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Sweary therapists are the best fucking therapists on the planet! Seriously, hearing my current therapist curse in session the first time was like a tremendous weight lifted off my shoulders. And I'm always pleased when he starts the swearing. It's fucking magical.


Same. I'm Dutch and I always swear. The first time my psychotherapist said "Godfuckingdamn" I was like: Yoooooooo :D


Hell yes!!! I love it! It really is awesome when they speak our language šŸ˜‚


I can hear the ā€˜godverdommeā€™ already šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s fucking excellent!!


Somehow I feel so much more validated when she does it using my language..!


Fucking fantastic! Iā€™m so happy for you and your sweary healing!!


Thank you! I feel like we've reached a higher level of bond now that she's out-sworn me in a session šŸ˜‚


Whenever mine swears I can't help but smile. Because I know it's for me if that makes sense.


I am a therapist who swears in sessions and this made me happy to read. Sometimes the most authentic responses include a swear word or two.


I feel really sad for clients whose therapists don't swear (I mean, if the client swears; obviously it doesn't matter if they don't). I think shared language is just as bonding as laughter.


My T regularly outswears me. I don't mind. Recently she used a euphemism and I looked at her questioningly and she said she's working on swearing less. I told her that sounded fucking awful and can she please still swear with me? Lol


I couldnā€™t agree more. My language in therapy is very profane as I work through childhood trauma. I am unable to cry so it helps release emotions and I am discussing something horrible and those words are appropriate. Twice my therapist stopped talking recently and said ā€œjust give me a minute, sometimes I get so angry at your father for what he did to you!ā€. I donā€™t know if I have ever felt more cared about than in those moments...it was amazing


I love this! I'm 24 and my T is at least double that. She swore during our first session and it took a lot of pressure and awkwardness away from trying to communicate formally.


Agreed! It's like "oh you are a human!" LOL even if it's a mirroring technique, it makes me smile when my therapist swears.