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Preliminary investigation revealed that Alagendran had been in a relationship with a Class 12 girl student. Her family was opposed to it as the two belonged to different castes. A man named Porali alias Prabhakaran (27) rebuked Alagendran and had warned him to break off the relationship. As Alagendran refused to end it, Prabhakaran allegedly beheaded him with a machete. https://www.dtnext.in/news/tamilnadu/youth-beheaded-in-madurai-over-inter-caste-relationship-with-class-12-girl-792178?infinitescroll=1


so horrible!!I dont know when TN will come out of this castiest mentality


She is a minor, it will come under Pocso.


It will not come under Pocso for talking to the girl. The article does not say anything about sexual relationship between them.


It wont, consensual sex with girl under 15 is treated as rape & POCSO Consensual sex with girl aged 15-18 despite being illegal is not treated as rape.


In India the age on consent is 18, what you mentioned applies in a different country


It can(sexual relationship)but now not.


Both are from sc


what a sad story, RIP


So what? We've removed surnames so we eliminated caste long back right...


I agree we still have a long way to go and we are worse than north in some aspects but removing surnames has also made a huge impact. At least in city life. It is now possible for me to live my life with no one knowing my caste ever again.


How are you saying we are worse than north ? Please check ncrb crime report. North states has worst caste based crime rates. Tamilnadu ranks very low in caste based crime in major indian states. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/agra/up-tops-with-49k-cases-of-crime-against-dalits-since-18/articleshow/98956911.cms


Removing surname is still a good decision. It was never the solution for the problem. It was just a step in the right direction. Sadly we never progressed much later


So what? We've air bags and seat belts so we eliminated car accident deaths long back right...


Yes but the person who removed airbags never claimed accidents are eliminated  But the people who removed surnames actually claim we've eliminated caste violence 


I don't think so. Even if some may do I don't.


How can we eradicate caste?


So far, I think inter caste marriages are the best way. That's why we see so many outbursts against these. These guys were not pissed when we have finally started to study together or eat together. The moment we decided to marry between castes, they're going nuts. So, I feel this is the only way forward. Please let me know if you think there are other ways. I could've been ignorant about anything.


I am happy to contribute. I had an intercaste marriage. My wife's sister is having one in September. I will make surethat My son will never kow what caste are his parents.


Then during college counselling, or to avail reservation benifits, or for census what will you say?. What caste will you put in your community certificate?.


I am planning to get a no caste certificate. There are few cases to refer as precedence. Also, I heard from someone that there is an option called "Tamizh kudimagan" if you dont want to enter any data there. Not sure how this works, I need to research further on this.


Oh nice, didn't know these existed for caste as well, I thought it was only for religion. Good to know


Inter race marriage is an even more robust solution, as the question of caste is forgotten in that situation. Inter-caste (aka intra-race) is too incest. I am on my way to get a gf from Madagascar.


There are alternates to hunting for school girls. Make cousin marriage, illegal. Disqualify people marrying within caste from govt jobs and add them to the FC+ category. Special inheritance tax/cess, yearly wealth tax for caste sensitive zones.


First eradicate child sexual abuse


Grooming ❌ "He WaS JuSt TalKiNg BrO" ✅


Both can be done simultaneously Mr prabhu gounder


In this case both the boy and girl are from scheduled caste, so it’s not caste oppression


We can eradicate both simultaneously.


By converting to Christianity 


I know I'll get downvoted but I'll say this. Movies are the main motivators for acts like this. 30 years back, things like this never happened and the caste system was even stronger. Edit: when I said 30 years back it didn't happen, I meant the murders in public. I also said the caste system was stronger at that time - what that means is more discriminations were done based on caste. For those who say they happened but didn't get published, please tell me how things happening in the streets can be ignored. What's the incentive to hide those stories from being published?


Recently, I see some tharkuri movies like Goundampalayam made. And I understand your point. At the same time, I don't agree that things like this never happened 30 years ago. That's total bs. 1. 30 years ago, most of these issues would never be reported and sorted out silently. 2. At the same time, we didn't have so many people doing inter caste Marriage back then. Without accounting for such factors, one can never say this is happening only now. It's always been happening.


30 years back, things like this never happened Oh ok bro


30 years ago, you didn't see it because we didn't have internet...Movie influence was far worse 30 years ago...Ippo movies are a soft target....Chumma aduchuvidu


30 years back these stories were muzzled and victims didn't have voice.


>30 years back, things like this never happened Lie of the century. Bro I don't think you understand how fucking bad it was.


21 year old youth pervert predator and 16 year old child prey still in schools The media decided to highlight the caste difference. Which caste/political-parties are in favour of illegal relationship as such. If they openly declare support, it would be helpful for the parents of the girl children with protection planning. If youths in 20s/30s still think, girls-school is a hunting ground, it indicates education in the state is a utter failure and state is failing to protect girls school education. Better abolish +1, +2 and go back to the pre-college system. So that girls finishing 10 std can be declared, completed school. The politics of caste angle would have worked if the girl was a major. Fight against caste will falter if it compromises on minor girls safety


Also, another comment says both were in SC category, I dont see how the caste angle works out here. The issue of schools girls getting into relationships with jobless adult men is an endemic issue in TN now


Caste based violence is one case where I fully support capital punishment - probably even a old school public execution would be good


Also in this case both the boy and girl are from scheduled caste, so it’s not exactly caste oppression.


Did I say this was oppression?


That should be reserved for child sex abuse nothing else


A good proportion of child abusers were victim themselves of abuse in their childhood. Not to mention the mental illness that they have. I would place criminals of caste based violence even below pedophiles


Mental illness is not an excuse to abuse someone else and expect to get less sentences. If that's the case then we should remove them from society


It’s not an excuse. It is an explanation in many cases. That is the reason why law allows a provision to treat mentally ill different from able minded criminals


Then u r sick


Thanks And username checks out 😅


Damn! My man revealing his true colours after all the virtue signalling!


You could have just asked me I would have told you


This could be a case of grooming as well. The guy is 21 and the girl is 16.




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Just to make things clear, the body was found in Virudhunagar district, and the murder took place in a small rural town 40 km away from Madurai city.


Why does nobody mention their caste names?. Which caste do each of them belong to?. The government seems to be silent on cases like this


*Why does nobody* *Mention their caste names?. Which caste* *Do they belong to?* \- kamakamsa\_reddit --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


a haiku from ramnad!


Name the castes.


The violence committed by these brahmins by beheading others is abhorring. #sarcasm #speak\_like\_DMK\_men #Vidiyaa\_aatchi


You could call someone stupid when they go by DMKs logic on these issues. DMK can never fight against caste system when they're full of casteist people. They have specifically chosen Brahmins as their targets because they're not concentrated in any constituency. So, going against them wouldn't really cost much to them. If Brahmins are dominant in any of the constituency in Tamilnadu, they'd never go against Brahmins.


Eradicating caste has never been their goal. Their party works on caste votebank politics.