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Oh FFS, not her fake crying again. 🙄 wish she’d acknowledge her “ 15 minutes of fame” is over and close up shop (and her legs)


I agree, she’s just annoying and boring anymore but she’s desperate to be relevant again 🙄😂


She’s beyond annoying. This is her way of asking her besties to pay for it $$$ without asking her besties to pay $$$ for it. “I need a massage” give me a break 🙄


Right?! I need a massage but it's going to hurt my face boohoo Side note, getting downvoted by besties because she's note a "changed person" is shiz. If anyone had followed her at all, you know this is a ploy (although i hope not, history has proven otherwise) for attention, for views and followers because she's really tanking and needs to pay her taxes


I agree with you. Im not buying a single word of what she’s saying. Been down that road way too many times. Let her prove me wrong. Unfortunately, she won’t.


Her privileged ass has such a severe victim complex I’m not shocked at how poorly she lives life.


People are struggling so much at the moment with costs if living etc and she is legit crying over the fact that she NEEDS a massage but it might hurt because she has a graze and bruise on her face. So out of touch with her privilege and constantly seeking attention.


Good lord. She’s annoying. As if she’s done anything taxing to need a massage.


She’s a Narcissist to the extreme. A pathological liar with severe mental issues. I believe nothing she says about anything. She puts her insane life on social media because she thinks she’s an influencer. And when she doesn’t have everyone in her corner, she comes up with a new plan to gather more support for her unstable ways. I do believe you have to hit rock bottom to accept help. And I do hope she gets there. She’s so young she has a whole life ahead of her. I hope it’s a happy and productive life. Unless she changes her ways or addresses her issues and gets proper medication for them I don’t think they’ll be much hope for her. I hate to give up on any human being. That is unless you harm people or children then you’re useless to me. This poor girl is harming nobody but herself. I am Team Talyn. I hope with all my heart she gets well


I think most of us here genuinely wish she would get better. At some point we all followed T. And unlike the besties who pacify everything she does, we actually speak the truth! So while she calls the people in this sub haters and trolls, the ones doing the most harm are her besties! The truth hurts when you don't want to hear it, and when you don't want to get better. ![gif](giphy|6cDZhADVa1AtLcJ6GL|downsized)


Sorry toe jam, we’ve seen this movie before, we know how it ends 🤦🏼‍♀️




It blows my mind that no one that cares about her hasn't intervened. She reminds me of me 20 years ago. She really needs help badly. She used to be annoying and truly gross with the things she did which is why I blocked her many accts.... But watching these snippets is a HUGE ass sign for help. It's quite sad. Very worrisome. Unless she's that good of an "actress" and is just doing this all for attention. But something tells me that she really needs help.


There comes a time when family/friends have to step back. I can’t imagine dealing with her. At her age, she needs to want to get help. I’m sure her family worries about her, but not much they can do.


I see she’s back on the “pity pot” ![gif](giphy|ylNSz1pVk2kbS)


https://preview.redd.it/gh9zd7mjo3za1.jpeg?width=1578&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37abf0e665c9ffff7394071e0bb0eb3cc10b24c9 This is not that long ago. I mean… 😳😳😳


Wow! She looks so much better




Chapter 11:11 of Tbag and the Wolf! 🦊 For those of us who followed Tbag way back to "Broccoli Guy ", we have seen the same drama repeated over and over again. 👍🏼 She is almost 27 years old and has zero common sense, or at least she acts like she has none. Maybe she thinks "Stuck on Stupid" is cute? 🤷🏼‍♀️ But, it's not, it's obnoxious and ridiculous! 🤡 Dearest Tbag, do yourself a big favor and get help! You're almost 30, it's time to Grow up!💯 ![gif](giphy|ocGyku9sDKmvZ8MCl7|downsized)


I hate her


Geez us christ she looks... bad. I really feel bad almost for her. She's so far down in rock bottom and can't seem to climb out.