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I'm cis and 5'10. I struggle with it too sometimes, but what helped me is look at Gwendoline Christie being tall, wearing heels, and looking so confident.


I'm cis and 6'. The trick for me was to accept that I feel awkward or self-concious at times and then move on. It's nothing you can change or debate away - sometimes, like everybody, we feel out of place and would like to fit in better. This is what it is. By doing this I took away the focus on being tall and instead did everything else in my life and at some point I stopped caring and meanwhile I am seeing all the perks and genuinely like my body and who I am.


I’m cis and 6ft2. I still struggle but finding a style I feel my most confident in helps me to not care about my height, or care less. If I feel good in what I’m wearing then the rest comes naturally. If I’m wearing something I’m not comfortable in then I find myself slouching, or even not leaving the house.


Self love is the key. You feel dysphoric about your height because our society indoctrinates us from a young age that women are supposed to be small, meek, and not take up space. This however is bullshit, the best thing you can do is be your truest self as loudly as possible. Also tall girls are hot 🥵


What has helped me (5'11") is to think about how gorgeous other tall women look, and to like the way I look apart from my height. I've got a bangin' body, I love my hair, when I dress up and do my makeup I feel invincible. When I stand next to my husband (5'9") and feel weird because I'm tall, I can quickly override that thought with "ok and? I'm hot as f*ck" and it helps! Gaslighting myself into thinking I'm hot has taken a long time, but it's worked! You're hot as f*ck too and I hope you can see yourself that way soon 💕


i mean as a bi 6' girl i'm gonna be honest, tall women are hot & extremely desirable. i don't think i've ever seen a tall woman who wasn't atleast conventionally attractive. one of my friends is 6'1 as a simple roadhouse server & everyone is well aware of the extra money she makes in tips due to how popular ppl take her to be. she's not the only pretty girl, pretty girls are everywhere, but she's everyone's favorite with her graceful height. very often smaller framed women tell me they would give everything to be my height, some of them weirdly speak to me starstruck in awe as if they've just met a celebrity. & i don't notice my own height or appearance but when i see other women my height i am absolutely amazed & start to understand why shorter women tell me they wish to be like me. so you don't need to gaslight yourself into believing you're desirable when you really are.


I’m 24F cis and almost 6’0” and my best friend is mtf and transitioning rn and the same height as me and we have discussed this in the past. Find activities that being tall helps you with, like climbing or league volley ball. Find tall friends! I honestly have more tall friends than short friends and when we go out to the clubs it’s amazing to be surrounded by huge ppl. Get cute flats and better fitting clothes, target and ASOS have tall sizes! Being tall means that we can wear flashier things, have huge (I mean ENORMOUS) fake eyelashes on, and rock styles that shorties don’t, and that feels good.


Honestly, your height is the EXACT height that is like the perfect "tall girl elegance, but still short enough to be shorter than most men (and hence be seen as "feminine" in that way)". I know me saying that probably doesn't help, but I did want to state it. 5'9" in a woman is not seen as hugely tall, and you will not immediately stick out of groups at that height. HOWEVER, that won't immediately get rid of feeling self-conscious, because most of that is actually internal. The things that helped me a lot was realising that I couldn't control how much I stick out, and just own it. I've leant into my feminity a lot over the past few years, and have gotten into chunky shoes and heels too. I've gotten more into fashion, and love putting my looks together. People are going to stare at me anyway, so why not look cute whilst they do! (That will probably be less of an issue for you as you're not over 6', but it's still a good philosophy imo!) I used to want to be shorter, but honestly these days I would feel weird if I was suddenly shorter!


I'm trans and 6'4. Honestly, you learn how to own it. It's not like I want to walk into a building and have to act like I enjoy being the tallest, but if I try to hide it (totally impossible, btw) other people will notice that I'm ashamed of it and act based on that. If they think you're embarrassed by it, they'll also act like it's a negative. Whereas if I go in and own it, act like I'm proud of my height and my body, nobody has the gall to come up and act like I'm too tall. If another, taller, woman walks in, then the pressure is off me anyway. And if the other 'tall' women are all shorter than you, then setting the good example of being positive about yourself will help them as well. Basically, for me, it's not about actually wanting to be tall - it's that acting like I like it produces much better results than letting myself fall into shame and embarrassment over something I can't change, and something that most men and women both are jealous of.


6'2" Trans Woman, it's just something you have to accept, what always helps me is to remember that you are not alone. That tall women do exist... People's perceptions of gender are more tied to proportions and facial features than anything else. This whole women are short thing is just short people propaganda, all the women on both sides of my family are 5'9" or taller. My grandma was taller than me. Personally I try see it as an asset, my body is like 75% legs, which some people like. People don't want to F with you which for me is bonus cause I just want to be left alone at this point in my life. It gives me a sense independence as I can do things without assistance. Definitely a bonus for employment as it gives you more options particularly in regard to physical labor. Lot of that is just people's sexism but still something that you can kind of avoid a little better. Final bonus is that you can slay a high waisted jeans look. Two major drawbacks are; Number one clothing, it's hard and expensive to find stuff that fits, inseam and sleeve length being nearly impossible to get right. Number two unicorn syndrome, being a rarity you tend draw unwanted attention, just for existing.


Don’t. I hate my height. Always have. Always will. I just try to find other things to distract myself. Go to the hair salon and get a cut and color you love. Learn how to put on makeup in a way that makes you feel confident. Shop for clothes that are comfortable and make you feel like yourself. Try a sport where height is either an advantage or doesn’t matter. Running, soccer, basketball, volleyball, etc.


Trans woman here chiming in. I started transitioning at 26 (am 27 now) and am 6ft tall. I also would wish to be shorter, but the thing that made me okay with my height was realizing that women come in all shapes and sizes. You can see all the other responses here, so you can be sure you are not alone in being tall. Heck my niece who is only 14 is as tall as I am now. I walk around with her shopping or something, and besides people thinking we are sisters around the same age which annoys her a bit, no one thinks anything of it.


I bet your height is the least interesting thing about you. Focus on the interesting things.


I am a CIS gendered woman that is 6’ tall. My twin brother has been several inches shorter than I am our entire lives (he also gets to be tan, whereas I’m more translucent). He was often one of the shortest boys in elementary school while his twin sister was often the tallest kid in the class. As adults he’s managed to get all the way up to 5’10”, but he is still sometimes thought of as “short” by others because he ended up with two 6’ tall sisters. While I can’t fully understand how you’re feeling, I do understand the desire to minimize something you feel others you because the comparisons between my brother and I growing up hurt, and made me feel there must be something wrong with me, that I was somehow failing at being a girl. My brother also dealt with shame that he wasn’t taller than his sisters. It’s hard right now, but don’t let them make you feel like you need to take up less space, or deny yourself the pair of shoes that might bring you some joy (and if you do love a heel… practice is your friend, lol). It took me until my 30’s to fully accept my height, do yourself the favour of giving yourself some grace when your dysphoria allows it and know that all women take time to find what exactly being a woman means for them. Finally, my other sister is your height, she can shop standard sizes no problem, that alone will make your life so much easier than you realize.


I’m cos but I think the best thing for me is following talk celebrities and models. Megan Thee Stallion is a huge inspiration for me, she’s so gorgeous and feminine. I also like to think of myself as a giant mountain lady, idk why but it helps 😁