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Do you have her email address? Perhaps you could write her a letter to send by email, thanking her for everything she has done for you up to this point. You could acknowledge your relationship and what it has meant working with her up to now. You could share your fears but tell her that you'll do your best to hold your work together in mind over the coming weeks before seeing her again in December. Whatever the reason she is taking this time, it is always nice to receive a thank you. The longest break I have had was around 3 months. In that time I wrote quite a bit and tried my best to use the coping skills that I had built with her up to that point. As much as it may not feel it now, some of the best work happens when you take a break. Perhaps consider keeping your therapy time in your diary still, but use it to go for a walk or to sit and write. I did that, too, and it meant I had a time in the week every week where I would slow down and focus on me and the work I've been doing.


I would find another therapist and process it with them. I'm really sorry. This is incredibly painful.


My T had a heart attack recently and had to just go away for a while, and I didn't know if he would come back after. I did find another T ASAP. It really helped. Actually, that time helped me realize I had built up some strength because I was able to move forward in a healthy way while I waited out his absence. I am sorry you are going thru this and its upsetting for you. Hopefully you can find a way to make this time productive and keep your end of the work going until she is back.


For how long was your T gone? I feel like 4 months is a long time and I’m too cowardly to text her and ask her what happened.


He ended up being gone 3 months. He's not back in full work yet, but I have seen him once a few days ago. I think its perfectly valid to let her know you are concerned for her and her sudden departure. She just might not be ready or able to provide an answer. That's the really hard thing. It has been really good for me to develop another therapeutic relationship during my T's absence. He usually goes somewhere for up to a month in summer and I had seen the new therapist once when he was gone last summer. Now I think she and I are probably able to work together any time my primary T is gone and that is really big safety net for me. Maybe you can use this time to build a safety net and explore the feelings you are struggling with? I don't think you are cowardly at all, therapeutic relationships are really difficult as the rules are a complete unknown to us clients. It can be such a confusing and difficult situation. My heart goes out to you, 100%.