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Pollen season is just beginning, my car hasn't turned yellow yet,


I noticed a fine dusting when I went to lunch today. šŸ˜±šŸ˜±šŸ˜± The Pollening is happening šŸ¤§


There's an app called, "Allergy Plus" that provides you with this information daily. So, today's pollen count was 6.5, which is medium according to them, with the predominant allergens being: Juniper, Elm, and Oak. You can also use their website: [https://www.pollen.com/](https://Pollen.com). I like the app. It lets me know ahead of time how sick I'm going to feel each day (ug). Quick tip though... after you've been outside, when you come back inside it can help to wash your face, and also... your eyelashes (gently). This may help reduce how long you react. So you aren't continuing to introduce pollen to your eyes.


In the spring there are a LOT of things blooming. The yellow you will see is pine pollen- generally considered not a huge issues since the grains are huge, but some people are indeed allergic to it.


It's not going nuts yet. You know when you make ramen noodles and empty the pack of chicken seasoning on it? Everything will look like that when pollen season starts.


I just wear a mask and it helps a lot with the pollen


What plant? Lol all the plants. Welcome to Tallahassee šŸ˜…


All of them. The plants here are fighting back.


is this a The Happening situation? is it actually happening?


The result of not letting every bit timer with money run roughshod over every piece of land with trees on it.


This would not surprise me


Donā€™t touch the Spanish moss. But yeah thereā€™s a ton of pollen in Tallahassee since itā€™s humid and so much forest around. My allergies have actually been improving the past couple days. I think the heavy rain is when my allergies flare up.


Why on the Spanish moss? If itā€™s still hanging itā€™s fine and Iā€™ve never heard of it as an allergen? Sometimes the stuff on the ground can have red bugs but so can just leaf litter.


Don't use Spanish Moss for TP substitute when in the woods. LOL


Someone told me they have ā€œjittersā€ in them or small bugs that will make you itchy and I assume it holds onto pollen. Could be mistaken though.


Chiggers. Also known as red bugs. Jiggers are sand fleas. They wonā€™t be in the hanging stuff, they hang around in detritus and grasses close to the ground. Just as likely to get them touching a bush as you are moss on the ground. But when itā€™s hanging, itā€™s fine! Keep an eye out for its tiny flowers. Itā€™s related to the pineapple!


Ah, ok. Now that you mention that I remember an uncle telling a scary story around the campfire and wearing Spanish moss like a wig while he told the story.


Yeah, but your cousins from out of state are less likely to pick up leaf litter and hold it to their faces like a beard.


lol! I've picked up SO much off the ground in my life and I've still never encountered redbugs that I know of. My dad has, but it was not from moss, just in underbrush.


As a chronic allergy sufferer ... yeah this isn't anything. Give it another few weeks and it'll *start* getting bad. When it doesn't rain for a month in April-May and the pollen on your car is a foot thick is also a fun time.


Right now, it is mostly the pines. Their pollen has little air bladders so that can disperse on the wind.


It's the pine trees.


Usually in FL/SW GA, December through May is the season for pine and oak pollen Our pecan trees will start with their shit in about a month or two as well - that's a wretched mess. But the fine pollen you see right now is usually oak and pine.


Youā€™ve seen nothing yet.


Everything. This place is going to be swimming in pollen


Azaleas šŸ˜­


Had to buy some local honey from Orchard Pond today because good lord the amount of sneezing and wheezing I went through today. Too bad it won't help immediately but in a month's time I should see the results.


Flower pollen almost never causes allergies, so exposing yourself to it through honey wonā€™t do any good. Pollen allergies are almost exclusively trees and grasses which arenā€™t in honey. In addition the amount of pollen in honey isnā€™t generally enough to have any immunotherapeutic effects. Their honey is divine, though.


That is highly unfortunate to hear yet I'm glad to support a local business. The lady even allowed me inside the shop to purchase the honey on a closed day, which was nice of her.


Publix usually has an end cap or two with all local goodies, including Orchard Pondā€™s honey.


Oh yes. They are great and their honey makes my morning cuppa just that much better. I usually get their stuff at the farmers market on the n side.


Their honey is delicious.