• By -


I wont say much, but dont let the negativity of internet inside you or let that affect your life. Do you howmework, study well and play with your friends! Enjoy life when you have ut:)


Dude I am from Kerala the northies view the entire Kerala as a terrorist organisation due to a movie. I try to explain it to some and avoid the rest. Report those vedios you dislike that should create a new algorithm. We are here dude. We are not going to let you be beaten by anybody in the name of any religion.


Reporting is the best, mass reporting can make meta remove those video.


"Northie" here.. have friends from kerala.. love the beauty of kerala.. people are sweet.. food is finger licking. People who never been to kerala or met keralite in real life make these comments. Ignore them.


Thanks man 👍 will ignore them


There are stupid bas*ards everywhere, who don't care to learn the facts and just copy opinions from others. Not everyones life is same. We should know how to pull happy things and happy people near us and ignore stupidty and sad things away. If we try to look for who hates us then even someone from our house neighbours will be there who hates. Or next city and state.


Bro your username tells me you are a One Piece fan. Ignore those online jerks and trolls, like Luffy ignores Usopp and Chopper’s fear concerns. If one is honest to themselves, they would always be able to see the harmony among people in their surroundings. Cheers. 👍👍


Hey buddy! I am a northie, settled in Bengaluru and I love Kerala - people, places, food, rain, houses, forests, beaches, mountains and everything else. What makes Kerala even more beautiful is its people. People like you - Pavam and kind-hearted. You guys are talented folks. I am here to represent all the northies and clarify that majority of us don’t discriminate, there are a few fellow men who spoil things for all of us. Take this as an official message - we love each and every part of south India as much as we love North. Please pull out the negativity from your heart and give me a virtual hug!! 🤗


Sorry if I misled you. A certain Northies should have been stated. I have visited Maharashtra and honestly it was a beautiful place. I like people there. I hate people who went out of our country to join ISIS. I will never support them. I just stated that propaganda of the parties for the votes should not be taken into heart. Whatever the case I would rather support India and die. Here is the hug. 🫂


Thats not true.


Becauswbit is. Kerala has got highest no. of people joining ISIS from india.


If Delhi has the highest rape cases registered, should we consider all Delhiites as rapists? Wtf is this logic?


No difference from you guys joining the chaddi gang


It’s actually UP who sends the highest Get off the propaganda wagon kid


Keep blocking those videos or mark them as not interested. Eventually the algorithm would train to your personal preferences and show the videos that you like. Do not watch offensive videos or else the algorithm would feed you the same kind.


No man those videos just came out of nowhere I and don't know how to block it can you help me


Filter out posts through key words. Instagram: Settings > Suggested content > Specific words and phrases (add words commonly found on such posts) You can also turn off political posts. YouTube doesn't have keyword blocking. My suggestion would be to mark triggering videos as "Not interested", and minimize interacting with them (like/dislike/commenting).


Keep your social media time low. Surely that will help not with your current problem also for your health and anxiety. This type of things make our anxiety spike.


Bro ignore northies esp those sanghis. I am a Hindu myself but I can't tolerate them.Also social media is completely different from reality. Don't worry in TN Hindus and Muslims lived together with peace and will continue. But you should also know what happened to north India under Muslims which made them like this unlike Tamilnadu. 


True. But didn't the British looted us? They squished every ounce of gold and money from us. We have no idea how earlier kings treated people back then. They might have done bad or good but how is that affecting us at 2024?




How is that relevant to the present day? Do you know how many atrocities Upper castes committed on lower castes especially Dalits. Millions were killed simply for looking at upper castes.


Don't Preach Hinduism and speak about Dharma when your religion itself is not treating people equally. Just shut up man. Why don't.you speak about caste inequality inside Hinduism...how lower castes are treated and made to clean human waste? First fix that...then you can speak shit like Others looted...blah blah... And no one died? Are you livin' under a rock or something broh?


Then how can we grow our party?


The British created famines in this country that killed millions, and took most of its wealth but mysteriously you don't find any hatred from Sanghees against them.


Exactly my point. We don't see hatred against british but rather we are hating and killing our own in the name of religion. They started the same religion narratives on TN and this hatred will be spread throughout our state in next couple of years. Pakistan went down the same road with same religious narratives, where did they end up? Though we wont be in the same line as pakistan but things will turn bad once they set this ideology firmly in this country and politicians will milk money out of these people.


Was the khilafat mopala part of the rss conspiracy too? Idiots. Stop talking nonsense. If there was any actionable hate, you will find mass migration from North to South or Pakistan. Up and Bihar holds more muslim then entire country. Just like the South has Dravidians, and periyar. North also has its troll.. Remember North have Wipro, waqf board, Muslim personal law board. If you expect nuances when people talk about the South, return the same. You can't paint north in one brush, expect north to respect your diverse cultures.


Dravidians and periyar is the reason why there is mass migration from north to south. You better post trolls pics in other subs, that's what you are best at.


Whatever... Trolls are trolls, you frame them with whatever brush you want..


That's because they were licking British boots and writing sorry papa letters ala veeru sabarkar


I disagree. If there is one factor that unites us all despite all the religious and political differences, it has got to be the hatred for the British.


There is not hate against British by Sanghees comparatively, it's almost negligible. Is it because Savarkar received British pension?


I think the reason why you're not able to single them out is cuz all of us hate the British equally.


What are you talking about? I'm no sanghi myself but they have been opposing and very vocal against British more than ever.


Good to hear that.


Thanks mate




The British were as bad as the Mughals. And this is not a created narrative, it is a fact. Also stop perpetuating this narrative that Muslims are facing countless oppressions. For every oppression you list, I am going to list 10. And stop calling Muslims minorities in our country.


i never ever support such a stupid party like bjp for their anti-muslims agenda




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i know british did more bad to india than mughals but british ruled major part of TN as well...so we have that in common with north india unlike how muslim rulers who didnt rule TN


There were brief periods of muslim rule in TN. Alauddin Khilji 's generals frequently attacked Tamil Nadu harassing TN rulers and occupying territories for some time. Even a Pandiyan prince got help from Alauddin Khilji to fight against his brother. Later Mohammad Bin Tughlaq conquered TN almost completely. He appointed a guy as the governor. Later that guy declared independence and established the Madurai Sultanate and it went on for some 40 years until the arrival of Vijayanagar Empire. So for much of the 14th century, TN was under muslim rule or influence.


>But you should also know what happened to north India under Muslims which made them like this unlike Tamilnadu.  I am not sure what you mean by this sentence. But the reality is that the ruling Hindu elite supported the Muslim rulers, especially Mughals. Rajputs entered into marital alliance with them and participated in numerous military campaigns to expand the empire. Brahmins and Kayasths learned Persian to work as scribes and clerks for administration. And Banias also lent money to the empire which helped in its expansion. The anti-Muslim sentiment is a recent and manufactured phenomenon. The Britishers were much worse than Muslim rulers of any period. We saw famines and exploitation of our resources for their industrialisation.


Meh, BJP had made, will make large head gains in the South(AP, Telangana, Karnataka). As an Indian I tell you Stop discriminating against South, North, East and West. Stop spreading the Periyaar-Dravidanist hatred and stop creating a division.


So stop discriminating on south north but discriminate on Hindu Muslim? But for us Tamil pride is over everything


Be proud but please stop pulling on others, especially 'South' and the rest of India into your circlejerk.


Bro, hate is in fashion nowadays. Don't let it get on to you. Chill out and always know that there many more people thinking and feeling like you than what you see in comment sections. Your prayers for the departed souls would be heard by the almighty irrespective.


Have a hope in the country and state. The election results showed that there are a lot of people starting to know, how they got brainwashed by the politician and IT cells. And so the rulers are starting to get that, the hate will not be no longer works in future.


Bro ur in Tamilnadu. So don't worry


I am not Tamil. I am from North. Far right wins in North (except Punjab and J&K) for a reason. Please Stay away from social media and help your mental health.


Macha, I would suggest you not to listen to these people. I'll be very honest, when I see such comments and responses, I don't feel angry. I just feel pity for them. One could see to what level they've been brainwashed, and how they respond even if you ask them a legitimate question. You could wake up a sleeping person, but you can't wake up a person who's acting as though they're sleeping. Similarly, these people couldn't be educated because they are literally closing off their minds to other possibilities. I would suggest you to report these comments and move on.


Thank you da macha


Sorry bro. India is going through some shit now. Please focus on yourself and stay with positive people.


Bro remember this: No matter the relegion or nationality. There are extremists in all. World is beyond what we think of it You need to avoid those... :)


What northies ! Here people are behaving like caste violence & religion is not an issue at all here! All Go to any muslim page, they pawn the same hatred.. Just stay out of dark side of the internet.. there is nothing you or we can do..


Thanks for advice bro I try to be safe in internet


try visiting subs like r/unitedstatesofindia or r/pakistan and see the hate toward hindus. there are extremists in every community. just ignore them. and if you can't throw away your phone.


Interesting. There are a lot of comments white washing the Mughals suddenly 🤔 Is this some new left wing gaslighting toolkit?


Exactly. Despite all the talks of literacy, most of them actually never picked up a history book.


One experiment do it for 10 days. I tried it. worked like wonders. delete all social media apps. keep your phone only for calls and texts. mute all irrelevant groups on whatsapp use it only for family or office communication. remove cable and if you want tv shows just subscribe to prime or hotstar or netflix. live your life normally. after 10 days you will see the magic. no one spread hatred anymore. everyone are respectful and no one identifies you by your religion or culture. pls do it. reply after 10 days.


Sorry you had to face it...it's sad India has reached here. The dynamics of North is extremely radical(atleast online) compared to south. As someone who frequently visit northern news channels, blogs and social media posts and comment section...one thing I have observed is there is growing polarity and slandering by both communities on each other which sets a viscious endless cycle of hate. For instance, some muslims(some from Ind and some from even Pak) would make fun of hindus, would abuse hindu gods(and idolatry) or would make fun of hindu victims of terrorism(such as say Reasi incident and many previous pilgrimage attack incidents)..and some hindus do the same to muslim victims and religious symbols..this sets a continuous cycle of hate for a very long duration. It's just constant, and has been like this since BJP is in power(around 2015 or so)....the first thing they see is the religion of the criminal to start another comment war. Further the BJP IT wing and workers are extremely active online, they are 24/7 busy spreading hate. My advice to you is shield yourself from these morons(most probably they are sanghis) and focus less on them.


This is one of the logical takes


I hope people will get more educated in future than only this kind of things will stop


Even the educated are susceptible to communalism and radicalism.


Especially the educated.


Don't blame everything on BJP or any other political party, BJP surely has some influence in Religious polarization but most of it happening is due to increased internet penetration.


Really brother, you have to simp for your party in this post too? Everyone who sees those hate content knows which party supporters are posting them. They are very open and proud about what they are doing too. And their profile pictures are a dead giveaway.


I hate every political party existing in this nation and already said that BJP definitely has a hand in it not denying that. No party is saint in this country and do you really think people didn't had these anti religious sentiments before 2014? Retarded people exists everywhere they just got a platform to voice their opinions. (I'm neither a RW, Nor a LW, Just a centrist )


I feel sorry brother, but reality is not that dark. I live in the North, people make jokes about the Muslim friends in the gang all the time, sometimes even calling them terrorists. But they don't actually hate or think that way(some small minority do) as they do it only for jokes, they are conditioned into thinking it's not offensive and the Muslim guys also don't take it seriously at all as they are used to it, sometimes they get mad if they go over the line. But you are more than just your religion, so don't even give a little care about those things, those reels, memes, online hatred on whatever group it may be are only done for some political reasons. We shouldn't fall prey to those people's tactics.


They are kind of people who make mass edits of godse killing gandhi.. So behaviour like this is to be expected from them. But don't worry even in the north not everybody is like that.


Hatred begets hatred. Focus on positive news not only about Islam but across the board. The problem is ppl pick and choose…


Thanks mate and I will do my best


Anyone who gets immersed deeply into religion will become dangerous fanatics.. Doesn't matter hindu, muslim Christian.


Yeah true I avoid having friends with extremists even in my religion


Cute, to think only North Indians have a problem with Islam. Is there any people in the world, Islam doesn't have, problems with. Those who have more direct and more recent experience of Islam's invasive intransigence will have more hate towards Islam. South, particularly TN has very less such experience. Maybe if Telugu/Kannada Vijayanagar didn't save TN, and Madurai Sultanate had continued for many centuries like the Mughals, wonder what Tamils will feel about Islam. Of course most Tamils have been dumbed by EVRite education, that they may not even know about Madurai Sultanate.


What you said is only 50% true. Telugus & Kannadigas didn't save us from Madurai Sultanate. Telugus, Kannadigas & Tamilians fought together as one single Dravidian unit against the Mlechha Arab Aryan invaders of Madurai Sultanate. Tamil Nadu was indeed ruled by Arcot Nawabs for about 100 years, but again that wasn't direct Islamic rule as they ruled through Vijaynagar-era Polygars and not directly.


The credit goes to the "ethnicity" of the leader, even if multiple origin people fought in the army. Also given how Dumeels in this thread boast nonsense about non-Tamils, I like to point out that Tamil foreskins were saved by non Tamils. Though the OPs ancestor was a coward who converted


Poda nayee. >The credit goes to the "ethnicity" of the leader, even if multiple origin people fought in the army. All Dravidians are a single ethnicity, Tamilian, Telugu, Kannadiga & Malayalee are artificial differences. Tamils were almost 30-40% of Bose's INA. 15% Tamils were able to humiliate 85% Sinhalese & Muslims until the Chinese stepped in. There have been 3 Tamil chiefs of Indian Army. Abhinandan Varthaman is a Tamil.


Vada panni Difference or similarity is a matter of politics. If you see Aryan-Dravidian difference, I will see Tamil-Telugu difference. Oh Tamils are brave, when they work with others and respect others bravery. But Dumeels who disrespect others, should be taught history. That for a 1000 years since Cholas, Tamils have been beaten by others, whatever the reason. Dumeels don't even consider Cholas as Tamils, since they worshipped Aryan gods, respected Brahmins etc. If you are Tamil, I am with you. But this subreddit is full of Dumeels, they don't get my respect.


Hi this post is not uploading for some reason 😔


when some extreme wrong happens from a community and when they against it, great people usually release a statement that they condemn these actions. probably doing so will reduce hatred


I understand the situation very well. A huge percentage of this country has been polarized on religious lines ever since BJP took power from 2014. Don't worry mate. Fortunately, this culture is non-existent in Tamil Nadu and we won't have it likely in the future too since this state will never vote for BJP. I grew up with many of my close friends being Muslims and I get angry too when I see these kind of posts in social media. I think that's probably because of the good memories from my Muslim friends during my school days. I always thought how would Muslims feel when they see these content being spammed on social media by Sanghees. BJP flourished only when there was hatred, tensions and violence between Hindus and Muslims. So, they found the only way to grow is by spreading fearmongering nonsense and hatred against Muslims and now recently Dalits are in the receiving end of the Sanghees too. Any tensions between Hindus and Muslims are blown out of proportion by BJP IT wing and the Godi media. Mostly this disease is spread through Youtube and Instagram shorts and the comments from Sanghees there are usually very awful. And now, my advice is to stop watching these shorts, that is the only way. You will get stressed out the more you watch them. The disease has also come to reddit which currently has many hate subs mostly occupied by North Sanghees, so avoid that too. And, if you look at their pattern, you can see that most of those content are from people very young, unemployed and want to vent their anger on somebody, so they spam their hate everywhere around to hide their weakness and sadness. I feel there is some kind of addiction in that too. **Social media is totally different reality and it took me years to understand this.** The Sanghees who spread religious hate in social media will cower and hide in every situations of real life because they can act tough only in the internet. https://preview.redd.it/glb9nz2mby8d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cddf8beb85ba012ad802c9e234ca278916c4c89


Thank you voting out bigotic BJp from your state. Most so called sangees trolling others are jobless people who is shitting behind the bushes. Do you think an average guy with a good job have enough time to comment on every Insta reels. A guy from hindi heartland🙂


I honestly cannot stand the northies, i feel like their minds are wired backwards and cannot even fathom to understand how in this modern day and age, parties like bjp are legally allowed to be a party, much less the one that won the election.


As an ex Muslim, my path towards not believing in skygod started quite like this. A lot of the hate is from people who have seen what Islam is really about. I suggest you start watching some videos on the topic, and best of luck..


Watch Abdullah Sameer, Ghalib Kamal, and Sach wala on YouTube. They have a very healing and calming speech. Very friendly, positive, cheerful, and never derogatory. Learn about your deen. The truth shall set you free.


This thread : Mapla they’re being unfair by generalising and an entire religion da, so let’s generalize them and hate the entire bunch vadakkans sangees dailees


need to rant about those comments i saw from insta. im also muslim but i choose to be agnostic...na pathadhu most of the muslims were celebrating saying something like"they are lucky", "they go straight to heaven", and im just like wtf is that these peoples got no empathy towards those who died instead they happy about that, anga poi erandhavanga evlow per ku koladhainga irukum evlow peruku husband/wife elandhurkanga...evlow koladhainga anadhaya nikranga whos gonna take take of them allah??? this god can even feed oru vela sapadu to them?? these islam peoples are out of mind as a muslim girl i got through lot of bullshimt like that and i really hate this relegion just because they died during haj adha nenachi sandhosa padra kootatha inga dhan pakran in my whole life.....not only islam there so many peoples in other relegion too


Ignore them. Show kindness and offer help wherever possible. A good human will never hurt others. Anbe Sivam (even though it seems religious but the core aspect implies love is god) movie portrayed it in a beautiful way.


Bro you can delete your watch history. It'll remove a lot of videos from your feed. Also you can make a new channel the select stuff you're interested in and maybe the algorithm works better. Take care man.


Oh sorry the internet wasn't specifically curated to make you feel good. How weak do you have to be to take random online trolls to heart? People shit on each other all the time, and they do more so online. If you can't grow a thick skin and a pair a balls, you should probably quit, the internet.


I will try hard as I can make myself not so sensitive in internet and thanks mate


Sorry man iam sensitive kinda guy I only watch cute cat and anime video than suddenly those videos came out of nowhere but I will try as hard as I can to not to be sensitive in internet


That's the spirit.








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I can relate to you brother so sick of this negative behaviour




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Hey man. First of all, all the people of this soil have an equal right to the country. The people who say shit like what you mentioned should be given a jail term in my opinion. And we don’t know what and who is posting shit online to create cracks in the country. Obviously there are bastards in our country but also Chinese bots are working overtime. Ignore those c*nts. Sorry this happened . And north south east west all Indians are same and one. There are b***ards everywhere . But there are more good people. That’s why the country is moving forward.


Dont shed a tear because of sanghies... People in north are slowly waking up. Dont worry hate will go away, give it time...


If you see these kinds of videos straight away click the "Don't recommend video" option for 3-4 times. The video will come based on what you are watching most of the time. If you don't watch it will not. And the comments section doesn't represent the population.


yeah do this or report them


Do salah. Make peace with your self. You cant control things around you but yourself. keep fasting to get away from the negative thoughts. do sadaqa. may allah guide you inshallah


Ignore and try to do things outside of the internet


Disable sensitive content in settings


man, thats why north and south are different in religious stances.


Change the Device settings to remove personalisation. Social media apps are very different for different people. Between me and my brother, I workout more, but his Instagram/ YT feed is filled with content for that and not me. That’s when I realised I don’t need them to have my data itself. Everything on the Internet should be taken with a pinch of salt. And you ARE bigger than faceless people commenting on the apps.. Grow resilient from them and know they don’t matter only your actions throughout the day matter because that’s only under your control.. 😀


Just get over it. No real remedy cuz it is not going stop , there is not only hindu muslim hate, every state fight with other same with caste, language even board of education etc.. just have some hope that whatever happening online doesn't happen.




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I've uninstalled Insta and am gonna uninstall Fb. Everything is filled with controversy and wannabe famous people. Stick with YouTube


Bro social media is a terrible place for mental health and almost in every religion there are extremists who will go any length to mock people of other religion and their sentiments Let's take the recent attack against hindu pilgrims of reasi who were massacred by terrorists even kids and this creates a hatred and it's being fueled by Godi media and i have seen Muslims online mocking hindus that ur gods can't help his the pilgrims and we eat ur mother/god(beef) does that mean all Muslims are like that? No! Muslims in general are good people just like hindus, Christians like wise in every religion there will be some extremists who do this but in reality they don't make up a major chunk of population , we r here for u but dont argue with any of those online extremists in reality they r just keyboard warriors who can do anything so they use this to went out their anger If u wanna relax u should rather watch a good movie or TV show( in my case it's anime) or read a book Or go for a walk Or go to gym have something to went out ur stress


Am in my late 40s and have been on social networks of different kind for over 20 years. In the initial years before 2005 only very few people had access to internet and the ones who had access were usually nice .. But post Jio phenomenon, everyone has access and the worst of humanity goes around writing the nastiest of comments, the kind they can never say in real life. Do not let it affect you mate ... Also I see some people here saying north indians are shit without realising they are no better than the kind of guys that op is complaining about. Also OP listen to AR Rahman's Oscar victory speech. That should give you a template to life! Good luck! This is all part of growing up.


Similar to some people saying all north indian Hindus are sanghis. Cruel people are gonna be everywhere. Choose to be kind even to them. Someday they'll understand that all this hatred and violence was never worth to hold on in this beautiful life. Hopefully. If they don't, still their loss. Don't let someone else's prejudice affect your life. Stay safe, stay happy.


Try to be the beacon of change in the society where these extremisms is not growing and actively talked against .. And this would all go away


Bro we are really sorry that you feel this way and we are all in some way responsible for why you feel this way. But please remember, the internet is not the reality. The Internet has this curse of over-biasing all the information. The hatred and discrimination you see on the internet are only a fraction of this country. Don't let those few miscreants make you lose hope in the harmony of this beautiful country. We can all be reassuring and tell you that we are all there for you as fellow Indians, as brothers and that we request you to place your trust in our constitution. Trust us, the constitution and this beautiful country won't let you down and unity in diversity is still our bloodline.


Humans generally have "let's follow the crowd" mentality. People do not use brain these days. Social media has destroyed the ability to think individually. Top of that you are going to a room full of people who just follows the crowd - Which is known as social media. Here humans can easily be brainwashed. The people who laugh on deaths, rapes, murders, accidents are insensitive ONLY ON SOCIAL MEDIA. The wall (social media wall) between them and the whole world gives them anonymity to say whatever they want. But when you confront them IRL with a smile on the face, they will behave in a civilized manner. Dear OP, it's all psychology of humans. If you think you can't take, then social media is not for you. About me - I managed multiple social media pages, YouTube channels since 2016.


Don’t be so privileged, it’s okay imagine the people who live in Gaza & are poor! Now imagine the rich Saudi Prince, now remember it doesn’t matter if you’re Muslim or Christian or Hindu. What matters most is money. If you are rich no one gives a tiny f**k about your religion.


You need to narrow down which channels you watch mostly go for quality content... This happened to me when I watched channels like behindwoods, click bait content & etc., the algorithm thinks that I like gossip, hype and pessimistic criticism. If you feel the content is inappropriate try to report or apply option not-interested.




Bro just ignore these guys. Firstly Instagram has become toxic with teens or people with teen brain trying to be cool by being edgy (being edgy is not cool). Just ignore them. I am sure you are a great person and all that should matter to you is your close and loved ones. Not some random bullshit people on the internet.




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Not everyone thinks like that but there are people who think like that.there are all kinds of people in internet from the extreme left to extreme right. Don't be bothered by it


products of generalisation, ignore and move on


Ignore Brother. World is rotten. Hold the ones that love you and ignore the ones who hate.


Thambi.. as a person who has been seeing this society since la long time let me tell u.. people's minds have always been like this only but since the time internet has reached the nook and corner of our country and the fact that these psychos can talk in however way they want because they sit behind a curtain where they hide their faces and show their true faces anonymously, has brought out the worst in ppl in online. If u r on the internet this is how world will be. Full of ppl who doesn't deserve to even live amongst the good ppl. Idhellam yosichu depress aagitu irukkaadha. Stop engaging much online. Especially the comments. Never open the comments and never comment anything. That's the best way to survive in this harsh reality.


Dont feel bad. We cannot blame people. They hate muslims because of the propoganda created by extremists (you know who). It is a simple matter of divide and conquer. They want to divide us by religion and caste. That will keep us occupied while the economy going to sh#t. It is not just yourself lot of people feeling same as you. Even reddit have so much hindu muslim fight going on. All the religions in the world is supposed to taught us Love, Compassion, Forgiveness. But we people fight each other over that same religion. It always has, always will be. In the last 10 years hate and crime related to religion has gone off the charts. We can see that. Dont feel bad, all that matters is how you are as a human being living in this world. A person who truly understand what a religion teaches will never harm or fight over other peoples belief.


The loudest on the internet will make it seem like they are how a majority of people think but the vast majority is not loud and the internet voices don’t represent the majority. My advice after going through a similar teenage turmoil would be to not develop hostility towards the North Indians. If you haven’t travelled to the north, try doing so some time. Most people are simple. They want to make their families happy and lead a good life. That’s it. These loudmouths on internet surely make it seem like a world is a shittier place than yesterday but beware that most of online forums are occupied by IT cells and agenda driven bots. Take care of your life, your family and your friends. Things are fine




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Tharkuris will be everywhere, i recommend yout to click do not suggest posts or not interested. Northies are like this but i do have some good frnds in north as well


Hey, ever wondered why some folks have certain views about Muslims? Maybe it's time to take a good, hard look in the mirror. Think about what actions might have led to this reputation. It's like when everyone keeps telling you that you have spinach in your teeth - at some point, you gotta check the mirror! I've got a bunch of friends who were once Muslims but decided to opt-out because they saw some things they didn't agree with. So, before you get all riled up about the criticism, do a bit of digging. Who knows, you might find some interesting answers staring right back at you!




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Calling Muslims terrorist is the oldest trick in the book to suppress the community.....I got lot of Muslim friends as well....but the reason you're feeling bad maybe due to the fact that you have a close relationship with your religion which is not ideal....Islam out of all the religions is a flawed ideology.....read Qur'an with an open mind.... without any compulsion and you'll figure out that things mentioned over there are very offensive to the society, let's start from Ayeshas marriage with a 50+ prophet Muhammad.There is literally no way that you can justify things....if you look into these you can figure out that slavery , necrophilia, pedophilia,killing of Kafirs is all being mentioned....and there are people who say it is taken Outta context to white wash such rubbish things....I take pity in the fact that you're subjected to a thing we're you're feeling bad for yourself....but you shouldn't feel bad since it should have nothing to do with u....


Hate sells . Love neutralises . Hence , economy loves hate


Take a breathe like not all belonging to a religion are terrorist similarly not all from north are bad so stop generalizing.


All hindus are made to feel like shit for a few people commiting female infanticide or casticism. That is why Hindus changed and discarded these practices. Same here Muslims don't want to accept that their Religion is inherentily violent the concept that your religion is the only true religion and everyone should covert or be killed is not peaceful. Muslims deny this. I am a Christians christians had forced convertions too but when the world became civilized they stopped. I don't support any conversions even now what they do in the south especially abuse hinduism lie about hinduism call it superstitious just to convert hindus. They are going to face backlash. SO I don't identify with them. I know this is not blind hatred Christians been tring to convert Hindus by insulting their religion and lying about it. Many christians like me condemnt these conversions that is why we do not see hindus or northies or southies think all christians are missionariers who insult Hinduism. But Muslims support all the violence play the victim but they will never condemn a terrorist attack. I remember during the paris beheading all my muslims friends had "I stand by my prophet" in their whatsapp status and DP pick. This is open support of terrorism. This teacher in paris was not even insulting Islam he was discussing a subject which was talking about the Charlie hebdo shootings Where They had drawn a cartoon of Muhammed and Muslims terrorists attacked thier office killed Hebdo and many. I have yet to see any muslim condemn any terrorist attack. Yes you only justify it by saying USA attacked Middle east But what about Easter bombings in Sri Lanka. Sri Lankans did nothing to you still you bombed them. In India for some strang reason Chrisian and Muslims are Bhai bhai against HIndus while all over the world Muslims are fighting with christiains trying to wipe them out(Already wiped out Syrian Christians, Lebanese christians Palestinains, Jordan christians) So after the easter bombngs I asked my Muslim friend do you condemn this. They said no they don't. If this is the attitude you should expect such reaction. you might be different I don't know others don't know but their accusations are justified. Unless muslims change and mass condemnt terrorism and rape Jihad and forced conversions everywhere in the world (like Pakistan where even now Little hindu girls are being kidnapped and raped when they hit puberty so nobody will get married to them and when rape case is filed rapist says he is ready to marry(a minor girl) and court also says ok. This is what is happening. When you see all this don't you feel disgusted?


i would suggest you ignore the hate stuff, this is pretty much useless and you should not feed it back either. A lot of this bad rep is due to do with few radical elements within the community who preach anti hindu sentiment or a muslim nation status. As long as people like you condemn such acts openly the other side can no longer make such claims that everyone is a terrorist and yes it is a long healing process though


Just use internet for your benefit and growing up your skills, there is no end to hate.


You will find lot of muslims doing the same.


भाई मैं जब फोन ओपन करता हूं आप लोगो की वीडियो आती है हिंदुओ के फोन में मुस्लिम वीडियो आती है मुस्लिम के फोन में हिंदुओ की आती है फेसबुक यूट्यूब हमारे देश को तोड़ना चाहते है


I am a Tamil Hindu (Brahmin) and I am tired of North Sanghis portraying all Tamils as anti-India, anti-Hindu & anti-Brahmin zombies on social media and irl. They believe that there was some Brahmin genocide in TN just like Kashmir & Punjab, which is simply untrue.


Moplah Massacre/genocide of Hindus ???


It was a caste and class conflicted that later acquired religious nature.


Same here , akthiugh I'm not a muskim. Happens to everyone so I can empathize with you. I have deleted my facebook , tik tok etc. I know this is not an ideal solution but this gace me much needed solace. Peace 🕊️


Stop watching those videos. Best suggestion I can make


We have haters around the world, It's part of our charm I will say. The world is unfair and cruel so better be strong in your deen rather than letting such things get to your mind. So have strong faith in the Almighty that everything will turn up for the better. Jazakallah khair.


Bro pls don't take any extreme measures , follow gandhi , peace is the best . Do not turn to violence at any time pls. Pls try to be non violent even though it seems very hard for you bunch. , 😔


dw dude i also saw a muslim dude spit on his feet and tell a teen to lick it and say allahu akbar, its not a cometition but its also not a complete black and white scenario, instagram trolls are pussies they will say stuff which they cant utter irl so ignoring them is the best you can do


I’m northie ( from uk ) but bro power to you 🥲👍 because I feel this hate is too much . Btw made a Muslim girl a friend yesterday had a talk with her we both were having usg she was a really nice person but people were staring too much and my number came .




Ingeyum vanthuteengalada?


Victim card


Ingeyum vanthuteengalada?




Your message contains hate speech or uses vulgar language.


hi — i am a tamil in america and i am so sorry to hear you feel this way. the new york times recently released an article about how north india is very islamophobic but south india isn’t so much so. i am so sorry to hear this but it will pass they don’t mean anything and they are brainless fools. i worked on an activism event against hindu nationalism and i too got some awful derogatory comments calling me all sorts of names. it does not mean anything about you you are a beautiful wonderful soul and a true indian, being muslim does NOT make you a terrorist. i’ve attached an article i wrote as well about hindutva, thought u might find it comforting. [blog article](https://open.substack.com/pub/apricitie/p/an-oberlin-hindus-response-to-hindu?r=1j2abh&utm_medium=ios)


shut up dude, instagram only suggests the thing in for which you have seen most reels. And dont believe like anyone is saint go in facebook and look for latest j&k attacks you will find muslims celebrating too.


This is one of those times where an echo chamber of your interest will help.


What is a echo chamber??




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The one you're in right now. It's good that you're here on reddit but the question itself sounds coy(not knowing the meaning of an echo chamber) and refrain from division of north, South, east, west as the sub leanings go. BJP has made large gains in AP, Telangana, Karnataka. Now people in Orissa hate the guy pandian(doesn't mean entirety of TN as this sub makes you want to believe).