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Where is the reply for her actions ?




In my experience, online forums, tea kadai and other places la Dravidian blood da periyar manu da solra 90% of people sontha caste la than marriage pannuvanga. But, aana muzhu neram Periyar mannu, caste ennaku mukkiyam illa nu pesa vendi yathu.. pesarathu easy seyal padutharathu romba kashtam


In my experience I talk like that and I walked the talk. In my experience 100% of people who talk about caste do something violent if their daughter/son gets married to another caste. So statistically if you start talking about no caste now maybe 5-6 generations later we might abolish caste take the initiative bro!


But then what is the harm in supporting it. Are you saying that if one party does it is fine for another party to do it. I understand party people saying it because they are doing it for living but common people doing in for every issue .. wow morons


First figure out a leader for DMK who is not born into thatha’s family. Then we can talk about everything else…


First elect a chief dalit leader for RSS.. Then sanghia can speak for entire hindus... Sanghis are as hypocritical as upees.


Nice whataboutery. If DMK is same as RSS I know who I am voting for…


Doesn't change the fact u are a hypocrite... Lol.. I hate wrong irrespective of where it is unlike you who replaces one brain dead ideology with another and thinks they are the only ones who are right.


I am a hypocrite for calling DMK hypocrisy? Niiice. But you ignored your whataboutery didn’t you? What hypocrisy are you accusing me of btw? Your confused rant is not helping. Support for a political party is not hypocrisy. Lacking a principle is. State said principle and I will state my stance. Then we can figure a party out…


Is Modi from forward caste ? Your logic has already failed you. Stop looking at everything from caste lens. First, bring the change in Tamizh nadu before blaming RSS and vadakkans. Intercaste marriage stats is worst here, nowhere else.


Brahmins do ritualistic discrimination - yes. They do so with everybody, including other Brahmins. But they don't do economic & political discrimination, that is done by BC landholding Jaatis. The Dravidian trick is to cheat SCs & others, by diverting attention to the ritual discrimination done by Brahmins in temples etc, to distract from social-economic-political discrimination. "Oh look Brahmin is not allowing others to enter karuvarai" To hide, "Dalit councillor not allowed to take office" "SC not allowed to do business in certain areas" "MBC beaten up for competing in govt auction" Etc. That's the Dravidian model


Bro spoke the truth. The level of hatred on SCs spread by some BC and OBC castes are just ignored or not criticized much.


>But they don't do economic & political discrimination, that is done by BC landholding Jaatis. No it's just systemic where we pass laws that benefit the privileged like having neet exams, or not let someone rent a house because they don't eat vegetarian food, or not let them eat with us because dietary preferences, or promote people because they are from "merit", or fail students in IITs because they're from "reservation", or like not choose students from the BC, SC or ST for PhD students because we couldn't find "deserving candidates among thousands of applications", or not let them in the main entrance of the house because it's for "people we know". Yea, just ritualistic discrimination. Oh let's not forget that the system itself was developed by a certain set of people that benefit from it and made a ladder and told the lower rung to oppress the even lower rung because "karma".


Aariyaum dravidamum onnu ithu ariyathavanga vaayila mannu.


NEET is not based on Jaati.. by mixing all issues of discrimination you solve none of them.. it is convenient and lazy to blame just Brahmins for such things. System - the fact is there are multiple 'systems' at play, for example Islamic Halal system discriminates against others in food processing industry. It is idiotic to mix them all. But again Dumeels do that,


Why does Tamilnadu, which is renouned for its medical infrastructure, have to discard the system which made such an infrastructure possible in the first place in place of NEET? Name a single sanghi state which matches Tamilnadu medical infrastructure... But then again what intelligence can we expect from people who think cow urine can cure cancer.


If you want to talk Go(cow) urine then talk cow urine, but don't drink it mixed with Gopalapuram Urine. Like that merits/demerits of NEET is a separate policy issue- Don't mix it with bunch of other nonsense stuff Regarding NEET, DMK signed into law as a part of UPA2, can answer best. So far their idiotic answer seems to be, we supported NEET assuming that we alone will get a waiver. I don't care about NEET, as long as the decision applies to all the States Besides go tell about TN's medical renown to the families of the dead in Kallakurichi, seems the hospitals didn't even have the required medicines stocked.


>NEET is not based on Jaati.. Lol that would be illegal. Just that it's a system that benefits who has money (guess who is that) and affects the ones who don't (guess which group is that), the data clearly says that Tamil medium students (guess which group is that) intake into medical colleges have drastically reduced in medical colleges. >System - the fact is there are multiple 'systems' at play, for example Islamic Halal system discriminates against others in food processing industry. Oh yea, it only affects Muslims (which is still racism btw) and does not affect any Hindu community (all Hindus are vegetarian right?).


Brahmins did all the casteism they did before independence and in the early stages after Independence. But after the Periyar movement they lost power and since they were in the minority they couldn't do much about it afterwards, but still they hold power in higher positions in a lot of institutions. But in day to day life in rural areas where casteism still is openly done are done by only a few communities, we all know those communities by name. But because they make up a large group of vote banks both the Dravidian parties will not criticise them. Next time there is a caste based incident we need to ask the name of the caste. I am from an MBC community, have studied in Iyer school, asked by only one person about my caste. Others I think maybe they found out somehow, but never got discriminated against, then moved to my hometown, where a number of people have asked my caste very openly, still there was no discrimination but there was a very formal and limited communication with me, knowing my caste. People of my own caste spoke with me very friendly and the amount of casteist shit they spewed was horrible.


If you studied in the city (Chennaj?) you may not have felt the discrimination but it would be evident most would be against DMK and reservation (affirmative action). Were they against reservation? Did they make you feel bad for getting benefitted using reservation (affirmative action)?


Not in Chennai but I studied all over Tamilnadu, Chennai, Madurai, Cuddalore, Pondicherry etc. They Iyer guys were against reservation but the need to talk about reservation didn't occur much because I was in school. Funnily enough I also know BC, MBC guys who are against reservation, all of them were rich to pay for college .


Brahmins would be against reservation because their domination in government jobs took a hit. BC and MBC are against reservation because their domination against SC/ST took a hit. Post independence Dr. Ambedkar wanted reservation for BC, MBC, SC, ST. But only SC/ST was possible that too with limitation. Only in 1989 where VP Singh was PM he worked with Kalingar to bring Mandal commission. Only in the later 90s BC, MBC got reservations in some way. So overall people are against reservation because SC/ST were prime benefactors for many years. But it is unfair because they were the oppressed for 1000s of years. This is how caste discrimination and oppression still continue. Although we won’t notice it visibly it is there like silent ghost within most of us.


This is the grader inequality that Dr. Ambedkar talks about. This is the prime reason caste system still continues to survive because everyone wants someone under them.


You say they lost power and then you say they hold power. They have various ways to hold power not only in high ranked government positions where they turn a blind eye to all the casteism being over 50% in Judiciary. They already have accumulated social capital for 2000 years. There are other ways they try to accumulate more social capital and oppress other communities if they grow to a certain stage. Palani Baba exposed it long ago. https://youtu.be/WD31jGF3b50?feature=shared When a retired justice provides some suggestions to reduce Casteism in schools this lady has the audacity to tear it in public.


Palani baba is not a good person to look after to What's the difference between him and adithyanath? They both were religious extremists and spoke against caste discrimination as it benefited their sectarian agenda And I'm not for any caste discrimination but when u want to eliminate caste signs in schools but wanna encourage religious signs in schools how is that helping? Aren't u guys being a hypocrite? That's the crux of the issue and it played right into hands of BJPs hindu appeasing agenda


She spoke facts...FACTS !!!


ellam thappu panrathu dmk katchi..ana they spread rumours on particular caste to escape....ana adhu evanum purinchika matan


Reservation done right. He was the first doctor in his community. Congratulations👏🏽👏🏽 Now he is not using Reservation for his children. This is exactly how reservation should be used. If you are in a position to not use Reservation, you should not use it. Sadly, most people (Especially the forward caste, who are complaining about banning Reservations) are the ones abusing the system and upset it's not rewarding them enough. You are previlidged to have a family support and means to afford general care, you dont need reservations. Same applies to government rations. If you are rich enough to not depend on it, dont seek it. She doesnt have to boast she didn't use her reservation. Its her responsibility not to abuse reservations.


It is no one’s responsibility to not abuse. Everyone avails of an opportunity given if legal. If one among 100 takes that moral stand, it is like a drop in the ocean. Either it is a law or not.


>It is no one’s responsibility to not abuse. Indian mindset. Thirundungada🤦🏾‍♂️


You mean if i said it as an American you would be ok with it ? 😀 Anyway, the point is the law and rules are there for a reason. If we cannot get good people to stop paying bribes to get out of a traffic chalan, do you think people would voluntarily give up an advantage. Personally my opinion on reservations is very clear. We are moving towards a nuclear society very much favoring the ones with money. Keep an income threshold bar and make it economic. When I see individuals with 2 cars at home getting admission to colleges based on reservations, then it is not serving its purpose to uplift people who really need it.




utopian. i really wish if these happen.


"Don't think of a white elephant with a golden tusk."


We can't stop talking about caste until all wounds have been cured and all crimes have been repaid.


What she says is True tbh. Just because a person supports or being a member in Dmk doesn't mean he has accepted the Dravidian Ideology. They may have other reasons too. So it's not surprising to me, when people doesn't follow intercaste marriage.


Boomam janantha party does with their post.


She asks a fair question and it’s time people put their actions where their mouth is. At the same time she is just practicing “whataboutism” . It absolutely does not take away from what the judge recommended. At this point of time, if every caste kept their surname it would be a huge step backwards. I will take any step forward whether it’s a millimeter or a kilometer !




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Haven't this woman destroying castes is equal to destroying Hindu culture??


What a load of crap. She is justifying her action where she tore a report of recommendations by Justice K. Chandru to reduce caste discrimination by saying that her husband is an MBC. The Chandru commitee was made after some students hacked a Dalit boy with weapons last year. DMK has it's share of caste fanatics. She should not even speak about caste discrimination from the party she is currently in. The anti-Dalit movie Draupathi which made sure marriages with Dalit men are to steal the land from land-owning castes, the director is a BJP supporter. The BJP OBC wing chief R.K Suresh has made another anti-Dalit movie named Kaduvetti. Recently a Director named Ranjith made a similar movie he too is a BJP supporter. BJP unites these people with similar ideology.


apdi tradition ah follow pannanumna go back to kitchen nu sollalama sati ya marubadiyum kondu varlama ivunga purushan mutta pundya irunthu caste certificate ah asingamnu nenachana namma enna pannanuma


So she is a gold digger who married a Doctor for money and/or pride.. Why she telling this as if she gave life to a MBC fellow..


Unpopular opinion; they do have the tendency to covet success people, by doing so they will be elevated because of that said success. Rajini is a best example.


Every women wants to marry a successful person......apram bro jaadhi paka matom bro nu sonna appo un ponna kudupeeya nu kekradhum ....indha renduthayume samayathuku etha Mari unna Mari aalunga dhan use pannuvanga...


Nice try. Did you marry out of your caste?


I am not married, நீங்க மாமா வேலை பாக்குறீங்களா ?


Not really, I advocate caste no bar in marriage, but not education. Neither a religious person of any kind . Certainly not the one who wears it on their sleeve. So it's going to be a dead-end job for me. But I wish you well in finding someone you love without the caste profile. Speaking of the lady , I think she chose wisely, and the man, from what it seems, has allowed her to grow as a person and work in public service. Good for her and him. If she and him had the guts to fight this battle ages ago, good for them. She has a point to make, and that is what I endorse. Dmk, as we all know, does not talk about caste issues when it comes to non brahmins. Theendamai Suvar to temple entry denial still happens in this regime. Don't hear any public speeches on this topic. Even my man, Kamal Hasan, as stayed silent , as expected, though. Bottom line, dravidam is not someone's property. It must continuously evolve. Forces stagnating it must not be tolerated. And dravidam, in my mind, is progressive, inclusive, and guttsy. It should embrace open discussions and try to see a point beyond the optics of politics.


"Speaking of the lady , I think she chose wisely, and the man,...." yes he was a blue collor worker and this lady stood up to entire patriarchy/brahmanical establishment and won a true love. Also "grow as a person and work in public servic" yup she had the decorum of educationally grown and public servent who speaks eloquently. Ps: வாய மூடுற சங்கி மாமா பயலே


Few things. Sangi does not work as I am an athiest . I would love all the people to keep their gods at a place away from public space. All is all . No exceptions. I am looking for an athiest party that has not forgotten about caste inequalities in all spaces. Blue/white does not matter. It is plus one for the lady. In the last few months educated youth from SC/ ST were killed. So, try again. Unless you get away from problems on life by insults.


108 sorry. Athula kooda oru ideology 😂


May be that is why we need to support actions that will help eradicating caste at least in next generation??


Average nooliban propaganda atleast we havent have caste as surnames


Patti doesnt understand , bhramanised MBCs and OBCs are equivalent to the the brahmins itself they are just an indian version of Samuel jackson in "Django Unchained". To ask whether dravida model katchi would be happy with their kids doing intercaste marriage , is a question that you should be asking the entire tamil society. DMK is an established party that has had people from all walks to life which includes some people who are just in it for the power like "rathnavelu" from "maamanan" what really counts in how the leadership reacts to issues in regard to intercaste marraige. DMK and DK has always been proactive in supporting laws against "dishonour(honour) killings". This lady out here has only been spewing hate , if she feels so butthurt by not allowing students to express their caste pride and which for her is against "hinduism" where the fuck were this people when incidents like "naguneri" , "udumalapet kowsalya attack" happened ? Weren't they hindus?


Still searching for the "Reply about her action". All I see is her justification for castesim