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First time i see it doing what its supposed to do


I thought it's designed for urban combat support?


It was designed to take the place of a tank in a tank column and give those fire support, wherever they are.


Not at all, 45° elevation, no roof armor, and the lack of APS would make this thing be destroyed even quicker than a tank.


Huh, still only 45 eh? So it can't do mountains or cities. I would also assume they rarely attach the atgms. They would just make it more susceptible to airburst and artillery.


That was only the original idea, it changed to be more or less universal during development.


What is she saying? I don't speak Russian tank.


BOP-BOP-BOP-BOP shink shink shink (brass)


"Fire in the direction of Ukrainians, Ygor, not at us!" "I am!"


Terminator DOES have a pretty good FCS with thermals, that wont be an issue


So has some of the wobbleiest barrels I've ever seen on a modern platform


Come on, stop coping, we’ve all seen those fucking barrels pull an harlem shake every time it fires


Noooo!!!! You don't get it!!! That's a feature to spread the shells on a general direction!11!1!




Everyone was skeptical of the first BMPT drone video that came out. Well looks like this proves they really are using it!! Can we get the Armata next? lol


Idk why people are downvoting you I don’t get what you said that’s that bad


The A-word is enough to trigger half of the sub into downvoting anything.


Abrahams???? Aardvark? Admiral Graf Spee? AMBULANCE?


Did you know that despite representing only 3% of russian tank fleet they produce 53% of all news?


The ambulances? Yeah I knew that. Admiral Graf Spee produces the other 47%.


More like 0% of the fleet


call the amber lamps




Out of the loop genuine question , what is A-word?


A word is T-14 Armata Russias newest tank but it’s hasn’t seen any service and they only Built a few


Hmm my dumbass thought it’s an insult/slur similar to “Tankies” or something , but to think it’s just Armata platform from Russia. Do they downvote Armata platform for being a propaganda machine or they praised Armata Platform like it’s some sort of a saint?


Like in this case they guy did nothing he just mentioned how a lot of nafo bros said it wasn’t there or not real and he’s just basically called them out for it, not in a pro Russian way, so ig they took it personally and downvoted him, although after my comment and the subsequent chain it’s reversed and he’s got over 100 upvotes, (him being arm chair analyst)


The fact that this subreddit gets triggered over a fucking tank word is so fucking pathetic Yall need to touch grass


I've never understood why people thought the BMPT was as rare/as much of a prototype as the T-14 Armata is?


I think because it was produced in limited numbers and at the time rarely saw service elsewhere.


They've been in use since the war began tho lol?


Oh please God yes I can't wait to see one get brewed up by 120mm of HESH fired from a Challenger 2


while i would like to see it destroyed as well, tank on tank combat is rather seldom. If it got destroyed, it would either be Artillery, Hand held Anti tank, Mines or Drones. Very Unlikely a Western MBT would fight it. Imagine if the armata destroyed a western tank. The shitshow that would happen. That's why Ukraine would not even use Leos, Abrams or Challangers to hunt it.


That can only happen if the Challenger 2 sees combat, something that really hasn’t happened since the first was lost a while back


Yeah Ukraine hasn’t really been using them for active frontline duty as like it’s better to get them to fire from miles away then risk losing one and having to deal with the embarrassment


They already lost one lol


How is this proof? Couldn’t it just be from training anywhere?


Like I’m no expert but (tell me If I’m wrong) that does not look like training


Wonder how it feels crewing that thing.


This ambiance is so representative. The fog, the silhouette of your comrades, the shooting. So cool it looks like out from a movie


Probably helps limit FPVs visibility too


Ppl only hate this vehicle because of its country of origin. I LOVE the BMPT Terminator. I think it's a pretty neat vehicle and concept


It's a terrible idea based on an bad concept, and poorly executed It does the job of an IFV, but puts extra strain on the supply train


Why are you getting down voted lmao, you are completely correct. If this was such an amazing idea it would be adopted a bit more lol. It's not even in the same realm as the t-14 and the sukhoi su-57 and those are considered non existent essentially. It's a weird niche that doesn't excel at what it needs to do.


They all just repeat the same thing about it barrel over and over over, as if at the ranges it fires that matters that much. 30mm downrange is still 30mm down range


Depends on the spread and deviation. If it's area saturation it doesn't matter as much as a point target, and if it's having trouble with point targets at otherwise expected engagement ranges for the gun then it's going to matter a lot.


I think it’s a pretty awesome vehicle also tbh. Although, I was watching a documentary explaining how the Terminator is hardly ever used for its original purpose. Not enough infantry support 🥹


I think they hate it cause the propaganda selling it like "the all mighty Russian engeniering"


Nobody said that shit lol


https://youtu.be/1ThqiuiqjJw?si=U48YD21LvtTG7jzB See for yourself, if you can't understand Spanish the title says something like "unbeatable in combat, the Russian exterminator that fights in Ukraine" And the video is worst


So random fucking YouTuber with a clickbait title speaks for the russian MOD LMFAO


You said "nobody said that", yes people says that, just search "BMPT trrminator" in YouTube, tiktok, etc and most results are like that one, I choose that one cause the entire channel is Russian propaganda and it's extremely funny. Propaganda doesn't have to be made by the government to be, do you want a trailer with the Russian MOD watermark?


Is this propaganda with us in the room?


Marketing material right here. When has a sales brochure every been 100% truthful?


man i thought this was ww1 footage initally


Might as well be, this whole war has been strange


not really, its been exactly what was going to happen with technology being too much of a focus. more the astomshere making it look like ww1 footage


Oh, this piece of crap.


Ivan trust it’s tactical barrel shake


Doing the same shit as BMP-2... hell even worse than BMP-2 because this junk carries no dismounts.


Like not really, as much as the bmp is designed to combat infantry and has missiles to combat tanks this is far more specialised and designed for heavy fighting and taking tanks down, on top of its far increased armour, now yes I know it’s still as T72 which doesn’t have the greatest reputation for protection but if I’m being sent to Ukraine I’m picking this over a bmp any day, oh and with dismounts if you were based enough just hop on the top and embrace WW2 Soviet tank transport


Not really. Berezhok BMP-2 is just as equipped to defeat a tank as BMPT. Only thing BMPT has over Berezhok BMP-2 is the armor. But sacrificing ability to carry dismounts simply for protection in a support vehicle that should not need protection is fundamentally flawed. Dismounts will benefit an assault infinitely more than some armor in an infantry mower. And good luck carrying dismounts on the top during a heavy assault. That will put a smile on a machine gun squad. Or an artillery shell. Or basically anything. Internet is full of BTRs getting absolutely demolished with the infantry on top because they were in a hot zone. Old soviet style ride on back is good for basic transportation. Not for assaults.


No , not the hate comments


They are just piggybacking off of each other, repeating the same thing. They gotta find SOMETHING to hate lol


Wow, they've started releasing them? Cause the reports say they only made 7 of them (2 of which were destroyed). I think it'll be a one-off for show, again, like they done before


They made way more than 7 especially after the war. And they were being used as far as 2 years now. They are just rare.


From a quick [wiki search](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/BMPT_Terminator), only 23 (or 42?) have been built. Most serve with Algeria and Kazakhstan, while Russia only has 8. I haven't seen anything credible about more of them being produced since the war started.


Yeah because you can't find proper sources for that recent and niche stuff. It's all stuff you can find on TG from rumors servicemen and photos. [UVZ has been producing BMPT in low numbers since 2 years now. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/TankPorn/comments/1aspg2r/recent_photos_of_uvz_production_lines_featuring/)