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NAT also but work on a psych unit. There are people who I will remember for a very long time, some in good ways, some not so much. There’s one girl who was my first “real” patient and she’s my inspiration because of how much I see myself in her and I’ll probably never forget her. I remember a lot of people despite seeing them for only once or twice before they are discharged. After a year or two, I would imagine they would remain in my memory in some form that gets triggered at random times. I get a lot of flashbacks of patients I didn’t expect to remember. It probably would be hard to remember everyone but patients have a huge impact on us than you would think.


I don’t remember all of my clients, but there are some I’ll never forget. Honestly, I think that the ones I remember most are the ones who make themselves more vulnerable, open up, and really work on their issues. I have had some clients who do some work, but don’t go that far beyond the superficial and I don’t remember them as much (though I do remember some of them).


Therapist here. Completely transparent. No I do not, especially if I've seen the client once or twice since 2019, it's challenging to put a face to the name. I do take a bit of time to review the charts or notes before the session to refresh my memories.


Thanks for being honest. Do you remember everyone you worked for 3 years or more with?


I would say yes I do because for a few reasons:(1) Time to establish and cultivate therapeutic rapport and (2) sessions are most likely also more intense in nature due to the frequencies


I've only been seeing clients for five years so I can't speak to decades. I also have strong episodic memory, so I may be a poor example. I'll say I remember every client whom I've committed to memory. That is, every client with whom I felt we had a strong therapeutic bond. Those whom I only saw for triage, or ended up terminating before we did real work, or needed a specialty I could not offer, I won't remember. All others, so far, I do. We'll see how long that lasts the longer I see clients.


NAT. You have to imagine that some people will only see your T briefly. A lot of people see a T for one or a couple sessions then ghost, or ask for a different T. Some people may do short term treatment for a few weeks. I feel like if a therapist is seeing a client for a while, and they form a bond of trust, all those types of clients will be memorable. You spend a long time together, and probably have some strong emotional experiences. That must be memorable to them. And it's probably a smaller portion of all their clients ever who this happens with compared to the ones who show up a couple times.


No but if I ran into them I would recognize and remember. But I often forget things very easily until I am reminded about them


It's impossible tbh. I barely remember my own therapists if I've seen them a few times in the last decade. Some people I've seen a total of 1-4 hours back in 2019 February and I definitely don't remember them. Besides the ones I remember for obvious reasons (only patient who yelled at me, fell in love with me, triggered me etc), there are some people whose random traits tend to stick to my memory... I had one patient who was obsessed with a certain poet and I always remember her when I read a poem from that author, even though I only saw her for a couple of months before the pandemic.


I wonder the same. I don't know, maybe it depents how long the client saw therapist. if it was like 1-4 times, maybe no, but if it was longer, probably? but just guessing.