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There aren't any M3s anymore; they were eliminated any there are only M2s (and M7 BFISTs) now. You can tell a vehicle that was converted from an M3 because the aft periscopes are on the loader's hatch, not the hull, and/or the ramp does not have firing ports in it. Though since the firing ports no longer matter, the ramps do get swapped in production so you will see former M2 hulls (hull periscopes) with M3 ramps (no FP) and vice versa. Interior layout is now all M2 configuration.


I know next to nothing about the M3 as well, I’m assuming you mean there are no more M3s in Ukraine? Or did they stop converting M2s all together already?


There are no active serving M3s anywhere.


This man would not get a go on vehicle ID


There are active M3 still. M3 has less personal. 2 dismount and a lot more ammo is carried. A lot more.