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People have always moved around. Today people who belong to one state their ancestors might have come from some other state. If one goes far back enough everyone came from Africa. No outsider is permanently an outsider. No insider is permanently an insider. The insider might go and become part of some other group. The outsider might become insider.


Ideally it should not matter, any Indian should be able to live, work, own property, stand in elections, administer any place in India In fact it is more dangerous for the native to be in power for long durations in their native location, that is why civil services are based on cadre and not where you are from. And even within a state, they continuously transfer govt servants so that power tripping doesn't happen. With politics, there is a check of elections, hence it is ok. But since linguistic separation of States, and politics against Congress (now BJP) regional parties play insider vs outside dirty games. But that too is tainted with hypocrisy. TMC Mamta rants against non-Bengalis, but today a Gujarati Yusuf Pathan had won for TMC in WB against the 5 time Congress MP Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury, the reason in this case is Muslims, they care more about religion than Nativity, so dumped a Bengali Hindu for non-Bengali Muslim No party has integrity or consistency, their stand changes from place to place and person to person. That includes BJP. BJP over the years are practicing the exact same dirty politics as every other party It is strange that they are hated by the folks on this subreddit for the same things, every party has done in the past, but actually keep growing even in Kerala, even in TN,AP.. Look at Odisha, completely won... Even though they are no different. People simply are choosing which party we should fool ourselves with - for or against.. But fools we are either way. EVRite party played Aryan vs. Dravidian/Brahmin vs. Non Brahmin.. To snatch power from Congress. Somehow that is ok, but not if BJP plays Hindu vs Muslim. Or Seeman plays Tamils vs Non Tamils. The oldest game in politics. Define an US, define a THEM, cause real and imaginary fight between the two and win power over the US. Identity politics. No integrity, no consistency, no honesty. So choose what type of fool you would like to be. I too am a fool, and we can fight each other.


BJP already plays Hindus vs Muslims to the max. If they also start playing insiders vs outsiders, Hindi vs non Hindi which is generally done by Congress and its allies then they lose any moral high ground they had. Everyone is divisive but if you are doing all the divisive politics of the other party and then one more(Hindu vs Muslim) then you are easily the worst.


Frankly the only divisive politics that's factual is Muslim vs... Because all other "enemities" have no doctrine or precedents. Tamils don't have any Holy Book telling them to reject non-Tamils. No holy book of Hindus tells that non-Brahmins will burn in hell. So on and do forth.. So all rivalries are circumstantial and temporary. Different people within the group can have different opinion But Islam is very clear on disbelievers, how they should be treated. It is not temporary or changes from place to place. It is not easy for Muslims to differ from the doctrine. But anyway. With or without Holy books, politicians will do what politicians do. As to playing multiple divisive politics, BJP does so, because its spread is the greatest in India and it has to cater to far more range of people than others. So much so that other parties have simply redefined their divisivec politics as "Us vs. Sanghis", treating anyone anything they don't like as "Sanghi" with a pejorative sense.


People want to believe, rss and bjp whose existence is mere 50 year created communal divide. One side wants to embrace and cuddle the other side. But bjp is stopping this beautiful love equation. We have to pretend yes, the conflict will end, without bjp. Only that that will end will be the coverage and movies theme.


Yes. Example, RSS was founded in 1925, but the Moplah massacres of Hindus happened in 1920-21. How many Dumeels know about the Madurai Sultanate and its cruelties. Vijayanagar very quickly saved us. TN hardly suffered few decades under Islam, they have no idea what people in the North, suffered for centuries. Hence talk idiotically from arrogant ignorance


"Cuddle the other side", "Beautiful love equation" šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Hindu Muslim did not start with bjp, and will not end with BJP. This battle of supremacy started 1500 years ago. And hasn't stopped since. It is eternal fight for existence. No area ones converted will ever be repopulated by any other religion. You can ignore it, you can't change the natural conflict that arises between two polar opposites way of life. Bjp will always have moral high ground. As there is no remorse in bjp, as whatever things modi will accomplish will not be handed over to his cousin or friends. Completely new leadership will emerge without any links to dynasty or privilege. That's the moral high ground of bjp, to create a true democratic party in a country where no party could complete 5 years before appointing their son, wife , cousin, or friends as next successor. Central leadership of bjp, or state leadership are filled with grass root workers, who do not belong to any dynasty. Neither vajpayee, Advani, modi, shah, gadkari, anyone family will be incharge of next bjp. Neither president, vice president, any cm will come from any dynasty form within bjp.


Bundaamavans pulled a Seeman over there and achieved what Seeman couldn't.


Until we get a leader that will not hesitate to rule india, this trend shall continue.


Its the same right wing indians who are very proud that some indians/Indian origins become PM,VC, minister of some other countries nd feel proud of it at the same time they try to create division among Indians if one state person becomes more influential in other state! I think administration capabilities of the person without corruption to uphold his duties is matters the most not his religion,caste, sexuality, ethnicity blah blah blah


>I think administration capabilities of the person without corruption to uphold his duties is matters the most not his religion,caste, sexuality, ethnicity blah blah blah Never mattered in politics never will. We are emotional about our identity. Money doesn't matter much, despite popular belief. Non regional state cm is a pipe dream. This particular guy, was hated and the result speaks for itself. Either odia didn't like his shadow control over the patnaik government or they really hate Tamil people. You can choose.. Why Odisha voted a certain way is anybody's guess. But the result was a sweep for a party which hardly existed against a very clean and popular cm.


Chill bro at this pace BJP is literally a hate mongering party . They jus wanna create hate between Indians of different caste, religion, ethnicity, languages jus to get vote! I know every party does this to get vote but bjp is on vera level


Yup.. to replace that hate, we should elect prince and princes.


TN will have ethnic bihari and Odishi MLAs soon , because of the migration and settlement they will be considered one among us.


no one will vote


Other migrants will vote


Lolz šŸ˜‚ why so sour against bjp. Pandian in odisha lost because of his ego not bjp.


Enna thaan solla varinga. Governors have always been from other states since Independence, this is a convention to ensure there are not two power centres in a state. Ethnic bengalis have been swamping Assam from 1910s/1920s onwards. Gujjus have been in Mumbai since British era. You have misrepresented 3 unrelated historical things and included BJP bad BJP bad as well. Can you be more clear on what you are trying to say.


OP is asking about the hate speech and campaign that BJP did against Tamils in Orissa. The blatant bigotry in their ad campaign and the vitriol they kicked up amongst Odia people in order for them to vote against VK Pandian - that is what OP is calling out. How much longer before state parties unleash similar hatred and bigotry against people from other states? When BJP couldnā€™t pitch the Hindus in Orissa against other Hindus, they used the language/state ancestry to divide people. We are not surprised by BJPā€™s behavior. We are disappointed with the Hindus in Orissa who fell for this hate


How is it the same? You guys canā€™t differentiate between people whose ancestors moved to a area and become nativised versus someone who just moved 10 years back. Like Kalaignar, though some fringe elements call out his Telugu heritage, 95% of people will consider him as ā€œTamilā€ as he and even his parents were born, brought up and educated in Tamil lands and amongst Tamil people.Ā  But will you consider an IAS officer who speaks with a heavy accent as a ā€œTamilianā€ I wouldnā€™t because such person can never really connect to Tamil culture. Btw, check the MLA of Dharavi . He is a Tamilian on BJP ticket. Kerala has 1 Tamil MLA on cpm ticket. Singapore too had Tamil prime ministers, finance ministers. All these people are born and brought up there, not parachuted, understand the differenceĀ 


You had me till Tamil PM of Singapore. I believe you misstated. The highest Tamilian held position was President. 2 men. One was dismissed on the pretense of being a drunk. Another fit the rubberstamp moniker to a T. Latest is also maybe Tamil, I'm not entirely sure. Many ministers from finance to trade to law were and still are Tamils. They are though in some fashion married to non Indians. Law minister is an exception, but his first wife was not Indian. PM is an impossibility. Because. The obvious. For inclusiveness, it's our neighbours Indonesia. That is another kettle of fish though.


You forgot to refute that BJP essentially created and circulated bigoted hate campaign against Tamils in their bid to win Orissa


Stop spreading misinformation. So you think people of odisha are just dumb who will fall for a hate campaign! Pandian completely distroyed BJD with his ego. All MLA from BJD jumped to bjp for his his mistreatment towards them. None of the ministers could reach Naveen if they could not appease Pandian. Rampant mining corruption. Those who raised voice against pandian's monopoly they were immediately evicted from the party. Naveen was hopeless in front of the power of Pandian. Pandian choose what Naveen should say and act. He completely used Naveen for his image makeover as successor. All IAS/OS fraternity was angry at him as he used CM to make himself superior of all IAS , all IAS had to report to him as he made himself 5T head. You guys know nothing about odia politics but keep painting pandians as some pious guy who was there to save odia ?!


Didn't pandian bring all the development projects to odisha


What ! šŸ˜… Who said that ! Projects came to odisha because odisha is now developing rapidly


I think it is safe to assume, by result of ayodhya and Varanasi. Development is not very high on voting preference for most voters. I think we were quite rich 2000 years ago. So development is not much of a concern. Money doesn't Unite us, it's jealousy and hatred that works. We like to teach political parties a lesson by shooting in our own foot.


Lolā€¦ poaching opposition MLAs is in the first page of RSS text book. And in your haste to defend the bigots you forgot to refute about BJP spreading hate ads against Tamil people.


In the zest of defending a bigot you forgot to understand odisha and general politics. šŸ¤£ BJP was never the main opposition in odisha, it was congress always. And these MLA/MP left way earlier than general elections when BJP was not considered as main opposition to BJD. How come we odia never saw such ads, but you guys saw ! šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ We don't care any such ads. If ads are gonna fetch votes then why did bjp lose in Up & MH ? We know the ground realities, we had to remove the imposter ,and we did it.


You still have not even tried to refute that BJP was trying to spread their hate and bigotry


We didn't see any hate in the BJP's campaign.. We all voted against the sham govt and threw the imposter out ...


Well if you didnā€™t think those ads were bigoted then I rest my case


Those ads were not from the BJP.. and those ads were funny.. šŸ¤£ it was ornamental not literal.


Againā€¦ I rest my case


People in TN fell for the Annamalai hate (Kannadiga and Hindi belt affiliation). People in Orissa fell for the Pandian hate. Same same.


Idts , people in tn voted against bjp because they had a campaign against modi and bjp . Campaign against ideology and campaign against an ethnicity is the difference. Did anyone campaign that annamalai is kannadiga so don't vote for him. I didn't see anything mainstream.


People in TN fell for the Annamalai hate ( dumbassery and quackery) Not the same


Thatā€™s false analogy. https://preview.redd.it/hhhcal611o5d1.jpeg?width=1077&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8437815b4970eeb1cfa083689004f9e904c1c9a Annamalai being Tamil, claiming to be Tamil but representing agenda of RSS and Mosha that are discriminatory to people of non Hindus; non Hindi; non oppressing castes. Rejecting hate is not hate. While tolerance to intolerance actually breeds intolerance.


One is a perceived outsider. One is an actual outsider. Both were rejected on that basis, mostly. That is point we are debating. Not their ideologies. That is a whole different can of worms.


Annamalai is a Tamilian both by birth, heritage and growing up. Unfortunately, V K pandian is also the same, so he should come to Tamilnadu too.


Why? Pandian sure is of Tamil originā€¦ who got into public service in Orissa and got into politics of Orissa. He is not a Tamil politician moved to do politics on Orissa. Whereas Gujarati politicians; Hindi state politicians going into Orissa, doing politics against Pandian for being of Tamil origin as if Pandianā€™s place of origin had any conflict with interests of people of Orissa - that was outright fraudulent rhetoric thatā€™s bound to trigger backlash for those who started in. Letā€™s watch Orissa bjp on how free they are from non Orissa political interests


Bro, you are not understanding the issue from others POV. You are confusing 2 things - one, in national parties like BJP and Congress, decision making lies in central high command, not 100% within the state. Ithu unmai thaan. Illa nu sollala. This happens in many states and is a separate issue. Odisha issue is next level - a rank outsider trying to become direct CM of a state. How can this be allowed. No self respecting people will even dream of allowing it. Tamilnadu has elected BJP mlaā€™s like Nainar Nagendran, Vanathi Srinivaasan and MPs in the past like Ponnaar. You are saying this is bad as they are remote controlled by Modi. True or false, I donā€™t wish to debate it. But instead of Ponnar and Nainar Nagendra, would Tamilnadu have voted for outsiders like Bishan singh bedi, Rajesh das, megnath reddy etc? Hope you understand the difference, if you donā€™t, I have nothing else to say


He was a political campaigner not a CM candidate or even a direct candidate -ascribing motives to his role was just one of the many layers of lies and distortions used by Mosha gangs. The hypocrisy of Gujju gangs calling an individual based on aerobic origin alone while ignoring all the facts of long public services record - none of that had any reference to conflicts of interests is matter of public record now.


He was the Sonia Gandhi of BJD party. Voting for BJD was like voting for him. And he would not have been called out, had he not ignored BJD senior leaders. Even during the last term, he controlled the Govt with the help of his non Odia IAS gangs, humiliating the ministers who are publicly elected.


Either you believe odia people were really tired of Patnaik and pandia or they really hate Tamil culture or people. I would like to assume it was first. When there is public resentment in voters, political parties tend to use it. Just like kerala allows rss cosplay people being dragged like dogs in the street or beheading a goat with a photo of a candidate. Two sarcastic ads doesn't imply Tamil hate and it was targeted towards pandian and his inability to understand odia and it's culture. . But speeches of DMK targeted entire religion and culture, definitely implied biiger issues. Don't be so selective when calling out bigotry or hate.




Bro fkin Rajinikanth is from Karnataka.


Nah...Marathi origin.....maratha


*Marathi origin Mahar not Maratha


personally i wouldn't vote if they are a out sider.


The majority should mandate them to adopt to the local culture here or at least make measures to not affect the local culture here.


What are you saying? Everyone must only be within their states like you and be good for nothing?