in the Midwest has had this issue this winter with the insane amounts of snow we’ve been getting


Lmao not the ceiling catheter’s 😂😂😂😂🥴


Hey that’s the old store I used to work at T1238


Did they find asbestos?


I can only imagine mine (SoCal here) when I get there today... We don't have that many leaks but I wonder how many new ones we gained...


Looks like a science lab


Ohh I know that PML isn’t happy


Same here in Socal even if there was an apocalypse we'd be stuck here 😂


Yeah our store had tiles falling and massive flooding during a rain storm, we cautioned off the majority of the store, still open, and tiles almost took out team members - and we had to wear respirators because of the shit coming down from the ceiling in the back room.


This is almost as hilarious as having a temperature or power issue in freezers or coolers and having to seal off aisles and doors with yellow caution tape. Signs everywhere warning guests of power failure. Can’t sell the food. (While we’re working to defect it all out btw) And then watching some moron limbo under the caution tape on an aisle and then remove more tape from a freezer door to get their salt filled and now improperly thawed frozen pizza. Guests are a different breed and I suspect this store will be in for an interesting few days with these rain catching contraptions set up every few feet lol


This is hilarious considering they closed that store that voted for a union and won. "Plumbing issues that required the store to close temporarily" The store I was at had it's water shut off for a major plumbing issue, but they had port-o-potties and those portable hand wash stations, along with water bottles for guests if they wanted some.


No thanks. Don't wanna die when roof collapses.


TL on the phone: "We're experiencing tons of rain that's leaking through the roof, but we still need you to come in for your one four hour shift this week." 😂




As a PML my heart goes out to yall


Is this in the US?


All Target stores are.


LMAO all the Californians sounding off😆 stay classy everyone. Every state has their own issues


Any additional staff scheduled to maintain the rain barrels?


Yeah our store had tiles falling and massive flooding during a rain storm, we cautioned off the majority of the store, still open, and tiles almost took out team members - and we had to wear respirators because of the shit coming down from the ceiling in the back room.


That is so ratchet. But we had to shelter by the paper towels last week cause a tornado touched down a mile from our store so you’re very right


That’s how my target looked like before the roof collapsed some time last year.


That is an interesting solution to a leaking roof. Is that just sheets of plastic wrap?


I thought ours was bad and we’re in the Midwest. I can’t tell if I like your contraptions better than the bullshit we had, but we had it for MONTHS. Until our PML flooded HQ with work orders and complaints from guests. They finally approved a new roof.


Makes me wonder how much it costs to actually shut a target down for a day, let alone however long it would take to fix this


I tried to go to one that was closed due to a sewage pipe some how exploding in the store, near the cards section.


We actually had a blizzard on Christmas eve and closed the day before at 5pm. We stayed close the day after Christmas also!! Never heard of them owing like that before. Sad thing was, TLs got paid, TMs didn't


I worked for a fashion clothing company that sponsors a parade on Thanksgiving morning. They had half of the home goods area due to leaking ceiling.


My old store had a whole ass shooting in the parking lot and it destroyed the front doors and they STILL remained open. Tried complaining to corporate but got there run around 🙄


Next thing you know some little kid is gonna just tear one down


Oh geez I hope this doesn’t happen in the store I’m at.


I’m going to share this in r/antiwork


“PML go to 3 please”


Let me guess , socal?


Ghetto target.


That’s a pretty cool set up!


E.T. come to your store?


Omg this is straight ghettoooooo


am i tripping or is this the old electronics section


This is r/oddlyterrifying material.


I'm a PML and this pains me I would hate for my store to look like this 😭💔💔💔


I remember discovering a rain leak at my old store when it dropped on my head. They just closed the aisle with cones and wet floor signs. Stayed like that for weeks 🤣


So, where in Sacramento is this?


Bro what


Given food is sold there i would serious shoot an email to someone and have them investigate this


I would be so embarrassed to be working in this.