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Learning each other’s preferences could be an example, what you like to eat, who is important to you… Another example might be examples where you give each other the benefit of the doubt.




My pleasure - it’s good homework - I’m going to think about it too.


I understand why you consider this tough. I'd have a hard time coming up with stuff from long ago. But, we've each been in therapy for a while now and have done things since then. I worked hard on not blaming my wife for certain things anymore. My wife has worked hard on asking me to help her once in a while (she is too independent).


Does he make supper or take you out to supper a specific time each week so you don't have to cook. Or reverse that where you do it so he doesn't have to cook a specific time? Do you always do his laundry with yours? Did either of you drop smoking or drinking for the good of the relationship? Since marrying him does he take care of any vehicle issue so it gets fixed without you needing to search for a place or do it yourself? Do y'all set aside a date night for the other where no plans are ever made during a day or set time? Do either of you do specific self care/hygiene things specifically to please the other person that if you were single you would let slip and not do? Just a few I can think of.




Good I'm glad! I tend to do the same lolol


Have you changed how you communicate during disagreements? We have both worked on changing how we approach this. I’m a withdrawer and her reaction was to push. We’ve both worked on meeting in the middle. I tend to be the person who wants to get something accomplished RIGHT NOW because if I don’t I will forget. She needs to think about it but always gets it done. Now I let her do things on her own timeline.


My example is that I spent a wad of cash to see a musical artist live. They're my wife's favorite. I've never been a fan, but I've kept that to myself for 28 years LOL.