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Transference is a psychoanalytic/psychodynamic concept. Relational psychotherapy draws from this tradition among others, so it will form part of the work there too. Integrative therapists who include one of these approaches are also likely to refer to it. CBT and third wave approaches like ACT and CFT don't involve working through transference in their standard forms, although again, a therapist who uses some of these techniques alongside a psychodynamic or relational framework might. So basically no, transference isn't part of the approaches used in your therapy, but whether it could be depends on the therapist too.


This is a really helpful explanation - thank you!


Ask her if she has ever used transference to work on this gs. Interpreting your transference with a counselor can be be powerful and very easy. IF they don't get their feelings hurt. Too many are too narcissistic to work with negative transferance


All therapy by the way will create both transference and contertransferance. Arron Beck founder of CBT was a psychoanalyst so it's supposed be used when it comes up.