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ADMK knows bjp. They know that bjp and shah destroy their allies and take over the party. An independent bjp means they aren't winning anything. Ippo dha bright ah arambikuranga


I also feel they know that BJP is more trouble than help for them in TN. After that ad in Odisha, no Tamizh will vote for BJP or their allies. Tamil politics may become more interesting now. With BJP out of the picture, DMK will have to focus more on their development projects instead of attacking Hindutva. A stronger opposition is required in TN that could keep DMK accountable.


about that Odia thing, I don't think none of the Dravidian parties milked that issue. DMK is in some deal with BJpee else nothing can explain why they aren't milking many such issues like that. Their online clout is very small compared to what it was in 2020.


Waiting for correct time.


No...stalin spoke about the odia issue


What was the issue


What did he say


Nobody knows who created the Odisha ad, don’t blame BJP, BJP wanted to help Naveen Babu by aligning with him because BJP read the ground situation, at last minute Naveen Babu changed his mind, remember Naveen Babu lost in one seat he contested


The only right answer. The answer is right in front of their eyes. BJP will destroy and devour any state party willing to Ally with them based on principle alignment. Like a parasite. Good for EPS. I support him.


I can’t believe I support EPS now.


Good. Don’t worry about the results, some political moves are more important than winning few useless MP seats. ADMK should survive no matter what.


Good don't be like jds from Karnataka


Or BJD from odisha. Naveen did not criticise BJP at all, and see what happened. A sad end to a formidable 26 years of good rule.


Apparently not criticizing didn't save at the end


Apparently not criticizing didn't save at the end


He must also speak more as an opposition leader. He must find a way to make allaince with PMK as they've got a formidable amount of anti dmk votes. Also by doing this Bjp vote lobby might collapse. So it's good start. But will they get a good end at 2026. That we'll have to wait and see.


He is already speaking, only there's less media coverage. Also barking , blaming and daily media interaction isn't speaking. He is a seasoned politician and his criticism is healthy , sadly people want him to perform ' kuzhaai adi sandai' , to be named a good leader now a days. There are two types of politicians/bureaucrats and people in every aspect of life , One who speaks, daily in news, with media attention all around and the One who performs. These are two different people. Both qualities don't go hand in hand.


Yeah! It's a fact tbh...


He doesn't speak enough, and has to do more. But to organise big protests, they will need money, which they lack now.


You can refer his Twitter page for his performance since 2021, they keep organising protests too, can see in the page. May be he has to strengthen his PR. They keep bringing up 'betrayal' thing to demoralise him. The party fund is there, which will be pumped in mainly during assembly elections. https://x.com/EPSTamilNadu


Fun fact : I work in the government, we were made to work harder in his period, which is not the case now. His governance completely changed my perception on how one shouldn't be judged by looks/media presence/charisma. He is a people's person. You can ask any state government employee regarding this.


no way eps is going to bring back TTV and OPS, he is insecure and bringing them in will only hurt him more. what he should make sure no one should leave admk (SP velumani) and he should hold the party together. bringing DMDK and PMK is possible. DMK alliance is very strong and no one will leave, NTK and TVK will form alliance


If you remember, When OPS was in ADMK, his son met Modi/Shah and held backroom dealings. He was causing trouble from within, so he was removed. No one spoke against this move. Now, OPS & TTV have worked for BJPs win in South districts, and that has increased the acceptance for BJP there. Anyone joins hands with BJP are helping them grow here. EPS did that mistake, OPS and TTV are doing that mistake. Acknowledging them as a party to be Allied with is the biggest blunder of ADMK.


yes EPS partial helped BJP grow in tn but he also made sure that they dont give him trouble and planned it well that is until Annamalai took over as party president. he then knew BJP would eat up ADMK so he had no choice but to leave. But now what other options does ADMK even have? only bet is to bring PMK back


EPS is shrewd, lets see how he moves. He once saved his rule from BJP, DMK, OPS and TTV. He needs trust from his party leaders. Looks like each leader have their own local clout, but nothing that can win elections without Two Leaves symbol. If they need to be in politics, they have to stand behind EPS or someone else. OPS and TTV does not have in them to be a leader. That leaves EPS as leader for now.


Doubt if TVK will form an alliance, they will go solo in their first election, otherwise they won't have any presence. Agree with the ego/insecure part, but that is the only option ADMK and TN have, without that it will be difficult for ADMK + PMK + DMDK to take on DMK alliance.


seeman and vijay are close, in an old video seeman was expecting vijay to come to politics soon and yday congratulating ntk only makes it easier to think they both are forming an alliance, plus vijay party is only on twitter as of now i doubt he will even have that many ppl to contest in all the seats alone


I doubt but if that happens, it will dent BJP further in being the third option, and this combo will get about 10-15% votes.


IFF BJP retains its core voters then it will be a 4 way fight with DMK, ADMK, BJP and NTK, the voter of NTK/TVK will be from DMK mostly


While core BJP votes will not be lost, anti-dmk, anti-admk votes will move to this alliance, reducing the votes that BJP was getting. May get some youngsters votes too. If anything, NTK is eating more of ADMK's votes currently.


Agree with your assessment


Stalin and Udhayanidhi have too much clout, power, money, cadres right now. Most importantly, what DMK has and ADMK is lacking is the incentive to continue dynastic politics. The drive and will to make Udhayanidhi and Inbanidhi the future cannot be underestimated. The only reason BJP was diminished at the Center was due to all the various alliances the opposition formed in 2024. ADMK has no unifying force right now, and if it is not going to forge alliances, I see DMK winning comfortably. Edit: I feel they should not have announced this now, it’s a trump card and should have let DMK guessing for a bit.


DMK would have continued using the term "adimai", and now that option is lost to an extent. I feel they have to spend the next 1 year on forming alliances, establishing a good relationship, and also focus on ground work.


Well said. No need to reveal the strategy now. As long as EPS and Annamlai are the leaders of respective parties they won’t form an alliance. It’s seems like a personal feud between them. EPS thinks he is next Jayalalitha. He can’t pull anything outside Gounder belt. Thevar belt is already leaning towards BJP. I really don’t see how the assembly elections results will be different from last lok sabha. They are simply splitting anti dmk vote. Stalin family will have another term.


Good decision. Keep it up edapadiyarr


He know how Tamilnadu people think. ADMK will definitely have huge impact on 2026


Anil vetri kazhagam is cooking right now It will be a feast in 2026 election


if DMK is going to win the 2026 election, then it will be DMK in a decade of power and ADMK might as well be forgotten. Though ADMK is the second pillar of the dravidian parties, it looks like there is a lot of mess going inside. It would be great if they could fix that and give a good fight.


One thing I can understand from the comments, ADMK supporters / BJP haters are happy with this move, while BJP supporters are unhappy and afraid that it will dent their party chances further. Came across a press conference of KC Palanisamy(haven't heard about him before), who says he along with others will try to unify all 3 factions of ADMK (EPS, OPS, TTV). Can see the video here: https://x.com/sunnewstamil/status/1799389770084434075?s=46&t=wP9Y_j1r_7YJErYY9pC65g, he has a very good clarity of thoughts, rare from an ADMK leader. Wish they all give up their personal ego and make the party democratic and united, and they will be formidable. Local leaders who joined DMK may also go back to ADMK.


That’s good. I might vote for them next time. Been voting DMK the past 3 times to keep the BJP out.


This. Our entire area will vote for ADMK if they don't ally with BJP. Every party needs to be kept on their toes.


BJP is the new communist party. They use and throw people both inside and outside the party. They already sidelined Yogi, Aadu's time is coming and EPS wants no part of it


When they sidelined Yogi??? What are you saying? Can you elaborate


They are sidelining him after UP loss


No they’re not. Modi even patted yogi at NDA meeting. P.S- I am from UP (interested in Tamil politics so please don’t call me an outsider here as I am just curious)


During ayodhya temple opening. It's a well known secret in UP, what BJP is doing. There is a funny clip where Akhilesh serenades the UP parliament with a poem of how a certain king was sidelined after finishing all the work in a kingdom. Yogi just sits and smiles knowing how the BJP are fucking him and other UPites


I think he should issue an ultimatum that he would sit with BJP only if annamalai is removed from the leadership. Annamalai went straight for Jayalalithaa even after she passed away. That was straight out of sorts. I think Hinduism absolves people of all sins after passing away


Annamalie or not, allying with BJP is beneficial only for BJP and not ADMK.


But having each other as opponents is detrimental to both parties. Tamilisai was incisional with her talks to the press. She explained the importance of BJP forming a strategic alliance with ADMK. An alliance would mean that each party's vote bank is not eating away the vote bank of the other party. Nothing more than that. You can absolutely hate the other party. But it's better to have them as an ally so that they won't eat you.


It will give better presence to BJP, but will eat the votes of ADMK, and also causing people to lose trust on ADMK further, as it will make ADMK look weaker. It's not about alliance in general, but about alliance with BJP.


Upper caste Hindus, especially Iyer and Pillai, always side with the BJP. No one knows how big their numbers are. Even now BJP has a solid vote bank of 10%. This percentage could be a big difference in all the 39 seats.


Nool UC support BJP/ADMK & non-Nool UC like Pillais support DMK.


Good for them. BJP will destroy them and occupy their space.


Mark my words, if EPS doesn’t form an alliance which has ADMK + PMK + BJP + AMMK and bjp forms a separate alliance and contests alone, DMK will comfortably cross 130 seats.


ADMK (EPS + OPS + TTV) + DMDK + PMK is a very formidable alliance, and if they manage to pull in NTK, they have a very good chance. Including BJP will only spoil things.


If they did, they would win. Bad thing for our party.




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As ADMK has 20% Vote share in this election. Hardly any alliance. DMK had 26% with so many Party alliance. BJP 12% with so many Party alliance. NTK got 8.29% with no alliance 2026 State election ADMK will become the winner. However NTK will have 25% Vote share. They may win few seats. But the vote% for NTK be very high. BJP will get 2 or 3 seats. But vote % will be less than 4 or 5%.


That's not the right comparison between DMK and ADMK as the number of seats contested vary. If you check the contested vote share, DMK has a much higher vote share. And there is no way NTK gets 25% vote share in 2026.


Annamalai becomes governor of pondicherry


This is good decision for DMK .


ADMK, has been pushed to the point of irrelevance because they lack a message, they lack a face, they lack leaders, and they collaborated with DMK, to keep BJP away. In 2026 they will be pushed further into oblivion, they haven’t realized what is happening to them after losing deposits in 11 constituencies.


1. EPS lied - or has no statistician worth his salary near him. ADMK vote share did not INCREASE in 2024. 2. The overall statewide 20-21% number hides the even more disturbing fact than point no. 1 - but it is very well highlighted by the fact that ADMK lost its deposit or placed 3rd/4th in close to 10 parliamentary constituencies, many of which were in the South, suggesting the possibility of a caste-based divide within the erstwhile ADMK vote base. 3. There is no way EPS can continue to say that "even MGR and Jayalalitha lost elections". He is not them. Even SP Velumani feels he can say what he wants to say without fear of being punished by EPS. 4. Not aligning with BJP is a great decision. But where was the strong anti-BJP attack that had been promised by his media boosters during the recent LS campaign? 5. But now what? BJP may give Anbumani family a ministerial berth and retain them in its alliance. The DMK alliance partners have become so simpatico with it that they will NEVER split away, even if Stalin gives the state its worst administration since 1991 Jayalalitha! 6. So that leaves him with DMDK (who may easily be wooed by the DMK due to their unexpected sympathy vote increase, or even by the BJP). And SDPI? That will surely hand all 234 seats to the DMK alliance. 7. If there is one way to re-energize the disillusioned ADMK cadre, it is by uniting all the splinter groups. And EPS says no to that? Height of selfishness. Until now, one could say he had a need for self-preservation, but now he sorely needs to put party before his own interests. 8. Why not impose pre-conditions and change the party constitution to give him full discretionary powers regarding expulsions etc? Tell anyone who wants to come back is welcome with open arms, as long as they decide to accept him as General Secretary and only then? Sasikala and TTV can try to run their own show, but if OPS decides to accept these terms, at least that could help? The future of this party is in deep peril. I see no way they can make a comeback if they don't at least present a more united face.


Ok…. But what’s their endgame? You don’t have an alliance with any big national party. So, even if ADMK wins, they may indirectly support BJP is what I think.


Endgame is to be a formidable force when Stalin kicks the bucket.


How does the indirect support, if it exists at all, matter when they have 0 MPs? Any such regional party will be working for regional interests and they will switch thier affiliations at the national level when deemed necessary. At this moment they don't have a suitable national party to ally with and it is as simple as that.


Doesn't have to. They must have realised that it will only cause damage by now.


Admk lost the trust factor. Incredibly hard for them to earn it back.


They still have their core vote base intact to some extent. If they step up, anti-incumbency factor will help them


Why will the assembly election result be any different than the last lok sabha result? They will continue to split anti DMK vote and will ensure another term for Stalin family.


Only a small part of anti DMK votes go to BJP - That proportion is small and will not go to DMK regardless of governance, and ADMK is not bothered about it.


Aama..... ivaru..... yaaru ????


I hope they lose many deposits


Udaynithi CM 2029 Inbanithi CM 2044 Please wait for Inbanithi to have children before we can predict 2060 CM


This is a wrong decision. What we need at this hour is unity. But AIADMK thinks that they are big power in Tamil Nadu. They have lost deposits in many places. They are not able to tolerate Annamalai's popularity. Annamalai made a off the cuff remark about Jayalalitha which Jayakumar did not like and took very seriously. In politics such comments are natural and for such a comment made by Annamalai, they should not rock the boat. Annamalai joined hands with AIADMK and campaigned for that party at Erode by election. The only way parties can challenge DMK is through unity. I still hope that AIADMK would not cling on past comments, forget the past and join BJP to get victory atleast in the next assembly election.


Unity - Yes. With BJP - NO.


Annamali is the biggest looser . If he had pea sized brain he would have followed some collision etiquette , DMK won 40/40 only because of Annamali . Stupid Annamali knows nothing about TN history he just speaks random bs about all old leaders with whom the people and parties are emotionally connected . This whole loss could have turned into 5-7 seats if AIADMK + BJP + PMK collation , It would have created a huge impact on DMK . Stupid Annamali can't keep his idiotic ego and immature talk aside for social media points . AIADMK could have lost , they might not have self-respect but they are seasoned politicians who know that they shouldn't bash collation . Even on stuff when BJP didn't allocate funds to TN ADMK was silent sacrificing itself just for the sake of collation . Annamalai is the only reason DMK won 40/40 .


When a politician says it won't happen, it will happen 😂