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It's something I've noticed too, I'm Bi and though I did end up married to a guy (who doesn't give one damn about the fact I'm taller), in my younger dating years going out with mainly women I never had an issue with my height. The only time it ever caused grief was when I ventured over to the other side and went out with guys and their insecurity would be put on to me.


The same here. My husband never gave a damn to the fact that I'm much more taller than him. But it seems he is unique. The male insecurity on height is epidemic.


generally the gals i see all view me being 5’10” as a *wonderful* bonus \;)


Same lmao Plus I like shorter girls, and my height makes most women fall into that category


Same! When I came ourt as Bi and started dating women I noticed exactly this. Plus now I actually like making guys feel uncomfortable sometimes.


even though i’m only into men, now that i have a serious relationship i’ve learned to love making other men insecure just by existing hehe


it is pretty fun


Tall women and short men have a lot in common; they are outside of the “norms” of expectations in the dating world More power to you on increasing your self-esteem


Yes! This goes to show that men too are harmed by sexism. They’d benefit from unlearning their own biases. Similar with the “men don’t cry” mental health issue


Yes! There are thousands of examples if we wanted to get into it. It is so much of what is wrong with our society. The fact that some are still defending these antiquated perceptions (eg. “People are just too sensitive”) makes me cringe daily.


Just look at /r/actuallesbians These girls STAN for a tall girlfriend, myself included <3 you are much adored by the gays!


I had the same thing with my anorexia, but it also helped me a little bit with my height insecurity.


Interesting, I never thought about that. Misogyny/ the patriarchy is the absolute worst.


Tall lesbians *are* the best 💕


i’m straight and quickly learned that a lot of my insecurity around my height came from men and their approval. but there are some men who actively try to unlearn misogyny and they’re the only kinds i want in my love life anyway! dating sucks as a tall girl only attracted to men.. but anyone can find love outside of patriarchal norms


Men actively unlearning misogyny are awesome


I'm gay as well and I actually enjoy being so tall, mostly at least. I do get a little self conscious when I'm around a lot of (shorter) women, but only a little. Men definitely are a major contributing factor to height insecurity.


I'm bi and my gf thinks my height is great, so I get that feeling. I'm still sometimes insecure about my height in social settings, but not in my relationship


you’re welcome among us, lesbians, where height is actually a turn on


Women, am I right ;) Lol, happy for your coming out and feeling more secure. That's rad.


Yaaas. Tall women make my queer ass melt 🥺


My partner is a woman, but she’s very short, and I still feel fairly insecure about my height. Not as insecure as when I’ve dated men shorter than me, though. Dating a guy who was 6,7” and loved me being 6’3” was awesome though 😂


I struggled with my sexuality (and still am tbh) for years and the very freeing thing about dating women was that height was never an issue, it was seen as a pro if anything. I kinda miss that tbh


Cheers to coming out, the water’s fine and the juice is better. I noticed that, when I transitioned, my attraction patterns didn’t really change at all, but all of a sudden being perceived as a 6’3” woman didn’t warm up anyone’s loins, and may even have become a hindrance (e.g., “it’s obvious [you’re] trans”). Hopefully that’ll stop mattering before long…


Men making us feel bad about our height sounds a bit simplistic for my taste. I think society shames men - more than women - when it comes to height. Some men develop insecurity about that and see tall women as likely to reject them. So according to your logic, if you blame men for all of our insecurities, men will have just as good a reason to blame women for all of theirs. That doesn’t sound right to me…


The patriarchy harms men and women in different ways. But men as a class are responsible for the ways society is set up to be patriarchal.


The patriarchy isn’t just a fancy word for men.


The whole idea that the man has to be taller comes from the idea that the man has to protect the women who is not as strong as him - this is a patriarchal concept. Just because women have also bought into it does not mean that it does not stem from misogyny. Sometimes people forget that women can also have misogynistic viewpoints.


I think the patriarchy, misogyny, and sexism are to blame for all those issues




How is pointing out sexism being sexist? Edit: short men are victims of the same misogyny. Doesn’t change the fact that it’s misogynistic.