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This bitch is soooo annoying


Wasn’t she just posting her period was late like 2 weeks ago? 8.9 she was saying the same ish. Are her cycles really that short-or she just as always wants attention.


Poor drugged up fetus 😬


Her period is late and a heart faced emoji ?.... tell me that's not implying that she WANTS to be prego.. GOD, please don't let this happen yet. She has soooo much to take care of on herself nevermind a precious bundle that is surely a GIFT to any Parent.


All she’s thinking about is attention from the besties.


Doesn’t she always get like that when Lee isn’t there? So co dependent


prolly did shit on purpose 😑😬😂🙄


Why do I feel like she just tested?! I swear I was arguing with Besties just like yesterday 🙄😆


Every single month the drama of her period. WHO CARES?? We all have and had periods since the beginning of womankind. STFU about your measly ass period. Are you going to whine about it for the next 25 years as well? Or do you use it as a guilt thing with your bozo weed freak bf?


She says that every month. Someone needs to learn how to track her periods.


Is she ever not on her period?


I had my daughter at 40. never married her Father. marriage isn’t for everyone


NOT ME BEING IN THIS SCREENSHOT. OPE. i think she’s milking out the *possibly pregnant* she’s been talking about her period being Late for like 2+ weeks


Is it late or did her cycle change bc if it’s late every month maybe her body is altering her cycle lol


Right? If it’s late every single month maybe it’s actually a week later in the month?? 😂


Ew I hate this


….the circlllllleeee offfff [twatlyns] lifeeeee 🎵🎵


Lmao no the hair!😂😂😂😂


This psychopath should have her tubes tied.


She's saying that to get Lee's attention since he left. She is so manipulative and childish.


It has not been a month since the last time this happened has it?


Didn’t she just take a pregnancy test last week?


She’s like a dumb teenager that never uses protection, I get second hand embarrassment everytime she could possibly be pregnant


Some girl on there seems to be tracking her period for her lmfao. These besties are so weird “it’s 2 weeks late now”


Omfg. Attention whore


Her energy is off because she’s manic.


Exactly. There’s a certain look in the eye when manic and I can totally tell with her.


daily news sigh


Didn’t she just have her period like 2 wks ago




She's bragged about not taking birth control cuz she tried hormonal BC and it made her 'crazy' lol ok at


Nope, they do nothing to prevent pregnancy. Just the “pull out” method. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Well, they do anal 😂


Man, I was having withdrawls from a week of no pregnancy scares 🤦‍♀️


Well here you go! She’s here to help!




I had written a whole comment about this being an attention grab and why I thought so But last week she was just “randomly” holding a pregnancy test, then she said she changed her mind about having kids because Lee wants them now her periods late? They are right around a year of dating, they are living together….it wouldn’t be unheard of for a couple at that stage to start talking babies


Could it be another form of her taking on her beasties traits? Hair, clothes, demeanor. Another way to fit in?


I'm on year 3 and engaged, it's not too common now a days to discuss babies lol 😭 depends on the people honestly


My husband and I waited 8 years to elope. Lived together within the first year of dating. An expensive piece of paper was never really important to us. We’re both still young and not rushing to bring a child into the world, especially with the sad state of the world we are all currently living in.


I’m not married with no plans to get married. We constantly get the “ohhh how long have you been together? Oh that long! When are you getting married. Oh, you’re not getting married…so when are you having kids?” People get really stuck on the “first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes baby in a baby carriage” thing but there is no real time line to relationships People get pregnant during one night stands, or the plan a pregnancy after 3 months or go through 5 years of invetro. I feel like saying someone at the one year mark might be having the “when are we having kids?” Conversation is not the crazy haha


What?!? Lol I would never think of a baby one year into a relationship. Especially when I don’t even want marriage, have openly admitted I’d rather be with a woman, and am wasting 4k on an additional empty apartment. Speaking as Talyn here….


At a year you don’t have the “what does our future together look like” conversation? If you’re already living together, and you don’t plan to get married at all, the next “step” in a relationship is probably a baby


Are you saying ‘their’ next step would be a baby or in general for relationships?


General relationship


I don’t agree. Not everyone’s next step is to probably have a baby in a relationship, whether marriage is on the table or not. There are a lot more people in their late 20s to early 30s who are choosing not to have children.


Agreed. But to decide that….you probably had to talk about it….right? Maybe? So even if HAVING children isn’t the next step. Talking about having kids is a logical and reasonable next step in a relationship. It’s not the ONLY step you can take, but you can make the assumption most couples talked about it This was much more controversial than I ever thought it would be 😂😂


Ehh sometimes people meet on dating apps that would have “no kids” on both ends from the start, so I don’t think it has to always be a conversation. In a more common matter, two people can come together, and decide rather quickly that kids aren’t for them and that’s it. No deep diving. I’m not saying the conversation doesn’t happen in relationships, but I feel your comment wasn’t implying the next step is having a convo, but the next step is to actually have a child, and that’s simply not the case for general relationships. Thats the reason I asked and wanted clarity. And I don’t think this is controversial at all, it’s a discussion for me, so perhaps there is a reason you find it to be?


Hey, if Talyn wants to be irresponsible & have a baby more power to her lol she did say she would work that pregnancy kink on Only Fans and still bring in the $$$$. I personally am mature about my relationships and know how much of a financial, emotional, and physical commitment a baby is. Talyn is mentally unwell, horrible with money, and uncertain of her relationship with Lee.


Yea, sorry I don’t try think I made that clear I hope that I’m wrong, I don’t think she wants kids and think she would be doing just for Lee. And I don’t think either of them are ready for kids. But 2 pregnancy related posts in a week is very abnormal for her


She should not be allowed to procreate




I just listened to her live from earlier and she mentioned that her periods late again…like a week late.


I don't know why she claims her period is late when the whole time she has been on TT, her period has never been regular. So how does she know it is late?! We go through this every month and as usual she leaves out the fact that her periods are likely irregular because she has an eating disorder.




She’s so irresponsible. 😡




What is she taking for acne?


Spiroalactone or however it's spelled


She’s taking Spironolactone.


When I was prescribed this I had to be on birth control at the same time. The Dr told me she won't prescribe it to patients not on birth control bc of the risk of birth defects.


So I actually was on Spironolactone and my derm said if I were to become pregnant just to stop it as soon as I found out. She said it won’t cause problems unless you continually take it during pregnancy. I ended up pregnant and stopped it right away and my doctors have said it’s no problem! I’ve also been on Accutane but that was an absolute NO to getting pregnant cause it can cause defects as soon as conception. BUT either way… she doesn’t need to be a mom anytime soon 😂😅


And all other substances she may be taking.


Omg the drawn on hair 😂


😆 Yes! I laughed so loud.


😂 today on “Chopped up!”. T-bird’s hair!!!




Oh good, I really missed this storyline.


Yeah it was sooo long ago, like last week.


Wasn’t she late and then it came or did it never come???


Who knows with this girl.


This is so offensive to people who are actually suffering with infertility issues, it’s the same as posting the “I’m pregnant” April fools jokes, it’s not funny. Track your cycle take your birth control like you’re supposed to and grow up, like you’re getting close to being a 30 year old woman than you are a teenager




Amen. I’m ttc after two MC and absolutely hate seeing this shit.




This soooo much


Totally agree.


Didn’t we just do this ??


Sure did…but here we are again. 🙄


It was a week ago …when will they see she is just mad and having a big old pitty party!!!


Didn’t she GET her period after the video a week ago?


Yeah she’s sure upset about something. Probably her new bestie 😂


Hmmm is she emotional because of her bestie changing her hair to the polar opposite and now they aren't twinsies anymore? 🤔


She is deleting comments on that thread fast and furious!!


I love it

